Types MR95 and MR98
Types MR95 and MR98
The Types MR95 and MR98 regulators are compact, large
capacity, direct-operated pressure regulators. The units are
available in 1/4 NPT through 2-inch / DN 50 sizes and are offered
in several different end connection confi gurations. They are
designed to handle pressures up to 1000 psig / 68.9 bar and
temperatures up to 650°F / 343°C. These products can help solve
the toughest pressure control applications. Typical applications
include superheated steam, steam injection, steam tracing,
nitrogen purging, boiler feed water, process chemicals, cooling
water, test fi xtures, wash tanks, sterilizers/autoclaves, fuel lines,
pneumatic supply, and many others.
Enhancements over Types 95 and 98:
• The addition of Ethylenepropylene (EPDM),
Perfl uoroelastomer (FFKM), and Stellite
options increase chemical, temperature, and
application fl exibility.
• Increased inlet pressure rating (1000 psig /
68.9 bar) and regulating capacities align with
increasingly demanding applications in the market.
• Inlet and outlet pressure gauge options ensure
proper installation, startup, and function while
expanding troubleshooting ability.
• External control line option allows for pressure
control at the point of use.
• Re-engineered bottom plug and diaphragm
sealing surface improves product reliability.
• New CF3M, LCC, Monel®, and Hasteloy® body material
options provide improved corrosion, chemical, and
temperature resistance.
Monel® is a mark owned by Special Metals Corporation.
Hasteloy® C is a mark owned by Haynes International, Inc.
Stellite® is a mark owned by Deloro Stellite Holdings Corporation.

The One Stop For Your Complete
Industrial Regulating Solutions.
Fisher® pressure reducing and backpressure regulators area available in a wide range of sizes and contructions to satisfy
your application requirements.
BackpressurePressure Reducing
Model........................................Type MR95
Body Size.......NPS 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2, and 2
Outlet Pressure Range................ 2 to 400 psig
............................................./ 0.14 to 27.6 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure....1000 psig / 68.9 bar
Operation Method.................Direct-Operated
Body Material..........................Cast Iron, Steel,
.........Stainless Steel, Hastelloy® C, and Monel
Bulletin No. ...................................71.1:MR95
Model......................................Type MR105
Body Size.............................NPS 1, 2, 3, and 4
Outlet Pressure Range.................5 to 300 psig
.........................................../ 0.34 to 20.7 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure......400 psig / 27.6 bar
Operation Method.................Direct-Operated
Body Material..........................Cast Iron, Steel,
............................................and Stainless Steel
Bulletin No. .................................71.1:MR105
Body Size.......... NPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 x 6, and 12 x 6
Outlet Pressure Range............14-inches w.c. to
.........................300 psig / 35 mbar to 20.7 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure........400 psig / 27.6 bar
Operation Method.....................Pilot-Operated
Body Material............................Cast Iron, Steel,
..............................................and Stainless Steel
Bulletin No. ...............................71.1:1098-EGR
Model.........................................Type MR98
Body Size.............NPS 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/2, and 2
Relief Pressure Range.....................2 to 375 psig
................................................/ 0.14 to 25.9 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure.........400 psig / 27.6 bar
Operation Method..................Direct-Operated
Body Material.............................Cast Iron, Steel,
............... Stainless Steel, Hastelloy
C,and Monel
Bulletin No. ........................................71.4:MR98
Model......................................Type MR108
Body Size............................NPS 1, 2, 3, and 4
Control Pressure Range................5 to 300 psig
.........................................../ 0.34 to 20.7 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure....................400 psig
....................................................../ 27.6 bar
Operation Method.................Direct-Operated
Body Material..........................Cast Iron, Steel,
............................................and Stainless Steel
Bulletin No. .................................71.4:MR108
Model................................Type 63EG-98HM
Body Size.....................NPS 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 x 6
Relief Pressure Range..................15 to 375 psig
................................................./ 1.0 to 25.9 bar
Maximum Inlet Pressure......450 psig / 31.0 bar
Operation Method.....................Pilot-Operated
Body Material.....................Steel, Stainless Steel,
C, Monel®, and Alloy 20
Bulletin No. ...........................71.4:63EG-98HM
1. For high-pressure actuator constructions with Fluorocarbon (FKM) diaphragm, maximum outlet and emergency casing pressures are limited to
230 psig / 15.8 bar or the body rating limit, whichever is lower.
2. For high-pressure actuator constructions with Fluorocarbon (FKM) diaphragm, maximum set pressure is limited to 150 psig / 10.3 bar.
Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc.
North America
McKinney, Texas 75070 USA
Tel: +1 800 558 5853
Shanghai 201206, China
Tel: +86 21 2892 9000
Bologna 40013, Italy
Tel: +39 051 419 0611
Outside U.S. +1 972 548 3574
Middle East and Africa
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +011 971 4 811 8100
For further information, visit www.fisherregulators.com
D352120X012 © 2013 Emerson Process Management Regulator Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 10/13.
Fisher, Emerson Process Management, and the Emerson Process Management design are marks of one of the Emerson Process Management
group of companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
The distinctive diamond shape cast into every
spring case uniquely identifi es the regulator
as part of the Fisher® brand and assures you
of the highest-quality engineering, durability,
performance, and support.