Emerson Net Safety Millennium II Reference Manual

Reference Manual
Part Number: MAN-0076, rev. 09
Millennium II Multi-Channel Transmitter
Release: June 2016
Important Instructions
Installing, operating or maintaining a Net Safety Product improperly could lead to serious injury or death from explosion or exposure to dangerous substances. Comply with all information on the product, in this manual, and in any local and national codes that apply to the product. Do not allow untrained per sonnel to work with this p r o d uc t. U se Net Safety parts and work procedures speci fied in this manual.
Net Safety Monitoring, Inc (Net Safety) designs, manufactures and tests product s to f uncti on within specific conditio ns. Be c ause these products are sophisticated technical i nstruments, it is impor tant that the owner and operation personnel must strictly adhere both to the information printed on the product nameplate and to all instructions provided in this manual prior to installation, operation, and maintenance.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they ar e n o t to be construed as warranti es or guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.
All sales are governed by Net Safety’s terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We
reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time. Net Safety does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product.
Responsibility for proper selection, use and maintenance of any Net Safety products remains solely with the purchaser and end-user.
To the best of Net Safety’s knowledge the information herein is complete and accurate. Net Safety makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpo se with respect to this manual and, in no event, shall Net Safety be liable for any incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of production, loss of profits, loss of revenue or use and costs incurred including without limitation for capital, fuel and power, and claims o f third parties.
Product names used herein are for manufacturer or supplier identification only and may be trademarks/registered trademarks of these co m panies.
Net Safety and the Net Saf ety logo are registere d tr ad emarks of Net Safety Monitoring, Inc. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of the Emerson Electric Comp any.
Copyright © 2016 by R o se mount, Shakopee, MN.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical without first re c e iving written permission of Rosemount, Shakopee, MN.
Limited Warranty
Resale Products
Limitation of Remedy and Liability
1. and Liability) herei n, Se l l e r warrants that (a) the licensed firmware embodied in the Goods will execute the programming instructions provided by Seller; (b) that the Goods manufactured by Seller will be free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal us e and ca re; and (c) Services will be performed by trained personnel using proper equipment and instrumentation for the particular Service provided. The foregoing warranties will apply until the expiration of the applicable warranty period. Sensors and det e c to r s are warranted against def e ct ive parts and workmanship for 24 m onths from the date of purc hase and other electronic assemblies for 36 months from the date of purchase. Products purc hased by Seller from a thir d p ar ty for resale to Buyer ( manufacturer. Buyer ag r e es that Seller has no liabi lity for Resale Products beyond making a reasonable commercial effort to arrange for procurement and shipping of the Resale Products. If Buyer discovers any warranty defects and notif ies Seller thereof in writing during the applicable warranty period, Seller shall, at its option, (i) correct any errors that are found by Seller in the firmware or Services; (ii) repair or replace FOB point of manufacture that portion of the Goods found by Seller to be defective; or (iii) refund the purchase price of the defective portion of the Goods/Services. All replacements or repairs necessitated by inadequate maintenance; normal we ar and usage; unsuitable power source s o r e nv ironmental conditions; accident; misuse; improper installation; modification; repair; use of unauthorized replacement parts; storage or handl i n g; or any other cause not the fault of Seller, are not covered by this limited warranty and shall be replaced or repaired at Buyer’s sole expense and Seller shall not be obligated to pay any costs or charges incurred by Buyer or any other party except as may be agreed upon in writing in advance by Seller. All costs of dismantling, reinstallation, freight and the time and expenses of Seller’s per so nn el and representatives f o r site travel and diagnosis under this limited warranty clause shall be borne by Buyer unless accepted in writing by Seller. Goods repaired and parts replaced by Seller during the warranty period shall be in warranty for the remainder of the original warranty period or 90 days, whichever is longer. This limited warranty is the only warranty made by Seller and can b e amended only in a writing signed by an authorized representative of Seller. The limited warranty herein ceases to be effective if Buyer fails to operate and use the Goods sold hereunder in a safe and reasonable manner a n d in accordance with any wr i t ten instructions from the manufacturers. THE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE. THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO MERC HANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT T O AN Y OF T HE GOODS OR SERVICES.
. Subject to the limitations contained in Section 10 (Limitation of Remedy
) shall carry only the warr an ty e xtended by the original
Reference Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents I
MAN-0076 Revision 09 June 2016
Section 1 : Introducti on .................................................................. 1
1.1 Models covered ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Service support ............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Return of material......................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Product recycling/disposal ............................................................................................ 1
Section 2 : Installation .................................................................... 2
2.1 Unpacking and inspection ............................................................................................ 2
2.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Mounting ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.3.1 Transmitter orientation options ...................................................................... 2
2.3.2 Faceplate rotation .......................................................................................... 3
2.4 Wiring .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.4.1 General requirements ..................................................................................... 4
2.4.2 Terminal connection ....................................................................................... 5
2.4.3 Cable choice and guidelines ............................................................................ 5
2.4.4 Important wiring guidelines ............................................................................ 5
2.4.5 Internal ground screw ..................................................................................... 6
2.4.6 External ground .............................................................................................. 6
2.4.7 Seals ............................................................................................................... 6
2.4.8 Analog output, isolated supply, non-isolated supply and jumper configuration7
2.4.9 Remotely mounted sensors jumper configuration .......................................... 8
2.4.10 Sensor and transmitte r terminals .................................................................... 8
2.4.11 Remote reset .................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Sensor separation/remote mounting of sensor ........................................................... 10
2.5.1 Wiring diagrams ........................................................................................... 11
2.6 Installation checkl ist ................................................................................................... 12
Section 3 : Operation .................................................................... 13
3.1 Transmitter and fac e p l ate description ........................................................................ 13
3.1.1 Display.......................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Status LED .................................................................................................... 13
3.1.3 Current loop measurement (test jacks) ......................................................... 14
3.1.4 Menu buttons and access .............................................................................. 14 Intrusive access ............................................................................................. 14 Non-Intrusive Access/Magnetic Reed switch Access ...................................... 14
3.2 Transmitter power up ................................................................................................. 14
Section 4 : Programming .............................................................. 15
4.1 Menu options ............................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Navigating main menu ............................................................................................... 15
4.3 Calibrate sensor .......................................................................................................... 17
4.4 Enable/Disable channels ............................................................................................. 17
4.5 Set alarm level ............................................................................................................ 17
4.6 Set relay option .......................................................................................................... 18
4.7 Relay assignment ....................................................................................................... 18
4.8 Alarm mode setting .................................................................................................... 20
4.9 Select display lang uag e .............................................................................................. 20
4.10 Modbus Setup ............................................................................................................ 20
4.11 Setup current date ...................................................................................................... 21
4.12 Setup current time ..................................................................................................... 21
4.13 View events log .......................................................................................................... 21
Table of Contents Reference Manual
Table of Contents II
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4.14 Manual reset ............................................................................................................... 22
4.15 Self-test relay.............................................................................................................. 22
4.16 Sensor upper limit (range) .......................................................................................... 23
4.17 Select gas type ........................................................................................................... 23
4.18 Calibration gas val ue................................................................................................... 24
4.19 Serial number and firmware version ............................................................................ 24
4.20 Exit ............................................................................................................................. 24
Section 5 : Calibrati on pr ocedure .................................................. 25
5.1 Full calibration procedure ........................................................................................... 25
5.2 Status conditions during calibration............................................................................ 28
Section 6 : Monitoring and outputs ............................................... 29
6.1 Analog 4-20mA .......................................................................................................... 29
6.2 HART Communication (Optional) ............................................................................... 29
6.3 Relays (Optional) ........................................................................................................ 30
6.3.1 Alarm relay(s) ............................................................................................... 30
6.3.2 Fault relay ..................................................................................................... 30
6.4 RS-485 Modbus RTU (Optional) .................................................................................. 31
6.4.1 Modbus registers .......................................................................................... 32
6.5 Transmitter output operation ..................................................................................... 33
6.6 Fault monitoring ......................................................................................................... 33
6.7 Fault conditions .......................................................................................................... 34
6.7.1 Transmitter fault conditions .......................................................................... 34
6.7.2 Sensor fault conditions ................................................................................. 35
Section 7 : Maintenance ................................................................ 36
7.1 Periodic response check ............................................................................................. 36
7.2 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Storage ...................................................................................................................... 36
7.4 Spare parts and accessories ........................................................................................ 37
Section 8 : Electrostatic sensitiv e device ....................................... 39
Section 9 : Wire resistance table ................................................... 40
Section 10 : S pe cifications ............................................................ 41
10.1 Electrical ..................................................................................................................... 41
10.1.1 Operating voltage r ang e ............................................................................... 41
10.1.2 Power consumption ...................................................................................... 41
10.1.3 EMC compliance ........................................................................................... 41
10.2 Environmental ............................................................................................................ 41
10.2.1 Operating temperature ................................................................................ 41
10.2.2 Relative humidity .......................................................................................... 41
10.2.3 Ingress protection......................................................................................... 41
10.3 Mechanical ................................................................................................................. 41
10.3.1 Enclosure material ........................................................................................ 41
10.3.2 Conduit opening ........................................................................................... 41
10.3.3 Weight ......................................................................................................... 42
10.4 Warranty .................................................................................................................... 42
Section 11 : Certifications ............................................................. 43
11.1 North American .......................................................................................................... 43
11.2 IECEx .......................................................................................................................... 43
Reference Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents III
MAN-0076 Revision 09 June 2016
11.3 FC Models ................................................................................................................... 43
11.3.1 North American ............................................................................................ 43
11.3.2 IECEx (aluminum) ......................................................................................... 43
11.3.3 IECEx (stainless) ............................................................................................ 43
Section 12 : Ordering information ................................................ 44
12.1 M21 single channel tr ansmitter .................................................................................. 44
12.2 M22 dual channel transmitter ..................................................................................... 45
Reference Manual Introduction
Introduction 1
Rosemount 6021 Innovation Boulevard Shakopee, MN 5 5379
RMA number
MAN-0076, Revisio n 09 June 2016
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Models covered
A Millennium II gas detection system is composed of a field mounted transmitter and Millennium II series sensors whic h may be integrally mounted to the transmitter or remotely mounted.
The transmitter is cer tified for use in hazardou s l o c ations and is available as a si ng l e o r d ual sensor system. All operator controls including configuration and calibration can be accessed without opening the enclosure by using other communication devices and the attached magnet to actuate magnetic Reed switches. Available outputs are: conventional 4 to 20 mA analog, Analog/HART, electromechanical relays, or Modbus RTU digital.
1.2 Service support
Technical support for this product can be provided by contacting your local Emerson Process Management representative or by contacting the Technical Support department at +1 866 347 3427 (toll free) or Safety.CSC@Emerson.com
1.3 Return of material
To expedite the return of this product, proper communication between the customer and the factory is important. Before returning a product, call +1 866 347 3427 (tol l f r ee ) or e-mail
On the return of the equipment, include the following information:
1. RMA number provided to you by Rosemount
2. Company name and contact information
3. Ship all equipment, prepaid to:
4. Mark all packages wi th t he Pack items to protect them from damage and use anti-static bags or aluminum-backed cardboard as
protection from electrostatic damage.
All equipment must be shipped prepaid. Collect shipments will not be accepted.
for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number.
and type of return (e.g. return for evaluation)
1.4 Product recycling/disposal
Recycling of equipment and packaging should be taken into consideration and disposed of in accordance with local and national legislations/regulations.
Installation Reference Manual
2 Installation
Figure 2-1 - Dimensions
June 2016 MAN-0076, Revisio n 09
Section 2: Installation
2.1 Unpacking and inspection
Carefully remove all of the components from the packaging and ver i f y the m against the enclosed packing list. Inspect all components for any obvious damage such as broken or loose parts. If you find any components missing or damaged, notify your local Net Safety representative or the factory immediately.
2.2 Dimensions
The Millennium II transmitter enclosure is available in aluminum (A359) and stainless steel ( SS316). Dimensions are provided in inches and [millimeters].
*M20, 1/2” NPT, and 1/2” BSP threads also available
2.3 Mounting
Ensure transmitter and sensor are securely mounted as per local regulations. The transmitter has mounting holes to allow mounting to a wall or pole as desired. Mounting kit hardware is required when mounting the transmitter a pole. Contact your local Net Safety representative for detailed information on the pole mounting kits. The transmitter should be mounted at ey e -level and be easily accessible for monitoring and maintenance p ur p oses.
2.3.1 Transmitter orientation o ptions
Depending on the installa ti o n and m o unting requirements, the trans m i tter enc l o sure (housing) may be mounted in different orie ntations as seen in Figure 2-2. To accommodate the different mo unting orientations, the electronics module can be rotated inside the transmitter enclosure.
Reference Manual Installation
Installation 3
Ensure the orientation allows proper wiring and adequate wire length inside the transmitter enclosure. When determining suitable enclosure
local regulations and guidelines for mounting enclosures.
Figure 2-2 Different enclosure orientations
Before wiring or rotating electronics, ensure that the power to transmitter is switched off. Do not open the transmitter enclosure in a classified area.
Avoid touching electronic componen ts, a s they are su sceptib le to el ectrostatic discharge (ESD). Refer to Section 8 for more information.
MAN-0076, Revisio n 09 June 2016
orientation for specific applications, installers should observe all
2.3.2 Faceplate rotation
When the transmitter enclosure is mounted in different orientations (B, C, and D) as outlined in Figure
2-2, the electronics module will need to be rotated to ensure the display can be easily read. T he
electronics module consists of the relay board, faceplate (Display/CPU assembly), and main terminal board. To rotate the electronics module, follow these instructions:
1. Turn off power to transmitter and ensure area is de-classified
2. Remove the enclosure cover
3. Unscrew both the lo c ki ng knobs and free from two metal standoffs
4. Lift transmitter faceplate from enclosure
5. Disconnect existing wiring
6. Unscrew the two metal standoffs using a ¼”hex tool
7. Carefully remove the electronics module
8. Rotate the electronics module to desired position
9. Align metal standoffs with the mounting holes of the electronics module and enclosure base
Installation Reference Manual
4 Installation
Figure 2-3 Rotating electronics module
Failure to follow these installation guidelines could result in death or serious injury. Ensure that only qualified personnel perform the installation.
Electrical shock could cause death or serious injury. Use extreme caution when making contact with the leads and ter m i nals.
Do not open the transmi tter, sensor, or junction box enclosure when in a classifie d ar ea or when an explosive atmosphere may be present unless the p o wer t o the transmitter has been re moved.
June 2016 MAN-0076, Revisio n 09
10. Insert metal standoffs in the appropriate mounting holes
11. Tighten metal standoffs with ¼” hex tool to secure electronics module
12. Reconnect wiring
13. Replace faceplate, then fit and hand tighten locking knobs to metal standoffs by turning clockwise
14. Replace enclosure cover.
2.4 Wiring
2.4.1 General requirements
Reference Manual Installation
Installation 5
Wiring codes and regulations may vary. Wiring must comply with all applicable regulations relating to the installation of e l e ct r i c al e q ui p m en t i n a hazardous area and is the responsibility of the installer. If in doubt, consult a qualified official before wiring the system.
When separating the se nsor from the transmitter, t he use of shielded cable is highl y r e commended meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requi
to protect against interference caused by extraneous electrical or electromagnetic noise the conduit must not be used for wiring to other equipment.
Figure 2-4 Terminal connection
MAN-0076, Revisio n 09 June 2016
rements and
. In applications where the wiring is installed in conduit,
If the 4-20 mA signal is not used, connect a jumper between the 4 – 20 mA termi nal and the common terminal to allow analog current levels to be monitored at the test jacks on the faceplate .
In applications where wiring is installed in conduit, conduit must not be used for wiring to any other electrical equipment.
For effective communication, Net Safety limits sensor separation to 2000 feet (600 meters) using 16 AWG wires.
Modbus RS-485 connection 2-wire mode, multipoint serial line available. Up to 247 addresses allowed. When developing a RS-485 chain of devic es, the l ast device in the chain requires an end of line termination resisto r (120 Ohms).
2.4.2 Terminal co n nection
When connecting cable wires, use a small screwdriver to gently press down and ho ld the spring connector open. Insert the appropriate wire into the open connector hole, releasing the screwdriver to secure the wire as shown in Figure 2-4.
The connector will accommodate wire sizes between 14 and 20 AWG.
2.4.3 Cable choice and guidelines
Radio frequency interference (RFI) can be caused by near by el ectri cal dev i ces (e.g. transformers or high voltage equipment) as well as handheld commu n i c ati on devices/radios, whic h when activated, may impede the proper functioning of the transmitter and sensor. Selecting the right instrumentation cable and making proper grounding connections within the junction box will reduce or eliminate interference. Visible symptoms of RFI include inconsistent, incorrect, and erratic LEL and ppm readings.
2.4.4 Important wiring guidelines
Gas detection ins tr um ents are an important part o f a safety alarm and shutdown system. The system is composed of:
Installation Reference Manual
6 Installation
June 2016 MAN-0076, Revisio n 09
Detection instruments
Customer connected equipment
Net Safety designs and manufactures its detection equipment under rigid quality control management systems and makes every effort to design for the har shest of industrial environment s. The other components of the system – the customer-connected equipment and wiring – are also important contributors to the overall quality and perfo rmance of the safety system.
It is important to implement wiring that ensures the reliability and integrity of the safety syste m . F i e l d wiring practices and the choice of cable type specified vary from project to project. Poor practices and choices are often fo und to be the source of unwanted system disruptions. RFI and electromagnetic interference (EMI) are usually very powerful disruptive forces in industrial facilities and these forces act upon the system thro ug h the wiring.
The cable used should be a very high quality instrument grade, certified for the application conditions, consisting of a rugged protective outer jacket, an overall electrical shield of fine braided copper or metallic foil, and internal pairs or triads of foil shielded copper wire of suitable gauge for the power conducted over the specified length.
The shields must be el ec tr ically continuous from the instrument junction box through o the r junction boxes and finally to the connected equipment. The shield must be connected to a suitable ground sink as specified in the instrument manual in order to protect the system from electrical disturbances.
In general, communication cables and power cables should not run in parallel for any significant length, and should not be carried in the same cable tray. Thr o ugh inductance, high curr e nts in power cables can induce significant ‘noise’ in communication cables running parallel alongside power cables.
2.4.5 Internal ground screw
To access enclosure grounding screw, remove the electr o ni cs module by following steps 1 through 7 in
Section 2.3.2.
2.4.6 External ground
In order to ensure proper operation of the sensor, an external earth ground is recommended. Net Safety recommends that the external gro und b e co nnected to the grounding point on the enclosure.
2.4.7 Seals
The use of seals is recommended to further protect the system against water ing r ession, and equipment should be installed according to applicable local electrical codes. Seals are especi ally recommended for installations that use hig h-pressure or steam cleaning devices in proximity to the transmitter.
Waterproof and explosionproof conduit seals are recommended to prevent water accumulation
within the enclosure
Seals should be locate d as c lose to the device as possibl e and not more than18 inches (46 cm) away
Explosionproof installations may require an additional seal where conduit enters a non-hazardous
area; ensure conformity with local wiring codes
When pouring a seal, u se a fiber dam to ensure proper formation of the seal. Seals should never be
poured at temperatures below freezing
Reference Manual Installation
Installation 7
Figure 2-5 Non-isolated and isolated current jumpers
MAN-0076, Revisio n 09 June 2016
The jacket and shield i n g of the cable should be strippe d bac k to permit the seal to form aro und the
individual wires. This will prevent air particles and water leakage through the inside of the shield and into the enclosure
It is recommended that explosionproof drains and conduit breathers be used. In some applications,
changes in temperatur e and barometric pressur e c an cause breathing which al l ows moist air to enter and circulate inside the conduit. Joints in the conduit system are seldom tight enough to prevent this breathin g
2.4.8 Analog output, isolated supply, non-isolated supply and jumper configuration
The analog output may be powered from the main instrument power supply or a separate, independent power supply in which case an isolated wiring configuration is necessary.
To set a Non-isolated or Isolated current output, simply move the Jumpers/shorting jacks (JP3 and JP4) to either the non-isolated or isolated current position. For non-isolated current output, ensure pins 3 & 2 at JP3 & JP4 location on t he main terminal board are j umped (shorted). Factory standard models ship with jumpers at JP3 & JP4 i n the non-isolated current output position.
For Isolated current o utput, pins 1 & 2 at JP3 & JP4 should be jumped (shorted). Note that JP3 is for configuring channel 1 and J P4 is for configuring channel 2. Jumpers and pins are located next to the power and 4-20 outpu t ter minals on the main terminal board. See Figure 2-5 for reference.
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