Emerson Bristol ControlWave LP Product Data

Product Data Document
420DS-4c July 19, 2007 - Page 1
Bristol® ControlWave® LP
Low Power High Performance Process Automation Controller
Bristol® ControlWave® LP, from Emerson Process Management, is a low power high performance pro­cess automation controller that performs complex control strategies, collects, time stamps, and stores data, and communicates in local, remote, and wide area networks. ControlWave LP offers the features of an RTU and an automation controller with DCS functionality.
Designed for control and data acquisition ap­plications, the ControlWave LP is easily installed in"remote areas and offers one of the industries widest operating temperature ranges. Additionally, due to its small form factor and rugged industrial design, ControlWave LP offers an outstanding ability to match the requirements of the most demanding process plant and remote SCADA system environ­ments. Above all, Emerson has developed this inno­vative controller to provide cost-effective solutions by minimizing the time required for installation and
The ControlWave LP complements the ControlWave and Network 3000 family of process automation controllers and RTU’s. The ControlWave LP is compact in size and offers the full programmabil­ity of ControlWave Designer IEC 61131 compliant software, and communicates via standard BSAP, as well as other industry standard protocols.
Hardware Features
Ultra Low Power 486 based processor provides high performance with low power consumption.
Five asynchronous serial communication ports
Fixed I/O with optional expansion I/O
Field device power supply built in
Small size
The ControlWave LP is available in an open chassis assembly for mounting to a panel or within an enclo­sure. The unit is a three-board assembly consisting of a CPU board, a Multifunction Input/Output board,
and a Power Supply/Sequencer board. All eld
I/O connections to the ControlWave LP are readily available via quick disconnect terminals located on the sides of the chassis.
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
Wide temperature range (-40ºC to +70ºC)
• Class I, Div. 2 hazardous location and CE approval
Low Power Performance
The ControlWave LP uses the Ultra Low Power (ULP) Intel 486SX processor. The CPU is oper­ated at 3.3 V to reduce power consumption. The unit automatically goes into a low power, quiet mode, during CPU idle time. These features make ControlWave LP the logical choice for low power ap­plications using solar panels and battery backup.
Product Data Document
420DS-4c July 19, 2007 - Page 2
Intel Ultra Low Power 486SX 32 bit processor
-25 MHz
Data Storage Memory: 2 MB SRAM battery
• backed memory
Historical Archive Memory: Stored in either
ash or battery backed SRAM
Code/ Instruction Memory: 4 MB on-board
BIOS: 512 Kbytes Boot-Block FLASH
Four RS-232 serial communication ports with
• standard PC/AT 9-pin male D-sub connectors, supporting baud rates up to 115.2 KB
One selectable RS 232 or RS 485 serial
• communication port with standard PC/AT 9-pin male D-sub connector, supporting baud rates up to 115.2 KB
RS 485 port has line pull-ups and termination
• resistor
Modem control on all ports.
One 10 Base-T Ethernet port with RJ45
• connector - Optional.
Isolation: Ethernet port isolated to 500 Vdc
Bristol® ControlWave® LP
Fused with power-on switch.
Master Clear and Power Fail Indication
Power sequencer for auto power recovery
Power supply isolation: 500 VDC
Surge Suppression: 500 VDC MOV PSGND
• to CHASSIS 32 V Transient suppressor across VIN + to PSGND Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90­1978
Low Power Mode
ControlWave LP power consumption is highly dependent on the actual application program and whether or not you are using internal loop power to
eld devices.
Typical power consumption range: 150 to 200 mA @ 24 Vdc
Fixed Multifunction Input/Output Board
The Fixed Multifunction Input/Output Board (FMI/ OB) contains four I/O modules with pluggable termi­nations and a PC-104 Interface for interconnection
of xed and expansion I/O subsystems. The board also provides for electrical isolation to eld devices,
surge suppression, and LED indicators for Discrete I/O, CPU, and communications functions. The four
I/O modules are xed as follows:
16 Discrete Inputs
8 Discrete Outputs
Power Supply/Sequencer Board
Input Power: 12 or 24 VDC input: 10 to 22 VDC
• or 22 to 30 VDC
Plugs into Multifunction Motherboard
Provides system isolated + 5 VDC & +/- 12 VDC
• power
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
4 High Speed Counters
8 Analog Inputs
Two on-board Field Power Supplies are provided: one for DI and HSC operation and one for AI opera­tion. The output voltages are electrically isolated (500 VDC) and are regulated at 24V.
Product Data Document
420DS-4c July 19, 2007 - Page 3
Bristol® ControlWave® LP
Fixed I/O Subsystem
ControlWave LP Discrete Input Module
Number of Points: 16 Fixed
Input Voltage Range: 12V or 24V
Input Filtering: 1 millisecond or 30 milliseconds
Input Conguration: Contact Closure, internally
• or externally sourced on a point by point basis.
Jumper Congurable
Input Current: 2.5 mA +/- 10%
‘1’ State Voltage: 90 % of input voltage range
‘0’ State Voltage: 10 % of input voltage range
Interrupt Generation: On change of state
• transition on a point by point basis
Bus Access: Sixteen bit wide
Electrical isolation: 1500 VDC
Electrical isolation: 1500 VDC
Surge suppression: 500Vdc MOV to chassis 38
• VDC MOV across input and to Field Common Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
• 16 gauge
Status indication: 16 LED’s (one per point)
ControlWave LP Discrete Output Module
Number of Points: 8
ControlWave LP Analog Input Module
Number of Points: 8
Input Conguration: Isolated Voltage Input: 1-5V
Isolated Current Input: 4-20 mA
Powered Current Loop: 4-20 mA
Accuracy: 0.1 % of span @ 25 deg. C 0.2 % of
• span –20 deg.C to + 70 deg. C 0.3 % of span –40 deg.C to + 70 deg. C
Isolated Voltage/Current: 38 VDC referenced to
• isolated common
Powered Current Loop: 0 V referenced to
isolated common When a eld supply common
is connectesd to the AI system the isolated
common is connected to the eld supply
Input Filtering: 300 milliseconds to 99.75% of
• signal input.
Channel Settling Time: 300 microseconds
Conversion Time: 200 microseconds
On Board References: 1V, 5V - optional
Surge Suppression: 500Vdc MOV isolated
• common to chassis 38 VDC MOV across input signals and (-) input to chassis Meets ANSI/ IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
• 16 gauge
Bus Access: 16 Bits Wide
Output Type: Open Drain
Max Operating Voltage: 38 VDC
Max. Operating Freq: 20 Hz
Sink Current: 100 mA Maximum
Electrical Isolation: 1500 VDC
Surge Suppression: 500Vdc MOV isolated
• common to chassis 38 VDC MOV across input signals and (-) input to chassis Meets ANSI/ IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
• 16 gauge
Bus Access: 16 Bits Wide
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
ControlWave LP High Speed Counter Module
Number of points: 4
Input Voltage Range: 12V or 24V
Input Filtering: 10 KHz max.
Input Filtering: 20 microseconds
Input Conguration: Set/Reset inputs, contact
• closure, externally sourced on point by point
basis with jumper congurtion.
Input Current: 2.5 mA +/- 10%
Product Data Document
AI -
AI -
AI +
4 - 20 mA internally powered transmitter
AI +
AI In +
AI In -
Two Wire Transmitter
24 Vdc
AI In -
AI In +
4 - 20 mA externally powered transmitter
AI +
AI +
AI -
AI -
Two Wire Transmitter
Three Wire Transmitter
AI In +
AI In -
1 - 5 Vdc AI for externally powered transmitter
24 Vdc
AI +
AI -
AI +
AI -
420DS-4c July 19, 2007 - Page 4
‘1’ State Voltage: 90 % of input voltage range
‘0’ State Voltage: 10 % of input voltage range
Bus Access: 16-bits wide
Max Accumulator Value: 65536
Electrical Isolation: 1500 VDC
Surge Suppression: 500Vdc MOV to Chasis 38
• VDC MOV across input and to Field Common Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978
Terminations: Pluggable, maximum wire size is
• 16 gauge
Status indication: 4 LED’s (one per point)
Bristol® ControlWave® LP
Environmental Specications
Operating Temperature: -40oC to + 70oC
• (-40oF to + 158oF)
Storage Temperature: -40oC to + 85oC
• (-40oF to + 185oF)
Relative Humidity: 15 – 95 Noncondensing
Vibration: 10-150 Hz at 1.0G
150-2000 Hz at 0.5G
RFI Susceptibility: 3V/M at 80-1000 MHz per
• EN50082-2
ControlWave LP Analog Output Module (Optional)
Number of Points: 4
Output congurations: 1-5 VDC & 4-20 mA
(Individually congured)
Power Loop: 9 to 30 VDC for 4-20 mA AO 10
• to 30 VDC for 1-5 VDC AO
Accuracy: 0.1% of span @ + 25oC
0.2% of span @ -20 to 70 oC
0.3% of span @ -40 to 85 oC
Common Mode Voltage: 500 VDC (AO ground
• to chassis)
Surge Suppression: 16 V Transorb across input
• to AO Ground Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1975
Website: www.EmersonProcess.com/Remote
ControlWave LP Packaging
Physical Size: Mounting Plate is 12.5 inches
• high x 8.5 inches wide. Unit is 3.5 inches deep.
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