NetSure™ 4015
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
30 kW 400V DC Power System
System Features
n 30 kW capacity (15 kW N+1)
n Hot pluggable 15 kW rectifiers
n 97% power conversion efficiency
n Input to output isolation
n AC input: 380 VAC, 400 VAC
or 480 VAC
n Up to (18) output load breakers
n Battery trays for up to 30 minutes
of runtime at 15 kW
n UL 60950-1 Listed (US & Canada),
CE Marked
Additional Information
Power & Control Sub-Rack Data Sheet
Load Distribution Sub-Rack Data Sheet
Battery Tray Data Sheet
System Application Guide
NetSure™ 4015 Pre-Quote Form
A safe, reliable and efficient AC to DC power system
intended for 400V DC critical power applications.
The NetSure™ 4015 is an AC to DC power system designed for applications operating
up to 400V DC. The foundation of the system is our patented, next generation 15 kW
rectifier, featuring high frequency switching technology in a compact package.
Equipped with these rectifiers, this 400V DC power system offers high efficiency over
a wide operating range in addition to exceptional NetSure
Designed for easy deployment in lab evaluation or field installations, all components
of this system fit into standard 19" IT racks. The three major components are:
1. Power and Control Sub-Rack (6U)
2. Load Distribution Sub-Rack (6U)
3. Battery Tray(s) (4U each)
The NetSure
4015 is a configurable system that can be integrated into a 24U or 42U
tall rack, either with or without batteries.
Safety features include operation with high resistance
mid-point ground. With
Power System
400V DC
permanent high resistance
between both the positive and
negative busses and ground
[see Figure 1], personal safety
is increased. Available current
that could accidentally flow
through an individual or equipment from line to ground is
limited to a level consistent
Figure 1: High Resistance Mid-Point Ground Schematic
with today’s -48V DC systems.
+200V DC
400V DC
-200V DC
200V DC
200V DC
30 kW System Shown in a 42U Rack
An independent, online ground fault detection (GFD) system is included to alert users
to unintended insulation breakdowns in the system. The NetSure
4015 can also be fac-
tory configured for other grounding topologies upon request.
eSure™ R400-15000e Efficiency
1EN609DRA-NS4015 / 0913

NetSure™ 4015
Technical Specifications
System Input
Nominal Voltage 380 VAC, 400 VAC, 480 VAC; 3 phase, 4 wire
Input Voltage Range
Operating range: 260 VAC to 530 VAC
Full power: 304 VAC to 530 VAC; Derated: 260 VAC to 304 VAC
Input Frequency 45 Hz to 65 Hz
Upstream Breaker
63 A @ 400 VAC, 50 A @ 480 VAC; 30 kW full power
System Output
Voltage Range 290 VDC to 400 VDC adjustable
Output Power 30 kW maximum @ Vout > 336 VDC
Voltage Regulation 0.5% for full operating range
Grounding Configurations
• High resistance mid-point ground with ground fault detection
• Negative pole ground
Efficiency Peak: 97%
Operating Temperature Full rating: -5 °C to +35 °C; Recommend 20 °C to 25 °C with batteries
Relative Humidity 0% to 95% non condensing
Audible Noise < 55 dB(A)
EMI EN 300 386, Class A and FCC Part 15, Class A
RoHS RoHS compliant (pending)
Optional Battery Tray
Battery Type High rate discharge lead acid (VRLA), flame retardant (V0) case
Battery Capacity 35 Watt/cell (15 min. rate), see battery backup table below
Battery Details
28 x 12 V blocks; Enersys DataSafe
336 VDC nominal, 378 VDC float
NPX-35TFR or equivalent
Tray Mechanical 4 RU high, 118 kg (260 lbs) installed
Mechanical Cabinet Specification
Rectifier Form Factor Hot pluggable module
Rectifier Weight 10 kg (22 lb.)
Rack Dimensions (H x W x D)
System Weight
24 RU: 1194 mm x 600 mm x 1000 mm (47" x 24" x 40")
42 RU: 2000 mm x 600 mm x 1000 mm (79" x 24" x 40")
See System Application Guide
Cabling Details Top or bottom cabling; front and rear access required
Safety Agencies UL Listed per UL60950-1 (cUL for Canada)
CE Marking per low voltage directive (EN 60950) and the EMC directive
Cabinet IP 20
Ordering Information
Part Number Description
584000300 NetSure
Email NetSure4000Series@Emerson.com for more information.
4015, 30kW 400V DC Power System
System Shown in a 24U Rack
Load Distribution Sub-Rack (6 RU high)
Up to (9) circuit b reakers, output from 6 A -63 A
Optional 125 A main load breaker (req for UL)
Up to (2) sub-racks per system
Power and Control Sub-Rack (6 RU high)
2 x 15 kW rectifiers, ACU+ controller
2 x AC input circuit breaker, 3-phase, 4-wire
Local system shutdown
Ground fault detection (HRMG only)
Battery Tray (4 RU high)
28 x 35 W/cell – 336 VDC nomi nal; 378 VDC float
Remote tr ip c.b.; Up to (5) batter y trays/system
Battery Backup Time (min.)
Load 1 2 3 4 5
5 kW 15 50 >60 >60 >60
10 kW 9 18 31 44 50
15 kW 10 18 27 32
20 kW 7 12 18 24
25 kW 5 8 13 18
30 kW 6 10 13
Note: Backup times based on 25 ˚C ambient
with fully charged batteries.
Number of Strings/Trays
EmersonNetworkPower.com/EnergySystems (North America)
EmersonNetworkPower.eu/EnergySystems (EMEA)
© Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. 2013.
Business-Critical Continuity™, Emerson Network Power™, the Emer son Net work Power l ogo, Emer son™ and Consi der it Solv ed are ser vice mark s and
tradem arks of Eme rson Ele ctric Co. E nergyMa ster
Netw ork Power, Ener gy Systems , North Am erica, In c. Any other p roduct , brand, or co mpany names o r logos are t he proper ty of the r especti ve owner.
2 EN609DRA-NS4015 / 0913
, eSure™, NetPerform™, NetReach™, NetSpan™, NetSu re™ and NetXtend™ are trad emarks of E merson
While ev ery prec aution has b een taken to e nsure accur acy and
completeness herein, Emerson Electric Co. assumes no responsibility,
and disc laims all liab ility, for da mages resul ting from u se of this
information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications subject to
change without notice.