Emerson Bristol Helicoid Gauges Product Overview

Product Overview
Helicoidov1a June 25, 2007 - Page 1
Bristol® Helicoid Gauges
Exclusive Cam & Roller Movement
3-1/2” through 8-1/2” sizes and 4-1/2” Process
Stainless Steel, Aluminum & Polyester Cases
Alloy Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, and Monel Bourdon
• Tube
English, Metric, & Dual Scale Dials
Related accessories such as snubbers, siphons,
diaphragm seals
4-1/2” or 6” Indicating Pressure Switch
The Bristol® Helicoid Cam & Roller movement, from
Emerson Process Management, has no gears or teeth
to wear out. Worn teeth, spurs, or pinions associated with geared movements will quickly render your gauge useless after a very short cycle life. Our Cam & Roller
movement has been used and tested for millions of cycles without failure. Gauge failure is downtime! Downtime is lost production. And lost production
equals lost $$$$$$!
Helicoid gauges exclusive cam
& roller movement
© 2007 Remote Automation Solutions, division of Emerson Process Management. All rights reserved.
Bristol, Inc., Bristol Babcock Ltd, Bristol Canada, BBI SA de CV and the Flow Computer Divis ion , are wholly owned subsidiaries of Emerson Elec tric Co. doing business as Remote Automation
Solutions (“RAS”), a division of Emerson Process Management. FloBoss, ROCLINK, Bristol, Bri stol Babcock, ControlWave, TeleFlow and Helicoid are trademarks of RAS . AMS, PlantWeb and the PlantWeb logo are marks of Emerson Elec tric Co. The Emerson logo is a trademark and ser vice mark of the Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are property of their respective owners.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational pur poses only. While every effort has been made to ensure informational accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or t heir use or applicability. RAS reserves the right to mo dify or improve the designs or specications of such products at any time with out notice. All sales are governed by RAS’ terms and conditions which are available upon request. RAS does not assume responsibil ity for the selection, use or mainte-
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Emerson Process Management Remote Automation Solutions
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote