Genius is Timeless
Instruction manual

• About Leonardo Da Vinci
• Da Vinci’s Notebooks
• Components
• How To Assemble
• How to Operate the submarine
• Da Vinci Series Kit
P. 1
P. 4
P. 6
P. 9
Choking hazard - Small parts. Entanglement or
Strangulation Hazard - Long cords. Not suitable
for children under 3 years.

(April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519)
“Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water
loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen;
even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.”
Leonardo da Vinci
an artist, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor,
architect, botanist, musician and writer. He has often been described as a perfect
example of a Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled
only by his powers of invention and observation. Da Vinci is widely considered
to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely
talented person to have ever lived.
At an early age, Da Vinci’s talent for drawing became evident, and his father
apprenticed his young son to a noted period artist, Andrea del Verrocchio.
Through the coming years, the young Leonardo learned much from his mentor and
at the age of thirty, Da Vinci left Florence and settled in Milan and established
a workshop. During the following years, he earned his living painting
commissioned pieces. He soon came to the conclusion that it was not possible for
him to earn steady income doing this and began his search for employment.
He began by writing a letter to the Duchy of Milan, Duke Ludovico Sforza,
known by the nickname, the Moor. In this correspondence, Da Vinci stated that
he had studied machines of war and had come up with improvements that would
was born April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Da Vinci was

strengthen the Moor’s position in battles. The letter hinted at inventions that
included portable lightweight bridges and improved designs for bombards, mortars,
catapults, covered assault vehicles and weapons. The Moor eventually became
Da Vinci’s patron and kept him busy with everything from designing a heating
system to painting portraits, to overseeing production of cannons and even
decorating the vaulted ceilings in his castle.
It was during this time that Da Vinci began writing and drawing in his journals.
These volumes became repositories of the outflow of Leonardo’s gifted mind.
He was a voracious student of the universe and his observations led to magnificent
plans and concepts. Da Vinci’s notebooks consist of more than 20,000 sketches,
copious notes and detailed drawings. Some of his conceptual designs led to the
greatest inventions of his day, while others came to fruition hundreds of years after
his initial concepts were penned, simply because the machinery needed to build
and power them were not yet invented. Leonardo’s notebooks clearly illustrate his
genius of not only improving upon existing inventions, but also
conceiving a myriad of new ideas and designs.
Ultimately, the Moor was captured by the French and
Da Vinci left Milan in search of a new patron. He traveled
through Italy for more than a decade, working for several
Dukes and rulers, including Cesare Borgia, a General
intent on conquering central Italy. Leonardo traveled with
Borgia as a military engineer, designing weapons, fortresses
and artillery, but became disillusioned and quickly left his
service with the General. It seems that despite Da Vinci’s
design for artillery and weaponry, he was actually a
pacifist and detested war and its destruction.

Da Vinci later took positions with King Louis XII and Pope Leo X and ultimately
with the King of France, Francis I. It was the King who offered Da Vinci the title,
Premier Painter and Engineer and Architect of the King. Francis I valued
Da Vinci’s great mind and his sole function was to engage in conversations about
Renaissance culture and art with the benevolent royal.
It is important to remember that Da Vinci is not only
a great inventor, but is considered to be one of the
most acclaimed artists to ever have lived, creating
such masterpieces as The Last Supper (c.1498) and the
Mona Lisa (c.1503). Leonardo's drawing of the
Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a masterpiece.
Unfortunately, only a small number of Da Vinci’s
paintings have survived. Leonardo experimented with
new techniques, most of which did not yield
long-lasting results. The master painter was also somewhat of a perfectionist
with fastidious attention to detail. It is believed that when painting the Mona
Lisa, the artist spent ten years perfecting the lips of this masterpiece.
Virtruvian Man (circa 1487)
The Mona Lisa (circa 1503) The Last Supper (circa 1498)

Da Vinci’s Notebooks
Da Vinci’s notebooks are now more than 500 years old.
Most of them are not bound the way a typical book would be
today, but rather comprised of loose sheets of paper
gathered into collections and wrapped with fabric.
Paper was scarce in Da Vinci’s time, so he used
every available space in a page for drawings,
observations, even recipes and shopping lists, making
them somewhat difficult to interpret. Adding to the
difficulty in deciphering his works was the fact that
Da Vinci’s scripted notes were written backwards, or in
a mirror image, and read from right to left. His reason for
this remains a mystery, but it is thought that Leonardo’s
theories sometimes went against church teachings and his secret writing could
have been a way to avoid scrutiny. Da Vinci also might have feared that someone
would steal his designs and publish them under
their own name. Ironically, Da Vinci addressed
an imaginary readership in the margins of his
notebooks urging the reader to make sure his work
was printed into a proper book. It is presumed that
he meant for the notebooks
to be published after
his death.

Da Vinci’s Notebooks
Several common themes recur in the now fragile
notebooks: nature, technology (including gears,
cogwheels, screws and pulleys), aviation and vision,
to name a few. Upon the death of Leonardo Da
Vinci, the notebooks were given to his long-time
friend, Count Francesco Melzi. After his death, Melzi's heirs did not fully
comprehend the value of the information and the manuscripts were dispersed.
They placed the notebooks in an attic where they were viewed by guests
who sometimes took pages with them as souvenirs.In a few years Melzi's family lost
all the manuscripts and soon pages were scattered across Europe.
Da Vinci’s notebook extracts were published in
1883 and about half of them have not yet resurfaced
so far. It is easy to imagine that had the notebooks
been published earlier, the history of science might
have been completely changed.
In his drawings, Leonardo strived for
saper vedere or “knowing how to see.”
Da Vinci’s illustrations are unparalleled
and some experts believe that no one has
since been better.

Codex Atlanticus, folio 881r
The submarine has always been thought of as one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s inventions,
but until the discoveries made by the Leonardo3 studies centre, no one had ever found
the definitive drawings and attempted to build a model. Da Vinci did a lot of work
around naval weapons and battle techniques up until the time he arrived in Milan at
the court of Ludovico Sforza in 1582. He also travelled to Venice and often found
himself requested for advanced and top secret naval weapons. His manuscripts show
that he had studied the naval engineering manuscripts of his time and many projects
found in his designs were copied from other engineers. However, in addition to
studying existing techniques, Da Vinci looked for other solutions and tried both to
improve the techniques employed at the time and to invent new and even more
powerful weapons. The first clue to the Submarine can be found on Manuscript B on
folio 11r, where Da Vinci drew a closed shape with an opening on top and explained in
a few lines that the air inside this secret weapon must be managed correctly to prevent
it from sinking. He also alludes to secret weapons but leaves no trace of them.
Codex Atlanticus, folio 159r