Emerson Neotecha NTB, Neotecha NTC, NEOTECHA SNB Series, NEOTECHA SNC Series Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual

Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood
Please also read through these notes carefully.
2.1 General potential danger due to:
a. Failure to observe the instructions b. Improper use c. Insufficiently qualified personnel
2.2 Correct use
2.2.1 Area of application
Ball valves are bubble-tight shut-off industrial
These instructions contain information on how the valve should be safely installed and operated in the prescribed manner. If any problems are encountered during installation or operation which cannot be resolved with the aid of the installation and maintenance instructions, please contact the supplier or manufacturer for more information. These installation and maintenance instructions comply with the applicable ENsafety standards. When installing the fitting, the operator or the person responsible for the design of the installation must ensure that applicable national regulations are complied with. The manufacturer reserves all rights to maketechnical changes and improvements atany time. The use of these installation and maintenance instructions assumes that the user is qualified to “Qualified Personnel” level. Operating staff must be given appropriate training in the operating and maintenance instructions.
valves that can be used for the isolation, throttling and regulation of corrosive gases, liquids, pastes and powder products in pipelines, vessels, apparatus etc. The surfaces of the of the body parts, together with the ball or C-core that are in contact with the medium are coated with PFA. Ball seats and control orifice plates are available in various material types and can be used to suitthe medium.
2.2.2 Performance data
Nominal diameter range:
DIN-PN 16 and JIS10K
DN15 / 20 / 25 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 100 / 150 (ANSI 6” face-to-face with extension) ANSI 150lbs½”, ¾”, 1”, 1½”, 2”, 2½” (DIN face-to-face), 3”, 4”, 6” Pressure range: 16bar (0.1 mbar vacuum) Test pressure = 1.5 x PN = 24bar Temperature range:
-40°C to 180°C
Emerson.com/FinalControl © 2017 Emerson. All Rights Reserved. VCIOM-01973-EN 15/02
2.2.3 Pressure-temperature diagram for NTB-NTC ball valves
0.1 mbar
2.2.4 Flow characteristic for NTC control valves (without control orifice plate)
Angular position
2.2.5 Usage restrictions
Before the valve is installed, a check should be made on the extent to which the coating of the surfaces is resistant to the intended medium. The same applies to stainless steel valves with no additional coating. Refer to appropriate literature or consult the manufacturer or distributor for advice on this.
2.2.6 Modification prohibition
Mechanical modifications to the valves or the use of other manufacturer’s parts for repair purposes are not permissible, as otherwise safety is no longer guaranteed. Repair work must only be carried out by the manufacturer’s trained personnel. The manufacturer and supplier will accept no liability in the event ofmisuse.
2.2.7 Warning about foreseeable misuse
Valves and their accessories (e.g. operating elements) must not be misused as climbingaids.
2.2.8 Duty to comply with the instructions foroperation, maintenance and servicing
These instructions form part of the delivery package and must be easily accessible to the user. They should be protected from soiling andkept in a suitable place.
3.1 External chemical effects
The valve body is either made of stainless steel or is coated with a 2-part polyester paint. The coating can be attacked externally by strong solvents, leading to corrosion of the body. If damage of this nature occurs, the effects on the environment should be investigated and the damage to the coating made good in accordance with the manufacturer’s data. Stainless steel valve bodies are not suitable foruse with chlorine gas.
3.2 Mechanical
When using hand levers and handwheels, it should be ensured that there is sufficient clearance everywhere for the operator’s hands,so that there is no risk of trapping.
3.3 Electrical
If static charges can lead to explosions, the valve must be earthed by means of the appropriate earthing accessory. As an alternative, valves with electrically conductive linings are available. For more information, please contact the supplier or manufacturer.
3.4 Thermal
The operating temperature of the valve can be up to a maximum of 200°C. Suitable precautions should be taken to protect against burns due to high or freezing temperatures. In particular, insulated gloves should be worn when using the hand lever, for example. In case of fire, the mechanical strength of the PTFE seals is no longer guaranteed above 200°C.
Number of the
notified body
Manufacturer Origin
Serial number Manufacturer’s code
Ball valve type
3.5 Requirements for the operator
This means people who are familiar with the erection, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the product and have appropriate qualifications relating to their activities and functions, such as e.g.:
- Instruction in and duty to comply with all installation-related, regional and internal works regulations and requirements.
- Training or instruction in accordance with the Safety Standards for personal care and use of appropriate safety equipment and protective workgear, like e.g. personal protection equipment (insulated gloves or similar), suitable for the operating conditions.
Furthermore, these people must have read andunderstood these instructions.
3.6 Transport/storage
The valve is delivered with protective covers which should protect against soiling and mechanical effects. For this reason, the protective covers should only be removed immediately prior to installation. The ball valve is shipped in the closed position.
3.7 Transport and storage conditions
- Transport and storage temperature
-20°C to +65°C.
- Protect against external force(impact, shock,vibration).
- Do not damage the coating.
- In damp storage areas, a drying agent or heating is required to protect against condensation.
- Store the ball valve in a slightly open position.
3.8 Handling prior to installation
- On versions with protective covers, only remove these immediately prior toinstallation!
- Protect against the effects of weather, e.g.dampness (or else use a drying agent).
- Proper treatment prevents damage.
Year of manufacture
Each ball valve is fitted with a rating plate giving information on valve type and origin. When ordering spare parts this information should becarefully noted down each time. Ball valves in the size range DN 15 to DN 25 have a standard rating plate with no CE mark. Ball valves in the size range DN 40 to DN 150 are provided with a rating plate with a CE mark. Additional identification on the valve in accordance with DIN19, such as: DN, PN, manufacturer’s logos of the Neotecha AG company . The identification of the valve body material is cast onto the valve.
Please refer to the product documentation for any dimensions that are not contained in the installation and maintenance instructions andfor ball valve weights.
6.1 Installation in the pipeline
Fit the ball valve in the pipeline, ensuring that the sealing surfaces on the faces of the flanges are not damaged. The NTB ball valve can be installed independently of the direction of flow. On the other hand, the NTC can only be installed in one direction, i.e. the arrow on the side of the valve must point in the direction of flow. Adequate clearance should be ensured around the ball valve, so that it can be operated and maintained easily. The mounting flanges of the pipeline in which the valve is to be installed must be aligned axially and laterally, in order to prevent the valve body being subjected to additional stresses. Fit suitable flange packings, provided that they are called for: then the fixing bolts are inserted. Tightening the bolts in stages is essential for an equal distribution of the of the initial stress force of the clamping bolts. The specified tightening torques must not beexceeded.
The flanges must meet the following requirements: cleaned and undamaged matingsurface.
Flange packings are not required with flanges with flat sealing surfaces. Additional packings may possibly be required with rubberized flanges.
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