Edwards iGX Series, iGX100N, iGX100L, iGX600L, iGX1000N Instruction Manual

Issue C Original
Instruction Manual
iGX Dry Pumping Systems
Description Description
iGX100L 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-10-958 iGX100L 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-10-959 iGX100L 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-10-958 iGX100L 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-10-959 iGX600L 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-30-958 iGX600L 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-30-959 iGX600L 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-30-958 iGX600L 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-30-959 iGX100N 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-11-958 iGX100N 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-11-959 iGX100N 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-11-958 iGX600N 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-31-958 iGX600N 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-31-959
Description Description
iGX1000N 200 V – 230 V 50 Hz A546-81-958 iGX1000N 380 V – 460 V 50 Hz A546-81-959 iGX1000N 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-81-958 iGX100M 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-12-958 iGX100M 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-12-959 iGX100M 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-12-958 iGX100MTi 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-48-958 iGX100MTi 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-48-959 iGX100MTi 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-48-958 iGX600M 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz A546-32-958 iGX600M 380 V – 460 V 50/60 Hz A546-32-959 iGX600M 200 V – 230 V 50/60 Hz SS A548-32-958
P200-01-960 Issue A
July 2007, Shoreham
iGX600M 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-32-958
We, Edwards,
Manor Royal,
West Sussex RH10 9LW, UK
iGX100L 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-10-958 iGX100N 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-11-958 iGX100M 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-12-958
declare under our sole responsibility that the product(s):
Declaration of Conformity
This product has been manufactured under a quality system registered to ISO9001
equipment emissions).
EN1012-2 (1997) Compressor and Vacuum Pumps Safety Requirements; Part 2 - Vacuum Pumps.
EN61010-1 (2001) Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use; Part 1 – General Requirements.
iGX100L 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-10-959 iGX100N 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-11-959 iGX100M 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-12-959
iGX100L 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-10-958 iGX100N 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-11-958 iGX100M 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-12-958
iGX100 380-460V 50/60Hz SS A548-10-959 iGX600N 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-31-958 iGX100MTi 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-48-958
iGX600L 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-30-958 iGX600N 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-31-959 iGX100MTi 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-48-959
iGX600L 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-30-959 iGX1000N 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-81-958 iGX100MTi 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-48-958
iGX600L 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-30-958 iGX1000N 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-81-959 iGX600M 200-230V 50/60Hz A546-32-958
iGX600L 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-30-959 iGX1000N 200-230V 50/60Hz SS A548-81-958 iGX600M 380-460V 50/60Hz A546-32-958
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s):
EN61326 (1998 + A2:2001) Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use – EMC Requirements (Industrial locations immunity – Class A
when installed in accordance with the instruction manual supplied with the pump,
73/023/EEC Low Voltage Directive.
89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive.
98/37/EC Machinery Safety Directive.
following the provisions of:
Dr S.E. Ormrod, Technical Director Date and Place
Issue C
Product Manual Addendum - Equipment types:
iH Vacuum Pump Range GX Vacuum Pump Range DiHxK Vacuum Pump Range
iF Vacuum Pump Range iHxK Vacuum Pump Range DiFxK Vacuum Pump Range
iGX Vacuum Pump Range iFxK Vacuum Pump Range EPX Vacuum Pump Range
IPX Vacuum Pump Range
iQ/QDP/QMB Vacuum Pump
iL Vacuum Pump Range
Product Label Overshipper Label Pallet Marking
Indicates toxic or hazardous substance
contained in at least one of the homogeneous
materials used for this part is above the limit
requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.
Environmental Protection Period is 20 years
Recyclable Cardboard Recyclable Natural Wood
Materials Content Declaration & Environmental Protection Use Period
The Chinese regulatory requirement on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products No. 39 (also known as ‘China RoHS’) mandates that manufacturers of certain categories of electronic products sold in China after 1st March 2007 –
Mark the product and packaging
Define the Product’s Environment Protection Use Period (EPUP)
Provide a Materials Content Declaration.
Environmental Protection Use Period (EPUP)
This is the period in years during which the toxic or hazardous substances or elements contained in this product will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions so that the use of such electronic information products will not result in any severe environmental pollution, any bodily injury or damage to any assets.
The Environmental Protection Use Period is 20 years for this product.
For the purposes of EPUP, normal operating conditions are considered to be use in accordance with the product’s instruction manual.
Materials Content Declaration
Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements
Poly brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)
Part name
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Cadmium (Cd)
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))
Poly brominated biphenyls (PBB)
Cartridge O O x x O O Enclosure O O x x O O Electronics and Controls
X O x x O O
Cooling System O O x x O O Purge System O O x x O O O: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006. X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in SJ/T11363-2006.
Note 1. Table applies to all product types listed above.
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A546–00–880 Issue C
Section Page
1Introduction .......................................................................................1
1.1 Scope and definitions ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Applications ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3 The iGXL system ......................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Priority of control ........................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Active utility control .................................................................................................... 5
2Technical Data ....................................................................................7
2.1 General technical data .................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Electrical Data ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Loading .................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Connections ............................................................................................................... 9
2.5 General Data ............................................................................................................ 10
3 Installation ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Locate the dry pumping system ......................................................................................12
3.2 Lubrication ............................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Connect the iGX system to your vacuum/exhaust system and interstage connection (if fitted) ...........13
3.4 Connect to your factory extraction system (optional) ............................................................14
3.5 Connect the nitrogen supply (if provided) .......................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Flammable/pyrophoric materials ....................................................................................14
3.5.2 Gas Purges ...............................................................................................................15
3.6 Leak-test the iGX system ..............................................................................................15
3.7 Connect the electrical supply .........................................................................................16
3.8 Connect an additional RF earth (ground) (optional) ..............................................................18
3.9 Connect to your emergency stop circuit ............................................................................18
3.10 Connect the cooling-water hoses .....................................................................................19
3.11 Accessories ............................................................................................................... 19
3.12 Commission the iGX system ...........................................................................................20
3.13 Install additional safety equipment ..................................................................................22
4OPERATION ......................................................................................23
4.1 Start-up .................................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Status indicators ........................................................................................................24
4.3 Manual shut-down ......................................................................................................24
4.4 Automatic shut-down .................................................................................................. 25
4.5 Unplanned shutdown and alarms ..................................................................................... 25
4.6 Emergency stop .........................................................................................................25
4.7 Restart the pump after an emergency stop or automatic shut-down ..........................................26
4.8 Single equipment monitor (SEM) .....................................................................................26
5MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................27
5.1 Safety and maintenance frequency .................................................................................. 27
5.2 Relocate the system for maintenance ...............................................................................28
5.3 Draining the cooling-water ............................................................................................ 29
5.4 Cleaning the pump ......................................................................................................30
6TRANSPORTATION, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL ...............................................31
6.1 Transportation .......................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Storage ...................................................................................................................31
DJD 30/05/08
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Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
6.3 Disposal ................................................................................................................... 31
7SERVICE, SPARES AND ACCESSORIES ......................................................... 33
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 33
7.2 Service .................................................................................................................... 33
7.3 Ordering accessories ...................................................................................................34
For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.
Figure Page
1iGX Applications chart ..................................................................................................2
2The controls/connectors ................................................................................................3
3The rear status panel LED indicators .................................................................................4
4The front panel controls ................................................................................................4
5Priority of control ........................................................................................................5
6Centre of gravity and levelling foot loads ...........................................................................8
7System arrangment to reduce effective footprint (if required) .................................................12
8High and low volt coding pin arrangement .........................................................................17
9Method for connecting phase wires ..................................................................................18
10 Connections to emergency stop circuit (systemable) ............................................................. 18
11 Installing 3/8" quick connect fittings (provided) ...................................................................20
12 Gas module access panel ..............................................................................................21
13 Flow tube (14 slm) ...................................................................................................... 21
14 Flow tube (4 slm) .......................................................................................................22
© Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved. Page iii Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
A546–00–880 Issue C
Table Page
1Technical data ...........................................................................................................7
2Technical data ...........................................................................................................7
3Electrical data ............................................................................................................8
4Centre of gravity and levelling foot loads (Refer to Figure 6) .................................................... 8
5iGX connector types .....................................................................................................9
6Technical data ..........................................................................................................10
7Safety sensors ...........................................................................................................25
8Accessories ...............................................................................................................34
Associated publications
Publication title Publication number
Vacuum pump and vacuum system safety P300–20–000
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A546–00–880 Issue C
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Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
© Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved. Page 1 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
A546–00–880 Issue C
1.1 Scope and definitions
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards iGX dry pumping systems. You must use your pump as specified in this manual.
Read this manual before you install and operate your pump. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; you must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process.
The units used throughout this manual conform to the SI international system of units of measurement
In accordance with the recommendations of IEC1010, the following warning labels are on the pump:
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.
Warning – refer to accompanying documentation.
Warning – risk of electric shock.
Warning – hot surfaces. Warning – moving parts present.
Warning – heavy object. Warning - pressurised.
RF earth (ground). Protective earth (ground).
Warning - use protective equipment. Warning - Risk of explosion.
A546–00–880 Issue C
Page 2 © Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
The Pressurised and Risk of explosion warnings only appear in this manual.
Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals supplied by Edwards can be obtained by contacting Edwards.
1.2 Applications
If you use the iGX system on an application for which it is not suitable (refer to Figure 1), you may invalidate your warranties. If in doubt, contact Edwards who will advise you as to the suitability of the iGX system for any particular application.
Figure 1 - iGX Applications chart
1.3 The iGXL system
Pumping a chemical that will attack the materials in contact with these process materials may, over time, result in the internal contents of the pump becoming exposed to the external environment, which may constitute a safety hazard. If in doubt, contact Edwards who will advise you as to the suitability of this pump for any particular application.
It is also a feature of this pump design that process gases are contained within the gearbox. This pump is not suitable for use with flammable, hazardous, toxic or corrosive gases or material.
© Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved. Page 3 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
A546–00–880 Issue C
Figure 2 - The controls/connectors
1Protective earth (ground) M58Comms 2 - LON module
15 Lifting eyebolt 22 Cooling-water supply
2Electrical supply
9Comms 1 - System control/
PDT 2 connection
16 Pumped gas inlet
23 Castors (3 off)
3Rear status panel10Gate valve interface (EMO
on T variant)
17 RF earth (ground) cable 24 Levelling feet (4 off)
4 Comms 4 - MicroTIM
connection (if fitted)
11 EMS* 18 Interstage connection (if
25 Cooling-water return
5 Ethernet active LED 12 Accessory module
not on T variants
19 Seismic bracket (if fitted, 4
26 RF earth (ground) stud M6
6Ethernet installed LED 13 GRC interface* 20Gas Module access panel 27 Exhaust gas outlet
7Comms 3 Ethernet
14 Extraction port 21 Nitrogen purge port 28 Leak-test port
A546–00–880 Issue C
Page 4 © Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved.
Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
Figure 3 - The rear status panel LED indicators
Figure 4 - The front panel controls
1.4 Priority of control
The iGX system can be controlled by a number of modules: the Pump Display Terminal (PDT), from the tool through the MicroTIM, or from the front panel local control membrane (refer to Figure 4). Only one of these can have control of the iGX system at any one time. That is, once one of these has control of the iGX system, control requests from the other are denied.
The PDT indicates who is in control. LEDs are also provided on the rear panel, front panel or PDT, which illuminate to indicate 'in control'. Please refer to Figure 5.
Item Indication
1 Power OK (green)
2 Running (green)
3 Warning (Am ber)
4Alarm (Red)
5 To o l c o n t r o l ( G r e e n )
Item Indication Item Indication
1EMS button
Not on T variants
6Alarm LED (red)
2Start button 7Warning LED (amber)
3Stop button 8Running LED (green)
4AUC LED (green) 9Power OK LED (green)
5Local control button/LED (green) 10Comms 5 pump display terminal
(PDT 1) connection
© Edwards Limited 2008. All rights reserved. Page 5 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
A546–00–880 Issue C
1.5 Active utility control
Active Utility Control (AUC) is available on the iGX system. This function reduces the power of the iGX system while on stand-by. The power reduction is achieved by reducing the rotational speed of the iGX pump. This function also reduces the nitrogen purge of M variant systems while in stand-by mode.
Advanced Active Utility Control (AAUC) is also available. This function, in addition to AUC, can reduce the water flow of the iGX system while on stand-by, therefore allowing further reductions in power. Contact Edwards for advice.
The AUC functionality is controlled by the on/off process signal from the Tool Interface Module (TIM).
Figure 5 - Priority of control
1. PDT 1
2. PDT 2
3. System controller
4. Tool
5. Front panel
6. None in control
A546–00–880 Issue C
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Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.
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