Endress+Hauser COS22D Specifications

TI00446C/07/EN/04.15 71306865
Products Solutions Services
Technical Information
Oxymax COS22D/COS22
Digital or analog sensor for the measurement of oxygen
Sensor with long-term stability for frequent sterilizations and autoclavability
• Pharmaceutics and biotechnology – Process control in enzyme production – Control of culture processing
• Beverage industry
• Chemical industry
• Inertization
• Residual oxygen measurement in processes
Your benefits
• Sensor version suitable for pharmaceutical industry: – Stainless steel 1.4435 (AISI 316L) – Sterilizable and autoclavable
• Application-specific versions: – Sensor for standard applications, e.g. for fermenter control – Trace sensor, e.g. for use in the power station sector and for the beverage
industry (CO2-compatible sensor)
• Very versatile: – Standard process connection Pg 13.5 – Installation possible in standard pH assemblies
• Short response time: t98 < 60 s
• Integrated temperature sensor
Other advantages of Memosens technology
• Maximum process safety thanks to non-contact, inductive signal transmission
• Data security thanks to digital data transmission
• Very easy to use as sensor data saved in the sensor
• Recording of sensor load data in the sensor enables predictive maintenance

Function and system design

Oxymax COS22D/COS22

Measuring principle

Application in gaseous media

Measuring system

The oxygen molecules that diffuse through the membrane are reduced at the cathode to hydroxide ions (OH-). At the anode, silver is oxidized to silver ions (Ag+) (this forms a silver halide layer). A current flows due to the electron donation at the cathode and the electron acceptance at the anode. Under constant conditions, this flow is proportional to the oxygen content of the medium. This current is converted in the transmitter and indicated on the display as an oxygen concentration in mg/l, µg/l, ppm, ppb or Vol%, as a saturation index in % SAT or as an oxygen partial pressure in hPa.
The trace sensor version can be used in gaseous media, such as for inertizations and quality control in the trace range. Process monitoring in gaseous media can be performed with the standard sensor. The measured value is displayed in Vol% or as oxygen partial pressure in hPa. Sensors that are used in dry media consume more electrolyte and must therefore be maintained more frequently.
A complete measuring system comprises:
• An Oxymax COS22 or Oxymax COS22D oxygen sensor
• A transmitter, see table
• An appropriate measuring cable, see table
• Optional: an assembly, e.g. permanent installation assembly CPA442, flow assembly CPA240, or retractable assembly CPA875
Transmitter COS22D- standard, trace COS22- standard COS22- trace
Liquiline CM44x
Liquiline CM42
Liquisys COM2x3 -
Third-party provider Memosens partner Possible, cable: COK21 Possible, cable: COK21
, cable: CYK10
, cable: CYK10
- -
- -
, cable: COK21
 1 Example of a measuring system with COS22D-*1
1 Liquiline CM42 2 Measuring cable CYK10 3 Digital oxygen sensor Oxymax COS22D-*1 4 Permanent installation assembly CPA442
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Oxymax COS22D/COS22
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 2 Example of a measuring system with COS22-*1
1 Retractable assembly CPA875 2 Transmitter Liquisys COM253 3 Measuring cable COK21 4 Oxygen sensor COS22



Memosens makes your measuring point safer and more reliable:
• Non-contact, digital signal transmission enables optimum galvanic isolation
• Completely watertight – Can even be connected under water – No contact corrosion – Measured value not affected by moisture. Correct transmission of even the smallest values, e.g.
from amperometric sensors.
• Sensor can be calibrated in a lab, thus increasing the availability of the measuring point in the process
• Intrinsically safe electronics mean operation in hazardous areas is not a problem.
• Predictive maintenance thanks to recording of sensor data, e.g.: – Total hours of operation – Hours of operation with very high or very low measured values – Hours of operation at high temperatures – Number of steam sterilizations – Sensor condition


Easy handling
Sensors with Memosens technology have an integrated electronics unit that stores calibration data and other information (e.g. total operating hours and operating hours under extreme measuring conditions). Once the sensor has been connected, the sensor data are transferred automatically to the transmitter and used to calculate the current measured value. As the calibration data are stored
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Oxymax COS22D/COS22
Com A
Com B
in the sensor, the sensor can be calibrated and adjusted independently of the measuring point. The result:
• Easy calibration in the measuring lab under optimum external conditions increases the quality of the calibration.
• Pre-calibrated sensors can be replaced quickly and easily, resulting in a dramatic increase in the availability of the measuring point .
• Maintenance intervals can be defined based on all stored sensor load and calibration data and predictive maintenance is possible.
• The sensor history can be documented on external data carriers and in evaluation programs. Thus, the current application of the sensors can be made to depend on their previous history.


Measured values

Measuring ranges

Data security thanks to digital data transmission
Memosens technology digitizes the measured values in the sensor and transmits the data to the transmitter using a non-contact connection that is free from potential interference. The result:
• Automatic error message if sensor fails or connection between sensor and transmitter is interrupted
• Immediate error detection increases measuring point availability


Dissolved oxygen [mg/l, µg/l, ppm, ppb or % SAT or hPa]
Temperature [˚C, ˚F]
Measuring ranges apply for 20 ˚ (68 ˚F) and 1013 hPa (15 psi)
Measuring range Optimum operational range
COS22/22D-*1 0.01 to 60 mg/l
0 to 600 % SAT 0 to 1200 hPa (0 to 6 psi) 0 to 100 Vol%
COS22/22D-*3 COS22D-*4
0.001 to 10 mg/l 0 to 120 % SAT 0 to 250 hPa (0 to 6 psi) 0 to 25 Vol%
0.01 to 20 mg/l 0 to 200 % SAT 0 to 400 hPa (0 to 6 psi) 0 to 40 Vol%
0.001 to 2 mg/l 0 to 20 % SAT 0 to 40 hPa (0 to 6 psi) 0 to 4 Vol%
1) Applications in this range guarantee a long service life and minimum maintenance

Power supply

Electrical connection COS22D

The electrical connection of the sensor to the transmitter is performed using the measuring cable CYK10.
 3 Measuring cable CYK10
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