Safety messages are provided throughout this manual to protect personnel and equipment. Read each safety message carefully
before proceeding to the next step.
Other information
Full product specifications can be found in the product data sheet. Troubleshooting information can be found in the configuration
manual. Product data sheets and manuals are available from the Micro Motion web site at
Return policy
Follow Micro Motion procedures when returning equipment. These procedures ensure legal compliance with government
transportation agencies and help provide a safe working environment for Micro Motion employees. Micro Motion will not accept
your returned equipment if you fail to follow Micro Motion procedures.
Return procedures and forms are available on our web support site at, or by phoning the Micro Motion
Customer Service department.
Emerson Flow customer service
• Worldwide:
• Asia-Pacific:
North and South AmericaEurope and Middle EastAsia Pacific
United States800-522-6277U.K.0870 240 1978Australia800 158 727
F.1 RoHS and WEEE............................................................................................................................ 223
6Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualBefore you begin
MMI-20048166April 2019
1 Before you begin
1.1 About this manual
This manual helps you configure, commission, use, maintain, and troubleshoot Micro Motion 4200
This manual assumes that the following conditions apply:
• The transmitter has been installed correctly and completely according to the instructions in the
transmitter installation manual
• The installation complies with all applicable safety requirements
• The user is trained in government and corporate safety standards
1.2 Related documents
See the approval documentation shipped with the transmitter, or download the appropriate documentation
from the Micro Motion web site (
• Micro Motion 4200 2-Wire Transmitter: Product Data Sheet
• Micro Motion 4200 2-Wire Transmitter: Safety Manual for Safety Instrumented Systems
• Micro Motion ProLink III User Manual
• Sensor installation manual, which is shipped with the sensor
• FMEDA report for Coriolis Flowmeter with the 4200 Transmitter, Prepared for Emerson by LLC
1.3 Installation types
The 4200 transmitter was ordered and shipped for one of two installation types. The fifth character of the
transmitter number indicates the installation type.
Figure 1-1: Installation type indication for 4200 transmitters
The number is located on the device tag on the side of the transmitter.
Table 1-1: Installation types for 4200 transmitters
IIntegral mount
CRemote mount
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Figure 1-2: 4200 transmitter -- Integral mount
A. Conduit openings
B. Clamping ring
C. Sensor case
D. Transmitter housing cover (hidden from view)
The transmitter is installed directly on the sensor.
The connections between the transmitter and sensor are 9-wire, and do not require field wiring on the
integral mount version.
The I/O connections consist of 2 channels, each channel being 2-wire. Power must be supplied to Channel A
for the transmitter to operate, while Channel B connections are optional.
8Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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Figure 1-3: 4200 transmitter -- Remote mount
A. Transmitter housing cover
B. Clamping ring
C. Junction box
The transmitter is installed remotely from the sensor. The 9-wire connection between the sensor and
transmitter must be field wired. Power supply and I/O must be field wired to the transmitter. The sensor
connection is in the junction box.
1.4 Communication tools and protocols
You can use several different communications tools and protocols to interface with the transmitter, use
different tools in different locations, or use different tools for different tasks.
DisplayNot applicable
Field Communicator• HART
For information about how to use the communication tools, see Using ProLink III with the transmitter and
Using a Field Communicator with the transmitter in this manual.
Supported protocols
• "Factory Use Only" port in non-hazardous areas
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Before you beginConfiguration and Use Manual
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Some configuration and administrative procedures can also be performed through the display menus.
However, for complete access to transmitter functions, Micro Motion recommends setting up and using an
administrative connection.
You may be able to use other communications tools, such as AMS Suite: Intelligent Device Manager, or the
Smart Wireless THUM™ Adapter. Use of AMS or the Smart Wireless THUM Adapter is not discussed in this
manual. For more information on the Smart Wireless THUM Adapter, refer to the documentation available at
10Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualQuick start
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2 Quick start
2.1 Applying power
The transmitter must be powered up for all configuration and commissioning tasks, or for process
1. Verify that the cables are connected to the transmitter as described in the installation manual.
2. Verify that all transmitter and sensor covers and seals are closed.
To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres, ensure that all covers and seals are
tightly closed. For hazardous area installations, applying power while housing covers are removed or
loose can cause an explosion.
3. Turn on the electrical power at the power supply.
The transmitter will automatically perform diagnostic routines. During this period, the Transmitter
Initializing alert is active. The diagnostic routines should complete in approximately 30 seconds.
Although the sensor is ready to receive process fluid shortly after power-up, the electronics can take up to
10 minutes to reach thermal equilibrium. Therefore, if this is the initial startup, or if power has been off long
enough to allow components to reach ambient temperature, allow the electronics to warm up for
approximately 10 minutes before relying on process measurements. During this warm-up period, you may
observe minor measurement instability or inaccuracy.
When the flowmeter has completed its power-up sequence, if the default settings are in effect:
• The display will show the current mass flow rate and measurement unit.
• If there are any active fault or informational alarms, the alert banner displays until the alert has been
manually acknowledged.
• If the alert has been acknowledged but is still active, the alert icon displays above the menu button, and
the Alert List menu appears at the top of the main menu.
2.2 Check meter status
Check the meter for any error conditions that require user action or that affect measurement accuracy.
Wait approximately 10 seconds for the power-up sequence to complete.
Immediately after power-up, the transmitter runs through diagnostic routines and checks for error
conditions. During the power-up sequence, the Transmitter Initializing alert is active. This alert
should clear automatically when the power-up sequence is complete.
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2.3 Commissioning wizards
The transmitter menu includes a Guided Setup to help you move quickly through the most common
configuration parameters. ProLink III also provides a commissioning wizard.
By default, when the transmitter starts up, the Guided Setup menu is offered. You can choose to use it or not.
You can also choose whether or not Guided Setup is displayed automatically.
• To enter Guided Setup upon transmitter startup, choose Yes at the prompt.
• To enter Guided Setup after transmitter startup, choose Menu > Startup Tasks.
• To control the automatic display of Guided Setup, choose Menu > Configuration > Guided Setup.
For information on the ProLink III commissioning wizard, see the Micro Motion ProLink III User Manual.
As the commissioning wizards are self guided, they are not documented in detail.
2.4 Make a startup connection to the transmitter
For all configuration tools except the display, you must have an active connection to the transmitter to
configure the transmitter.
Identify the connection type to use, and follow the instructions for that connection type in the appropriate
Communications tool
ProLink IIIHARTUsing ProLink III with the transmitter
Field CommunicatorHARTUsing a Field Communicator with the
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Clock
The transmitter clock provides timestamp data for alerts, service logs, history logs, and all other timers and
dates in the system. You can set the clock for your local time or for any standard time you want to use.
You may find it convenient to set all of your transmitter clocks to the same time, even if the transmitters are
in different time zones.
Menu > Configuration > Time/Date/Tag
1. Select the time zone that you want to use.
2. If you need a custom time zone, select Special Time Zone and enter your time zone as a difference
from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
3. Set the time appropriately for the selected time zone.
12Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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The transmitter does not adjust for Daylight Savings Time. If you observe Daylight Savings Time, you
must reset the transmitter clock manually.
4. Set the month, day, and year.
The transmitter tracks the year and automatically adds a day for leap years.
2.6 View the licensed features
DisplayMenu > About > Licenses > Licensed Features
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Device Information > Licensed Features
Field CommunicatorOverview > Device Information > Licenses
You can view the licensed features to ensure that the transmitter was ordered with the required features.
Licensed features are purchased and available for permanent use. The options model code represents the
licensed features.
A trial license allows you to explore features before purchasing. The trial license enables the specified features
for a limited number of days. This number is displayed for reference. At the end of this period, the feature will
no longer be available.
To purchase additional features or request a trial license, document the Unique ID Number and current
license key from your transmitter and contact customer service. To enable the additional features or trial
license, you will need to install the new license on the transmitter.
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Device
You can set several parameters that identify or describe the transmitter and sensor. These parameters are not
used in processing and are not required.
1. Set informational parameters for the transmitter.
a) Set Transmitter Serial Number to the serial number of your transmitter.
The transmitter serial number is provided on the metal tag that is attached to the transmitter
Menu > Configuration > Device Information
b) Set Descriptor to any desired description of this transmitter or measurement point.
c) Set Message to any desired message.
d) Verify that Model Code (Base) is set to the base model code of the transmitter.
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The base model code completely describes your transmitter, except for the features that can be
licensed independently. The base model code is set at the factory.
e) Set Model Code (Options) to the options model code of the transmitter.
The options model code describes the independent features that have been licensed for this
transmitter. The original options model code is set at the factory. If you license additional
options for this transmitter, Micro Motion will supply an updated options model code.
2. Set informational parameters for the sensor.
a) Set Sensor Serial Number to the serial number of the sensor connected to this transmitter.
The sensor serial number is provided on the metal tag that is attached to the sensor case.
b) Set Sensor Material to the material used for the sensor.
c) Set Sensor Liner to the material used for the sensor liner.
d) Set Flange Type to the type of flange that was used to install the sensor.
Do not set Sensor Type. Sensor Type is set or derived during characterization.
2.8 Characterize the meter (if required)
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Calibration Data
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Characterization
Characterizing the meter adjusts your transmitter to match the unique traits of the sensor it is paired with.
The characterization parameters (also called calibration parameters) describe the sensor’s sensitivity to flow,
density, and temperature. Depending on your sensor type, different parameters are required.
Values for your sensor are provided on the sensor tag or the calibration certificate.
• If your transmitter was ordered with a sensor, it was characterized at the factory. However, you should still
verify the characterization parameters.
• Perform a characterization whenever you replace a core processor.
1. Optional: Specify Sensor Type as Curved Tube.
Unlike earlier transmitters, the 4200 derives Sensor Type from the user-specified values for FCF and K1
in combination with an internal ID.
2. Set the flow calibration factor: FCF (also called Flow Cal or Flow Calibration Factor). Be sure to include
all decimal points.
3. Set the density characterization parameters: D1, D2, TC, K1, K2, and FD. (TC is sometimes shown as
4. Apply the changes as required by the tool you are using.
Menu > Configuration > Sensor Parameters
14Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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The transmitter identifies your sensor type, and characterization parameters are adjusted as required:
• If Sensor Type changed from Straight Tube to Curved Tube, five characterization parameters are
removed from the list.
• If Sensor Type did not change, the list of characterization parameters does not change.
2.8.1 Sample sensor tags
Figure 2-1: Tag on older curved-tube sensors (all sensors except T-Series)
Figure 2-2: Tag on newer curved-tube sensors (all sensors except T-Series)
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Quick startConfiguration and Use Manual
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2.8.2 Flow calibration parameters (FCF, FT)
Two separate values are used to describe flow calibration: a 6-character FCF value and a 4-character FT value.
They are provided on the sensor tag.
Both values contain decimal points. During characterization, these are entered as a single 10-character string.
The 10-character string is called either Flowcal or FCF.
If your sensor tag shows the FCF and the FT values separately and you need to enter a single value,
concatenate the two values to form the single parameter value, retaining both decimal points.
Concatenating FCF and FT
FCF = x.xxxx FT = y.yy Flow calibration parameter: x.xxxxy.yy
Density calibration parameters are typically on the sensor tag and the calibration certificate.
If your sensor tag does not show a D1 or D2 value:
• For D1, enter the Dens A or D1 value from the calibration certificate. This value is the line-condition
density of the low-density calibration fluid. Micro Motion uses air. If you cannot find a Dens A or D1 value,
enter 0.001 g/cm3.
• For D2, enter the Dens B or D2 value from the calibration certificate. This value is the line-condition density
of the high-density calibration fluid. Micro Motion uses water. If you cannot find a Dens B or D2 value,
enter 0.998g/cm3 .
If your sensor tag does not show a K1 or K2 value:
• For K1, enter the first 5 digits of the density calibration factor. In this sample tag, this value is shown as
• For K2, enter the second 5 digits of the density calibration factor. In this sample tag, this value is shown as
Figure 2-3: K1, K2, and TC values in the density calibration factor
16Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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If your sensor does not show an FD value, contact customer service.
If your sensor tag does not show a DT or TC value, enter the last 4 characters of the density calibration factor.
In the sample tag shown above, the value is shown as 4.44.
2.9 Verify mass flow measurement
Check to see that the mass flow rate reported by the transmitter is accurate. You can use any available
• Read the value for Mass Flow Rate on the transmitter display, which is the default initial display.
• Connect to the transmitter with ProLink III and read the value for Mass Flow Rate in the Process Variables
• Connect to the transmitter with the Field Communicator and read the value for Mass Flow Rate.
Online > Overview > Mass Flow Rate
If the reported mass flow rate is not accurate:
• Check the characterization parameters.
• Review the troubleshooting suggestions for flow measurement issues.
2.10 Verify the zero
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Calibration > Smart Zero Verification and Calibration > Verify Zero
Field CommunicatorService Tools > Maintenance > Calibration > Zero Calibration > Perform Zero Verify
Verifying the zero helps you determine if the stored zero value is appropriate to your installation, or if a field
zero can improve measurement accuracy.
In most cases, the factory zero is more accurate than the field zero. Do not zero the meter unless one of the
following is true:
• The zero is required by site procedures.
• The stored zero value fails the zero verification procedure.
Do not verify the zero or zero the meter if a high-severity alert is active. Correct the problem, then verify the
zero or zero the meter. You may verify the zero or zero the meter if a low-severity alert is active.
Menu > Service Tools > Verification & Calibration > Meter Zero > Zero Verification
1. Prepare the meter:
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a) Allow the meter to warm up for at least 20 minutes after applying power.
b) Run the process fluid through the sensor until the sensor temperature reaches the normal
process operating temperature.
c) Stop flow through the sensor by shutting the downstream valve, and then the upstream valve if
d) Verify that the sensor is blocked in, that flow has stopped, and that the sensor is completely full
of process fluid.
2. Start the zero verification procedure, and wait until it completes.
3. If the zero verification procedure fails:
a) Confirm that the sensor is completely blocked in, that flow has stopped, and that the sensor is
completely full of process fluid.
b) Verify that the process fluid is not flashing or condensing, and that it does not contain particles
that can settle out.
c) Repeat the zero verification procedure.
d) If it fails again, zero the meter.
Restore normal flow through the sensor by opening the valves.
Related information
Zero the meter
18Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualIntroduction to configuration and commissioning
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3 Introduction to configuration and
3.1 Security and write protection
The transmitter has several features that can help to protect it against intentional or unintentional access and
configuration changes.
• When enabled, the software setting Write Protection prevents any configuration changes. When
enabled, a lock icon displays at the top of the home screen of the display.
• When enabled, the display option Display Security prevents any configuration changes being made from
the display unless the display password is entered. Display Security does not prevent configuration
changes from other interfaces.
3.1.1 Enable or disable software write protection
When enabled, Write-Protection prevents changes to the transmitter configuration. You can perform all
other functions, and you can view the transmitter configuration parameters.
Write protection is enabled by toggling the physical write protect (dip) switch (identified by a lock icon)
located behind the display module.
Figure 3-1: Write Protect (Dip) Switch Behind the Display Module
Configuration and Use Manual19
Introduction to configuration and commissioningConfiguration and Use Manual
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Figure 3-2: Write Protect on the Display (Upper Right Corner)
You cannot change write protection from any host configuration tool.
Write protecting the transmitter primarily prevents accidental changes to configuration, not intentional
changes. Any user who can make changes to the configuration can disable write protection.
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Display > Display Menus
You can configure a display password, and require the operator to enter the password to make any changes
to configuration through the display, or to access alert data through the display.
The operator always has read-only access to the configuration menus.
1. Enable or disable display security as desired.
Menu > Configuration > Security > Display Security
20Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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Enabled When an operator chooses an action that leads to a configuration change, they are
prompted to enter the display password.
Disabled When an operator chooses an action that leads to a configuration change, they are
prompted to activate ⇦⇧⇩⇨. This is designed to protect against accidental changes to
configuration. It is not a security measure.
2. If you enabled display security, enable or disable alert security as desired.
Enabled If an alert is active, the alert symbol ⓘ is shown above the Menu button on the display but
the alert banner is not displayed. If the operator attempts to enter the alert menu, they are
prompted to enter the display password.
Disabled If an alert is active, the alert symbol ⓘ is shown in the upper right corner of the display and
the alert banner is displayed automatically. No password or confirmation is required to
enter the alert menu.
You cannot disable display security and enable alert security.
• If you did not enable display security, alert security is disabled and cannot be enabled.
• If both display security and alert security are enabled, and you disable display security, alert security
is disabled automatically.
3. Set the display password to the desired value.
• Default: AAAA
• Range: Any four alphanumeric characters
If you enable display security but you do not change the display password, the transmitter will post a
Configuration alert.
3.2 Work with configuration files
3.2.1 Save a configuration file using ProLink III
You can save the current transmitter configuration to your PC. The ProLink PC file format is supported.
• To save the current configuration to your PC, in ProLink III format:
a) Choose Device Tools > Configuration Transfer > Save Configuration.
b) Select On my computer in ProLink III file format and click Next.
c) Click Save.
d) Select the configuration parameters to be included in this file.
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Introduction to configuration and commissioningConfiguration and Use Manual
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— To save a backup file, select all parameters.
— To save a replication file, select all parameters except device-specific parameters.
e) Click Save.
f) Browse to the desired location, then enter the name for this configuration file.
g) Set the file type to ProLink configuration file.
h) Click Start Save.
The configuration file is saved to the specified location as yourname.pcfg.
3.2.2 Load a configuration file using ProLink III
You can load a configuration file to the transmitter's working memory. The PC file formats are supported: the
ProLink III PC file format is supported.
When you use ProLink III format for configuration files, you can specify configuration parameters individually
or by groups. Therefore, you can use this format for both backup and replication.
• To load a file in ProLink III format from the PC:
a) Choose Device Tools > Configuration Transfer > Load Configuration.
b) Select On my computer in ProLink III file format and click Next.
c) Select the parameters that you want to load.
d) Click Load.
e) Set the file type to Configuration file.
f) Navigate to the file you want to load, and select it.
g) Click Start Load.
The parameters are written to working memory, and the new settings become effectively immediately.
3.2.3 Restore the factory configuration
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration Transfer > Restore Factory Configuration
A file containing the factory configuration is always saved in the transmitter's internal memory, and is
available for use.
Menu > Configuration > Restore Factory Configuration
This action is typically used for error recovery or for repurposing a transmitter.
If you restore the factory configuration, the real-time clock, the audit trail, the historian, and other logs are
not reset.
22Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualConfigure process measurement
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4 Configure process measurement
4.1 Configure Sensor Flow Direction Arrow
DisplayMenu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Flow Direction
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Sensor Direction
Sensor Flow Direction Arrow is used to accommodate installations in which the Flow arrow on the sensor
does not match the majority of the process flow. This typically happens when the sensor is accidentally
installed backwards.
Sensor Flow Direction Arrow interacts with mA Output Direction, Frequency Output Direction, and
Totalizer Direction to control how flow is reported by the outputs and accumulated by the totalizers and
Sensor Flow Direction Arrow also affects how flow is reported on the transmitter display and via digital
communications. This includes ProLink III and the Field Communicator.
Figure 4-1: Flow arrow on sensor
A. Flow arrow
B. Actual flow direction
Set Sensor Flow Direction Arrow as appropriate.
With ArrowThe majority of flow through the sensor matches the flow arrow on the sensor. Actual
Configuration and Use Manual23
forward flow is processed as forward flow.
Configure process measurementConfiguration and Use Manual
April 2019MMI-20048166
Against Arrow The majority of flow through the sensor is opposite to the flow arrow on the sensor. Actual
forward flow is processed as reverse flow.
Micro Motion sensors are bidirectional. Measurement accuracy is not affected by actual flow direction or the
setting of Sensor Flow Direction Arrow. Sensor Flow Direction Arrow controls only whether actual flow is
processed as forward flow or reverse flow
4.2 Configure mass flow measurement
The mass flow measurement parameters control how mass flow is measured and reported. The mass total
and mass inventory are derived from the mass flow data.
4.2.1 Configure Mass Flow Measurement Unit
DisplayMenu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Mass Flow Settings > Units
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Mass Flow Rate Unit
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Mass Flow Unit
Mass Flow Measurement Unit specifies the unit of measure that will be used for the mass flow rate. The
default unit used for mass total and mass inventory is derived from this unit.
Set Mass Flow Measurement Unit to the unit you want to use.
• Default: g/sec (grams per second)
If the measurement unit you want to use is not available, you can define a special measurement unit.
Options for Mass Flow Measurement Unit
The transmitter provides a standard set of measurement units for Mass Flow Measurement Unit, plus one
user-defined special measurement unit. Different communications tools may use different labels for the
Define a special measurement unit for mass flow
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Mass Flow Rate Unit > Special
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Optional Setup > Special Units > Mass Special Units
Menu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Mass Flow Settings > Units > SPECIAL
24Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualConfigure process measurement
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A special measurement unit is a user-defined unit of measure that allows you to report process data, totalizer
data, and inventory data in a unit that is not available in the transmitter. A special measurement unit is
calculated from an existing measurement unit using a conversion factor.
1. Specify Base Mass Unit.
Base Mass Unit is the existing mass unit that the special unit will be based on.
2. Specify Base Time Unit.
Base Time Unit is the existing time unit that the special unit will be based on.
3. Calculate Mass Flow Conversion Factor as follows:
a) x base units = y special units
b) Mass Flow Conversion Factor = x ÷ y
4. Enter Mass Flow Conversion Factor.
The original mass flow rate value is divided by this value.
5. Set Mass Flow Label to the name you want to use for the mass flow unit.
6. Set Mass Total Label to the name you want to use for the mass total and mass inventory unit.
The special measurement unit is stored in the transmitter. You can configure the transmitter to use the
special measurement unit at any time.
Defining a special measurement unit for mass flow
You want to measure mass flow in ounces per second (oz/sec).
1. Set Base Mass Unit to Pounds (lb).
2. Set Base Time Unit to Seconds (sec).
3. Calculate Mass Flow Conversion Factor:
a. 1 lb/sec = 16 oz/sec
Menu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Flow Damping
Configure process measurementConfiguration and Use Manual
April 2019MMI-20048166
Flow Damping controls the amount of damping that will be applied to the measured mass flow rate. It affects
flow rate process variables that are based on the measured mass flow rate. This includes volume flow rate and
gas standard volume flow rate.
Flow Damping also affects specialized flow rate variables such as temperature-corrected volume flow rate
(API referral) and net mass flow rate (concentration measurement). It is not applied to the flow rate received
via the frequency input.
Damping is used to smooth out small, rapid fluctuations in process measurement. The damping value
specifies the time period, in seconds, over which the transmitter will spread changes in the process variable.
At the end of the interval, the internal value of the process variable (the damped value) will reflect 63% of the
change in the actual measured value.
Set Flow Damping to the value you want to use.
• Default: 0.64 seconds
• Range: 0 seconds to 60 seconds
If a number greater than 60 is entered, it is automatically changed to 60.
• A high damping value makes the process variable appear smoother because the reported value changes
• A low damping value makes the process variable appear more erratic because the reported value changes
more quickly.
• The combination of a high damping value and rapid, large changes in flow rate can result in increased
measurement error.
• Whenever the damping value is non-zero, the reported measurement will lag the actual measurement
because the reported value is being averaged over time.
• In general, lower damping values are preferable because there is less chance of data loss, and less lag time
between the actual measurement and the reported value.
• The transmitter automatically rounds off any entered damping value to the nearest valid value. Therefore,
the recommended damping value for gas applications should be 3.2 seconds. If you enter 2.56, the
transmitter will round it off to 3.2.
• For filling applications, Micro Motion recommends using the default value of 0.04 seconds.
26Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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Effect of flow damping on volume measurement
Flow damping affects volume measurement for liquid volume data. Flow damping also affects volume
measurement for gas standard volume data. The transmitter calculates volume data from the damped mass
flow data.
Interaction between Flow Damping and mA Output Damping
In some circumstances, both Flow Damping and mA Output Damping are applied to the reported mass flow
Flow Damping controls the rate of change in flow process variables. mA Output Damping controls the rate
of change reported via the mA Output. If mA Output Process Variable is set to Mass Flow Rate, and both
Flow Damping and mA Output Damping are set to non-zero values, flow damping is applied first, and the
added damping calculation is applied to the result of the first calculation.
4.2.3 Configure Mass Flow Cutoff
DisplayMenu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Mass Flow Settings > Low Flow Cutoff
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Mass Flow Cutoff
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Mass Flow Cutoff
Mass Flow Cutoff specifies the lowest mass flow rate that will be reported as measured. All mass flow rates
below this cutoff will be reported as 0.
Set Mass Flow Cutoff to the value you want to use.
• Default: A sensor-specific value set at the factory. If your transmitter was ordered without a sensor, the
default may be 0.0.
• Recommendation: 0.5% of maximum flow rate of the attached sensor. See the sensor specifications.
Do not use your meter for measurement with Mass Flow Cutoff set to 0.0 g/sec. Ensure that Mass Flow
Cutoff is set to the value that is appropriate for your sensor.
Effect of Mass Flow Cutoff on volume measurement
Mass Flow Cutoff does not affect volume measurement. Volume data is calculated from the actual mass data
rather than the reported value.
Volume flow has a separate Volume Flow Cutoff that is not affected by the Mass Flow Cutoff value.
Interaction between Mass Flow Cutoff and mA Output Cutoff
Mass Flow Cutoff defines the lowest mass flow value that the transmitter will report as measured. mA
Output Cutoff defines the lowest flow rate that will be reported via the mA Output. If mA Output Process
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Configure process measurementConfiguration and Use Manual
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Variable is set to Mass Flow Rate, the mass flow rate reported via the mA Output is controlled by the higher of
the two cutoff values.
Mass Flow Cutoff affects all reported values and values used in other transmitter behavior (e.g., events
defined on mass flow).
mA Output Cutoff affects only mass flow values reported via the mA Output.
Cutoff interaction with mA Output Cutoff lower than Mass Flow Cutoff
• mA Output Process Variable: Mass Flow Rate
• Frequency Output Process Variable: Mass Flow Rate
• mA Output Cutoff: 10 g/sec
• Mass Flow Cutoff: 15 g/sec
Result: If the mass flow rate drops below 15 g/sec, mass flow will be reported as 0, and 0 will be used in all
internal processing.
Cutoff interaction with mA Output Cutoff higher than Mass Flow Cutoff
• mA Output Process Variable: Mass Flow Rate
• Frequency Output Process Variable: Mass Flow Rate
• mA Output Cutoff: 15 g/sec
• Mass Flow Cutoff: 10 g/sec
• If the mass flow rate drops below 15 g/sec but not below 10 g/sec:
— The mA Output will report zero flow.
— The Frequency Output will report the actual flow rate, and the actual flow rate will be used in all
internal processing.
• If the mass flow rate drops below 10 g/sec, both outputs will report zero flow, and 0 will be used in all
internal processing.
4.3 Configure volume flow measurement for liquid
The volume flow measurement parameters control how liquid volume flow is measured and reported. The
volume total and volume inventory are derived from volume flow data.
You cannot implement both liquid volume flow and gas standard volume flow at the same time. Choose one
or the other.
Related information
Configure Volume Flow Type for liquid applications
28Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
Configuration and Use ManualConfigure process measurement
MMI-20048166April 2019
Configure Volume Flow Measurement Unit for liquid applications
Configure Volume Flow Cutoff
4.3.1 Configure Volume Flow Type for liquid applications
DisplayMenu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Volume Flow Settings > Flow Type >
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Volume Flow Type > Liquid Volume
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Optional Setup > GSV > Volume Flow Type > Liquid Volume
Volume Flow Type controls whether liquid or gas standard volume flow measurement will be used.
If you are using the API referral application, you must set Volume Flow Type to Liquid. Gas standard volume
measurement is incompatible with the API referral application.
If you are using the concentration measurement application, you must set Volume Flow Type to Liquid.
Gas standard volume measurement is incompatible with the following applications:
• Concentration measurement
Set Volume Flow Type to Liquid.
4.3.2 Configure Volume Flow Measurement Unit for liquid
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Volume Flow Rate Unit
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Flow > Volume Flow Unit
Volume Flow Measurement Unit specifies the unit of measurement that will be displayed for the volume
flow rate. The unit used for the volume total and volume inventory is based on this unit.
Before you configure Volume Flow Measurement Unit, be sure that Volume Flow Type is set to Liquid.
Set Volume Flow Measurement Unit to the unit you want to use.
• Default: l/sec (liters per second)
If the measurement unit you want to use is not available, you can define a special measurement unit.
Configuration and Use Manual29
Menu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Volume Flow Settings > Units
Configure process measurementConfiguration and Use Manual
April 2019MMI-20048166
Options for Volume Flow Measurement Unit for liquid applications
The transmitter provides a standard set of measurement units for Volume Flow Measurement Unit, plus one
user-defined measurement unit. Different communications tools may use different labels for the units.
Define a special measurement unit for volume flow
DisplayMenu > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow Variables > Volume Flow Settings > Units >
ProLink IIIDevice Tools > Configuration > Process Measurement > Flow > Volume Flow Rate Unit > Special
Field CommunicatorConfigure > Manual Setup > Measurements > Optional Setup > Special Units > Volume Special Units
A special measurement unit is a user-defined unit of measure that allows you to report process data, totalizer
data, and inventory data in a unit that is not available in the transmitter. A special measurement unit is
calculated from an existing measurement unit using a conversion factor.
1. Specify Base Volume Unit.
Base Volume Unit is the existing volume unit that the special unit will be based on.
2. Specify Base Time Unit.
Base Time Unit is the existing time unit that the special unit will be based on.
3. Calculate Volume Flow Conversion Factor as follows:
a) x base units = y special units
b) Volume Flow Conversion Factor = x ÷ y
4. Enter Volume Flow Conversion Factor.
The original volume flow rate value is divided by this conversion factor.
5. Set Volume Flow Label to the name you want to use for the volume flow unit.
6. Set Volume Total Label to the name you want to use for the volume total and volume inventory unit.
The special measurement unit is stored in the transmitter. You can configure the transmitter to use the
special measurement unit at any time.
Defining a special measurement unit for volume flow
You want to measure volume flow in pints per second (pints/sec).
1. Set Base Volume Unit to Gallons (gal).
2. Set Base Time Unit to Seconds (sec).
3. Calculate the conversion factor:
a. 1 gal/sec = 8 pints/sec
b. Volume Flow Conversion Factor = 1 ÷ 8 = 0.1250
4. Set Volume Flow Conversion Factor to 0.1250.
30Micro Motion 4200 Transmitters
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