PT & MS Single-Mount Stakes
MS13 Series
Single-Mount Stake
Standard Stake Mounting
Single Mounting
Ordering Information
Single Mount Stakes
PT19G F602350 48" stake with hardware, green All closures
MS1324 F603272 24" stake with hardware, green Pedestals and closures
MS1332 F602132 32" stake with hardware, green Pedestals and
MS1342 F604080 42" stake with hardware, green Pedestals and closures,
MS1354 F604082 54" stake with hardware, green All closures
MS1372 F604084 72" stake with hardware, green All closures
Stake Mounting Equipment and Hardware
UPCBDHDW F601410 Standard stake mounting hardware MS1324, MS1332, MS1342,
PKGS * F602620 Single mounting stake hardware DM and PT series stakes
Note : Stakes are mill-galvanized steel unless otherwise noted.
* Included with DM joint mounting stakes.
RUS accepted
MS1354 stakes, RUS accepted
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153200D-Stakes / 0514