Emerson MultiFlex ESR Installation And Operation Manual

026-1720 Rev 4 06-APR-2010
MultiFlex ESR Installation and
Operation Manual
Computer Process Controls, Inc.
1640 Airport Road Suite #104
Phone 770-425-2724
Fax 770-425-9319
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED The information contained in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed
to be accurate. However, Computer Process Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained herein. In no event will Computer Process Controls, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In the interest of continued product development, Com­puter Process Controls, Inc. reserves the right to make improvements to this manual, and the products described herein, at any time without notice or obligation.
This device complies with Class B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. M
ULTIFLEX ESR AND ESR-8 BOARD DIFFERENCES ................................................................................................... 1
1.1. RS-485 I/O Network................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Center-Tapped Transformer.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Molex Connectors (Board P/N 810-1398)............................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Hand-Held Terminal (HHT) .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Snap-Track Mounting .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. M
ULTIFLEX ESR MOLEX CONNECTOR BOARD (DISCONTINUED) ............................................................................... 2
2 INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. P
ANEL MOUNTING AND HEAT DISSIPATION ................................................................................................................ 2
2.2. S
NAP-TRACK INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................ 2
3 WIRING.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1. P
OWER.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2. V
ALVE WIRING............................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2.1. Molex Connector (Discontinued) Board Wiring................................................................................................... 3
4 SETTING THE TERMINATING RESISTANCE JUMPERS ................................................................................. 4
5 SETTING THE NETWORK ADDRESS AND BAUD RATE .................................................................................. 4
6 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1. P
ROGRAMMING E2 VERSION 2.21 AND ABOVE ........................................................................................................... 6
6.2. S
TEP 1: ADD A MULTIFLEX ESR................................................................................................................................. 6
6.3. S
TEP 2: ADD A STANDARD CIRCUIT............................................................................................................................. 7
6.4. S
TEP 3: ASSOCIATE THE MULTIFLEX ESR......................................................................................................... .......... 7
6.5. S
TEP 4: SET UP THE STANDARD CIRCUIT .................................................................................................................... 8
6.6. S
TEP 5: SET UP THE MULTIFLEX ESR....................................................................................................................... 10
7 VALVE ZEROING ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.1. S
TEP 1......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2. S
TEP 2......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 HAND-HELD TERMINAL........................................................................................................................................ 12
8.1. O
VERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
8.2. S
CREENS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
8.2.1. Main Screen ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.2.2. Output Status Screens ......................................................................................................................................... 13
8.2.3. Alarm Status Screens .......................................................................................................................................... 13
8.2.4. Main Select Screen.............................................................................................................................................. 14
8.2.5. Valve Configuration Screens .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.2.6. Network Screen................................................................................................................................................... 14
VALVE SPECIFICATIONS TABLES............................................................................................................................15
MERSON FLOW CONTROLS STEPPER VALVES...................................................................................................................15
PORLAN (PARKER) STEPPER VALVES................................................................................................................................15
MultiFlex ESR I&O Manual Table of Contents • v
24VAC CT 75 VAC Power Input
Valve Connectors (8)
I/O Network Input
Termination Jumpers
Network Address Switches
General Status LED
6 7 8
HHT Jack
TX and RX LEDs
Open LED (8) Close LED (8)
1.1. MultiFlex ESR and ESR-8 Board Differences
The MultiFlex ESR Valve Regulator board (P/N 810-3199), shown in (Figure 1-1), is an RS-485
I/O Network electronic stepper valve regulator capable of driving up to eight stepper motor valves, which are typically used to control tem­perature.
RS-485 I/O Network
The MultiFlex ESR communicates with the E2 directly over the RS-485 I/O network, unlike the previous version of the board, which communi­cated with the controller over the Echelon net­work.
Center-Tapped Transformer
For power, a Class 2, 80VA 24VAC center­tapped transformer is required for each Multi­Flex ESR board. (Previous board versions did not require a center-tapped power source.)
Molex Connectors (Board P/N 810-1398)
The discontinued MultiFlex ESR board’s valve outputs are four-contact molex connectors instead of the screw terminals. Valve cables hav­ing a four-contact molex connector are plugged directly into the board. This board has been dis­continued and replaced with the new MultiFlex ESR board version (P/N 810-3199).
Hand-Held Terminal (HHT)
Figure 1-1 - MultiFlex ESR Board Layout
When controlling ECT Flow valves, the Multi­Flex ESR will detect overcurrent, open wire, stuck valve situations, and generate the appropri­ate alarms. For non-ECT Flow valves, the Multi­Flex ESR will only detect overcurrent situations and generate an alarm. (See Section 8.2.3., Alarm Status Screens for details on alarm descriptions.)
Set configuration parameters, setpoints, and fail­safe conditions of each valve with the HHT. By using the HHT, each valve output can be set sep­arately with a valve step rate and the total num­ber of steps from closed to fully open.
Snap-Track Mounting
The MultiFlex ESR board fits into the standard CPC 4" I/O board snap-track for mounting.
The MultiFlex ESR uses suction side variable­position evaporator regulators (ESRs) to vary evaporator pressure for an entire circuit and is an alternative to mechanical EPR control.
The MultiFlex ESR receives input data from a CPC E2 controller (via the I/O Network) and then regulates the stepper valves according to the data from the E2.
1 • MultiFlex ESR I&O Manual 026-1720 Rev 4 06-APR-2010
1.2. MultiFlex ESR Molex Connec-
24VAC CT 75 VAC Power Input
Valve Connectors (8)
I/O Network Input
Termination Jumpers
Network Address Switches
General Status LED
6 7 8
HHT Jack
TX and RX LEDs
Open LED (8) Close LED (8)
4.75” TYP 2 PL
O 0.220” TYP 6 PL
tor Board (Discontinued)
Figure 1-2 - MultiFlex ESR Molex Connector Board Layout ­Discontinued (P/N
2 Installation
that enclosure with the MultiFlex ESR, you may need to ventilate the enclosure by installing air circulation fans or other devices to aid in heat dissipation.
2.2. Snap-Track Installation
Boards not supplied with an enclosure are sup­plied with a snap-track for easy installation. The insulation sheet and I/O board must be removed from the track before the track is mounted. The snap-track is mounted using the 0.1875” mount­ing slots. Figure 2-2 shows this installation pro­cedure:
The MultiFlex ESR control board is designed to be located in a central location, preferably near the valves it is driving. Figure 2-1 shows the mounting dimensions of the MultiFlex ESR board:
Figure 2-1 - MultiFlex ESR Board Dimensions
2.1. Panel Mounting and Heat Dis­sipation
The MultiFlex ESR can generate a substantial
amount of heat when it draws up to a maximum of 80 VA during operation. The MultiFlex ESR is rated for a maximum ambient temperature of 65°C (150°F); therefore, depending on the size of the enclosure and what other devices are in
MultiFlex ESR Molex Connector Board (Discontinued) Installation • 2
Figure 2-2 - MultiFlex ESR Snap-Track Installation
3 Wiring
3.1. Power
Each MultiFlex ESR board requires a Class 2, 80VA 24VAC center-tapped power. The power connector (labeled J12) is located in the top left corner of the board.
transformer for
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