49-40146v08 12,15,00 15:20 Page 1
Use & Care Manual
Microwave Oven
Safety Information ... 2-11
Instructions ........... 9
Features ........... 12,29
Getting Started ........ 13
Instructions ........ 14-28
Care and
Cleaning .......... 3o-31
Troubleshooting .... 32-33
Warranty&Service ..... 34-36
49-40146v08 12,15,00 15:20 Page 2
For your safety the information in this manual must be followed to
minimize the risk of fire or explosion or to prevent property damage,
personal injury or loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to operate this ()veil
with the (leer opera since open-door
operation can result iil harmful
exposure to microwave energ}, it is
important not to del_at or tamper
with the salk-t} interlocks.
Do Not Place any O[?iect bet_veen the
oven l¥ont lhce and the door or allow soil
or cleaner residue to accmnulate on
sealing surfaces.
Do Not Operate the oven if it is
damaged. It is particulm-ly important
that the oven (leer close properly and
that there is no damage to the:
1.door (bent),
2. hinges and latches (broken or
3. door seals and sealing surlaces.
The Oven Should Not be a(tjusted or
repaired by anyone except properly
qualified sere'ice personnel.
NEED HELP?Help us, help you: 1-800-944-9044.
Visit the Frigidaire Web Site at:
http://www.frig idai re.com
Belbre you call lbr service, there are a
l_w things you can do to help us serve
you better.
Read this manual
It contains instru(:dons to help you use
If you received a damaged
oven...iminediatcl_ conta(;t the dealer
(or huilder) that soht you the oven.
Save time and money.
Check the section tided "TrouNeshootiiN"
belbre calling. This section helps you soh,e
COIlIIIIOIIprehlems that might occur. If you
do need service, you can relax knowing help
is only a phone call m_W. A list of mll-l'ree
customer serv,ice numbers is included in
the back of this maimal. Or call Frigidaire
Consmner Services at 1-8000444t044,
94 hours a da>, 7 da>s a _eek.
49-40146v08 12,15,00 15:20 Page 3
To reduce the risk of fire, burns, electric shock, injury to persons, or exposure
to excessive microwave energy when using your appliance, follow basic
precautions, including the following sections.
I This microwave oven is not approved or tested for marine use.
• Read and lollow tile specific "Precautions
m Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive
Microwave Energy" on page 9.
• [his appliance must be grounded.
Commct only to properly grolmded
outlet. See Grounding Instructions
section on page 9.
• Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
• Install or locate this appliance only in
accordance with the provided
Installation instructions.
• Bc certain lo place the fi-ont surlhce of
file door fllree inches or more Imck l:rom
file cotmlerlop edge _ avoid accidental
tipping _ fl_e appliance in nomlal usage.
• DO IlOt operate this appliance if it has a
damaged power cord or plug, if it is not
working properly, or if it has been
damaged or dropped.
• Do not cover or block any opeifings on
the appliance.
• Use this appliance only lbr i_s intended
use as described in this maimal. I)o not
use corrosive chemicals or vapors in this
appliance. This microwave oven is
specifically designed to heat, dry or cook
lbod, and is not intended lbr laboratory
or industrial use.
49-40146v08 12.15.00 IS:20 Page 4
• DO IlOt store this appliance outdoors.
Do ilot use this product near water--
lbr example, in a wet basement, near a
swimming pool or near a sink.
• Keep power cord away l]-om heated
• Do not inlmerse power (ord or plug in
• See door surlace cleaning insm*ctions in
the Care and Cleaning section (s) of this
• [his appliance should be sec,'iced only
by qualified sec,'ice personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service lacility lbr
examination, repair or adjustment.
• As with an_ appliance, close supec,'ision
is necessmw when used by children.
• DO not lnOllIlt file lllicrowave ()Veil over or
near any po_ion of a heating or cooking
• Do not store an_lhing direc|l_ Oil top
of file microwave oven surl_tce when lhe
microwave ()veil is in operalion.
• Do not let power cord hang over edge of
table or court tcr.
• [o reduce the risk of fire in the oven
-- Do not overtook l]ood. Carefiflly attend
appliance if paper, plastic or other
combustible materials are placed inside
the oven while cooking.
-- Remove wire tsdst-ties and metal
handles li-om paper or plastic containers
belbre placing them in the oven.
-- Do not tlse the oven lbr storage
pm]_oses. Do not leave paper products,
cooking utensils or lbod in the oven
when not in use.
--If materials inside oven should ignite,
keep the oven door closed, turn the
oven offand disconnect the power cord,
or shut ollpower at the fl*se or circuit
breaker panel. If the door is opened,
the fire ma_ spread.
49-40146v08 12,15,00 15:20 Page 5
Special Notes About Microwaving
I If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFF pad and correct the problem. I
Arcing is the microwave tenn li)r sparks ill
the oven. Arcing is caused b):
* Metal or lk)il touching the side of
the oven.
* Foil not molded to tk)od (upturned
edges a(t like antennas).
• Do not pop popconl in your microwave
ove_ unless il_ a special microwave
popcori_ accessory or lmless you t_se
popcorn labeled li)r use in microwave
• Sonle prodllcts such as whole eggs aild
sealed comainers-lbr example, closed
jars--will explode arid sholfld not be
heated in this microwave oven. Such llse
of the microwave oven could result in
• Do not hoil eggs in a microwave oven.
Pressure will build up inside egg yolk
arid will cause it to bin-st, possihl}
resulting in il!jm-y.
* Metal, such as tsvist-ties, poult_), pilts, or
gold-rimmed dishes, in the microwave.
* Recycled paper towels cormdifing
small metal pieces being used in the
* Operating the microwave with ilO l_.)od
inside li)r more than a minute or two
may cause dalnage to the o\'ell alld could
start a fire. It increases the heat around
the magnetron and can shorten the lilk
of the oven.
* Foods with unbroken outer "skin"
such as potatoes, hot (logs, sausages,
tomatoes, apples, chicken livers
arid other gihlets, aild egg yolks
should be pierced to allow steam
to escape (luring cooking.
49-40146v08 12,15,00 IS:20 Page 6
Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach
the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all.
Superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when
something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it.
To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for
more than 2 minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup stand in the
microwave for 30 seconds before moving it or putting anything into it.
* Avoid heating baby fi.)od in glass jars,
even with the lid oil. Make sure all infimt
lbod is thoroughly cooked. Stir lk)od to
distribute the heat evenly. Be carefixl to
prevent scalding when warming lk)rnmla
or breast milk. [he container may lk_el
cooler than the milk really is. Always test
the milk bell)re l)eding the baby.
e Spontaneous boiliilg-[Jnder certain
special circumstances, liquids may start
to boil during or shortly afier removal
li-om the microwave oven. To prevent
bums li-om splashing liquid, we
recommend the fi)llowing: belk)re
removing the conlainer fi-om the oven,
allow the container to stand in the oven
lbr 30 to 40 seconds after the oven has
shut o11. Do ilOl boil liquids iil narrow-
necked containers such as sofi drink
bottles, x_ine flasks and especially
narrow-necked coll_:e cups. Even if the
container is opened, excessive steam can
build up and cause it to bin-st or
• DO IIOt defi-ost fi-ozeil beverages iIl
narrow-necked botdes (especially
carbonated beverages). Even if the
container is opened, pressure can build
up. [his can cause the comainer to
burst, possibly resulting iil iltjury.
• Hot l_)ods aild s_ealn tail cause bttrIlS.
Be careful when opeifing any containers
of hot lk)od, including popcon_ bags,
cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent
possible ir_juu, direct steam m_a_ l¥om
hands and fitce.
• DO IlOt overtook potatoes. ['hey could
dehydrate and catch fire, causing
damage to yollr oVe_L
• Cook meat and pouln) thoroughly--meat
to at least m_ INTERNAI. lempemmre of
160°F. and poulU) lo at least an
IN'I ERNAL temperature of 180°F.
Cooking to these lemperamres ustmlly
protects against lbodbome illness.
49-40146v08 12.15.00 IS:20 Page 7
Special Notes About Microwaving
Microwave-Safe Cookware
Make sure all cookware used in your
microwave oven is suitable lk)r
microwaving, iVh)stglass casseroles,
cooking dishes, nleasuring cups, custard
cups, pottery or china diimemvare which
does not have metallic trim or glaze with a
metallic sheen can be used. Some
cookware is labeled "suitable lbr
How to test for a microwave-safe dish
. If you are ilot sure ira dish is microwave-
sal_, use this test: Place in the oven both
the dish you are testing arid a glass
measuring cup filled wilh 1 cup of
water--set the measuring cup either in
or next to the dish. Microwave 30 45
seconds at high. if the dish heats, it
should not be used lbr microwaving.
If the dish remains cool arid only the
water in the cup heats, then the dish is
, If you use a meat thermometer while
cooking, make sure it is sale l_.)r use lit
lllicrowave ()veils.
• Some slyrol_)am trays (like those dmt
meat is packaged on) have a thin strip of
metal embedded in the bottom. When
microwaved, the metal can burn the
floor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.
• DO IlOt use recycled paper products.
Recycled paper towels, napkins and
waxed paper can contain metal flecks
which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper
products contaiifing nylon or nyh)n
filaments should be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
• Do not use the microwave to dry
• Not all plastic wrap is suitable lbr use in
microwave ovens. Check the package liar
proper use.
• Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic
wrap can be used to cover dishes in
order to retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap
so steam can escape.
• Cookware nlay become hot because of
heat transferred fiom the heated lbod.
Pot holders m W be needed m handle the
* "Boilable" cooking pouches and dghtly
closed plastic hags should he slit, pierced
or vented as direcmd by package, if they
are not, plastic could burst during or
immediately after cooking, possibly
resulting in illju U. Also, plastic storage
containers should be at least partially
tmcovered because they li)nn a tight
seal. When cooking with conmiImrs
tightly covered with plastic _wap, remove
covering carefully and direct steam away
li-om hands and l_tce.
49-40146v08 12,15,00 15:20 Page 8
Microwave-Safe Cookware (continued)
* Use lbil only as directed in this nlanual.
['V dinners may be microwaved in lbil
trays less than 3/4" high; remove the top
lbil cover and return the tray to the box.
When using l\)il in the nlicrowave oven,
keep the l_.)il at least 1 inch away li-()m
the sides of the oven.
* Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware
designed lbr microwave cooking is very
useflfl, but should be used carefully. Even
microwave-sal) plastic may not be as
tolerant of overcooking conditions as are
glass or ceramic materials and may
sol]en or char ifsul)jected m shorl
periods of overcooking.
In hmger exposures to overcooking, the
lk)od and cook_are colfld ignite. Follow
these guidelines:
1. Use microwave-sale plastics only and use
thenl in strict compliance wi|h the
cookware lilailul:.tcturer's
2. I)o not microwave empty cont;dners
3. Do not permi| children |o use plastic
cookware without complete supel'visioIL
49-40146v08 12.15.00 15:20 Page 9
Grounding Instructions
Grounding Instructions
Ensure proper ground
exists before use
Improper use of the grounding plug
can result in a risk of electric shock.
['his appliance must be grounded. In
the event of an electrical short circuit,
grounding reduces the risk of electric
shock b} providing an escape wire lbr
the electric current.
['his appliance is equipped with a power
cord having a grounding wire with a
grouilding plug. 'lhe plug must be
plugged imo an outlet that is properly
installed and grounded.
Consuh a qualified electrician or service
technidan if the grounding instructions
are riot completely understood, or if
doubt exists as to whether the appliance
is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall
outlet, it is your personal responsibilily
and obligation 1() have it replaced with a
properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do llOt tl_lde r ally circl]lT_sla_(;es tilt or
remove the lhird (grolmd) prong liom
the power (ord.
We do not recoimnend using an extension
cord with this appliance, if the power cord
is too short, have a qualified electrician or
sec,'ice technician install an outlet near
the appliance. (See WARNING Extension
Cords section.)
For best operation, plug this appliance
imo its own electrical outlet to prevent
flickering of lights, blowing ofluse or
tripping of circuit breaker.
49-40146v08 12.15.00 15:20 Page i0
Adapter Plugs
Adapter Plugs
Usage situations where appliance's
power cord will be disconnected
(Adapter plugs not
permitted in Canada)
prongs/slot _ ..
__1._Align large
_"_"-_ I_E_lsurepm_erground
TEMPORARY before use
Because of potcmial salety hazards under
certain conditions,we strongly recommend
against the use of an adapter plug.
However, if you still elect to use an adapter,
where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY
CONNECTION ma} be made to a properly
grounded lwo-prong wall receptacle by the
use of a U L listed adapter which is available
at most local hard_are stores.
['he lm-ger slot in the adapter IlIUStbe
aligned with the larger slot in the wall
receptacle to provide proper polari U in the
connection of llae power cord.
and firm collneetion
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter
ground terminal to the wall receptacle
cover screw does not ground the
appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and the wall
receptacle is grounded through the
house wiring.
You should have the circuit checked b>
a qualified electrician to make sure the
receptacle is properly gq-ounded.
When disconimcfing the power cord fi-om
the adapter, alwa_,s hold the adapter with
one hand. If this is not done, the adapter
ground terminal is very likely to break with
repeated use. Should this happen, DO
NOT USE the appliance until a proper
ground has again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's
power cord will be disconnected
Do not use an adapter plug in these
situations because fi-equent disconnection
of the power cord places t]ildtle strain on
the adapter and leads to eventual lhilure of
the adapter ground temfiiml. You should
have the two-prong wall receptacle
replaced with a three-prong (gToundiiN)
receptacle b_, a qualified electrician belore
using the appliance.
49-40146v08 12.1S.00 15:20 Page ii
Extension Cords/Optional Kits
Extension Cords
A shorn power supply cord is provided lo
re(hue lhe risks resuhing fiom becoming
e_tm Nled in or tripping o_er a longer (ord.
Ex|ension cords lilay be used if you are
carel_ul in using dram.
If an extension cord is used-
L ['he marked eleclrical rating oflhe
extension cord should be al least as great
as the ele(;tli(;al rating of the appliance;
2. ['he extension cord musl be a grounding-
type ,%wire (;ord and it must be plugged
into a ,_slo| ou|]e|;
3. ['he extension cord should be arranged so
dlatit will not (_pe over lhe _)un_r_p
or tablelop where it can be pulled on
children or tripped over unintentional.
If you use an exlension cord, |be inlefior
light ma) llicker ml(t |be blower sound ma)
vat) when lhe microwave oven is on. Cooking
dines may be longer, _o.
Optional Kits
Choose the appropriate Installation Kit below to convert this oven to a built-in wall
oven. Available at extra cost fi-om your Frigidaire supplier.
For 27" installations: For 30" installations:
Model Kit Model Kit
GLMB186KB 82-1827-18 GLMB186KB 82-1830-18
GLMB186KS 82-1827-00 GLMB186KS 82-1830-00
PLMB186KC 82-1827-12 PLMB186KC 82-1830-12