NetSure™ 721 Series
DC Power System with 400 VDC Input
Key Features
n High Efficiency Over 97% — reduces
power consumption for lower
operating cost
n 3500 W Converter — designed to
operate from nominal 400 VDC source
to provide -48 VDC load power
n Advanced Controller — offers battery
management, site monitoring and
configuration management
n Remote Access — options allow users
to view, control and interact with the
system using an Ethernet interface
n Plug’n’Play — add modular converters
without changing the settings and
making adjustments; no system
n Front Accessible — allows for easy
installation, additions and
n Wide Input Voltage Range —
for operation during battery
discharge down to 260 VDC
The NetSure
721 DC power system with 400 VDC
input reduces copper distribution cost and provides
the flexibility to use existing -48 VDC equipment.
The modular NetSure™ 721 Power System with 400 VDC Input
provides up to 4000 amps of -48 VDC output current. The basic
components of the power system include the ACU+ control unit, DC
to DC converter shelf assemblies and a modular distribution cabinet.
The NetSure
processor-based control system capable of monitoring and
controlling up to 60 C400/48-3500e converters. The ACU+
controller provides a 4x16-character alphanumeric display,
which can be activated at the touch of a keypad.
Each shelf can accommodate up to six plug’n’play C400/48-3500e
converters, which are controlled by the ACU+. Additional shelves
can be added as load requirements increase.
The NetSure
three distribution bays for a total capacity of 4000 amps and up to
twelve distribution panels. Each NetSure™ 721 distribution cabinet
is modular by row and position. Four distinct distribution cabinet
sizes are available to accommodate from one to four distribution
panels. This allows the system to be configured in relay racks of
various heights for installation in low-profile sites or atop batteries
or other equipment to make more effective use of floor space. Several distribution
panels are available offering different combinations of distribution positions, low
voltage disconnect and battery disconnect options.
721 power system contains a powerful, micro-
721 with 400 VDC input can be expanded to up to
NetSure™ 721 DC
Power System with
400 VDC Input
n Safety Compliance — NEBS Level 3
certification (pending); UL Listed to
UL subject 1801
Additional Information
NetSure™ 721 Product Web Page
NetSure™ 721 Systems Applications Guide
NetSure™ 721 Ordering Guide
NetSure™ 721 Data Sheet (Standard)
Distribution device options include 1 amp to 250 amp bullet-style circuit breakers,
3 amp to 125 amp TPS-style fuses in plug-in bullet-style holders, 100 amp to 800
amp GJ/218-style circuit breakers, 70 amp to 250 amp TPL-B style fuses and 70 amp
to 600 amp TPH-style fuses. These devices can be configured for both -48 V loads
and battery disconnect. A GMT fuse module is also available.
High-Efficiency eSure™
C400/48-3500e Converter
1165DRA-NS721400 / 1013

NetSure™ 721 Series DC Power System with 400 VDC Input
Technical Specifications (System)
System Features
Input Voltage, Nominal 400 VDC (260 VDC to 400 VDC range)
Output Voltage -48 VDC (-42.0 VDC to -58.0 VDC range)
Control Microprocessor (ACU+)
Rated Output Capacity
Bay 2000 amps (48 VDC)
Converter 3500 W (C400/48-3500e)
Shelf 438 amps (3 RU shelf)
Distribution Panel 600 amps
Physical Characteristics
Framework Type Relay rack (can be mounted in enclosures)
Mounting Width 23 inches
Mounting Depth 20 inches
Access Front access for installation, operation and maintenance
Operating Temperature -40 °F to 104 °F (-40 °C to 40 °C) continuous operation
Storage -40 °F to 185 °F (-40 °C to 85 °C)
Humidity 0% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Ventilation Converters are fan-cooled front to rear
EMI/RFI Suppression Conforms to FCC rules Part 15, Subpart B, Class A and EN55022 Class A, radiated
Safety Compliance UL Listed 1801, cUL, (NEBS Level 3 pending)
and conducted
Ordering Information
Part Number Description
582127000 NetSure
1M820DNA ACU+ controller
1C400483500E 3500 watt eSure
588705000 Power shelf for 3 RU (3500 watt) rectifiers and converters
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
721 DC power system
C400/48-3500e converter
eSure™ Converter
Efficiency Curve
System Elements
NetSure™ 721
with 400 VDC Input
400 VDC Input Connection Panel
(both sides)
DC Distribution Cabinet
ACU+ Controller
Relay Rack
Converter Efficiency Curve
EmersonNetworkPower.com/EnergySystems (North America)
EmersonNetworkPower.eu/EnergySystems (EMEA)
© Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. 2013.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Net work Power l ogo, Emer son™ and Consi der it Solv ed are ser vice mark s and
tradem arks of Eme rson Elec tric Co. En ergyMas ter
Netw ork Power, Ener gy Systems , North Am erica, In c. Any other p roduct , brand, or co mpany names o r logos are t he proper ty of the r especti ve owner.
, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSu re™ and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of E merson
While ev ery prec aution has b een taken to e nsure accur acy and
completeness herein, Emerson Electric Co. assumes no responsibility,
and disc laims all liab ility, for da mages resul ting from u se of this
information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications subject to
change without notice.
165DRA-NS721400 / 1013