Efficient cleaning, now effortless. Bagless vacuum cleaner built to filter dust effectively. Clean easily
with great performance.
RRP AUS $249.00
EC41-4ANIM - Ease C4 Animal - Chili Red

Product Details
Dual Cyclone technology 4-step filtration 1.8L Capacity bin Easy Empty™ system
to dispose of dust quickly
and easily.
Dual Cyclone technology
Dedicated cyclones to separate large and fine particles, which
results in better performance, less clogging and less
maintenance of filters.
4-step filtration
Our bagless vacuum cleaners 4-step system effectively
separates dust & dirt for a deeper clean.
Easy emptying
Single button release to carefully dispose your dust in
aneffortless way.
Clean more in one go
Vacuum twice* as long without having to empty the dust bin as
often thanks to the large 1.8L capacity bin.
Large wheels for better stability
Large rotary wheels prevent the vacuum cleaner from
gettingobstructed, meaning improved stability around the
Customised cleaning performance
Variable power dial allows you to vary the suction for
yourcleaning needs. From curtains to hard floors.
EC41-4ANIM - Ease C4 Animal - Chili Red