Emerson HANCOCK Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

Before installation these instructions must be fully read and understood
1.2 Inspection
Before carrying out a valve installation, it is important to determine whether the valve is in asatisfactory condition. The following generally applicable procedure may be helpful in avoiding subsequent valve problems and should be observed. a) Carefully unpack the valve and check tags,
identification plates, direction of rotation of handwheels etc, against bill of material, specifications, schematics etc.
b) Make a point of noting any special warning Instructions for DN 50 - 600 (NPS 2 - 24) ASMEclass 150, 300 and 600 bolted bonnet caststeel valves.
It is essential that a safe system of work should be adopted before any maintenance work is done on a valve. The following safety considerations should be taken in to account when preparing maintenance instructions. Before removing valves from a pipework system or dismantling a valve to carry out maintenance, it will be necessary to open, or partially open, the valves and to flush the system to remove all traces of dangerous fluidsand pressures. It is important to recognize the danger associated with the removal of the stem packing gland with pressure in the pipework system and the use of the backseat should not be regarded as a device permitting repacking of the stem packing gland whilst the valve is under pressure as this is recognized as dangerous practise.
tags or plates attached to or accompanying the valve, and take any appropriate action.
c) Check the valve for any marking indicating
flow direction. If the flow direction is indicated, appropriate care should be exercised to install the valve for proper flowdirection.
d) As far as is practicable, inspect the valve
interior through the end ports to determine whether it is reasonably clean, free from foreign matter and harmful corrosion. Remove any special packing materials, such as blocks used to prevent disk movement during transport and handling, and anti-corrosion packs. Wipe clean from preservation coatings, particularly seatings.
e) If practicable, cycle the valve through open
and close. Check guides or seat faces, etc.
f) Immediately prior to valve installation,
check the pipework to which the valve is tobe fastened for cleanliness and freedom from foreign materials.
1.1 General
The installation procedure is a critical stage in the life of a valve and care should be taken to avoid damaging the valve.
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1.3 Flanged joint assembly
Pipe flanged joints depend on compressive deformation of gasket material between the facing flange surfaces for tight sealing. In order to obtain satisfactory flange joints, thefollowing points should be observed. a) Check the mating flange facings (both valve
and pipework flanges) for correct gasket contact face, surface finish and condition.
b) Check the bolting for proper size, length
and material. A carbon steel bolt on a high temperature flange joint can result in early joint failure.
c) Check the gasket material. For flange joints
using low strength bolting, such as may be provided for iron flanges, metal gaskets (flat, grooved, jacketed, corrugated or spiral wound) should not be used.
d) Check the gaskets for freedom from defects
or damage.
e) Take care to provide good alignment of
the flanges being assembled. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. In assembly, sequence bolt tightening to make the initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat and parallel as possible. Tighten gradually and uniformly to avoid the tendency to twist one flange relative to other.
f) Parallel alignment of flanges is especially
important in the case of the assembly of a valve in to an existing system. It should be recognized in such instances that, if the flanges are not parallel, it will be necessary to introduce bending to make the flange joint tight. Simply, forcing the flanges together with the bolting may bend the pipe, or it may bend the valve.
g) All bolts shall be tightened in a star
pattern as shown below to ensure uniform gasketloading.
1.4 Butt weld joint assembly
All welding should comply with the appropriate pipe system or application code. Welded joints, properly made, provide a structural andmetallurgical continuity between the pipeand the valve body. Butt welds require full penetration and thickness at least equal to that of the pipes. If a pipe of high strength alloy is welded to a valve with body material of lower mechanical strength, the weld should taper to a compensating greater thickness at the valve end, or the valve should have a matching high strength welded-on extension.
Particular care is necessary when welding
valves into the line. Considerable distortion,
resulting in line strains, may occur if valves
are not welded into the line with care, where
required, the weld properly stress relieved,
but it is necessary to ensure that such stress
relieving does not result in valve components,
particularly the seatings being subjected to
unacceptable temperatures.
It is recommended that the valves are not
installed in the pipework at points of high
bending moments, as this can adversely
affectthe seating performances.
1.5 Testing and adjustment
Following installation, all valves should
be operated to check that they still
On new pipework systems, system pressure
testing and commissioning follow after
installation when various checks are made.
Valves are usually supplied in the lubricated
condition, but it is recommended that checks
are made to ensure that this is still intact,
particularly after the application of heat
(e.g.welding operation).
A first observation can be made by actuating
the valve through an open-close or
It is common practice, after installation of
pipework systems, to clean the system by
blowing with a gas or steam or flushing with
a liquid to remove debris and / or internal
protective films and coatings. It should be
recognized that valve cavities may form a
natural trap in a pipework system and material
not dissolved in or carried out by the flushing
fluid may settle in such cavities and adversely
affect valve operation. Also, abrasive material
carried by a high velocity fluid stream may
cause serious damage to seating surfaces.
Do not subject the valve to pressures/
temperature testing in excess of its
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