Emerson NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 701 A51, NetSure 501 AA0 User Manual

NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51
19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System
User Manual
Version V1.0 Revision date June 13, 2008 BOM 31011680
Emerson Network Power provides customers with technical support. Users may contact the nearest Emerson local sales office or service center.
All rights reserved. The contents in this document are subject to change without notice.
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
Address: No.1 Kefa Rd., Science & Industry Park, Nanshan District 518057, Shenzhen China
Homepage: www.emersonnetworkpower.com.cn
E-mail: support@emersonnetwork.com.cn
Safety Precautions
To reduce the chance of accident, please read the safety precautions very carefully before operation. The "Caution, Notice, Warning, Danger" in this book do not represent all the safety points to be observed, and are only supplement to various safety points. Therefore, the installation and operation personnel must be strictly trained and master the correct operations and all the safety points before actual operation.
When operating Emerson products, the safety rules in the industry, the general safety points and special safety instructions specified in this book must be strictly observed.
Electrical Safety
I. Hazardous voltage
Some components of the power system carry hazardous voltage in operation. Direct contact or indirect contact through moist objects with these components will result in fatal injury.
Safety rules in the industry must be observed when installing the power system. The installation personnel must be licensed to operate high voltage and AC power.
In operation, the installation personnel are not allowed to wear conductive objects such as watches, bracelets, bangles, rings.
When water or moisture is found on the Subrack, turn off the power immediately. In moist environment, precautions must be taken to keep moisture out of the power system.
"Prohibit" warning label must be attached to the switches and buttons that are not permitted to operate during installation.
High voltage operation may cause fire and electric shock. The connection and wiring of AC cables must be in compliance with the local rules and regulations. Only those who are licensed to operate high voltage and AC power can perform high voltage operations.
II. Tools
In high voltage and AC operation, special tools must be used. No common or self-carried tools should be used.
III. Thunderstorm
Never operate on high voltage, AC, iron tower or mast in the thunderstorm.
In thunderstorms, a strong electromagnetic field will be generated in the air. Therefore the equipment should be well earthed in time to avoid damage by lightning strikes.
The static electricity generated by the human body will damage the static sensitive elements on PCBs, such as large-scale ICs. Before touching any plug-in board, PCB or IC chip, ESD wrist strap must be worn to prevent body static from damaging the sensitive components. The other end of the ESD wrist strap must be well earthed.
V. Short circuit
During operation, never short the positive and negative poles of the DC distribution unit of the system or the non-grounding pole and the earth. The power system is a constant voltage DC power equipment, short circuit will result in equipment burning and endanger human safety.
Check carefully the polarity of the cable and connection terminal when performing DC live operations.
As the operation space in the DC distribution unit is very tight, please carefully select the operation space.
Never wear a watch, bracelet, bangle, ring, or other conductive objects during operation.
Insulated tools must be used.
In live operation, keep the arm muscle tense, so that when tool connection is loosened, the free movement of the human body and tool is reduced to a minimum.
Before any operation on battery, read carefully the safety precautions for battery transportation and the correct battery connection method.
Non-standard operation on the battery will cause danger. In operation, precautions should be taken to prevent battery short circuit and overflow of electrolyte. The overflow of electrolyte will erode the metal objects and PCBs, thus causing equipment damage and short circuit of PCBs.
Before any operation on battery, pay attention to the following points:
Remove the watch, bracelet, bangle, ring, and other metal objects on the wrist.
Use special insulated tools.
Use eye protection device, and take preventive measures.
Wear rubber gloves and apron to guard against electrolyte overflow.
In battery transportation, the electrode of the battery should always be kept facing upward. Never put the battery upside down or slanted.
The system has battery low voltage disconnection (BLVD) function. BLVD means when the mains fail and batteries supply power, the monitoring module cuts the load off when the battery voltage drops down to below
43.2V to prevent over-discharge. The BLVD voltage is settable. Refer to 4.7.2 Battery Selection, 5.3.6Settings, or 6.7.3Battery Settings for setting method.
The factory setting is enabling BLVD, which means that if power outage lasts for a long time or the power supply system fails, there might be BLVD. Users should classify the loads and connect the priority loads to BLVD routes. For vital loads, users can disable BLVD of these loads to insure reliability of the power supply.
The method of disabling BLVD is:
Set “BLVD Enable” item of the monitoring module to “N”. Refer to 4.7.3LVD Parameter Description, 5.5.2Battery Management Parameters or 6.7.3Battery Settings for setting method.
The advantage of enabling BLVD is protecting the batteries from over-discharge when the battery voltage is low. The disadvantage of enabling BLVD is that when the battery voltage drops down to a certain value, all the loads (including non­priority loads and priority loads) will be cut off due to battery disconnection.
The advantage of software disabling BLVD is prolonging the power supply of priority loads. The disadvantage is that software disabling cannot prevent unwanted power failure due to misoperation or power supply system failure.
I. Sharp object
When moving equipment by hand, protective gloves should be worn to avoid injury by sharp object.
II. Cable connection
Please verify the compliance of the cable and cable label with the actual installation prior to cable connection.
III. Binding the signal lines
The signal lines should be bound separately from heavy current and high voltage lines, with binding interval of at least 150mm.
Chapter 1 Overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Model Information................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Composition And Configuration..............................................................................................................................1
1.3 Features................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2 Installation Instruction.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Safety Regulations................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Preparation............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Mechanical Installation........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Electrical Installation............................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.1 Connecting Power Cables........................................................................................................................... 6
2.4.2 Connecting Signal Cables...........................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3 Installation Testing.............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Installation Check And Startup..............................................................................................................................11
3.2 Basic Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Alarm Check And System Operation Status Check..............................................................................................12
3.4 Final Steps............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D.....................................................................................................................14
4.1 Front Panel........................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Power On Order................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Querying System Status.......................................................................................................................................16
4.3.1 First Page Of System Information............................................................................................................. 16
4.3.2 Other System Information Pages.............................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Querying Rectifier Status...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Querying Alarms And Setting Alarm Plans...........................................................................................................18
4.5.1 Querying Active Alarm...............................................................................................................................18
4.5.2 Querying Alarm History............................................................................................................................. 19
4.5.3 Alarm Type Table....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.5.4 Changing Audible/Visual Alarm And Alarm Call Back Plan.......................................................................22
4.5.5 Changing Alarm Types Of Dry Contacts....................................................................................................22
4.6 Maintenance......................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.7 Setting System Parameters..................................................................................................................................23
4.7.1 Parameter Setting Method........................................................................................................................24
4.7.2 Battery Selection....................................................................................................................................... 25
4.7.3 LVD Parameter Description.......................................................................................................................26
4.7.4 Charging Management Parameters.......................................................................................................... 27
4.7.5 Battery Test Parameters............................................................................................................................ 28
4.7.6 Temperature Compensation Coefficient Parameters................................................................................29
4.7.7 AC Settings............................................................................................................................................... 30
4.7.8 DC Settings............................................................................................................................................... 31
4.7.9 Rectifier Settings....................................................................................................................................... 31
4.7.10 System Settings...................................................................................................................................... 32
4.7.11 Alarm Settings......................................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 5 Use Of Monitoring Module M800D.....................................................................................................................36
5.1 Operation Panel.................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Use Of The Operation Panel................................................................................................................................37
5.2.1 Main Screen.............................................................................................................................................. 37
5.2.2 Main Menu................................................................................................................................................ 37
5.2.3 Running Information..................................................................................................................................37
5.2.4 Maintain..................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.2.5 Parameter Set........................................................................................................................................... 41
5.3 Access M800D Through Web............................................................................................................................... 44
5.3.1 Overview Of Web Function.......................................................................................................................44
5.3.2 Login......................................................................................................................................................... 44
5.3.3 Homepage Introduction.............................................................................................................................46
5.3.4 Device Explore.......................................................................................................................................... 47
5.3.5 Alarms....................................................................................................................................................... 55
5.3.6 Settings..................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.3.7 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................. 63
5.3.8 Query........................................................................................................................................................ 72
5.4 Access M800D Through NMS.............................................................................................................................. 75
1.1.1 NMS Supported By SNMP Agent.............................................................................................................. 75
5.4.1 MIB Installation.......................................................................................................................................... 75
5.4.2 Access M800D through NMS....................................................................................................................77
5.5 Parameter Setting Guidance................................................................................................................................77
5.5.1 Rectifier Parameters................................................................................................................................. 77
5.5.2 Battery Management Parameters.............................................................................................................77
5.5.3 Energy Management Parameters.............................................................................................................80
5.5.4 Diesel Management Parameters............................................................................................................... 81
5.5.5 Power Split Parameters............................................................................................................................ 81
Chapter 6 Use Of Monitoring Module M501D.....................................................................................................................82
6.1 Front Panel........................................................................................................................................................... 82
6.2 Power On Order................................................................................................................................................... 82
6.3 Querying System Status.......................................................................................................................................84
6.3.1 First Page Of System Information............................................................................................................. 84
6.3.2 Other System Information Pages.............................................................................................................. 84
6.4 Querying Rectifier Status...................................................................................................................................... 85
6.5 Querying And Handling Alarms............................................................................................................................. 86
6.5.1 Querying Active Alarm...............................................................................................................................86
6.5.2 Querying Alarm History............................................................................................................................. 87
6.5.3 Changing Audio/Video Alarm And Alarm Callback....................................................................................87
6.5.4 Change Alarm Types Of Dry Contacts......................................................................................................88
6.5.5 Programmable Setting On The Dry Contact Output Alarm Type...............................................................88
6.6 Maintenance......................................................................................................................................................... 89
6.7 Setting System Parameters..................................................................................................................................90
6.7.1 Parameter Setting Method........................................................................................................................90
6.7.2 Alarm Settings........................................................................................................................................... 91
6.7.3 Battery Settings.........................................................................................................................................94
6.7.4 AC Settings.............................................................................................................................................100
6.7.5 DC Settings............................................................................................................................................. 101
6.7.6 Rectifier Settings..................................................................................................................................... 101
6.7.7 System Settings......................................................................................................................................102
Chapter 7 Alarm Handling................................................................................................................................................. 106
7.1 Handling Alarms.................................................................................................................................................106
7.2 Handling Rectifier Fault......................................................................................................................................107
Appendix 1 Technical And Engineering Data.................................................................................................................... 110
Appendix 2 Wiring Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 114
Appendix 3 Schematic Diagram........................................................................................................................................ 116
Appendix 4 Glossary.........................................................................................................................................................122
Chapter 1 Overview 1

Chapter 1 Overview

This chapter introduces model description, composition and configuration, and features.
The “system” in this manual refers to the PS48150-3B/1800 (NetSure 501 A50) (abbreviated as “NetSure 501 A50”), PS48300-3C/1800 (NetSure 501 AA0) (abbreviated as “NetSure 501 AA0”) and PS48300-3A/3200 (NetSure 701 A51) & PS48300-3A/3200-X2 (NetSure 701 A51) (abbreviated as “NetSure 701 A51”) power supply system.

1.1 Model Information

Take PS48150-3B/1800 (NetSure 501 A50) power supply system as an example, the model description is given in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.
150 1800PS 48
Rated output current: 150A
Rated output power of the rectifier: 1800W
Rated output voltage: -48V
Power supply system
Figure 1.1 Model information (1)
NetSure 501 A 5 0
Region. A: Asia-Pacific region.
The number of the rectifier in the typical power supply system: 5. If the number ranges between 0 ~ 9, the character is represented by a number. If the number is larger than 9, the character is represented by a letter, for example, A represents the number 10, B represents the number 11, and so on.
Output power of the rectifier. 501: 1800W. 701: 3200W.
Brand name of the power supply system.
Figure 1.2 Model information (2)

1.2 Composition And Configuration

System composition
The system consists of power distribution parts, rectifiers and monitoring module. The rectifier model is R48-1800, R48-2900U or R48-3200 and the model of the monitoring module is M501D or M500D. The internal structures of the systems are shown in Figure 1-3 to Figure 1-6.
Battery MCB
Positive terminals
Monitoring module
Load MCB
AC input MCB
Dummy plate
Figure 1.1 NetSure 501 A50 system structure
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
2 Chapter 1 Overview
Dummy plate
AC input MCB
Load MCB
Load MCB
Battery MCB
Monitoring module
Positive terminals
Positive terminals
Figure 1.2 NetSure 501 AA0 system structure
Dummy plate
AC input MCB
Load MCB
Load MCB
Battery MCB
Monitoring module
Positive terminals
Positive terminals
Figure 1.3 NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200) system structure
Battery MCB
Positive terminals
Monitoring module
Load MCB
AC input MCB
Dummy plate
Figure 1.4 NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200-X2) system structure
System configuration
The configurations of the power supply system are described in Table 1-1.
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
Chapter 1 Overview 3
Table 1.2 Configuration of fixed- configuration system
Item NetSure 501 A50 NetSure 501 AA0
NetSure 701 A51
NetSure 701 A51
Monitoring module Model: M501D Model: M501D Model: M501D Model: M500D
Model: R48-1800. Standard configuration: 5 pieces
Model: R48-1800. Standard configuration: 10 pieces
Model: R48-3200. Standard configuration: 5 pieces
Model: R48-2900U. Standard configuration: 3 pieces
AC power distribution 3P + N + PE/ 380Vac 3P + N + PE/ 380Vac 3P + N + PE/ 380Vac P + N + PE/ 230Vac
DC power distribution
BLVD load route: 3 × 63A/1P, 3 × 32A/1P, 4 × 10A/1P MCB No LLVD load route
BLVD load route: 5 × 63A/1P, 5 × 32A/1P, 8 × 10A/1P MCB No LLVD load route
BLVD load route: 5 × 63A/1P, 5 × 32A/1P, 8 × 10A/1P MCB No LLVD load route
BLVD load route: 4 × 40A/1P, 1 × 10A/1P MCB No LLVD load route
Battery MCB 2 × 125A/1P 2 × 125A/1P 2 × 125A/1P 2 × 125A/1P
Maximum dimensions
483 (W) × 380 (D) × 267 (H)
483 (W) × 380 (D) × 490 (H)
483 (W) × 380 (D) × 445 (H)
483 (W) × 380 (D) × 311 (H)
25kg (not including rectifiers and monitoring module)
30kg (not including rectifiers and monitoring module)
25kg (not including rectifiers and monitoring module)
25kg (not including rectifiers and monitoring module)
Optional parts Temperature sensor and connected cables, remote monitoring unit, battery rack

1.3 Features

The rectifier uses the active Power Factor Compensation (PFC) technology, raising the power factor to 0.99
Wide AC input voltage range: 85V ~ 290V (NetSure 701 A51) or 85Vac ~ 300Vac (NetSure 501 A50 & NetSure
501 AA0)
The rectifier uses soft switching technology, raising the system efficiency to 89% (R48-1800)/ 90% (R48-3200)
Ultra-low radiation. With advanced EMC design, the rectifier meets international standards such as CE and
NEBS. Both the conducted and radiated interference reach Class B
The rectifier safety design complies with UL, CE and NEBS standards
High power density
Rectifiers are hot pluggable. It takes less than 1min to replace a rectifier
Two over-voltage protection methods are optional: hardware protection and software protection. The latter one
also has two optional modes: lock-out at the first over-voltage and lock-out at the second over-voltage
Perfect battery management: The management functions include the LLVD (optional), BLVD, temperature
compensation, auto voltage regulation, stepless current limiting, battery capacity calculation and on-line battery test, etc
Up to 200 pieces of historical alarm records, and 10 sets of battery test data records
Network design: Providing multiple communication ports (such as RS232, modem, RJ45 and dry contacts),
which enables flexible networking and remote monitoring
Perfect lightning protection at AC side
Complete fault protection and fault alarm functions
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
4 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction

Chapter 2 Installation Instruction

This chapter introduces installation and cable connection. Before installation, please read through safety regulations, and then follow this instruction to carry out the installation step by step.

2.1 Safety Regulations

Certain components in this power system have hazardous voltage and current. Always follow the instructions below:
1. Only the adequately trained personnel with satisfactory knowledge of the power system can carry out the installation. The most recent revision of these safety rules and local safety rules in force shall be adhered to during the installation.
2. All external circuits that are below 48V and connected to the power system must comply with the requirements of SELV as defined in IEC 60950.
3. Make sure that the power (mains and battery) to the system is cut off before any operations can be carried out within the system subrack.
4. The power subracks shall be kept locked and placed in a locked room. The key keeper should be the one responsible for the power system.
5. The wiring of the power distribution cables should be arranged carefully so that the cables are kept away from the maintenance personnel.

2.2 Preparation

Unpacking inspection
The equipment should be unpacked and inspected after it arrives at the installation site. The inspection shall be done by representatives of both the user and Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
To inspect the equipment, you should:
1. Open the packing case in which the packing list is put.
2. Take out the packing list.
3. Check against the packing label, including customer name, customer address, machine No., total amount, case No., contract No.
Unpacking and inspection: After opening the packing case, check the goods one by one according to the goods list on the packing label. The checking should include:
1. The number of the packing cases and the serial number marked on them.
2. The correctness of the equipment packing according to the packing list.
3. The number and model of the accessories according to the accessory list.
4. The completeness of the equipment set according to the system configuration.
5. The condition of the goods through visual inspection. For example, check the subrack for any damage and condensation. Shake the rectifier module gently to see if any component or connection has loosened during transportation.
The cable design should meet relevant industry standards.
It is recommended to use the RVVZ cables as AC cables. The cable should reach at least +70°C temperature durability. With cable length shorter than 30 meters, the Cross-Sectional Area (CSA) calculation should be based on the current density of 2.5A/mm2. The suggested CSA value is no less than 25mm2.
The CSA of DC cable depends on the current flowing through the cable and the allowable voltage drop. To select the battery cable CSA, see Table 2-1. Select the DC load cable CSA according to the Table 2-2:
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 5
Table 1.1 Battery cable CSA selection
Battery MCB rated current Max. battery current Min. cable CSA Max. cable length (allowable voltage drop: 0.5V)
125A 100A 25mm
1. The specs are applicable at ambient temperature of 25°C. If the temperature is higher or lower than this, the CSA of the cable should be increased.
2. The battery cable should reach at least +90°C heat durability. It is recommended to use double-insulated copper-core flame retardant cable as battery cable
Table 1.2 DC load cable selection
Load route rated
Max. output
Min. cable
Max. cable length (volt drop:
0.5V, with min. CSA)
Max. cable CSA
Max. cable length (volt drop:
0.5V, with max. CSA)
63A 32A 16mm
7m 25mm
32A 16A 16mm
14m 25mm
10A 5A 6mm
17m 25mm
Note: The specs are applicable at ambient temperature of 25°C. If the temperature is higher or lower than this, the CSA of the cable should be increased
The MCB capacity should be strictly limited so that it can function properly upon load over-current. The recommended MCB capacity is 1.5 ~ 2 times larger than the load peak capacity.
The CSA of the system earth cable should be consistent with that of the maximum power distribution cable and no less than 35mm2.

2.3 Mechanical Installation

For the convenience of maintenance, users should maintain a clearance of 800mm at the front of the power supply system.
Insert the power supply system into the cabinet. Install the screws in the four installation holes as shown in Figure 2-1 to Figure 2-4 with a Phillips screwdriver.
Figure 1.1 Installation size of NetSure 501 A50 (unit: mm)
Figure 1.2 Installation size of NetSure 501 AA0 (unit: mm)
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
6 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction
Figure 1.3 Installation size of NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200) (unit: mm)
Figure 1.4 Installation size of NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200-X2) (unit: mm)

2.4 Electrical Installation

2.4.1 Connecting Power Cables

Connecting AC input cables
1. Switch off all MCBs before the electrical connection.
2. Only the qualified personnel can do the mains cable connection.
Feed all the cables into the subrack from top of the subrack. Take the NetSure 701 A51 power supply system as an example, the position of the connection terminals are shown in Figure 2-5. Connect the AC input cables to the AC input MCB.
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 7
AC input MCB
Load MCB
Load MCB
Battery MCB
Positive terminals
Positive terminals
Figure 1.1 MCB and terminal positions
Connecting load cables
Connect the negative cable of the load to the upper terminal of load MCB. Connect the positive cable of the load to the DC positive busbar. The terminals are as shown in Figure 2-5.
Connecting battery cables
1. Note
1. The batteries may have dangerous current. Before connecting the battery cables, the corresponding battery input MCBs or the battery cell connector must be disconnected to avoid live state of the power system after installation.
2. Be careful not to reverse connect the battery. Otherwise, both the battery and the power system will be damaged!
1. Connect one end of the negative battery cable to the upper terminal of battery MCBs. Connect one end of the positive battery cable to the DC positive bus bar.
2. Connect copper lugs to the other end of the battery cables. Bind the connecting parts with insulating tape, and put them beside the battery. Connect the cables to the battery when the DC distribution unit is to be tested.

2.4.2 Connecting Signal Cables

S6415X2 user connector board cable connection
Take the NetSure 501 A50 power supply system as an example, the position of the user connector board is shown in Figure 2-6. Two communication interfaces are located in the panel: Ethernet and RS232 interface. The power supply system can be connected to Ethernet through the Ethernet interface or connected to modem through RS232 interface.
Monitoring module
Network port
RS232 interface
S6415X2 user connector board
Figure 1.1 User connector board position
The interfaces of the signal transfer board are shown in Figure 2-7. The functions of the interfaces are shown in Table 2-3.
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
8 Chapter 2 Installation Instruction
Figure 1.2 S6415X2 interface
Table 1.2 Interface functions
Connector Pin Signal name Mark number Logic relation
1 Relay output 1 normal close DO1_NC 2 Relay output 2 normal close DO2_NC 3 Relay output 1 common DO1_COM 4 Relay output 2 common DO2_COM 5 Relay output 1 normal open DO1_NO 6 Relay output 2 normal open DO2_NO
1 Relay output 3 normal close DO3_NC 2 Relay output 4 normal close DO4_NC 3 Relay output 3 common DO3_COM 4 Relay output 4 common DO4_COM 5 Relay output 3 normal open DO3_NO 6 Relay output 4 normal open DO4_NO
J5 1 Relay output 5 normal close DO5_NC
2 Relay output 6 normal close DO6_NC 3 Relay output 5 common DO5_COM 4 Relay output 6 common DO6_COM 5 Relay output 5 normal open DO5_NO
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
Chapter 2 Installation Instruction 9
Connector Pin Signal name Mark number Logic relation
6 Relay output 6 normal open DO6_NO
1 Relay output 7 normal close DO7_NC 2 Relay output 8 normal close DO8_NC 3 Relay output 7 common DO7_COM 4 Relay output 8 common DO8_COM 5 Relay output 7 normal open DO7_NO 6 Relay output 8 normal open DO8_NO
1 Digital circuits power +5V 2 Temperature signal 1 input TEMP1 4~20mA 3 Analog ground GND
1 Digital circuits power +5V 2 Temperature signal 2 input TEMP2 4~20mA 3 Analog ground GND
J12, J18
1 Data Carrier Detect DCD232 2 Receive Data RXD232 3 Transmit Data TXD232 4 Data Terminal Ready DTR232 5 Data Communication ground DGND 6 Empty 7 Request To Send RTS232
8,9 Empty
1 Ethernet TX+ NETTX+ 2 Ethernet TX- NETTX­3 Ethernet TR+ NETTR+ 4 Empty 5 Empty 6 Ethernet TR- NETTR-
7~12 Empty
1 RS485 communication+ E485+ 2 RS485 communication- E485­3 Protection ground PGNG
1 48V+ POWER+ 2 48V- POWER-
Modem cable connection
Modem is an optional accessory, suitable for those who have purchased the modem remote monitoring system.
Modem configuration:
In modem mode, "Y" should be selected for the communication parameter "MODEM" of the monitoring module. If modem has the Automatic Answer indicator (AA), the indicator will turn on once modem and monitoring module are powered on. In the modem mode, the monitoring module will initialize modem upon power-on, reset or upon communication interruptions that last more than one hour.
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10 Chapter 3 Installation Testing

Chapter 3 Installation Testing

This chapter introduces procedures of installation testing. The corresponding safety rules shall be adhered to in the test.

3.1 Installation Check And Startup

Before the test, inform the chief manufacturer representative. Only trained electrical engineer can maintain and operate this equipment. In operation, the installation personnel are not allowed to wear conductive objects such as watches, bracelets, bangles and rings.
During operation, parts of this equipment carry hazardous voltage. Misoperation can result in severe or fatal injuries and property damage. Before the test, check the equipment to ensure the proper earthing. Installation check must be done before testing. Then the batteries can be charged for the first time.
Make sure that the AC input MCBs, battery MCBs and load MCBs are switched off. Make sure that all the devices are properly installed.
Installation check
OK Comments
Check all the MCBs and cables. Are their models correct?
Check the bus bar connections, input and output cable connection, and connection between the power system and the system grounding.
Check the if the number and connections of the batteris are correct. Check the polarity of the battery string with a voltmeter.
Make sure all the cable connections are firm and reliable.
Startup preparations
OK Comments
Make sure that all the MCB are switched off.
Measure the AC input voltage. Make sure the input voltage is within the allowable range.
Check that the communication and alarm cables are connected to the signal transfer board.
Check that the temperature sensor, if any, has been installed.
Check that the battery string circuit is not closed.
Connect the disconnected batteries to the battery string circuit
Measure with a voltmeter across the connection points of each battery and make sure that the polarity is right. For a lead-acid battery with 24 cells, the voltmeter should read 2.0-2.1V/cell or 48-51V/battery. If the voltage of certain cell is lower than 2.0V, that cell must be replaced.
Check with an ohmmeter that there is no short circuit between the positive & negative distribution bus bars, or between the positive & negative battery poles (Note: Pull out all modules before the check and restore them after the check)
OK Comments
Switch on the system AC input MCB. The green LED on the rectifier will be on and the fan will start running after a certain delay. The monitoring module will show that the power supply voltage is 53.5V.
Check the system voltage and busbar polarity with a voltmeter. The voltage difference between the measured value and displayed value should be less than 0.2V.
Start and stop each rectifier of the system by unplugging and inserting each rectifier. Check their output voltages.

3.2 Basic Settings

When the system is put into service for the first time, the parameters of monitoring module must be set based on the actual system configuration, such as battery number, capacity, user’s charge current limit and other functional requirements. Only after that can the monitoring module display system operation information and control the output.
For monitoring module parameter setting method, see 4.7Setting System Parameters if using M500D.
5.2.5Parameter Set if using M800D. See 5.7 Setting System Parameters if using M501D.
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Chapter 3 Installation Testing 11
OK Comments
The system model has been set correctly in factory before delivery, check that the setting agrees with the actual system (NetSure 501 A50: 48V/30A/SET/NONE; NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200): 48V/50A/300/ NONE; NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200-X2): 48V/50A/SET/NONE; NetSure 501 AA0: 48V/30A/300/NONE).
The battery string number set at the monitoring module should be the same as the number actually connected. (By default: 2)
Set the battery capacity according to the actual capacity of the battery connected to the system. Default: 300Ah.
Configure the temperature coefficient according to the battery manufacturer’s requirement. Setting range: 0-500mV/°C. By default: 72mV/°C. (if no temperature sensor is installed, do not set this parameter)
Set the charge current limit according to your needs. Setting range: 0.1~0.25C10. (By default: 0.1C10)
Set the monitoring module according to the voltage suggested by the battery supplier. Floating Charge (FC) voltage range: 42V ~ Boost Charge (BC) voltage. Default: 53.5V. BC voltage range: FC voltage ~ 58V. By default: 56.4V. For batteries that do not need BC, set the BC voltage to FC voltage plus 0.1V.
Put through the battery MCBs and connect the batteries.

3.3 Alarm Check And System Operation Status Check

Alarm check
Check that all functional units can trigger alarms that can be displayed on the monitoring module.
OK Comments
Pull out one rectifier. The “Rect N Com Failure” alarm should be triggered. Insert the rectifier in. The alarm should disappear. Repeat the same procedures on other rectifiers.
Remove battery MCB 1. The “Batt1 Failure” alarm should be triggered. Put on the MCB. The alarm should be cleared. Repeat the same on battery MCB 2.
Switch off a load MCB connected to a load route. The alarm “Load N Failure” should be triggered. Switch on the MCB, and the alarm should be cleared. Repeat the same on the other load MCBs.
Remove all the battery input MCBs. Keep only one rectifier in operation. Through the monitoring module, adjust the rectifier FC voltage to make it lower than the alarm point. The alarm “DC Voltage Low” should be triggered.
Keep the rectifiers in operation. Set through the monitoring module the battery management parameter to “Manual”. Enter the maintenance menu at the monitoring module. Select “Disconnect” and confirm it. The battery protection contactor should be open, and the “BLVD” alarm should be displayed at the monitoring module.
Note: when the preceding alarms are generated, the monitoring module will give alarms after approximately 3s. Refer to
4.5Querying Alarms And Setting Alarm Plans, 5.2.3Running Information or 6.5Querying And Handling Alarms for methods of querying alarms.
System operation status check
There should be no alarms during normal system operation. The system operation status check can be conducted through the monitoring module.
For the parameter query method, refer to 4.3Querying System Status if using M500D. 5.2.3Running Information if using M800D. Refer to 6.3 Querying System Status and 6.4 Querying Rectifier Status if using M501D.
OK Comments
The system model is NetSure 501 A50: 48V/30A/SET/NONE; NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200): 48V/50A/300/ NONE; NetSure 701 A51 (PS48300-3A/3200-X2): 48V/50A/SET/NONE; NetSure 501 AA0: 48V/30A/300/NONE
The monitoring module should display the correct AC voltage.
The monitoring module should be able to display the DC voltage. The difference between the displayed voltage and that measured at the bus bar should be less than 1%.
The monitoring module should display the battery current. The difference between the displayed and measured battery current should be less than 1%.
Check the number of the rectifier through the monitoring module. The number should be consistent with the actual number.
NetSure 501 A50, NetSure 501 AA0, NetSure 701 A51 19-Inch Subrack Power Supply System User Manual
12 Chapter 3 Installation Testing
OK Comments
Check the voltage, current, current limiting point of rectifiers through the monitoring module. They should agree with the actual parameters.
For the system configured with temperature sensor, the monitoring module should be able to display the battery ambient temperature. Hold the probe of the temperature sensor with hand and watch the monitoring module, which should diplay the change of temperature.

3.4 Final Steps

OK Comments
Disconnect all test equipment from the system and make sure that materials irrelevant to the equipment have been all removed.
Restore the equipment to its original condition and close the cabinet door.
Check and handover the equipment that the user has purchased.
Note down all the operations taken, including time of the operation and name of the operator.
If any defect is found in this equipment, inform the personnel responsible for the contract.
If repairing is needed, please fill in the FAILURE REPORT and send the report together with the defective unit to the repairing center for fault analysis.
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 13

Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D

This chapter introduces the front panel and functional keys briefly, and expounds screen contents, access method, system controlling, information querying and parameter setting.
After the monitoring module is powered on, the language selection screen will pop up, and the monitoring module is initialized. The default language is Chinese. After the initialization, the first system information page will appear.

4.1 Front Panel

There are backlit LCD display, functional keypad, indicators and positioning pin on the front panel of M500D monitoring module, as shown in the following figure:
Alarm indicator
Run indicator
Critical alarm indicator
Functional keys
Figure 1.1 Front panel of M500D monitoring module
Description of the indicators on the front panel is in the following table:
Table 1.2 Monitoring module indicator description
Indicator Normal state Fault state Fault cause Run (green) On Off No operation power supply Alarm (yellow) Off On There are observation alarms Critical alarm (red) Off On There are major or critical alarm
M500D monitoring module uses a 128 × 64 LCD, a keypad with 6 keys. The interface language is Chinese/English optional.
Table 1.3 Description of monitoring module keypad
Key Function ESC Return to the upper level menu ENT Enter the main menu or confirm the menu operation “” and “ Shift among parallel menus. For a character string, these 2 keys can be used to shift among different options ““ and ““ Change values at a value setting interface. For a character string, these 2 keys can move the cursor left or right

4.2 Power On Order

After the system is powered on for the first time, you should set the system type according to the actual configuration. The monitoring module will restart after the system type is changed. In that case, you should re-configure those parameters whose default values are inconsistent with the actual situation. Only after that can the monitoring module operate normally.
After configuring the system parameters, you can carry out various operations directly without resetting the parameter values. As for those important parameters related to battery management, such as BLVD, you should be fully aware of their influence upon the system before you change their values.
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14 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
2. Note
For the exact meanings of the abbreviations used in LCD displayer, see Appendix 7 Glossary.
1. The LCD will prompt you to select a language once the monitoring module is powered on.
You can use “◄”, “►”, “▲” or “▼” to select the language you want, and press “ENT” to confirm.
2. The monitoring module will prompt you to wait, and start initialization.
3. The first system information page appears
53.5V 125A
System:No Alarm
Auto /BC
The system information is shown in many pages. You can repeatedly press “▼” to view other system information pages in a cycle.
4. At any system information page, press “ESC” to enter the help page, which displays software version (SW), product code (PC), product reversion (PR) and serial number (SS).
SW: V1.20
PC: 1M502D
PR: A00
SS: 01051200012
5. At any system information page, press “ENT” to enter the “MAIN MENU” page, which contains 3 sub-menus: “Status”, “Maintenance” and “Settings”.
You can press “▲” or “▼” repeatedly to select a sub-menu, and press “ENT” to enter the sub-menu. Press “ESC” to return to the menu of higher level.
1) Status
Including rectifier information, active alarm information and alarm history information.
2) Maintenance
The maintenance operation can be conducted only when the battery management mode is set to “Manual”. The maintenance includes battery FC, BC and test, load power off/on, battery power off/on and rectifier voltage trimming, current limit, switch control and resetting.
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 15
3) Settings
Including the setting of alarm parameter, battery parameter, AC/DC parameter, rectifier parameter and system parameter.

4.3 Querying System Status

4.3.1 First Page Of System Information

1. At the main menu page, press “ESC” to return to the first system information page.
2. If no operation is conducted on the monitoring module keypad for 8 minutes, the LCD will return to the first system information page and shut down the back light to protect the screen. Pressing any key will turn on the back light.
The first system information page contains the major system operation information, including date/time, busbar voltage, total load current, system operation state (normal or alarm), battery management mode (AUTO or MANUAL) and battery state.
Among which, the battery state include FC, temperature compensation, BC, Cyclic Boost, test, short test and scheduled test. The current time are displayed in two pages shifting at the interval of 2s. One page shows year, month and date, the other shows hour, minute and second. The year is displayed with four digits; other time units are in two digits.
53.5V 125A
System:No Alarm
Auto /BC
53.5V 125A
System: No Alarm
Auto /BC
3. Note
1. At this page, you may use “” and “" to adjust the LCD contrast (7-level).
2. If there has been no keypad operation for 8 minutes, the monitoring module will return to the first system information page. The time of that return will be recorded automatically, and can be queried through the host.

4.3.2 Other System Information Pages

The system information is shown in many pages. The default page of the monitoring module after the system power on is the system information first page. You can press “▲” or “▼” to scroll up or down to view more operation information, as shown in the following page:
Battery information page
Batt1: 50A
Remain : 60%
Batt2: 50A
Remain: 60%
1. Battery 1, battery 2
They represent respectively the current of the battery that battery shunt 1 and shunt 2 is connected to. If the “Shunt Coeff” of a certain battery group is set to “No”, this situation will be reflected at the battery information page by “Not connected”, and no actual capacity will be displayed.
2. Actual battery capacity
The monitoring module can approximately calculate the remaining battery capacity in real time. Through configuration at the host, the remaining battery capacity can be displayed in the mode of percentage, remaining Ah or remaining time, etc. The default is the percentage.
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16 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
During the normal BC/FC management, the monitoring module regards the rated capacity as the capacity that each battery group can reach. When the battery discharges, the monitoring module will calculate the battery remaining capacity according to the discharge current, discharge time and the preset “battery discharge curve”. When the battery is being charged, the monitoring module will calculate the real-time battery capacity according to the detected charge current, charge time and preset “battery charge efficiency”. If the calculated battery remaining capacity is higher than the rated capacity, the monitoring module will automatically change the calculated battery remaining capacity to the rated capacity.
AC information page
1. If the power system is a 3-phase input system with manual-switchover between 2 AC inputs, the voltage of the three phases will be displayed.
Phase A: 221V
Phase B: 225V
Phase C: 223V
2. If the power system is a 1-phase input system with manual-switchover between 2 AC inputs, the single-phase voltage will be displayed.
AC 
Single: 221V
3. If there is no AC sampling board in the power system, the LCD will display the max and min AC input voltages of all rectifiers.
Rect AC Volt
Max: 230V
Min: 220V
BC prompt and temperature information page
System Power:
Cyc BC After:
Bat . Temp
If the monitoring module bans BC and no temperature sensor is configured, this page will not be displayed.
The first line of the information page displays the BC prompts, which will be different with different systems, including:
1. Prompt the time of next Cyclic Boost according to the battery state
2. If BC is going on, the “Charging” will be prompted
3. If BC is disabled, this row will be empty
The 2nd and 3rd rows of the page are the temperature information detected by the temperature sensor. The display will vary with different parameter settings (see 4.7 for parameter setting). If the temperature sensor is not connected or is faulty, system will prompt invalid. Meanwhile, the 4th row will display “Check Temp Sensor”.
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 17

4.4 Querying Rectifier Status

The rectifier information includes the rectifier serial No., voltage, current, current limit, mains situation, rectifier power limit and temperature power limit.
1. At any page of the system information, press “ENT” to enter the main menu.
2. Use “▲” or “▼” keys to select the “Status” sub-menu in the main menu, and press “ENT” to confirm.
Active Alarm
Alarm History
3. Use “▲” or “▼” to select the “Rectifiers” submenu, as shown in the above figure. Press “ENT” to confirm.
Rectifier 1:
53.5V 12.3A
Inp On Out On
AC Volt: 220V ▼
Rectifier 1:
Power Used:
Temp. Derated: Y
SW: V1.20
PC: 1RS4800
PR: A00
SS: 01051200012▼
The information of every rectifier is displayed in three pages. The information in the first page includes: output voltage and current, input/ output on/off state and AC input voltage. The information in the second page includes: the states of “Power Used” (the percentage of actual output power in rated output power) and “Temp Derated”. The information in the third page includes: software version (SW), product code (PC), product reversion (PR) and serial number (SS). Press “►” to scroll to the next page, or “◄” to return to the last.
4. Press “▼” or “▲” to query other rectifier’s information.
At most 48 pieces of rectifier’s information can be displayed. If the rectifier does not exist, there will be no information. If the rectifier communication is interrupted, the information will be displayed in high light.
5. At any rectifier information page, press “ESC” repeatedly and you can return to the higher-level menus.

4.5 Querying Alarms And Setting Alarm Plans

The monitoring module can locate and record the system fault according to the collected data, as well as raise audible/visual alarms and output through dry contact according to the preset alarm level. Meanwhile, it reports the alarms to the host.
You can query historical alarms and active alarms through the LCD of the monitoring module.

4.5.1 Querying Active Alarm

When a new alarm is raised, and there is no operation on monitoring module keypad within 2 minutes, the LCD of the monitoring module will prompt automatically the active alarm.
If there are multiple alarms in the current system, you can query alarms through the following steps:
1. At any system information page, press “ENT” to enter the main menu
2. Use “▲” or “▼” to select the “Status” submenu in the main menu and press “ENT” to confirm.
Active Alarm
Alarm History
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18 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
3. Press “▲” or “▼” to select the “Active Alarm”, as shown in the above figure, and press “ENT” to confirm.
1) If there is no active alarm, “Active Alarm: None” will be displayed
2) If there is any alarm, the display will be like the following:
1 Major Alarm
AC1 Ph-A Failure
040412 12:30:23
The information in the active alarm information pages includes: alarm serial No., alarm level, alarm name and time (year, month, day, hour, minute and second). The alarm raising time determines the sequence it is displayed, with the latest alarm displayed first. Use “▲” or “▼” to view all active alarms.
While querying rectifier alarms, press “►”, and the rectifier ID will be displayed, and the “Run” indicator of the corresponding rectifier will blink.
Rect ID
 01051200012
In the case of battery test alarm or maintenance time alarm, press “►” to display the prompt information.
Press ENT Clear,
ESC Key Quit.
In the prompt page, press “ENT” to confirm the alarm.
4. At any active alarm information page, press “ESC” repeatedly and you can return to the higher-level menus.

4.5.2 Querying Alarm History

1. At any system information page, press “ENT” to enter the main menu
2. Press “▲” or “▼” to select the “Status” submenu, and press “ENT” to confirm.
 Rectifiers
Active Alarm
Alarm History
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 19
3. Use “▲” or “▼” to select the “Alarm History”, as shown in the above figure and press “ENT” to confirm.
If there is no historical alarm, the prompt will be “Alarm History: None”.
The historical alarms of the monitoring module are stored in cyclic order. Up to 200 alarms will be recorded. Above that, the earliest alarm will be cleared automatically.
1 Alarm
040411 20:08:30
040411 22:08:30
At the monitoring module, the displayed historical alarm information includes: alarm serial No., alarm name and alarm start/end time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
If it is a rectifier that raised the alarm, the ID of that rectifier will be displayed.
4. At any Alarm History information page, press “ESC” repeatedly to return to the higher-level menus.

4.5.3 Alarm Type Table

The alarm type table of the system is as follows.
Table 1.1 Alarm type table
Alarm Description
Default related
Related parameter
Load Fuse Alarm
Load failure caused by overload, short circuit, manual disconnect, and alarm circuit failure
Critical 6
2 LVD1 Load low voltage disconnects Critical 5 LLVD enabled 3 LVD2 Battery low voltage disconnects Critical 4 BLVD enabled
4 Batt Curr High
Charging current of battery higher than the setting of “Over” (Charging over current limit)
Observati on
Batt Fuse Alarm
Batt Failure caused by overload, short circuit, manual disconnect, and alarm circuit failure
Critical None
Non Float Status
Including auto boost charge, cyclic boost charge, constant current test, and short test
NoAlarm 7
7 Batt Discharge Battery is discharging NoAlarm None
Curr Discrepancy
If the DC Power System has shunts, the addition of measured load current and Battery current differs rectifier output current noticeably
NoAlarm None
9 Short Test Fail
Short Test Fault, In short test, difference in discharging current of two batteries is bigger than setting value
Observati on
10 Batt Test Fail Battery discharging time shorter than expected
Observati on
Volt Discrepancy
Actual output voltage is different from both the measured DC bus voltage and different from the voltaged reported by the rectifier to SCU. The error is bigger than 1V
Observati on
12 DC Volt Low#2 DC output voltage very low Critical 2
DC output under­voltage alarm point
13 DC Volt Low#1 DC output voltage low Critical 2
DC output under­voltage alarm point
14 DC Volt High#1 DC output voltage high Critical 2
DC output over­voltage alarm point
15 DC Volt High#2 DC output voltage very high Critical 2
DC output over­voltage alarm point
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20 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
Alarm Description
Default related
Related parameter
16 Mains Failure
All the AC input voltages from the rectifier are less than 80V
Major 1
AC Voltage Low2#
AC input voltage less than “AC Low#2”. The default for AC Voltage Low#2 is 80Vac
Observati on
AC input under­voltage alarm point
AC Voltage Low1#
AC input voltage lower than the setting of “AC Low#1”. The default for AC Voltage Low#1 is 180Vac
Observati on
AC input under­voltage alarm point
AC Voltage High
AC input voltage higher than the setting of “AC High”. The default for AC Voltage High is 280Vac
Observati on
AC input over­voltage alarm point
20 Maintain Alarm Time to maintain system
Observati on
21 Self-detect Err Hardware Self-detect Error No Alarm None
22 Manual Mode Battery management is in manual control mode
Observati on
23 High Load
When system reaches settable level of total
capacity. The default is 75% 24 Power Major System contains Major or Critical alarm (red LED) Critical None 25 Power Minor System contains Observation alarm (yellow LED) Critical None
26 Rectifier Lost
The controller has detected a reduction in the
number of running rectifiers
Observati on
Multi-Rect Alarm
More than two rectifiers alarm Critical None
Load share Alarm
The output current of one rectifier is higher than
the certain value and higher than the average
value for all rectifiers
Critical None
Rect Not Respond
Rectifier does not communicate with M500D Major 3
30 Rect AC Fail AC input voltage of this rectifier lower than 80V Major 3
31 Rect HVSD
This rectifier output voltage was higher than the
rectfier HVSD setting and has shut down
Major 3
32 Rect Failure
Serious load sharing alarm (the output current of
the rectifier is lower than 1A and the average load
is greater than 6A). Or rectifier’s ID repetition
Critical 3
33 Rect Protect
AC over voltage or Rectifier PFC failure or
current imbalance or Over-temperature or AC
Low voltage or AC phase loss or position pin
failure or Inner communication fault
Observati on
34 Rect Fan Fails Rectifier fan fails Major 3
35 Rect Derated
Rectifier AC input voltage is low and the rectifier
internal temperature is high and high load
Observati on
36 Temp Alarm
Temperature higher or Lower than the setting of
Temp,inluding Ambient temp and battery Temp
Observati on
37 Batt Over Temp
Battery temperature higher than the setting of
“High Temp”, inluding temperature sensor fault
Major None
Over-temperature alarm point
Digital 1 ~ Digital 6
Alarm name can be defined by users. Whether
the alarm is triggered at high voltage level or low
voltage level can be configured
No alarm 8
Digital7 /LVD1 Alarm
Alarm name can be defined by users. Whether
the alarm is triggered at high voltage level or low
voltage level can be configured
No alarm None
Digital8 /LVD2 Alarm
Alarm name can be defined by users. Whether
the alarm is triggered at high voltage level or low
voltage level can be configured
No alarm None
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 21

4.5.4 Changing Audible/Visual Alarm And Alarm Call Back Plan

There are different audible/visual alarms and call back modes for alarms of different levels. For the products in China market, the alarming mode for major alarms and critical alarms are the same.
Table 1.1 Different alarms and call back modes for different alarm levels
Alarm level Red indicator Yellow indicator Alarm horn Call back Remark
Critical ON / ON Y Callback No. can be set
Major ON / ON Y Callback No. can be set
Observation / ON OFF N
No alarm OFF OFF OFF N
Therefore, changing the alarm level of different alarms may change their audible/visual alarm mode and call back plan too.
Pressing any key on the monitoring module can silence the alarm sound. The sound will disappear and alarm indicator will be off when all alarms are cleared.
You can configure how long an alarm sound will last, or choose to make no alarm sound. For details, see 4.7.11
Alarms Settings.

4.5.5 Changing Alarm Types Of Dry Contacts

As one of the alarm type parameter, “Related Relay” refers to the serial No. of the dry contract corresponding to the alarm type, whose value is either 1 ~ 8 or “None”. “None” means there is no corresponding dry contact. For details, see Alarm Settings.

4.6 Maintenance

4. Note
1. This operation can be conducted only when the battery management is set to “Manual”.
2. Be careful! BLVD operations may result in power interruption.
1. At any information page, press “ENT” to enter the main menu.
2. Press “▼” to select the “Maintenance” menu.
You cannot enter the system Maintenance menu if the “Battery Management” is set to “Auto”.
3. Press “ENT” and input the correct operation password. Press “ENT” again to enter the “Maintenance” menu.
Enter Password:
To input the password, use “▲” or “▼” to modify numbers, and use “◄” or “►” to move the cursor. After the input, press “ENT” to confirm.
If the password is incorrect, system will prompt “password incorrect”.
5. Note
You can choose to enter the “Maintenance” menu by using either the user, operator or administrator password, for in this menu, all users have the same authority.
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22 Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D
4. Press “▲” or “▼” to scroll to the operation page you need.
There are two pages:
Start: BC
Batt: Reconnect
Load: Disconnect
RectTrim: 53.5V
RectLimit: 110%
Rect1: DC On
5. Press "◄" and "►" to select the needed action.
“Start”: The options include “FC”, “BC” and “Test”. If system is not configured with any battery, the control would be invalid. If there is AC power off alarm, or the busbar voltage is too low, the BC and battery test control will not be executed by the system. No battery test control can be conducted when the rectifier communication is interrupted. Finally, after the battery test, the battery management mode will be changed from “Manual” to “Auto” automatically.
“Battery”: The options include “Reconnect” and “Disconnect”. If there is no battery, or there is a battery alarm, the battery operations will be invalid.
“Load”: The options include “Reconnect” and “Disconnect”.
The following maintenance over the rectifier can be conducted only when the power system is in the FC state.
”RectTrim”: Range: 42V ~ 58V. It can be used to improve the current sharing among rectifiers. Note that the value of this parameter cannot exceed the over-voltage alarm point, or the parameter will be invalid.
”RectLimit”: Range: 10% ~ 121%.
The maintenance operations over a single rectifier include: “DC ON/OFF”, “AC ON/OFF” and “Reset”. The operation method is:
1) Use “▲” or ” ▼” to select the rectifier parameter, and “◄” or “►” to change the rectifier serial No. Then press “ENT” to confirm. The bottom line of the page displays the rectifier ID.
2) Use “▲” or “▼” to move the cursor to the maintenance operation area, and “◄” or “►” to select the value.
If the rectifier voltage is too high, you can select “Reset” to restore the output voltage of that rectifier to normal.
6. There will be prompts as the confirmation of control commands. If the maintenance operation is valid, system will prompt you press “ENT” to confirm and execute the operation, or “ESC” to abort the operation. Otherwise, system will prompt you the operation is invalid, and press “ESC” to quit.
Press ENT to run
Other Key Quit
No Maintain!
ESC Quit.
Press “ESC” to return to the menu of higher level.

4.7 Setting System Parameters

Battery parameters are very important, for they are related to the life of battery. Before delivery, the battery parameters have been initialized. Without any special needs, you only need to reset the battery group number and battery capacity, and accept the defaults for other parameters.
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Chapter 4 Use Of Monitoring Module M500D 23

4.7.1 Parameter Setting Method

1. At any system information page, press “ENT” to enter the main menu.
2. Use “▲” or “▼” to select the submenu “Settings” and press “ENT” to confirm. System will then prompt you to input the password.
Enter Password:
3. Press "◄" or "►" to select the number of password digits. Enter the password digit by digit using “▲” or “▼”. Press “ENT” to confirm and enter the parameter setting submenu.
Alarms Settings
Battery Settings
AC Settings
Parameter Set
DC Settings
Rect Settings
Sys Settings
Users with different password levels have different authorities. See the following table:
Table 1.1 Different password levels and relevant different authorities
Level Authority Default password User Configuration of general parameters 1 Operator User’s authority, plus resetting system, resetting password and modifying system type 2
Operator’s authority, plus modifying password of all levels, controling alarm sound volume, browsing system parameters that can be set only through the host
4. There are two pages of “Settings”. Shift page by using “▼” or “▲”, and select the parameter by using “▼” or “▲”. Press “ENT” to confirm.
As shown in the above figure, the monitoring module divides the parameters to be set into 6 kinds: alarms parameter, battery parameter, AC parameter, DC parameter, rectifier parameter and system parameter.
Among which, the battery parameters are divided into 5 kinds: basic, BLVD, charging management, battery test, temperature coefficient, and they are displayed in two pages, as shown below:
LVD Setting
Temp Comp
What follows is the description of the parameter functions and values by dividing them into 5 small categories and 5 big categories.
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+ 97 hidden pages