Emerson MCi210 User Manual

User Guide
Part Number: 0478-0033-02 Issue: 2
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed drive with the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the product or its performance, or the contents of the guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest software version. If this drive is to be connected to an existing system or machine, all drive software versions should be verified to confirm the same functionality as drives of the same model already present. This may also apply to drives returned from a Control Techniques Service Centre or Repair Centre. If there is any doubt please contact the supplier of the product.
Environmental statement
Control Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environmental Policy and other relevant information is available on request, or can be found at www.greendrives.com. The electronic variable-speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and (through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product manufacture and end-of-life disposal. Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use of tools, while other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for recycling.
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags for wrapping product, can be recycled in the same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy prefers easily-recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.
When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.
For current information on how this requirement applies in relation to specific Control Techniques products, please approach your usual contact in the first instance. Control Techniques position statement can be viewed at:
http://www.controltechniques.com/REACH Copyright © November 2012 Control Techniques Ltd. Issue Number: 2 Firmware: 01.00.00.XX onwards
1 Safety information ................................................................. 5
1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes ................................................................5
1.2 Electrical safety - general warning ..........................................................5
1.3 System design and safety of personnel ..................................................5
1.4 Environmental limits ................................................................................6
1.5 Access .....................................................................................................6
1.6 Compliance with regulations ...................................................................6
1.7 Adjusting parameters ..............................................................................6
1.8 Stored charge ..........................................................................................6
2 Introduction ............................................................................7
2.1 MCi210 module .......................................................................................7
2.2 User programming ...................................................................................7
2.3 Option module identification .................................................................... 8
2.4 Conventions used in this guide ...............................................................8
3 Mechanical installation .........................................................9
3.1 General Installation .................................................................................9
4 Electrical installation ...........................................................10
4.1 MCi210 module information ..................................................................10
4.2 Ethernet .................................................................................................11
4.3 Digital I/O ...............................................................................................12
5 Parameters ........................................................................... 13
5.1 Overview ...............................................................................................13
5.2 Menus ....................................................................................................13
5.3 Parameter save and restore ..................................................................14
5.4 Remanent variables ..............................................................................14
5.5 Menu 0 - MCi210 Module information ...................................................15
5.6 Menu 1 - User Application ..................................................................... 19
5.7 Menu 2 - Ethernet configuration ............................................................ 25
5.8 Menu 3 - Timer ...................................................................................... 32
5.9 Menu 4 - Digital I/O ...............................................................................35
5.10 Menu 9 - Resources .............................................................................. 38
5.11 Menu 10 - Easy mode cyclic data .........................................................40
5.12 Menu 11 - Synchronization ....................................................................54
5.13 Menu 15 - Modbus ................................................................................61
6 Variable allocation menus ..................................................68
7 Digital I/O ..............................................................................69
8 Timer .....................................................................................70
9 User programming ...............................................................72
9.1 Machine Control Studio ......................................................................... 72
MCi210 User Guide 3 Issue Number: 2
10 Diagnostics ........................................................................73
10.1 Run-time errors .....................................................................................73
10.2 Drive trip display codes .........................................................................73
10.3 Run-time error codes .............................................................................74
10.4 Ethernet error codes ..............................................................................75
10.5 Module error codes ...............................................................................76
4 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2

1 Safety information


1.1 Warnings, Cautions and Notes

A Warning contains information, which is essential for avoiding a safety hazard.
A Caution contains information, which is necessary for avoiding a risk of damage to the product or other equipment.
A Note contains information, which helps to ensure correct operation of the product.

1.2 Electrical safety - general warning

The voltages used in the drive can cause severe electrical shock and/or burns, and could be lethal. Extreme care is necessary at all times when working with or adjacent to the drive.
Specific warnings are given at the relevant places in this User Guide.

1.3 System design and safety of personnel

The drive is intended as a component for professional incorporation into complete equipment or a system. If installed incorrectly, the drive may present a safety hazard.
The drive uses high voltages and currents, carries a high level of stored electrical energy, and is used to control equipment which can cause injury.
Close attention is required to the electrical installation and the system design to avoid hazards either in normal operation or in the event of equipment malfunction. System design, installation, commissioning/start-up and maintenance must be carried out by personnel who have the necessary training and experience. They must read this safety information and this User Guide carefully.
The STOP and SAFE TORQUE OFF functions of the drive do not isolate dangerous voltages from the output of the drive or from any external option unit. The supply must be disconnected by an approved electrical isolation device before gaining access to the electrical connections.
With the sole exception of the SAFE TORQUE OFF function, none of the drive functions must be used to ensure safety of personnel, i.e. they must not be used for safety-related functions.
Careful consideration must be given to the functions of the drive which might result in a hazard, either through their intended behavior or through incorrect operation due to a fault. In any application where a malfunction of the drive or its control system could lead to or allow damage, loss or injury, a risk analysis must be carried out, and where necessary, further measures taken to reduce the risk - for example, an over-speed protection device in case of failure of the speed control, or a fail-safe mechanical brake in case of loss of motor braking.
The system designer is responsible for ensuring that the complete system is safe and designed correctly according to the relevant safety standards.
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
Diagnostics Index
MCi210 User Guide 5 Issue Number: 2

1.4 Environmental limits

Instructions regarding transport, storage, installation and use of the drive must be complied with, including the specified environmental limits. These instructions can be found in the relevant drive documentation. Drives must not be subjected to excessive physical force.

1.5 Access

Drive access must be restricted to authorized personnel only. Safety regulations which apply at the place of use must be complied with.

1.6 Compliance with regulations

The installer is responsible for complying with all relevant regulations, such as national wiring regulations, accident prevention regulations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. Particular attention must be given to the cross-sectional areas of conductors, the selection of fuses or other protection, and protective ground (earth) connections.
Instructions for achieving compliance with specific EMC standards may be found in the relevant drive documentation.
Within the European Union, all machinery in which this product is used must comply with the following directives:
2006/42/EC: Safety of machinery.
2004/108/EC: Electromagnetic Compatibility.

1.7 Adjusting parameters

Some parameters have a profound effect on the operation of the drive. They must not be altered without careful consideration of the impact on the controlled system. Measures must be taken to prevent unwanted changes due to error or tampering.

1.8 Stored charge

The drive contains capacitors which remain charged to a potentially lethal voltage after the AC supply has been disconnected. If the drive has been energized, the AC supply must be isolated for at least ten minutes before work may continue.
6 MCi210 User Guide
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2 Introduction


2.1 MCi210 module

The MCi210 is a CoDeSys-based user-programmable option module for Unidrive M. It is an intelligent module that expands on the functionality of the Unidrive M by offering the following features:
CoDeSys based user programming
Digital I/O
Timer Unit
Onboard Ethernet (2 ports)
File system

2.2 User programming

The MCi210 module is capable of running a CoDeSys program created by a user with the Machine Control Studio (MC Studio) software. It is an integrated development environment that supports all five of the programming languages of the IEC 61131-3 standard, including Structured Text (ST), Ladder Diagram (LD), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Sequential Function Chart (SFC) and Instruction List (IL). Continuous Function Chart (CFC) is also supported.
The user has a number of tasks available to them. These are documented below.
The Freewheeling, Clockn and Position tasks are cyclic tasks. The Clockn and Position tasks will run at an interval set by the user in MC Studio. The Freewheeling task is the lowest priority task and will run when processor resource allows.
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
MCi210 User Guide 7 Issue Number: 2
Diagnostics Index

2.3 Option module identification

Option module
Ethernet link / activity indicators
Serial number
Date code
Figure 2-1 MCi210 module
The MCi210 module can be identified by:
1. The label located on the topside of the option module.
2. The color coding across the front of the option module and the connector types. MCi210: Moss green with two 8P8C (RJ45) connectors and a 6-way pluggable connector.
Figure 2-2 MCi210 label
1: Topside module label
2: Underside module label

2.4 Conventions used in this guide

The configuration of the host drive and System Integration option module is performed using menus and parameters. A menu is a logical collection of parameters that have similar functionality.
The MCi210 module contains a number of menus that are grouped by the slot number that the module is installed into.
The method used to determine the menu or parameter is as follows:
•Pr S.mm.ppp - signifies a module parameter, where S is the slot number that the module is
installed in, mm is the module menu number and ppp is the parameter within that menu.
•Pr mm.000 - signifies any drive menu and parameter number 00.
8 MCi210 User Guide
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3 Mechanical installation

Before installing or removing an option module from any drive, ensure the AC supply has been disconnected for at least 10 minutes and refer to Chapter 1 Safety information on page 5. If using a DC bus supply ensure this is fully discharged before working on any drive or option module.

3.1 General Installation

The installation of an option module is illustrated in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 Option module installation
Variable allocation

3.1.1 Installing the first option module

Option module slots must be used in the following order: slot 3, slot 2 and slot 1.
Align the option module above the drive as shown
Insert the option module tab into the slot on the drive
Press down on the option module until it clicks into place
MCi210 User Guide 9 Issue Number: 2
Digital I/O
Diagnostics Index

4 Electrical installation

port A
port B
Link LEDs
Digital I/O
Digital I/O

4.1 MCi210 module information

The MCi210 module provides two standard 8P8C (RJ45) UTP/STP (Un-shielded / Shielded Twisted Pair) connections to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network using an inbuilt switch. A grounding tab is provided for supplementary bonding of the 8P8C connectors. A link/activity indicator is provided for each of the Ethernet ports. The indicators are located on the top surface of the module.
The MCi210 module also provides a 6-way pluggable connector for digital inputs and outputs.
Figure 4-1 MCi210
Figure 4-2 MCi210 Connections
Table 4-3 8P8C (RJ45) Ethernet port connector pin out
Terminal Description
1 Transmit +
2 Transmit -
3 Receive +
6 Receive -
10 MCi210 User Guide
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Table 4-4 6-way digital I/O pluggable connector pin out
Terminal Description
1 Digital input 1
2 Digital input 2
3 Digital input 3
4 Digital I/O 4
5 Digital output 5
6 0 V common

4.2 Ethernet

4.2.1 Isolation

The shells of the 8P8C (RJ45) Ethernet ports are isolated from 0V of the module and the drive.
The ground tab on the MCi210 module is not required for electrical safety and is available only to increase immunity from electrical noise.

4.2.2 Cabling

Standard UTP (unshielded twisted pair) or STP (shielded twisted pair) cables are supported. It is recommended that a minimum specification CAT5e is used in new installations.
The Ethernet interface on the module supports the 'Auto cross-over detection', therefore a cross­over cable is not required when connecting the Ethernet port on the module directly to the Ethernet port of a PC.

4.2.3 Link / activity indicators

Each Ethernet port has a corresponding link / activity indicator on the topside of the module as shown in Figure 4-1. Table 4-5 below details the different statuses of the indicators.
Table 4-5 Ethernet link / activity indicator status
Indicator status Description
Off Ethernet connection not detected
Solid green Ethernet connection detected but no data
Flashing green Ethernet connection detected and data flow
Variable allocation
Digital I/O Timer
MCi210 User Guide 11 Issue Number: 2
Diagnostics Index

4.3 Digital I/O

The digital I/O circuits are isolated from the power circuits in the drive by basic insulation (single insulation) only. The installer must ensure that the external control circuits are insulated from human contact by at least one layer of insulation (supplementary insulation) rated for use at the AC supply voltage.
If the digital inputs or outputs are to be connected to other circuits classified as Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) (e.g. to a personal computer), an additional isolating barrier must be included in order to maintain the SELV classification.
The MCi210 is equipped with 3 digital inputs, 1 selectable digital input or output and 1 digital output. These inputs and outputs can be read to or controlled by the user program in the module.
The digital outputs are a positive logic arrangement with high side drivers only, such that they are at +24 V when active and can supply a total maximum 20 mA of current shared between the two outputs. When inactive they are effectively floating. The digital outputs are protected against short­circuit or overload. The trip threshold is 20 mA, and if tripped both outputs will be deactivated and the drive will show a "Slotx Error - Output overload" trip (where x indicates the slot number that module is installed in).
The digital I/O are controlled using menu 4 in the module. Refer to section 5.9 Menu 4 - Digital I/ O on page 35 for more information.

4.3.1 Digital I/O specifications

1 Digital Input 1
2 Digital Input 2
3 Digital Input 3
4 Digital I/O 4 (when configured as an input)
Type Positive logic IEC 61131-2
Maximum input voltage ±30 V
Switching threshold 9.5 V ±0.3 V
Load >2 mA at 15 V
4 Digital I/O 4 (when configured as an output)
5 Digital output 5
Type Positive logic
Output voltage 0 V to 24 V
Maximum output current
6 0 V common
Common to the 0 V of the host drive
20 mA (from one output only or shared between both outputs)
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5 Parameters


5.1 Overview

The MCi210 module holds two parameter databases; the MCi210 database and the database for the drive to which the module is installed. The MCi210 database parameters can be accessed from the drive’s keypad, a user program in the MCi210, PC Tools or a module in another slot of the drive. The notation S.mm.ppp is used to access these parameters where S is the slot number, mm is the menu number and ppp is the parameter number. For example, to access Pr 03.010 of an MCi210 installed in slot 2 of a drive from a module in slot 3 it will be accessed using Pr 2.3.010. The MCi210 module will also hold a copy of the host drive’s database. At power up, if the database held in the MCi210 is different to that of the drive, the MCi210 will upload the drive's database and overwrite the stored database. If the two databases match the drive's database will not be uploaded.
A module that is powered up for the first time will not contain a drive database and therefore will always perform a drive database upload.

5.2 Menus

Table 5-1 below details each of the module's internal menus.
Table 5-1 MCi210 Internal Menu descriptions
Menu Name Description
MCi210 module
S.1 User application Allows the user program to be controlled and monitored
S.2 Ethernet configuration Allows the Ethernet interface to be configured
S.3 Timer Allows the timer unit to be controlled
S.4 Digital I/O Allow the digital I/O to be controlled or monitored
S.9 Resources
S.10 Easy mode cyclic data Allows Ethernet cyclic data links to be configured
S.11 Synchronization
S.15 Modbus
Where S is the slot number that the module is installed in.
The module's menu 0 is also displayed in menu 15, 16 or 17 on the drive depending on which slot the module is installed in. MC Studio can be used to set up a custom or application menu for the module and if set up, the custom menu will be displayed in menu 25, 26 or 27 depending on which slot the module is installed in. Table 5-2 below shows the location of module's menu 0 and custom menu on the drive.
Provides module information such as firmware version and serial number
Provides information regarding the resources of the Ethernet interface and module temperature
Allows the Ethernet based synchronization to be set-up and monitored
Allow the Modbus protocol supported by the Ethernet interface to be set-up
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
Diagnostics Index
MCi210 User Guide 13 Issue Number: 2
Table 5-2 Module's menu 0 and custom menu locations on the drive
Slot number Module’s Menu 0 location
115 25
216 26
317 27
Custom / Application
menu location

5.3 Parameter save and restore

Any user-save parameters in the option module's internal menus are stored in non-volatile memory on the module and not in the drive. Therefore, if the module is moved to a different slot or to a different drive then any saved parameter values will follow the module. If a module is to be replaced, ensure that the parameter values for the module have been backed up before replacing it.

5.4 Remanent variables

The module supports both Retain and Persistent variables. Both of these types of variable allow values to be retained after a power-cycle or module reset, however there is a difference between Retain and Persistent variables.
The following table indicates the behaviour of all variable types:
Reset warm - X X
Reset cold - - X
Reset origin - - -
Online change X X X
Reboot module - X X
X = Value is maintained
- = Value is initialized
RETAIN variables are declared in MC Studio as shown below:
iRem1 : INT; (* 1. Retain variable*)
PERSISTENT variables are declared in MC Studio as shown below:
iVarPers1 : DINT; (* 1. Persistent+Retain Variable App1 *)
bVarPers : BOOL; (* 2. Persistent+Retain Variable App1 *)
14 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2

5.4.1 Reset warm

A reset warm is performed from the MC Studio software and will reset only standard variables to their initialisation values.

5.4.2 Reset cold

A reset cold can be performed from the drive's keypad or MC Studio and will reset RETAIN and standard variables to their initialisation values.

5.4.3 Reset origin

This reset will reset all (including RETAIN and PERSISTENT) variables to their initialisation values and will erase the application on the module. This can only be performed from MC Studio.

5.5 Menu 0 - MCi210 Module information

Parameter Range Default Type
S.00.001 Module ID 0 to 65535 RO Num ND NC PT
S.00.002 Software Version to RO Num ND NC PT
S.00.003 Hardware Version 0.00 to 99.99 RO Num ND NC PT
S.00.004 Serial Number LS 0 to 99999999 RO Num ND NC PT
S.00.005 Serial Number MS 0 to 99999999 RO Num ND NC PT
Bootldr-Update (-2),
S.00.006 Module Status
S.00.007 Reset Module Off (0) or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit NC
S.00.008 Default Module Off (0) or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit NC
S.00.009 Ac ti ve A la r m B it s 0 to 1111111111111111 RO Bin NC
S.00.010 Active IP Address
S.00.030 Slot Number Indicator 0 to 8 RO Num ND NC PT
S.00.031 Slot Menu Number 0 to 255 RO Num ND NC PT
Bootldr-Idle (-1),
Initializing (0), OK (1),
Config (2), Error (3) to
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
Read /
No default
IP IP address Mac
Read only
Not copied
Mac address
Number parameter
Protected parameter
Bit parameter
Rating dependent
Text string
User save
Binary parameter
Power­down save
FI Filtered
DE Destination
S.00.001 Module ID
Minimum 0 Maximum 65535
Default 310 Units
Type 16 Bit Volatile Update Rate Power-up write
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT, BU
This parameter shows the Module ID. This is 310 for the MCi210 module.
MCi210 User Guide 15 Issue Number: 2
Diagnostics Index
S.00.002 Software Version
Minimum 0 (Display: Maximum
Default Units
Type 32 Bit Volatile Update Rate Power-up write
Display Format Version Number Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT
This parameter shows the Module firmware version in ww.xx.yy.zz format
S.00.003 Hardware Version
Minimum 0.00 Maximum 99.99
Default Units
Type 16 Bit Volatile Update Rate Power-up write
Display Format None Decimal Places 2
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT
This parameter shows the hardware version of the module.
S.00.004 Serial Number LS
Minimum 0 Maximum 99999999
Default Units
Type 32 Bit Volatile Update Rate Power-up write
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT
999999 (Display:
S.00.005 Serial Number MS
Minimum 0 Maximum 99999999
Default Units
Type 32 Bit Volatile Update Rate Power-up write
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT
The module serial number is available as a pair of 32 bit values where Serial Number LS (S.00.004) provides the least significant 8 decimal digits and Serial Number MS (S.00.005) provides the most significant 8 decimal digits. The reconstructed serial number is ((S.00.005 x100000000) +
S.00.004). For example serial number "0001234567898765" would be stored as S.00.005 = 12345, S.00.004 = 67898765.
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S.00.006 Module Status
Minimum -2 Maximum 3
Default Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, Txt, ND, NC, PT
Value Text Description
-2 Bootldr - Update The bootloader is performing a flash update.
-1 Bootldr - Idle The bootloader is idle.
0 Initializing The module is initializing
1 OK Module is initialized with no errors present
2 Config A configuration error has been detected
An error has occured preventing the module from running correctly
This parameter shows the status of the module.
S.00.007 Reset Module
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 1 Bit Volatile Update Rate Read every 200 ms
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, NC
When set the module performs a warm reset. When the reset has been performed and the module is performing its initialization routines the parameter will be cleared to zero.
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
The drive, and any other modules installed to the drive will not be affected by the reset.
S.00.008 Default Module
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 1 Bit Volatile Update Rate Read on reset
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, NC
To default the module set this parameter to On (1) and perform a module reset. Once complete, this parameter will return to Off (0). Defaulting the module will cause it to return to its "Out of Box configuration" and any settings stored on the module will be returned to their default values. This will include any web page customizations, e-mail settings, etc. Take care using this parameter as any configuration information will be irretrievably lost.
The password for the 'root' account is not reset back to default.
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Diagnostics Index
S.00.009 Active Alarm Bits
Minimum 0 (Display: 0) Maximum
Default Units
Type 16 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background
Display Format Binary Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, NC, BU
Bit Alarm
0 User Program
2 Modbus
3 Ethernet/IP
4 Reserved
5File System
6 Module Too Hot
This parameter displays the currently active alarms. Each bit represents an alarm as detailed in the table above.
S.00.010 Active IP Address
Default Units
Type 32 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background
Display Format IP Address Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, NC, PT
This parameter shows the active IP Address of the module.
-2147483648 (Display:
65535 (D ispla y:1111111111111111)
2147483647 (Display:
S.00.030 Slot Number Indicator
Minimum 0 Maximum 8
Default Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Written on power-up
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT, BU
This parameter shows the slot number that the module is installed in.
18 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2
S.00.031 Slot Menu Number
Minimum 0 Maximum 255
Default Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Written on power-up
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT, BU
This parameter shows the drive menu number associated with the slot that the module is installed in. For example:
If the module is installed in slot 1, this parameter will show 15.
If the module is installed in slot 2, this parameter will show 16.
If the module is installed in slot 3, this parameter will show 17.

5.6 Menu 1 - User Application

Parameter Range Default Type
S.01.001 Selected UCI Number 0 to 9 0 RW Num ND NC PT
S.01.002 Active UCI Number 0 to 9 RO Num ND NC PT
S.01.003 User Program Status
S.01.004 Available CPU Resources 0 to 100 % RO Num ND PT
S.01.013 Auto-run Enable Off (0), or On (1) On (1) RW Bit US
Global Run-time Trip
S.01.015 Disable Reset on trip Clear Off (0), or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit US
S.01.017 Enable Out of Range Error Off (0), or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit US
S.01.019 Save Retain Data Request Off (0), or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit NC
Power Down Retain Data
Under Voltage State User
Program Behaviour
S.01.025 Reserved 0 to 2147483647 0 RW
S.01.049 Run time error code 0 to 8448 RO Num ND PT
S.01.050 Run time error task ID
Read /
No default
IP IP address Mac
Read only
Not copied
Mac address
None (0), Stopped (1),
Run (2), Error (3)
Off (0), or On (1) Off (0) RW Bit US
Disabled (0), UV (1),
UV (no 24V) (2)
P-S-R (0), S-S-CR-RU (1),
S-S (2)
Protected parameter
Slot menu parameter
Bit parameter
Rating dependent
Disabled (0) RW Txt US
S-S-CR-RU (1) RW Txt US
down save
FI Filtered
DE Destination
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
Diagnostics Index
MCi210 User Guide 19 Issue Number: 2
S.01.001 Selected UCI number
Minimum 0 Maximum 9
Default 0 Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, ND, NC, PT, BU
This parameter specifies which User Customizable Image folder is currently selected and therefore which user program is launched when the module is initialized. The currently selected folder is used for any PC Tool downloads and may not be the same as the Active UCI Number. This allows for multiple user programs / customizations to be stored in the option module. If the selected UCI has been changed the module must be reset for the new application to become active.
Please note the difference between the Selected UCI and the Active UCI (Active UCI number (S.01.002)). The Selected UCI is the image that the user wishes to be active after a module reset, the Active UCI displays the UCI image currently active.
S.01.002 Active UCI number
Minimum 0 Maximum 9
Default Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background write
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, NC, PT, BU
This parameter indicates the currently active UCI. All user program control and state parameters and command relate to the Active UCI except for user program download via eCMP. This allows for downloading to one UCI folder while running from another.
Note the difference between the Selected UCI (Selected UCI number (S.01.001)) and the Active UCI. The Selected UCI is the image that the user wishes to be active after a module reset, the Active UCI displays the UCI image currently active.
Read during initialization
S.01.003 User Program Status
Minimum 0 Maximum 3
Default Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background write
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, Txt, ND, PT, BU
This parameter indicates the status of a user program, if it is present. If no user program is present in the module then it will also indicate this.
If the status indicates a run-time error (3, Error) the user's Error task may be running otherwise the user program will have stopped.
20 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2
Value Text Description
0 None No user program is present
1 Stopped The user program is not running
2 Run The user program is running
3 Error Run-time error
If the module contains a user program this parameter displays its status otherwise it displays 0 (no program present).
S.01.004 Available CPU Resources
Minimum 0 Maximum 100
Default Units %
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Written every 1 s
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, PT, BU
This parameter is updated once per second and shows the average resource free (amount of CPU resources available for the user non-cyclic tasks) during that period. This parameter is not calculated synchronously with the cyclic task(s).
Cyclic tasks, with the exception of the freewheeling task, have a higher priority and will normally have a duration of less than one second so this parameter will give an indication of the average system free resource, but if cyclic tasks execute for more than one second without being rescheduled this parameter may show 0 % resource free, as during the most recent sample period the cyclic tasks took all of the system resource. This is normal.
This parameter is calculated only when the user program is running. When the user program is not running the parameter is set to 100 %.
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
S.01.013 Auto-run enable
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 1 Units
Type 1 Bit User Save Update Rate
Read during initialization
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, NR, BU
When set to 1 (On) the user program will start automatically on a module reset or at power up.
S.01.014 Global run-time trip enable
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 1 Bit User Save Update Rate
Read during initialization
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW
When set to 1 (On) the module may cause the drive to trip when a run-time error occurs.
MCi210 User Guide 21 Issue Number: 2
Diagnostics Index
S.01.015 Disable reset on trip clear
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 1 Bit User Save Update Rate Background read
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW
When this parameter is 0 the module will reset when a drive trip is cleared. When the parameter is set to On, the module will continue running (i.e. not reset) when a drive trip is cleared.
S.01.017 Enable out of range error
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 16 Bit Volatile Update Rate Background read
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW
When this parameter is 0, and an out of range value is written to a parameter, then the value will be automatically limited to that parameter's maximum or minimum value.
When this parameter is 1, and an out of range value is written to a parameter, then a run-time error (code 44) will occur.
S.01.019 Save retain data request
Minimum 0 Maximum 1
Default 0 Units
Type 1 Bit Volatile Update Rate Read every 200 ms
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, NC
When set the module will save any retain data that the user has defined, up to a maximum of 2 kB. When the save is complete, the parameter will be cleared to zero. The save will be processed as a background task and will not affect any scheduled user tasks.
S.01.020 Power down retain data save
Minimum 0 Maximum 2
Default 1 Units
Type 8 Bit User Save Update Rate
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, Txt, NC
The parameter allows the user to define the action on the retain data when the drive enters under voltage state. When set to 0 no action will be taken and the retain data will not be saved. When set to 1 the retain data will be automatically saved when the drive enters the under voltage state.
When Under Voltage is detected
22 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2
When set to 2 the retain data will be automatically saved when the drive enters the under voltage state, but only if no 24 V backup supply is detected.
Value Text Description
0 Disabled Retain data not automatically saved
1 UV Retain data automatically saved on under voltage
2 UV (no 24V)
Retain data saved on under voltage AND no 24 V backup supply detected
S.01.021 Under voltage state user program behaviour
Minimum 0 Maximum 2
Default 1 Units
Read when an Under
Type 8 Bit User Save Update Rate
Voltage is detected and S.01.020 is set to a non­zero value
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RW, Txt, BU
Value Text Description
Pause-Save Data- Resume (User Program may trip due task overrun)
1 S-S-CR-RU Stop-Save-ColdReset-RUn
2 S-S Stop-Save
This parameter defines the user program behaviour when the module detects an Under Voltage (UV) state. The action of save resistant / persistent data depends on parameter S.01.020.
Variable allocation
Digital I/O
S.01.049 Run time error code
Minimum 0 Maximum 8448
Default 0 Units
Type 16 Bit Volatile Update Rate Written every second
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, ND, PT, BU
This parameter displays the code for the currently active run-time error.
MCi210 User Guide 23 Issue Number: 2
Diagnostics Index
S.01.050 Run time error task ID
Minimum 0 Maximum 11
Default 0 Units
Type 8 Bit Volatile Update Rate Written every second
Display Format None Decimal Places 0
Coding RO, Txt, ND, PT, BU
Value Text
This parameter displays the task in error for the currently active run-time error.
24 MCi210 User Guide
Issue Number: 2
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