Endress+Hauser COS61D Operating Manual

BA00460C/07/EN/15.18 71411043 2018-07-17
Products Solutions Services
Operating Instructions
Oxymax COS61D
Sensor for measuring dissolved oxygen With Memosens protocol

Table of contents

1 About this document ................ 3
1.1 Warnings ............................ 3
1.2 Symbols .............................. 3
2 Basic safety instructions ............ 4
2.1 Requirements for personnel ............... 4
2.2 Designated use ........................ 4
2.3 Workplace safety ....................... 4
2.4 Operational safety ...................... 4
2.5 Product safety ......................... 5
3 Device description, function ......... 6
3.1 Optical measuring principle ............... 6
3.2 Sensor design ......................... 7
3.3 Memosens technology ................... 8
3.4 Fluorescence cap ....................... 8
4 Incoming acceptance and product
identification ....................... 9
4.1 Incoming acceptance .................... 9
4.2 Product identification .................... 9
4.3 Scope of delivery ...................... 10
5 Installation ....................... 11
5.1 Installation conditions .................. 11
5.2 Mounting the sensor ................... 12
5.3 Installation examples ................... 15
5.4 Post-installation check .................. 18
6 Electrical connection .............. 19
6.1 Connecting the sensor .................. 19
6.2 Ensuring the degree of protection .......... 19
6.3 Post-connection check .................. 19
10 Maintenance ...................... 25
10.1 Maintenance schedule .................. 25
10.2 Maintenance tasks ..................... 25
10.3 Cleaning exterior of sensor ............... 25
10.4 Cleaning sensor optics .................. 26
10.5 Wear parts and consumables ............. 26
10.6 Checking the measurement function ....... 27
11 Accessories ....................... 28
11.1 Assemblies (selection) .................. 28
11.2 Assembly holder ...................... 28
11.3 Measuring cable ...................... 28
11.4 Zero-point gel ........................ 29
11.5 Protection guard ...................... 29
11.6 Cleaning unit ......................... 29
11.7 Calibration vessel ...................... 29
12 Repair ............................ 30
12.1 Spare parts and consumables ............. 30
12.2 Return .............................. 30
12.3 Disposal ............................ 30
13 Technical data .................... 31
13.1 Input ............................... 31
13.2 Performance characteristics .............. 31
13.3 Environment ......................... 31
13.4 Process ............................. 32
13.5 Mechanical construction ................ 32
Index .................................. 34
7 Calibration and adjustment ........ 20
7.1 Types of calibration .................... 20
7.2 Calibration intervals .................... 20
7.3 Calibration in air ...................... 20
7.4 Calculation example for the calibration
value ............................... 21
8 Commissioning .................... 23
8.1 Function check ....................... 23
8.2 Sensor calibration ..................... 23
8.3 Cleaning the sensor automatically ......... 23
9 Troubleshooting .................. 24
9.1 Troubleshooting instructions ............. 24
9.2 Checking the sensor .................... 24
2 Endress+Hauser
Oxymax COS61D About this document

1 About this document

1.1 Warnings

Structure of information Meaning
Causes (/consequences)
If necessary, Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
Causes (/consequences)
If necessary, Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
Causes (/consequences)
If necessary, Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
If necessary, Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid the dangerous situation will result in a fatal or serious injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid the dangerous situation can result in a fatal or serious injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in minor or more serious injuries.
This symbol alerts you to situations which may result in damage to property.

1.2 Symbols

Symbol Meaning
Additional information, tips
Permitted or recommended
Not permitted or not recommended
Reference to device documentation
Reference to page
Reference to graphic
Result of a step
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Basic safety instructions Oxymax COS61D

2 Basic safety instructions

2.1 Requirements for personnel

• Installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the measuring system may be carried out only by specially trained technical personnel.
• The technical personnel must be authorized by the plant operator to carry out the specified activities.
• The electrical connection may be performed only by an electrical technician.
• The technical personnel must have read and understood these Operating Instructions and must follow the instructions contained therein.
• Faults at the measuring point may only be rectified by authorized and specially trained personnel.
Repairs not described in the Operating Instructions provided must be carried out only directly at the manufacturer's site or by the service organization.

2.2 Designated use

The oxygen sensor is suitable for continuous measurement of dissolved oxygen in water.
The main areas of application are:
• Wastewater treatment plants – Oxygen measurement and regulation in the activated sludge basin for a highly
efficient biological cleaning process
– Monitoring the oxygen content in the wastewater treatment plant outlet
• Water monitoring Oxygen measurement in rivers, lakes or seas as an indicator of the water quality
• Water treatment Oxygen measurement for status monitoring, e.g. of drinking water (oxygen enrichment, corrosion protection etc.)
• Fish farming Oxygen measurement and regulation for optimum living and growth conditions
Use of the device for any purpose other than that described, poses a threat to the safety of people and of the entire measuring system and is therefore not permitted.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper or non-designated use.

2.3 Workplace safety

As the user, you are responsible for complying with the following safety conditions:
• Installation guidelines
• Local standards and regulations
Electromagnetic compatibility
• The product has been tested for electromagnetic compatibility in accordance with the applicable European standards for industrial applications.
• The electromagnetic compatibility indicated applies only to a product that has been connected in accordance with these Operating Instructions.

2.4 Operational safety

Before commissioning the entire measuring point:
1. Verify that all connections are correct.
2. Ensure that electrical cables and hose connections are undamaged.
4 Endress+Hauser
Oxymax COS61D Basic safety instructions
3. Do not operate damaged products, and protect them against unintentional operation.
4. Label damaged products as defective.
During operation:
If faults cannot be rectified:
products must be taken out of service and protected against unintentional operation.
Cleaning not switched off during calibration or maintenance activities
Risk of injury due to medium or cleaning agent!
If a cleaning system is connected, switch it off before removing a sensor from the
medium. If you wish to check the cleaning function and have therefore not switched off the
cleaning system, wear protective clothing, goggles and gloves or take other appropriate measures.

2.5 Product safety

The product is designed to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate. The relevant regulations and European standards have been observed.
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Device description, function Oxymax COS61D

3 Device description, function

3.1 Optical measuring principle

Sensor structure
Oxygen-sensitive molecules (markers) are integrated into an optically active layer (fluorescence layer). The fluorescence layer, an optical insulating layer and a cover layer are applied on top of one another on a carrier. The cover layer is in direct contact with the medium. The sensor optics are directed at the rear of the carrier and therefore at the fluorescence layer.
Measurement process (principle of quenching)
If the sensor is immersed in the medium, an equilibrium is very quickly established between the oxygen partial pressure in both the medium and the fluorescence layer.
1. The sensor optics send green light pulses to the fluorescence layer.
2. The markers "respond" (fluoresce) with red light pulses.  The duration and intensity of the response signals are directly dependent on the
oxygen contents and oxygen partial pressure.
If the medium is free from oxygen, the response signals are long and very intense.
Oxygen molecules mask the marker molecules. As a result, the response signals are shorter and less intense.
Measurement result
The sensor returns a signal that is proportional to the oxygen concentration in the
The medium temperature and air pressure are already taken into account to calculate the oxygen concentration in the sensor.
The sensor provides measured values for temperature and partial pressure as well as a raw measured value. This value corresponds to the fluorescence decay time and is approx. 20 μs in air and approx. 60 μs in oxygen-free media.
For optimum measurement results
1. During calibration, enter the current air pressure at the transmitter.
2. In the case of saline media: Enter the salinity.
3. For measurements in the units %Vol or %SAT: Also enter the current operating pressure in the measuring mode.
Operating Instructions for Memosens, BA01245C For all transmitters, analyzers and samplers in the Liquiline CM44x/P/R, Liquiline System CA80XX and Liquistation CSFxx product families
6 Endress+Hauser
Oxymax COS61D Device description, function

3.2 Sensor design

 1 Sensor structure 1 Sensor cable 5 Threaded connection 2 Sensor shaft 6 Detector 3 O-ring 7 Emitter diode 4 Protection guard 8 Fluorescence cap
The sensor consists of the following function units:
• Sensor shaft
• Sensor head with optics (emitter and detector)
• Protection guard
• Fluorescence cap
As an alternative to the protection guard, you can use a cleaning unit for immersion operation with cleaning (→  29).
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Device description, function Oxymax COS61D

3.3 Memosens technology

Sensors with Memosens protocol have an integrated electronics unit that stores calibration data and other information. Once the sensor has been connected, the sensor data are transferred automatically to the transmitter and used to calculate the measured value.
Call up the sensor data via the corresponding DIAG menu.
Digital sensors can store measuring system data in the sensor. These include the following:
• Manufacturer data – Serial number – Order code – Date of manufacture
• Calibration data – Calibration date – Calibration values – Number of calibrations – Serial number of the transmitter used to perform the last calibration
• Operating data – Temperature application range – Date of initial commissioning – Hours of operation under extreme conditions

3.4 Fluorescence cap

The oxygen dissolved in the medium is diffused to the fluorescence layer of the fluorescence cap. A suitable flow is not required, as no oxygen is consumed during measurement. However, flow improves the speed at which the measuring system reacts and ensures a more representative measured value compared to a measurement in a static medium.
The cap is permeable for dissolved gases only. Other substances dissolved in the liquid phase, such as ionic substances, will not penetrate through the membrane. Therefore, medium conductivity has no impact on the measuring signal.
8 Endress+Hauser

Oxymax COS61D Incoming acceptance and product identification

4 Incoming acceptance and product

4.1 Incoming acceptance

1. Verify that the packaging is undamaged.  Notify the supplier of any damage to the packaging.
Keep the damaged packaging until the issue has been resolved.
2. Verify that the contents are undamaged.  Notify the supplier of any damage to the delivery contents.
Keep the damaged goods until the issue has been resolved.
3. Check that the delivery is complete and nothing is missing.  Compare the shipping documents with your order.
4. Pack the product for storage and transportation in such a way that it is protected against impact and moisture.
 The original packaging offers the best protection.
Make sure to comply with the permitted ambient conditions.
If you have any questions, please contact your supplier or your local Sales Center.

4.2 Product identification

4.2.1 Nameplate

The nameplate provides you with the following information on your device:
• Manufacturer identification
• Order code
• Extended order code
• Serial number
• Safety information and warnings
Compare the information on the nameplate with the order.

4.2.2 Product identification

Product page
Interpreting the order code
The order code and serial number of your product can be found in the following locations:
• On the nameplate
• In the delivery papers
Obtaining information on the product
1. Go to www.endress.com.
2. Call up the site search (magnifying glass).
3. Enter a valid serial number.
4. Search.  The product structure is displayed in a popup window.
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Incoming acceptance and product identification Oxymax COS61D
5. Click on the product image in the popup window.  A new window (Device Viewer) opens. All of the information relating to your
device is displayed in this window as well as the product documentation.
Manufacturer address
Endress+Hauser Conducta GmbH+Co. KG Dieselstraße 24 D-70839 Gerlingen

4.3 Scope of delivery

Scope of delivery of sensor
• Oxygen sensor with protection cap or mounted cleaning system (optional)
• Brief Operating Instructions
10 Endress+Hauser
Oxymax COS61D Installation

5 Installation

5.1 Installation conditions

5.1.1 Orientation

 2 Angle of installation
Recommended angle of inclination
The sensor must be installed at an angle of inclination in an assembly, holder or appropriate process connection. Recommended angle: 45° to prevent the attachment of air bubbles. At angles of inclination of 45 to 135°, air bubbles at the oxygen-sensitive membrane may increase the measured value.
The sensor can be installed up to the horizontal in an assembly, holder or suitable process connection. The optimum installation angle is 45°.
Other angles and upside-down installation are not recommended. Reason: Possible sediment formation and resulting falsification of measured value.
Follow the instructions for installing sensors in the Operating Instructions for the assembly used.

5.1.2 Mounting location

1. Choose a mounting location that is easy to access.
2. Ensure that upright posts and assemblies are fully secured and vibration-free.
3. Choose a mounting location with an oxygen concentration that is typical for the application.
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