Emerson Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meters User Manual

Micro Motion® Fork Viscosity Meters
Direct insertion viscosity meter installation
Installation Manual
MMI-20020994, Rev AA
December 2013

Safety and approval information

Information affixed to equipment that complies with the Pressure Equipment Directive can be found on the internet at
For hazardous installations in Europe, refer to standard EN 60079-14 if national standards do not apply.

Other information

Full product specifications can be found in the product data sheet. Troubleshooting information can be found in the transmitter configuration manual. Product data sheets and manuals are available from the Micro Motion web site at

Return policy

Micro Motion procedures must be followed when returning equipment. These procedures ensure legal compliance with government transportation agencies and help provide a safe working environment for Micro Motion employees. Failure to follow Micro Motion procedures will result in your equipment being refused delivery.
Information on return procedures and forms is available on our web support system at www.micromotion.com, or by phoning the Micro Motion Customer Service department.

Micro Motion customer service

Worldwide: flow.support@emerson.com
Asia-Pacific: APflow.support@emerson.com
North and South America Europe and Middle East Asia Pacific
United States 800-522-6277 U.K. 0870 240 1978 Australia 800 158 727
Canada +1 303-527-5200 The Netherlands +31 (0) 318 495 555 New Zealand 099 128 804
Mexico +41 (0) 41 7686 111 France 0800 917 901 India 800 440 1468
Argentina +54 11 4837 7000 Germany 0800 182 5347 Pakistan 888 550 2682
Brazil +55 15 3413 8000 Italy 8008 77334 China +86 21 2892 9000
Venezuela +58 26 1731 3446 Central & Eastern +41 (0) 41 7686 111 Japan +81 3 5769 6803
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Chapter 1 Planning ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installation checklist ........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Best practices ..................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Power requirements ........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Other installation considerations .................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Recommended installations for short-stem meters .........................................................................7
1.6 Perform a meter check (pre-installation) .........................................................................................9
Chapter 2 Mounting ........................................................................................................................11
2.1 Mount in free-stream application (flanged fitting) .........................................................................11
2.2 Mount in free-stream application (weldolet fitting) .......................................................................12
2.3 Mount with a T-piece (flanged fitting) ........................................................................................... 13
2.4 Mount with a flow-through chamber .............................................................................................15
2.5 Mount in an open tank (long-stem meter) .....................................................................................16
2.6 Mount in a closed tank (long-stem meter) .....................................................................................19
2.7 Attach the PFA ring and circlip .......................................................................................................24
2.8 Rotate the electronics on the meter (optional) ..............................................................................25
2.9 Rotate the display on the transmitter (optional) ............................................................................26
Chapter 3 Wiring ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.1 Available output terminals and wiring requirements ..................................................................... 29
3.2 Explosion-proof/flameproof or non-hazardous output wiring ........................................................30
3.3 Processor wiring for remote-mount 2700 FOUNDATION fieldbus™ option .................................... 34
3.4 Wiring to external devices (HART multidrop) ................................................................................ 39
3.5 Wiring to signal converters and/or flow computers .......................................................................41
Chapter 4 Grounding ...................................................................................................................... 43
Installation Manual i
ii Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
1 Planning
Topics covered in this chapter:

Installation checklist

Best practices
Power requirements
Other installation considerations
Recommended installations for short-stem meters
Perform a meter check (pre-installation)
1.1 Installation checklist
Verify the contents of the product shipment to confirm you have all parts and
information necessary for the installation.
Verify the meter calibration range and boundary corresponds to the planned
installation. A calibration mismatch can cause measurement error, and will need to be corrected.
Make sure that all electrical safety requirements are met for the environment in
which the meter will be installed.
Make sure that the local ambient and process temperatures and process pressure
are within the limits of the meter.
Make sure that the hazardous area specified on the approval tag is suitable for the
environment in which the meter will be installed.
Make sure that you will have adequate access to the meter for verification and
Verify that you have all equipment necessary for your installation. Depending on
your application, you may be required to install additional parts for optimal performance of the meter.
If your meter will be wired to a remote-mount 2700 FOUNDATION fieldbus
- Refer to the instructions in this manual for preparing the 4-wire cable and wiring
to the processor connections.
- Refer to the instructions in the transmitter installation manual for mounting and
wiring the 2700 FOUNDATION fieldbus™ transmitter. See Micro Motion Model 1700 and Model 2700 Transmitters: Installation Manual.
- Consider the maximum cable length between the meter and transmitter. The
maximum recommended distance between the two devices is 1000 ft (300 m). Micro Motion recommends using Micro Motion cable.


Installation Manual 1

1.2 Best practices

The following information can help you get the most from your meter.
Handle the meter with care. Follow local practices for lifting or moving the meter.
Perform a Known Density Verification (KDV) check of the meter prior to installing
the meter in your system.
For the PFA-coated tines, always fit the protective cover over the tines when the
meter is not in use. The tine coating is not resistant to impact damage.
Always store and transport the meter in its original packaging. For the long-stem
meters, be sure to include the transit cover secured by the grub screws.
Do not use liquids incompatible with the materials of construction.
Do not expose the meter to excessive vibration (greater than 0.5 g continuously).
Vibration levels in excess of 0.5 g can affect the meter accuracy.
For optimal performance of the meter, ensure the operating conditions correspond
to the meter calibration range and boundary.
Ensure all piping connections conform to the local and national regulations and
codes of practice.
Ensure the transmitter housing cover is tightened properly after wiring to maintain
ingress protection and hazardous area approvals.
Ensure the meter and associated pipework are pressure tested to 1½ times the
maximum operating pressure after installation.
Thermally insulate the meter and the inlet and bypass-loop pipeline to maintain
stable temperatures.

1.3 Power requirements

Following are the DC power requirements to operate the meter:
24 VDC, 0.65 W typical, 1.1 W maximum
Minimum recommended voltage: 21.6 VDC with 1000 ft of 24 AWG (300 m of
0.20 mm2) power-supply cable
At startup, power source must provide a minimum of 0.5 A of short-term current at
a minimum of 19.6 V at the power input terminals.
2 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
Power cable recommendations for explosion-proof/flameproof meters
300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000
Distance of Installation (f t)
AWG Maximum
Minimum Wire Gauge
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100 0
Minimum Wire Area (mm
Distance of Installation (m)
Minimum Wire Area (mm2)
Minimum wire gauge (AWG per feet)Figure 1-1:
Minimum wire area (mm2 per meter)Figure 1-2:
Installation Manual 3

1.4 Other installation considerations

A variety of external factors exist that affect the ability of the meter to operate successfully. To ensure that your system works correctly, consider the effects of these factors when designing your installation.

1.4.1 Calibration boundaries

Micro Motion calibrates all meters at the factory according to the sensor calibration range selected at point of purchase. The factory calibration process takes into account the potential boundary effect of the planned installation. At point of installation, confirm that the meter calibration range and boundary matches the planned installation to ensure optimum performance of the meter. If the meter calibration does not match the planned installation, measurement error may occur and you will need to perform an onsite calibration.
The boundary effect of an installation refers to the sensitive, or effective, region of the meter sensing device being interrupted by the boundary of the pipe walls. This effect can vary based on the type of installation or the size of the pipeline diameter. Considering this effect when calibrating the meter is important because the direct insertion meter can only measure the properties of the fluid that are within the region that the meter is sensitive.
The vibration of the fork meter tines creates an effective measurement region that is shaped as an ovoid centered on the tips of the tines. The long axis of the ovoid is aligned with the direction that the tines are vibrating. The meter sensor is insensitive to any fluid properties outside of this region, and progressively more sensitive to the fluid properties the closer the fluid is to the meter tines (see Figure 1-3).
4 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
Region of measurement boundary or sensitivityFigure 1-3:
A. Long axis B. Short axis C. Sensitive, or effective, region
When installing the meter, if part of this effective region or volume is interfered with because of the pipework or fittings a boundary effect exists (see Figure 1-4).
Installation Manual 5
Example of pipeline installation (with boundary effect)Figure 1-4:
A. Pipe walls interrupt effective region of meter sensitivity

1.4.2 Flow rate considerations

You must maintain flow rates and velocities to be relatively constant within the limits specified for the meter. The fluid flow provides a steady heat flow into the meter installation, and the flow rate influences the self-cleaning of the meter tines and the dissipation of bubbles and solid contaminants around the meter.
If you install the meter in a bypass configuration (such as in a free-stream installation in a 4­inch diameter horizontal bypass, or a flow-through chamber): you can maintain flow by using a pressure drop, pitot scoop, or a sample pump. When using a sample pump, place the pump upstream from the meter.

1.4.3 Entrained gas considerations

Entrained gas, or gas pockets, can disrupt the measurement of a fluid. A brief disruption in the signal caused by transient gas pockets can be corrected in the meter configuration, but you must avoid more frequent disruptions or serious gas entrainment to ensure accurate and reliable fluid measurement.
To minimize the possibility of entrained gas:
Keep pipe lines full of fluid at all times.
Vent any gas prior to the meter installation location.
Avoid sudden pressure drops or temperature changes which may cause dissolved
gases to break out of the fluid.
6 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
Maintain a back pressure on the system sufficient to prevent gas break out.
Maintain flow velocity at the sensor within the specified limits.

1.4.4 Solids measurement considerations

Consider the following to avoid issues related to solids contamination:
Avoid sudden changes of the fluid velocity that may cause sedimentation.
Install the meter far enough downstream from any pipework configuration that may
cause centrifuging of solids (such as at a pipe bend).
Maintain flow velocity at the meter installation that is within the specified limits.
Use filtration in your process, if necessary.

1.4.5 Thermal effects considerations

For high viscosity fluids, you should minimize any temperature gradients in the fluid, and in the piping and fittings immediately upstream and downstream of the meter. Minimizing temperature gradients reduces the effect of viscosity changes. We recommend the following to reduce the thermal effects to your meter installation:
Always insulate the meter and surrounding pipework thoroughly.
- Insulation must be at least 1 inch (25 mm) of rockwool, preferably 2 inches (50
mm), or use an equivalent insulating heat jacket.
- Insulation must be enclosed in a sealed protective casing to prevent moisture
ingress, air circulation, and crushing of the insulation.
- For flow-through chamber installations, Micro Motion provides a special
insulation jacket because of the opportunity for low volumetric flow rates (hence, low heat flow) and increased vulnerability to temperature effects.
Avoid direct heating or cooling of the meter and associated pipe work upstream and
downstream that is likely to create temperature gradients.
If it is necessary to provide protection against cooling because of loss of flow, you
can apply electrical trace heating. This type of heating must be thermostatically controlled, and the thermostat must be set to operate below the minimum operating temperature of the system.

1.5 Recommended installations for short-stem meters

Micro Motion recommends three standard installations for the short-stem meter to alleviate any need for onsite calibration. All meters are factory calibrated for these types of installations and take into consideration the potential boundary effect of each installation.
Table 1-1 highlights these different installations according to specific conditions or
requirements that may exist for your process environment.
Installation Manual 7
Standard installation types: short-stem metersTable 1-1:
Installation type: Free stream T-Piece
Meter placement Meter tines are
inserted directly into the main fluid flow. The meter must always be installed horizontally and with the tines oriented to allow flow through or between the gap of the tines.
Flow rate 0.3 to 0.5 m/s (at the
Viscosity Up to 500 cP Up to 100 cP (250 cP in
Temperature –50 °C to 200 °C (–58
°F to 392 °F)
Main flow pipe size Horizontal pipe:
minimum diameter, 100 mm (4 inch)
Vertical pipe:
minimum diameter, 150 mm (6 inch)
Advantages Simple installation
in large bore pipes
Ideal for clean
fluids and non­waxing oils
Suitable for line
viscosity measurement and simple referrals
Meter tines are contained in a side pocket off the main flow. The meter must always be installed horizontally and with the tines oriented to allow flow through or between the gap of the tines.
0.5 to 3 m/s (at main pipe wall)
some cases)
–50 °C to 200 °C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
Minimum diameter, 100 mm (4 inch)
Simple installation
in large bore pipes
Ideal for clean
fluids and non­waxing oils
Suitable for line
viscosity measurement and simple referrals
Flow-through chamber
Meter tines are contained in a flow­through chamber in which fluid is circulated from the main flow.
10 to 30 l/min
Up to 500 cP
–50 °C to 200 °C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
Suitable for all sizes, if mounted in a bypass (slipstream) configuration
installation to any diameter main pipe and for tank applications
Ideal for flow and
temperature conditioning
Suitable for
complex referrals and for use with heat exchangers
Suitable for step
changes in viscosity
Fast response
Ideal for analyzer
8 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
Standard installation types: short-stem meters (continued)Table 1-1:
Installation type: Free stream T-Piece
Recommendations Do not use with:
Dirty fluids
Low or unstable
flow rates
Where step
changes in viscosity can occur
For small bore
Do not use with:
Dirty fluids
Low or unstable
flow rates
Where step
changes in viscosity can occur
For small bore
temperature effects are significant
Flow-through chamber
Do not use with
uncontrolled flow rates.
Careful system
design is required to ensure representative measurement.
Frequently requires
the use of a pump.

1.6 Perform a meter check (pre-installation)

Micro Motion® recommends that you perform a check of the meter prior to installation. This check confirms that no damage occurred to the meter during shipment.
1. Remove the meter from the box.
Handle the meter with care. Follow local practices for lifting or moving the meter.
2. Visually inspect the meter for any physical damage.
If you notice any physical damage to the meter, immediately contact Micro Motion Customer Support at flow.support@emerson.com.
3. Connect and power up the meter.
You must remove the back transmitter housing cover to access the PWR terminals.
Installation Manual 9
Power supply wiring terminalsFigure 1-5:
A. 24 VDC
4. Perform a Known Density Verification (KDV) check.
The Known Density Verification procedure is used to verify that the meter's current operation matches the factory calibration. If the meter passes the test, then it has not drifted or changed since its factory calibration.
For more information on performing a KDV check, see the configuration and use manual that shipped with the product.
10 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter
2 Mounting
Topics covered in this chapter:

Mount in free-stream application (flanged fitting)

Mount in free-stream application (weldolet fitting)
Mount with a T-piece (flanged fitting)
Mount with a flow-through chamber
Mount in an open tank (long-stem meter)
Mount in a closed tank (long-stem meter)
Attach the PFA ring and circlip
Rotate the electronics on the meter (optional)
Rotate the display on the transmitter (optional)


2.1 Mount in free-stream application (flanged fitting)
Free-stream (flanged) installations are recommended for processes with the following conditions:
Flow 0.3 to 0.5 m/s (at the meter)
Viscosity 0.5 to 12,500 cP
Temperature -50 °C to 200 °C (–58 °F to 392 °F)
-40 °C to 200 °C (-40 °F to 392 °F) in hazardous areas
See Figure 2-1 for information on installing the meter (with a flanged fitting) in a free­stream application.
You must always install the meter horizontally and oriented to allow flow in the gap between the tines, irrespective of the pipeline orientation (horizontal or vertical). This position helps to prevent the trapping of bubbles or solids on the meter – allowing the solids to sink and the bubbles to rise.
Installation Manual 11
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