Product Brief
Raptor 1100T
1920 x 1200 Color Video Graphics Adapter
Raptor 1100T Features
1920 x 1200 Resolution
Drives a wide variety of monitors
including HDTV
8/16/24/32-Bits Per Pixel
32 MB Frame Buffer
32 Independent Overlays
2560 Dynamic Colors
Supports Transparency &
Air Traffic Management
Vessel Traffic Control
Command & Control
Satellite Imaging
Sun Ultra Workstations
Digital Alpha Workstations
Linux based platforms
The Tech Source Raptor 1100T high resolution graphics accelerator combines in a single slot PCI card a comprehensive array of high-end display subsystem features. The Raptor 1100T uses Tech Source's state-of-the-art graphics technology and addresses all requirements specific to tar­get markets like Air Traffic Management, Vessel Traffic Control and other Command & Control applications. Its high level of integration achieves extreme flexibility over a wide range of functions.
With 32MB of on-board framebuffer and an efficient memory manager, the card offers excellent drawing performance with minimum host CPU usage. The card provides 2560 independent dynamic col­ors. That's ten times the number of in­dexed colors available on traditional graphics systems. Specialized layering hardware allows for complete control of
up to 32 independently addressable overlays with dynamic layer priority ad­justment. This hardware supports both transparency & translucency (blending). The Raptor 1100T can also be configured in a 24-bit True Color mode for other high resolution image viewing applica­tions.
The Raptor 1100T offers excellent 2D acceleration for polygons, text, lines, copy and other windowing operations. This provides seamless ability to manage over 5000 targets/tracks in real time. Another feature of this high performance product is the specialized fill hardware that performs back buffer screen erases at an extremely high speed. The video output quality of the Raptor 1100T has been meticulously fine tuned and is easily the best among all graphics products in this industry.
Raptor 1100T Technical Specifications
Raptor 1100T PCI video graphics adapter, 1920 by 1080 color resolution, 32 MB frame buffer
includes DB-13-W3 to 4BNC or 5BNC video cable, operating system specific device driver software and manuals.
Software Available
X Window System with MOX on Solaris, Tru64, Linux and Windows 2000 (Multiple Overlay Extension)
Frame Buffer Size PCI Interface
Video Interface Video Sync Video Connector
Temperature Rating
Humidity Rating Power Consumption
32MB SGRAM 33/66 MHz, 32/64-bit, Revision 2.2
Red, Green and Blue, at RS-343A (75 ohm) Separate or composite syncs at TTL levels, (75 ohm) DB-13W3
100 to 500 C (operating)
-100 to 700 C (non-operating) 5% to 90% (non-condensing) Less than 25W
312 mm x 107 mm (12.28” x 4.2”)
March 8, 2006
3340 Edgewater Dr. Orlando, FL 32804
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