Trilobite – a class of arthropods that lived on earth about 250-560 million years ago. Many received nourishment by vacuuming the ocean beds for small animals and particles. Their backs were hard, and they are perhaps today’s best known fossils and can often be observed embedded in stone in walls, staircases and floors. This ancient creature has served as a source of inspiration for the futuristic design of Trilobite.
Trilobite – classe d'arthropodes ayant vécu sur Terre il y a environ 250 à 560 millions d'années. Plusieurs d'entre eux se nourrissaient en aspirant les petits animaux et les particules qui se trouvent au fond de l’océan. Ils étaient dotés d'une coquille très solide et sont peut-être les fossiles les plus connus aujourd'hui, puisqu'on retrouve souvent leurs restes incrustés dans les murs, les escaliers et les planchers de pierres. La conception futuriste du Trilobite est inspirée de ces créatures de la Préhistoire.
Trilobites es una clase de artrópodos que habitó la tierra entre 250 y 560 millones de años atrás. Muchos de ellos obtenían su alimento al aspirar pequeños animales y partículas desde el fondo marino. Su parte posterior era dura y son quizá los fósiles más conocidos de la actualidad, ya que sus restos a menudo se pueden observar incrustados en paredes rocosas, escaleras y pisos. Esta antigua criatura sirvió como fuente de inspiración para el diseño futurista de la Trilobite.
English 1
Important Safeguards
When using an electric appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
Trilobite is a machine that moves by itself. It is tempting to prying children´s fingers and is at work when nobody is around… With this in mind, it is important to read all instructions before you put it to work.
Danger Warning Precaution
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock or injury:
Only use Trilobite for normal household vacuuming, as described in this manual.
• Use only the charger provided to recharge Electrolux Model ZAC100
Do not use Trilobite to vacuum
• outdoors
• attics, unfinished basements or garages
• bathrooms, washing rooms or other wet rooms
• ventilation rooms, inside false ceilings etc.
• staircases
• tabletops, shelves etc.
• warehouses, industrial buildings etc.
Liquids: Do not allow Trilobite to vacuum liquids, since this
may severely damage the machine. Very thin dust: Do not allow Trilobite to vacuum very thin dust such as cement or plaster, since this may severely damage the machine.
Do not allow Trilobite to be used as a toy. Do not leave children alone with Trilobite. Children are curious and Trilobite is exciting. If a child by mistake starts the machine, he/she could become frightened and run away, risking injury.
Magnetic strips
Do not install magnetic strips close to magnetic objects, since the magnetic fields generated by them may affect the function of the strips. Move magnetic objects to another place in the room.
Carpet wear
In exceptional cases,Trilobite´s brush roller may cause certain types of carpet to wear quickly.
Risk of personal injury
• This vacuum cleaner creates suction. Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers and all body parts away from openings and moving parts.
• Do not use without a filter in place. When servicing the unit, never put fingers or other objects into the fan chamber in case the unit should accidentally be turned on.
• Leaks from battery cells can occur under extreme usage or temperature conditions. If the liquid gets on the skin, (1) wash the area quickly with soap and water or (2) neutralize it with a mild acid such as lemon juice or vinegar. If the liquid gets into the eyes, flush them immediately with clean water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Seek medical attention.
• When Trilobite is working, somebody could stumble over it. This is especially possible when Trilobite is returning to the charger – when it’s quiet as a whisper.With this in mind, make sure everyone in your home knows that Trilobite is working.
• Do NOT sit or stand on Trilobite!
2 English
Cleaning the dust and filter collector
Carefully empty the dust collector. Dust collected in the unit can cause allergic reactions in sensitive persons. (Use only original Electrolux micro filters for a snug fit.)
Be especially careful if there is a chance Trilobite has vacuumed rat poison, detergent, disease carriers etc.
Please be aware that Trilobite may have vacuumed up insects or spiders.
Risk of falling
The Trilobite cannot sense differences in surface level of less than 4 inches. Consequently, it might travel down a stairway or fall off a terrace or balcony if the initial difference is small. It may even start climbing up gentle inclines such as a children’s-room slide. Be sure to close all doors and “box” Trilobite in with magnetic strips where necessary. (Strips are available as post-sale items.)
• Do not place any objects on the top step.
• Do not use on stairs
Loose objects on tables etc.
Trilobite automatically stops _ inches in front of objects such as chairs, tables and pedestals. Make absolutely sure that Trilobite cannot vacuum over suspended or dangling items such as electric cords, tablecloths, belts or drapery cords. In the worst case,Trilobite will pull objects off tables and cabinets or down from your walls.
Objects on the floor
Pick up small objects on the floor that might be vacuumed by Trilobite.
Combustibles, risk of fire
Never use Trilobite to:
• Vacuum rooms with an open flame such as a lit candle, kerosene or oil lamp.
• Vacuum rooms with a working open fireplace without supervision.
• Vacuum rooms where curtains or other textiles can come in contact with
a source of ignition.
• Vacuum up flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or use in areas where they may be present.
• Vacuum up anything burning or smoking, such as cigarettes, matches or hot ashes.
• The terminal on the vacuum cleaner should be kept clean and free of obstruction.While there is no shock hazard from the terminal, a burn could occur if a metal object is inserted into the terminal area.
Because Trilobite can build up static electricity, never use it in rooms where the air contains:
• Combustible vapors from gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner etc.
• Aerosol fumes from hairsprays or deodorants.
Do not spray Trilobite with fragrances when it is operating.
Risk of electric shock
• Do not operate either Trilobite or its charger if either has been damaged in any way.
• Do not pull or carry the charger by its cord, use the cord as a handle, close a door on the cord or pull it around sharp edges or corners. Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.
• Do not unplug the charger by pulling on its cord.To unplug the charger, grasp and pull its plug.
• Do not handle either Trilobite or its charger with wet hands.
• Store indoors in a cool, dry area to avoid electrical shock and/or cleaner damage.
If Trilobite is not working properly, has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors or dropped into water, take it to a service center.
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS • Household use only
Important Safeguards, continued
English 3
Table of Contents
Important Safeguards 1 – 2 Time to enjoy life 3 Product Description 5 Getting started 6 Preparations Before Use 7 – 8 Buttons and Display 9 Vacuuming Programs 10 Timer 11 Changing the Message Display Language 11 Error Messages 11 Emptying and Cleaning
the Dust Collector 12 Cleaning the Roller 13 Questions and Answers 14 Accessories 15 After-Sales Service 16 Technical Specifications 16 The Electrolux Limited Warranty 16
Let me take the strain out of cleaning. Just leave me on the floor. I will vacuum for you.Automatically.
My built-in, advanced sensors scan the room when I vacuum. I charge myself and switch off when the job is done. Just leave me to do the job.
Let me vacuum the kitchen when you are surfing the net in the office. I will take care of spilled rice and sugar. I will take care of the office when you are in the kitchen. Let me vacuum a room each day when you go to work.
I am Trilobite – your personal vacuum cleaner. I do the vacuuming so you can do other things, whenever you want, as often as you want.
Time to enjoy life
4 English
“I am Trilobite – your personal vacuum cleaner. I do the vacuuming so you can do other things”
English 5
Connection terminals
Self-adhesive magnet strip for
permanent installation
Battery charger
Flexible bumper
Filter lid lock button
Terminals for connection to charger
Product Description
Roller Drive wheel
Rating plate Roller cover
lock button
Trilobite navigates using ultrasound and uses infrared light to detect differences in surface level. During Wall Mapping, it receives information about the size of the room.Wall Mapping is the basis for the estimated duration for independent vacuuming in Normal vacuuming mode.
NOTE:Trilobite is not fully charged upon delivery. Before using it the first time, connect it to the battery charger (see page 7). A full battery charge takes approximately two hours.
Battery charger
Put the battery charger on the floor, plug it into a nearby outlet and place it with its rear side facing the wall.Allow a free space of 8 inches on the right side of the charger.When Trilobite has completed Normal vacuuming, it returns to the charger.The batteries are then charged, and it is ready for more work.
Magnetic strips
The magnetic strips serve as “virtual walls” and are important for correct operation. Use them to block door and wall openings, as well as differences in level of less than 4 inches (see page 8).
Be sure to block differences in level of less than 4 inches with the magnetic strips. If you fail to do so, Trilobite could fall over the edge and cause injuries or damage to property.
A self-adhesive magnetic strip that has been pulled back up has less adhesive capability.We therefore strongly recommend that you permanently mount all necessary strips. Never re-use the adhesive of a magnetic strip in any application where safety is important. Note that the magnetic strip is not a safety device unless it is fastened to the floor; that applies to both the self­adhesive and the wider strip. If you nonetheless choose to let a strip lie unfastened on the floor, make sure that the side with the adhesive (covered by the protective paper backing) is face down! For the wide magnetic strip, the flat side (marked with two parallel grooves) should be facing downwards.
Use a pair of scissors or a knife to trim magnetic strips to the correct length. See page 8 in the user instructions to see how a magnetic strip should be fitted.
NOTE: Magnetic strips left partially coiled, may attract Trilobite when it is seeking the battery charger – uncoil the magnetic strip completely.
Emptying the dust collector
Empty the dust collector when the Dust Collector icon shows in the display. Be sure to empty the dust collector, even if it is not completely full.The light indicator may be displayed if a filter is blocked.
Movable, wide magnetic
strip for temporary use
6 English
Vacuuming program
Trilobite has three vacuuming programs: “Normal” Trilobite first plots the room by following the walls
(wall mapping) and then vacuums all open surfaces. “Quick” The same as Normal but without Wall Mapping. “Spot” Trilobite vacuums an area of about 10 sq.ft. twice.
See page 10 for more information on how to proceed and when to use the different programs.
Starting vacuuming
You will probably use the Normal program most of the time. This program starts with Trilobite approaching a wall and then mapping the walls by left turns.Trilobite makes one full circuit of the room, continually turning left. Depending on the size and layout of the room, wall mapping may take up to 15 minutes (25 minutes, if Trilobite has found the charger).Wall Mapping ends when the circuit is complete, and vacuuming commences.
Main cleaning program
During the main cleaning sequence,Trilobite moves freely all over the room.Trilobite “sees” its way around with the help of harmless ultrasound.This is the same technique that bats use to navigate in the dark, for instance, and for fetal diagnostics in
hospitals.When it discovers an object in its path,Trilobite stops a couple of inches in front of it and then changes direction.
Trilobite can handle most obstacles. However, if it does get stuck,Trilobite will continue with its cleaning program if you release it within 20 minutes, put it back down on the floor with­in 30 seconds and press the “Yes” button.
If Trilobite is started from the charger unit or locates it during Wall Mapping, it will return to the charger whenever the battery falls below a specific charge level. If there is not enough battery power to finish the cleaning cycle,Trilobite will go to the charger and park for charging.While charging to resume cleaning, Trilobite will give an audible signal at regular intervals. Charging can be stopped by pulling Trilobite away from the charger and pressing the On/Off button.Trilobite can then be put back in the charger and will resume charging without the signal.To start cleaning again, start Trilobite manually.
When the job is done,Trilobite returns to the charger. If Trilobite cannot find the charger during Wall Mapping and the battery voltage becomes too low, it will stop somewhere in the room.
Getting started
To make it easier to find the charger, start Trilobite towards a wall close to the charger.
Place the charger close to a wall.
This way, Trilobite will find the
charger during Wall Mapping.
Start Trilobite directly from the charger, or face it towards a wall at a distance of 20 inches. Start vacuuming (see page 10).
Wall mapping
Trilobite starts by travelling along the walls of the room to establish the size of the room.
During the Vacuum Cycle, Trilobite moves through the room on its own.
NOTE: Trilobite starts by first travelling along the walls to establish the size of the room. If the charger is placed at an isolated item in the room (e.g. an island), Trilobite will not be able to find its way back to the charger.
English 7
You may well develop a personal affection to Trilobite and appreciate its intelligence.To get the best from your Trilobite, we recommend you consider the following.
Charging (also see the picture “Charging status”)
Check the battery indicator before vacuuming starts. Refer to the lower, middle picture.
A.Charge your Trilobite before vacuuming. B.You can start vacuuming, but your Trilobite will need to find the
charger soon.
C.You do not need a charger in the room to start vacuuming.
Avoid interrupting the charging process. If unavoidable, pull Trilobite away from its charger and press the On/Off button. Vacuuming can also be started while Trilobite is still being charged. If the power to the charger is interrupted for more than 30 seconds during charging and you have not manually placed Trilobite in the charger, it will leave it, take a spin on the floor and then connect with the charger again.
Move the furniture
Trilobite picks its way around furniture, whether standing free or flush against a wall. However, cleaning is both quicker and more effective if you move the furniture slightly before it is time to start cleaning. Of course, you do not need to move heavy furniture such as sofas, but chairs can be placed on top of tables, floor lamps can be moved out of the way and loose rugs can be shifted. But don’t complicate matters more than you need to! Normally, all you have to do is to put Trilobite on the floor and let it get on with the job of cleaning.
Loose objects
Trilobite cannot distinguish between dust, coins, rings and expensive jewelry. Before starting Trilobite, be sure to put away small, loose objects you do not want to lose.
Also make sure there are no cords or other objects on the floor
that may prevent Trilobite from moving freely around the room.
Important safeguard
Before vacuuming, read “Important safeguard” on pages 1–2!
Preparations Before Use
Push the Trilobite unit with its rear against the battery charger’s contact plate. Press it in securely. Keep it pressed in until you hear an acknowledging signal (this may take a few seconds). This is particularly important if the batteries are entirely – or almost entirely – dead.
The battery charger should be placed along a wall with a free margin of 8 inches to the right of the charger.
Charging status
The battery indicator on Trilobite’s display shows the battery capacity during vacuuming and charging.
An audible signal sounds and the battery symbol in the display shows when charging commences. Trilobite becomes fully charged in about two hours at which time “Ready” shows in the display.
If the battery charger is placed on a soft surface like a loose rug or fitted carpet, or if there is protruding ledge which does not allow the battery charger to be placed snugly against the wall, use the adjustable screws located on the rear of the unit to rectify this.
Battery indicator
Normal, Timer: Auto
Start vacuuming?
8 English
Rooms with a staircase
Trilobite can detect staircases with a step height of 4 inches or more.When Trilobite detects such a staircase, it stops automatically. Do not place any objects on the top step.
Rooms on different levels or with inclines.
Trilobite can not detect differences in surface level of less than 4 inches. If a room has such a difference in level – and especially if it leads to a stairway – it should be blocked with a magnetic strip to ensure the unit stops before reaching the obstacle.
Rooms with wall openings
Trilobite is able to vacuum rooms with wall openings or walls placed at odd angles. However, this will take longer than usual. It is a good idea to vacuum one room at a time and separate the rooms by using a moveable magnetic strip as shown above. To prevent Trilobite from pushing the moveable magnetic strip, the support at each end should be minimum 2 inches. Always move the magnetic strip to the room where Trilobite is in operation.
Rooms with thresholds
Always fit the magnetic strip on the floor in front of the threshold in the room you will be vacuuming. See Figures 1 and 2.
Magnetic strips and carpets
If the carpet has a pile depth of less than 3/4 of an inch, the magnetic strip can be placed under it with maintained functionality. If the strip is fitted on top of the carpet, be sure it is securely attached.
Be careful!
Before starting Trilobite, be sure to put away small, loose objects that might otherwise be vacuumed by Trilobite.
Also make sure there are no cords or other objects on the floor
that may prevent Trilobite from moving freely around the room.
NOTE! Do not place the magnetic strip at an angle of less than 90°.
Affixing the
magnetic strip
Clean the surface with the enclosed
cleaning pad.
Allow to dry.
Pull off
the protective
Affix the
magnetic strip.
Room with wall openings
Room with a low ledge
Room with
Room with
Always attach the magnetic strip on
top of the level difference (Figures 3
and 4) and never along its side
(as shown in Figure 5).
Warning! Credit cards etc.
held in the immediate vicinity
may become demagnetized.
English 9
Press the button for about one second to start and stop Trilobite. If the display screen is illuminated but there is no menu visable, press and hold the button for 20 seconds.This will reset Trilobite’s software.
The button has two functions. Use it to cancel a command or to stop Trilobite during vacuuming.
Press the button to confirm a setting shown on the display.
Use the button to select items on the menu.Also use the
button as a “No” button when you do not want to select
a setting presented in the display.
Information is shown in the display using status messages and also by symbols. (The battery capacity symbol is shown on page 7.)
Buttons and Display
Battery Charger found Dust
collector full
Dust collector full
Charger Found indicator
Battery indicator
Current vacuuming program
Remaining time
Message display
10 English
Vacuuming Programs
Normal. Timer: Auto
Select program?
Quick. Timer: 10min
Select program?
Select program?
Normal vacuuming
When you start Trilobite, it is ready to start vacuuming using the Normal program and automatic time calculation.
1. When Trilobite is switched off or placed in the charger, press to start.
2. Press to start vacuuming.
Changing the time setting
This may be necessary when vacuuming floor surfaces of 400 sq.ft. or more.
1. Press twice until “Select timer?” is shown, confirm by pressing .
2. Set the desired time setting by pressing
and then confirm with . (When “On” is chosen, use to set desired time, confirm by pressing . This is the vacuuming time after wall mapping.)
3. Press to commence vacuuming.
Never start vacuuming at distances under 20 inches from a magnetic strip, staircase, difference in surface level or other obstacle. Vacuuming can always be interrupted by pressing . After this, pressing resumes vacuuming, while pressing will call up the menu.
Quick vacuuming
The Quick program is identical to Normal vacuuming except that wall mapping is not included.Vacuuming takes less time with the duration preset to 10 minutes; however, the result may be slightly inferior.
1. After you have switched on Trilobite, press until “Select program?” is shown. Confirm by pressing .
2. Hold until “Quick” is displayed and confirm by pressing .
3. If you do not want to change the time setting, press twice and start vacuuming by pressing . If you would like to change the time setting, see Changing the time setting under Normal vacuuming.
Never start vacuuming at distances under 20 inches from a magnetic strip, staircase, difference in surface level or other obstacle. Vacuuming can always be interrupted by pressing . After this, pressing resumes vacuuming, while pressing will call up the menu.
Spot vacuuming
Use Spot vacuuming to quickly vacuum a limited area – for example, after you have spilled something. Put Trilobite in the center of the area to be vacuumed. It will vacuum approximately 10 sq. ft. twice.
1. After you have switched on Trilobite, press until “Select program?” is shown. Confirm by pressing .
2. Hold until “Spot” is displayed and confirm by pressing .
3. Put Trilobite in the center of the area to be vacuumed and start vacuuming by pressing .
Do not under any circumstances vacuum liquids or lit or glowing objects such as cigarette butts.
Never start vacuuming at distances under 20 inches from a magnetic strip, staircase, difference in surface level or other obstacle. Vacuuming can always be interrupted by pressing . After this, pressing resumes vacuuming, while pressing will call up the menu.
English 11
Timer Changing the
Message Display Language
Error Messages
Normal. Timer: Auto
Select timer?
Select language?
Error: 7
the bumper
See manual
It is possible to set the time duration for Normal or Quick vacuuming.
1. Select the desired vacuuming program, or press twice till “Select timer?” is shown. Confirm by pressing .
2. Set the desired time setting by pressing
and then confirm by pressing . When “Auto” is chosen Trilobite will calculate its own vacuuming time. When “On” is chosen, use to set desired time, confirm by pressing . When “Off” is chosen Trilobite will clean until charging is needed. For normal vacuuming, this is the vacuuming time after wall mapping.
3. Press to commence vacuuming.
Trilobite is able to present the information on the display in a number of different languages.
1. To change the display language, switch on Trilobite and press .
2. Press until the displays asks if you want to change the language. Press .
3. Press to select the desired language and confirm by pressing .
Trilobite will now show display messages in the selected language.
Status Messages
When you select a function, a status message is shown on the display for about seven seconds.After this, the name of the function is shown again. It is of course possible to change or confirm a displayed function even while the status message is shown.
Error Messages
The only faults that you can rectify yourself are the ones listed below. In the event of other error messages, recharge and restart your Trilobite. If it still does not start, contact our Customer Service (see page 16).
The errors you can correct yourself are presented below:
5. Check roller. Is something stuck? Is it incorrectly attached?
6. Check casters. Is something stuck?
7. Check bumper. Verify its spring action. Is something stuck preventing it from moving?
12. Trilobite is stuck. Move it and switch it on again. Also see Normal Vacuuming on page 4.
15. Check dust cassette. In most cases, the filter unit has probably not been set or it is incorrectly set.
16. Check charger. Is the charger plugged into an outlet? Are the terminals on the charger and Trilobite properly connected to each other?
21. Moisture on the circuit board. Let the machine dry out for 12 hours. Then try restarting it.
12 English
Emptying and Cleaning the Dust Collector
1. Press the button on the rear
side of Trilobite, and ...
2. ... lift off the lid. 3. Take out the dust collector. 4. Remove the grill with the
opening facing up.
5. Empty the collector
(preferably in a plastic bag fit snugly around the unit).
Do not knock the collector against hard surfaces to empty it.
6. Rinse the dust collector
under running water. Do not clean in a dishwasher or washing machine.
7. Insert a new filter and
replace the grill.
8. Replace the motor filter
every tenth time the dust collector filter is replaced. Attach the filter with the cut-off corners facing to the right.
9. Replace the dust collector. 10. Replace and push down
on the lid. If the lid cannot be properly closed, the dust collector is most likely set incorrectly.
English 13
Cleaning the Roller
1. Check the roller each time
the dust collector is emptied. If cleaning is needed, begin by lifting Trilobite by the handle.
2. Turn Trilobite upside down
and put it on a soft surface with the display facing you.
3. Push the locking knob to the
4. Raise the cover. 5. Lift the roller by the end
without a drive belt. Remove it by holding it at an angle and pulling upwards/outwards.
6. Clean the roller. Use a pair
of scissors to cut away strings, threads etc.
Do not wash the roller in water or other liquids.
7. Slide in the roller. Take care
to secure the belt and rotate it so that the teeth engage securely.
8. Press the roller downwards
and inwards.
9. Replace the lid. When the
three pegs in the picture are placed correctly, the lid is in the correct position.
10. Finally, push the lid down
into place.
14 English
Questions and Answers
Should I pay attention to anything special when I vacuum a room for the first time?
It is a good idea to be present when the room is vacuumed the first time, for example to see if it takes unnecessary time for Trilobite to navigate around furniture.
Can I use Trilobite in a room with an activated alarm?
Yes, if it has a “pets monitoring” function.
Can I hide the magnetic strips under, say, a carpet?
Yes, as long as it is not thicker than 3/4 of an inch.
What’s the purpose of the audible signals?
They confirm that a command or measure has been correctly received or to advise of a problem.
Trilobite operates at different speeds. Is something wrong?
Not at all. The speed varies, depending on the layout and furniture in the room.
Is it okay to leave Trilobite connected to the charger whenever it isn’t in use?
Yes, but make sure children cannot start it by mistake.
Is it necessary to switch off Trilobite before charging it?
How can I know if I’ve positioned Trilobite correctly for manual battery charging?
A battery symbol lights in the display and you hear an audible signal.
Why doesn’t it charge?
1. Check that Trilobite is correctly connected to the charger (see the question above).
2. Check that the charger has been plugged into an outlet.
3. Check that the rear of the charger has enough support (see page 7).
Is it dangerous to touch the charging terminals?
No. They have no power in output mode and carry max. 28 V in input mode.
Why does Trilobite sometime pause for approximately 10 seconds during vacuuming?
Trilobite uses two battery packs. It will briefly pause when switching from one battery pack to the other.
Why does Trilobite stop completely during vacuuming?
1. Check that it has been sufficiently charged (see page 7).
2. Did it find the charger during wall mapping?
3. The time duration for vacuuming may need to be increased (see page 11).
Why does Trilobite crackle while vacuuming?
This sound is produced by the navigation system.
Why do I need to replace the filter so often?
The filter is actually one of the most important components in the machine. It collects all dust, even very small dust particles (this is why you should also use original Electrolux filters). Just as a dust bag becomes full, so does the filter. Trilobite needs no dust bag, but the filter is always necessary.
If Trilobite starts to smell bad, what could be causing it?
The dust filter was probably not replaced.
What should I do when an error message is displayed?
The errors you yourself can correct are shown on page 11. In all other cases, contact Customer Service (see page 16).
What’s the Cable Protection System?
This is simply a system that prevents Trilobite from getting stuck in electric cords on the floor.
What’s the Trilobite Stairsafe system?
It is a safety system that uses infrared light to help Trilobite detect and avoid staircases .
Do I also need to vacuum manually?
Sometimes this may be necessary in corners or along the walls in the room.
In one room,Trilobite does not start and error code 12 is displayed.
On some extremely dark or shiny floors, Trilobite will not operate. This could also be the explanation if Trilobite will not go out on a surface or into a room.
+ 36 hidden pages