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Ground the Instrument.
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IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
List of Tables
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
About This Manual
The IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use manual provides the information you
will need to install, use, and program your IPMC7126E or IPMC7616E module. These are
optional I/O modules installed on the variants of the MVME5100, MVME5500 and MVME6100
Single Board Computers (SBCs). Their design utilizes the PowerPlus II architecture. Hereafter,
the IPMC7126E and IPMC7616E modules will be referred to as the IPMC712 and IPMC761.
The IPMC712 is a variation of the IPMC761 The primary differences between the two modules
are in the physical interfaces of the Ethernet port and serial ports 3 and 4. These differences
along with others are discussed in the following chapters of this manual.
As of the printing date of this manual, these I/O module models are available:
Model NumberProduct Description and I/O Features
IPMC7126E-002Multifunction rear I/O PMC module; Ultra-Wide SCSI, one parallel port,
three asynchronous and one synchronous/asynchronous serial port
IPMC7616E-002Multifunction rear I/O PMC module; Ultra-Wide SCSI, one parallel port,
two asynchronous and two synchronous/asynchronous serial ports
This manual is organized as follows:
■Chapter 1, Product Features
■Chapter 2, Installing the IPMC Module
■Chapter 3, Programming
■Chapter 4, Connector Pin Assignments
■Appendix A, Specifications
■Appendix B, Related Documentation
Summary of Changes
See the table below for manual revisions and changes.
Part NumberDateDescription
6806800A45BSeptember 2008Update document to Emerson style (logo, copyright,
trademarks, etc.)
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
About This Manual
Comments and Suggestions
We welcome and appreciate your comments on our documentation. We want to know what you
think about our manuals and how we can make them better.
Mail comments to us by filling out the following online form:
http://www.emersonnetworkpowerembeddedcomputing.com/ > Contact Us > Online Form
In “Area of Interest” select “Technical Documentation”. Be sure to include the title, part number,
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A character precedes a data or address parameter to specify the numeric format, as follows (if
not specified, the format is hexadecimal. An asterisk (#) following a signal name for signals that
are level significant denotes that the signal is true or valid when the signal is low.
An asterisk (#) following a signal name for signals that are edge significant denotes that the #
actions initiated by that signal occur on high to low transition.
In this manual, assertion and negation are used to specify forcing a signal to a particular state.
In particular, assertion and assert refer to a signal that is active or true; negation and negate
indicate a signal that is inactive or false. These terms are used independently of the voltage
level (high or low) that they represent.
Data and address sizes are defined as follows:
0xSpecifies a hexadecimal number
%Specifies a binary number
&Specifies a decimal number
Byte 8 bits, numbered 0 through 7, with bit 0 being the least significant.
Half word16 bits, numbered 0 through 15, with bit 0 being the least significant.
Word32 bits, numbered 0 through 31, with bit 0 being the least significant.
Double word64 bits, numbered 0 through 63, with bit 0 being the least significant.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
is used for user input that you type just as it appears; it is also used for commands, options
and arguments to commands, and names of programs, directories and files.
is used for names of variables to which you assign values. Italic is also used for comments
in screen displays and examples, and to introduce new terms.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
About This Manual
is used for system output (for example, screen displays, reports), examples, and system
<Enter>, <Return> or <CR>
represents the carriage return or Enter key.
represents the Control key. Execute control characters by pressing the Ctrl key and the
letter simultaneously, for example, Ctrl-d.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
About This Manual
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
1Product Features
The IPMC712 and IPMC761 are optional modules that provide backward compatibility with
earlier Emerson products using the MVME761 or MVME712M rear transition modules.
General Functionality
Both models are designed around a PMC form factor and both modules incorporate a PCI-toISA bridge, Ultra-wide SCSI adapter, and Super I/O functionality. Both modules are single wide,
standard length, standard height PMC boards. They attach to the host board PCI bus via the
PMC P11, P12, P13, P14, and P15 connectors.
■One single-ended ultra-wide SCSI port
■One parallel port
■Four serial ports (2 or 3 asynchronous and 1 or 2 synchronous/asynchronous, depending
on the module)
With this PMC card configuration, the memory mezzanine, one PMC slot, and the PMCspan
are still available, providing support for additional product customization.
In IPMC mode, the MVME 6100, MVME5500, and MVME5100 support legacy MVME761 or
MVME712M rear transition modules (with limited PMC I/O) when an IPMC712 or IPMC761
module is installed in PMC slot 1. In this configuration, signals used by wide (16-bit SCSI
conflict with signals that are used by PMC slot 2 rear I/O.
Design Features
The following sections describe the basic features that are incorporated in the design of both
IPMC modules.
PCI Bus Interface
Both modules contain four EIA-E700 AAAB connectors, which provide a 32-bit PCI interface to
an IEEE P1386.1 PMC-compliant host board such as the MVME6100, MVME5500, or
Connectors P11-P13 on each module provide the 32-bit PCI interface while P14 provides an
I/O path from the module to the host board.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
Chapter 1 Product Features
Signals routed to P14 include: narrow SCSI, parallel port, COM1 and COM2 synchronous serial
ports, COM3 and COM4 synchronous serial ports, power, and P2 mux signals. The remaining
SCSI data lines are routed to P15.
The on-board PCI devices on each module are as follows:
■Winbond PCI-to-ISA Bridge (PIB)
■LSI SCSI device (SYM53C895A)
Configurable Switches
S1 Switch
A 1x4 switch (S1) is provided on each module for configuring GPIO pins 2 and 3. The factory
default setting is for Ultra-Speed and Ultra-Wide SCSI. Refer to Table 3-1 on page 16 for the
GPIO pin assignments and to Figure 3-1 on page 16 for the default switch settings.
S2 Switch
There is a 1x2 switch (S2) on each module that is in line with the PCI-to-ISA bridge for selecting
either AD[11] IDSEL or IDSELB for connection to the Winbond chip, depending on the IPMC
module you are using.
Note The S2 is not dependent on either IPMC module. It is dependent on either the
MVME5100, MVME5500, or MVME6100 host board. The IPMC modules are shipped
configured for these boards.
Details on IDSEL mapping and PCI arbitration assignments for these SBCs can be found in
Chapter 3, Programming. An illustration showing the S2 switch settings can be found in Figure
3-2 on page 17.
PCI-to-ISA Bridge (PIB)
The PIB provides the bridging functions between PCI local bus and the ISA local resource bus.
The following are a few of the features of the PIB.
The SCSI controller is an LSI Logic SYM53C895A device. The SCSI clock frequency is 40 MHz.
The SCSI controller features:
■32-bit PCI Interface with 64-bit addressing
■8KB internal SCRIPTS RAM
■Improved PCI caching design (improves PCI bus efficiency)
The SCSI device maintains backward compatibility with the MVME761 rear transition module
and P2 adapter card. It is also Ultra-wide capable and has a performance of 40MB/s
synchronous transfer rate across a 16-bit bus.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
2844 0905
Chapter 1 Product Features
Note SCSI signals leading to connector P15 go through zero ohm resistors (R92-R100) before
terminating at P15. When the host board’s PMC slot 2 is populated, and there is an IPMC
module in slot 1, there exists a possibility for contention on these signals.
Figure 1-1. IPMC761 with Default Switch Setting
Table 1-1. IPMC761 Jumpers
J1Reserved 9PLD programming
J2Port 3 Transmit Clock1-2: driven by IPMC761
J3Port 4 Transmit Clock1-2: driven by IPMC761
2-3: received by IPMC761
2-3: received by IPMC761
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use (6806800A45B)
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