Edwards CDX1000, IDX1300, IDX1000 Instruction Manual

Issue E Original
Instruction Manual
CDX1000 Chemical Dry Vacuum Pumps and
IDX1000 and IDX1300 Industrial Dry Vacuum Pumps
Notes: The Item Numbers listed above are for bareshaft pumps without motors. However, this manual contains
general information on pump motors. For detailed information on the specific motor fitted to the pump, refer to the Motor Instruction Manual (P600-74-000) supplied with the pump.
The CDX/IDX Pumping System Instruction Manual (P600-74-600) supplied with the system will define the
build specification of the pump; that is, the type of motor and any accessories fitted.
If the CDX pump is part of an ATEX system, an ATEX system instruction manual (P600-74-500) will be
supplied, which defines the installation, operation and maintenance requirements for ATEX compliance.
Description Item Number
CDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof with Integral Flame Arrestors A708-01-985
CDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof with Integral Flame Arrestors A708-11-985
CDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof (without Flame Arrestors) A708-02-985
CDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof (without Flame Arrestors) A708-12-985
IDX1000, 22 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area A708-03-985
IDX1000, 30 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area A708-13-985
IDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area, Extended Performance A708-04-985
IDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area, Extended Performance A708-14-985
IDX1300, 30 kW, DIN, Safe Area A709-04-985
IDX1300, 40 h.p., ANSI, Safe Area A709-14-985
Declaration of Incorporation
We, Edwards Limited,
Crawley Business Quarter, Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9LW, UK
declare under our sole responsibility, as manufacturer and person within the EU authorised to assemble the technical file, that the machine(s)
CDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof with Integral Flame Arrestors A708-01-985 CDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof with Integral Flame Arrestors A708-11-985 CDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof (without Flame Arrestors) A708-02-985 CDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof (without Flame Arrestors) A708-12-985 IDX1000, 22 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area A708-03-985 IDX1000, 30 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area A708-13-985 IDX1000, 30 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area, Extended Performance A708-04-985 IDX1000, 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area, Extended Performance A708-14-985 IDX1300, 30 kW, DIN, Safe Area A709-04-985 IDX1300, 40 h.p., ANSI, Safe Area A709-14-985
Note: The part numbers listed above are for bare shaft pumps without motors.
to which this declaration relates is intended to be incorporated into other equipment and not to function independently. The machine(s) must not be put into service until the equipment into which it is incorporated has been brought into conformity with the provisions of the Machinery Directive, 2006/42/EC.
The machine(s) is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s)
EN1012-2:1996+A1:2009 Compressors and Vacuum Pumps. Safety Requirements.
Vacuum Pumps EN50581:2012 Technical Documentation for the Assessment of Electrical and Electronic Products with respect to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances
The relevant essential requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Annex 1 have been applied and fulfilled so far as practicable for this partly completed machinery. The relevant technical documentation has been compiled in accordance with Annex VII Part B. In response to a reasoned request by the national authorities, Edwards Ltd undertakes to provide relevant information on the partly completed machinery (via email).
Note: This declaration covers all product serial numbers from the date this Declaration was
signed onwards.
10.08.2015, Burgess Hill
P200-00-780 Issue E
Mr Peter Meares Senior Technical Support Manager, General Vacuum
Date and Place
This product has been manufactured under a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2008
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A708-01-880 Issue E
Section Page
1Introduction .......................................................................................1
1.1 Scope and definitions ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Description ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Shaft-seals purge system ............................................................................................... 2
1.4 Air bleed - IDX1300 only ................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Temperature control system ........................................................................................... 2
1.6 Drive coupling operation ............................................................................................... 3
1.7 Hazardous area and safe area versions of the pump ............................................................... 3
1.7.1 Safe area (in relation to an external atmosphere) ................................................................. 3
1.7.2 Hazardous area ........................................................................................................... 3
1.7.3 Pumped gases ............................................................................................................ 3
1.8 Accessories ...............................................................................................................10
1.9 Normal/abnormal operation ..........................................................................................10
1.9.1 Normal operation: CDX pumps ........................................................................................ 10
1.9.2 Normal operation: IDX pumps .........................................................................................10
1.9.3 Abnormal operation: CDX and IDX pumps ...........................................................................11
2Technical data ..................................................................................13
2.1 Operating and storage conditions ....................................................................................13
2.2 Performance ............................................................................................................. 13
2.3 Mechanical data ......................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Electrical data ...........................................................................................................14
2.5 Lubrication data ........................................................................................................15
2.6 Shaft-seals purge gas supply ..........................................................................................15
2.7 Cooling water supply ...................................................................................................15
2.8 Temperature control system .......................................................................................... 16
2.9 Connections .............................................................................................................. 16
2.10 Coolant ................................................................................................................... 17
2.11 Materials of construction ..............................................................................................18
3Installation .......................................................................................25
3.1 Safety ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Unpack and inspect the pump ........................................................................................25
3.3 Locate the pump ........................................................................................................26
3.3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Locate the pump on its mounting feet ..............................................................................27
3.3.3 Locate the pump without the mounting feet ....................................................................... 27
3.4 Check the coolant level ................................................................................................ 28
3.5 Check the oil levels .....................................................................................................28
3.5.1 Check the gearbox oil level ...........................................................................................28
3.5.2 Check the end cover oil level ......................................................................................... 28
3.6 Connect the temperature sensor (CDX pumps only) ...............................................................30
3.7 Connect the oil pressure sensors (CDX pumps only) ............................................................... 32
3.8 Connect the thermal snap-switches (IDX pumps only) ............................................................32
3.9 Connect the oil pressure switches (IDX pumps only) ..............................................................34
3.10 Pump motor electrical connections ..................................................................................34
3.10.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................34
3.10.2 Connect the electrical supply to the pump motor .................................................................35
3.10.3 Connect the thermistor outputs ...................................................................................... 35
3.11 Connect the pump to earth (ground) ................................................................................35
3.12 Check the direction of pump rotation ............................................................................... 35
3.13 Connect the cooling water supply ....................................................................................36
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3.14 Connect the shaft-seals purge gas supply ........................................................................... 36
3.15 Connect the pump inlet and outlet ..................................................................................37
3.15.1 Connect the pump to the process system ........................................................................... 37
3.15.2 Connect the pump outlet .............................................................................................. 38
3.16 Leak test the system ...................................................................................................39
3.17 Commission the pump .................................................................................................. 39
3.17.1 Commissioning procedure .............................................................................................39
3.17.2 Adjust the TCV (thermostatic control-valve) .......................................................................39
4Operation ........................................................................................43
4.1 Operational safety ......................................................................................................43
4.2 ATEX system control ....................................................................................................44
4.3 Non-ATEX system control .............................................................................................. 44
4.3.1 Start the pump ..........................................................................................................44
4.3.2 Allow the pump to warm up ..........................................................................................44
4.3.3 Shut down the pump ................................................................................................... 45
5Maintenance .....................................................................................47
5.1 Safety information ...................................................................................................... 47
5.2 Maintenance plan .......................................................................................................47
5.3 Check the oil levels .....................................................................................................48
5.3.1 Check the gearbox oil level ...........................................................................................48
5.3.2 Check the end cover oil level ......................................................................................... 48
5.4 Check the shaft-seals purge gas supply .............................................................................50
5.5 Check the coolant level and refill if necessary ....................................................................50
5.5.1 Check the coolant level ................................................................................................50
5.5.2 Drain the coolant and refill the pump with a different coolant .................................................51
5.6 Remove the inlet filter (if necessary) ...............................................................................51
5.7 Inspect the pipelines and connections ..............................................................................51
5.8 Change the oil and oil filters, drain the vent filters, and clean the oil level sight-glasses .................52
5.8.1 Drain the end cover oil and clean the end cover sight-glasses ..................................................52
5.8.2 Change the end cover oil filter ....................................................................................... 52
5.8.3 Drain the end cover vent filter .......................................................................................53
5.8.4 Fill the end cover with new oil .......................................................................................53
5.8.5 Drain the gearbox oil and clean the gearbox sight-glasses ....................................................... 55
5.8.6 Change the gearbox oil filter ......................................................................................... 55
5.8.7 Drain the gearbox vent filter ......................................................................................... 56
5.8.8 Fill the gearbox with new oil ......................................................................................... 56
5.9 Flush the pump with cleaning solution ..............................................................................56
5.10 Clean the cooling system ..............................................................................................58
5.10.1 Drain the coolant from the cooling system .........................................................................59
5.10.2 Clean the cooling water filter ........................................................................................59
5.10.3 Clean the heat exchanger ............................................................................................. 59
5.10.4 Clean the coolant level sight-glass ................................................................................... 60
5.10.5 Prepare the pump for operation ..................................................................................... 60
5.11 Replace the pump motor ..............................................................................................60
5.11.1 Remove the pump motor ..............................................................................................60
5.11.2 Fit the new pump motor ............................................................................................... 63
5.11.3 Check the direction of pump rotation ............................................................................... 64
5.12 Replace the flexible coupling insert ................................................................................. 64
5.13 Clear a hydraulic lock (when necessary) ............................................................................ 65
5.14 Clean the vent adaptor ................................................................................................65
5.15 Change the bearings and seals ........................................................................................ 67
5.16 Clean/change the air bleed filters IDX1300 only .................................................................. 67
5.17 Fault finding .............................................................................................................67
6Storage and disposal ...........................................................................71
6.1 Storage ...................................................................................................................71
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6.2 Disposal ................................................................................................................... 71
7Service, spares and accessories ..............................................................73
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 73
7.2 Service .................................................................................................................... 73
7.3 Spares and maintenance kits ..........................................................................................73
7.4 Accessories ...............................................................................................................73
Index .............................................................................................. 75
For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.
Figure Page
1The IDX pump (Sheet 1 of 2) ...........................................................................................4
2The IDX1300 pump (Sheet 1 of 2) .....................................................................................6
3The CDX pump (Sheet 1 of 2) ..........................................................................................8
4IDX1000 Dimensions: mm (inch) ......................................................................................19
5IDX1300 Dimensions: mm (inch) ......................................................................................20
6CDX Dimensions: mm (inch) ...........................................................................................22
7Fill the Pump with Coolant ............................................................................................29
8Connect the CDX Temperature Sensor .............................................................................. 31
9Connect the IDX Thermal Snap-Switches ............................................................................33
10 Change the Oil Filters and Clean the Oil Level Sight-Glasses .................................................... 54
11 Flush the pump with cleaning solution .............................................................................. 58
12 Clean the Cooling System - CDX/IDX1000 ........................................................................... 61
13 Clean the Cooling System - IDX1300 .................................................................................62
14 Pump Motor and Drive Coupling ...................................................................................... 66
15 Clean the vent adaptor ................................................................................................68
16 Air bleed filter element cleaning/replace .......................................................................... 68
Table Page
1Operating and Storage Conditions .................................................................................... 13
2Performance Data ......................................................................................................13
3Mechanical Data ........................................................................................................14
4Electrical Data ..........................................................................................................14
5Lubrication Data ........................................................................................................15
6Shaft-seals purge gas supply data ....................................................................................15
7Cooling water supply data .............................................................................................15
8Temperature Control System Data ...................................................................................16
9Connections ..............................................................................................................16
10 Possible Alternative Coolants ......................................................................................... 17
11 Construction Materials .................................................................................................18
12 TCV Settings ............................................................................................................. 40
13 Minimum Pump Operating Temperatures (°C) .....................................................................40
14 Minimum Pump Operating Temperatures (°F) ..................................................................... 41
15 Maintenance Plan .......................................................................................................49
16 Fault finding .............................................................................................................69
17 Spares and Maintenance Kits .......................................................................................... 74
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Associated publications
Publication title Publication number
Vacuum pump and vacuum system safety P400-40-100
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A708-01-880 Issue E
1.1 Scope and definitions
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards CDX1000 chemical dry vacuum pumps and the IDX1000 and IDX1300 industrial dry vacuum pumps. The pump must be used as specified in this manual. Read this manual before installing and operating the pump.
Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; these instructions must be obeyed. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.
Cautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment and process
The following warning labels are on the pump:
The units used throughout this manual conform to the SI international system of units of measurement.
Warnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.
Warning - refer to accompanying documentation.
Warning - risk of electric shock.
Warning - hot surfaces.
Protective earth (ground).
Warning - Edwards offer European customers a recycling service.
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1.2 Description
The CDX and IDX pumps are rugged, reliable dry vacuum pumps designed specifically for use in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, and in industrial processing applications.
The CDX and IDX pumps are single stage pumps which use the screw principle, in which a pair of intermeshing, non­contacting rotors are held in correct phase relation by a pair of timing-gears. The gears and the double-row angular contact ball bearings are oil lubricated.
The double-ended design means that the bearings, seals and gearbox remain at atmospheric pressure, and that axial loading on the bearings is minimal.
1.3 Shaft-seals purge system
Refer to Figure 1, 2 and 3, detail C. The shaft-seals purge pipelines (24) deliver an air or nitrogen purge to the shaft- seals. This purge:
Ensures that the shaft-seals are maintained at a positive pressure during pump operation.
Prevents the entry of corrosive or toxic process vapours into the pump gearbox.
Prevents contamination of t he process gases by pump oil.
Prevents damage to the shaft-seals by debris.
Note: Accessory kits are available to provide gas ballast, inlet and exhaust purge facilities on the pump: refer
to Section 7.4.
1.4 Air bleed - IDX1300 only
Blockage of the air bleed intake and/or the filter element will lead to seizure of the pump.
Refer to Figure 2. The IDX1300 is fitted with a permanent atmospheric air bleed at each end of the pump.
Refer to Section 5.16 for details of how to clean/replace the filter element.
1.5 Temperature control system
Refer to Figure 1, 2 and 3. The CDX and IDX pumps have an indirect cooling system. A coolant circulation pump (driven by the vacuum pump mechanism) circulates secondary coolant, in a closed loop, through jackets around the pump body, and through oil coolers. A heat exchanger in the circuit transfers heat to the primary coolant (that is, cooling water).
The primary coolant supply passes through a filter (Figure 12, item 20).
In operation, the pump is maintained at a constant temperature by a thermostatic control-valve (TCV, 17) which controls the supply of primary coolant (cooling water) to the heat exchanger.
The heat exchanger has a pressure cap and a coolant overflow pipe (Figure 7, item 4). As the temperature of the pump body increases, and the secondary coolant expands, excess coolant may be discharged from this pipe.
Two positive displacement oil pumps located in the gearbox and the end cover circulate oil (through a filter) to cool and control the temperature of the rotors, and to lubricate the bearings and gears.
The oil circulates through oil coolers (10, 22). The oil coolers are plate heat exchangers, in which heat is transferred from the oil to the secondary coolant.
Each oil circuit is also fitted with a pressure switch (IDX) or transmitter (CDX) to protect against loss of oil supply.
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A708-01-880 Issue E
Refer to Figure 1. IDX pumps have a thermal snap-switch box (9) on the end cover which contains two thermal snap-switches and a pressure switch (32) attached to the oil supply pipe at each end:
Connect the shut-down thermal snap-switch to a suitable control circuit to shut down the pump if it
overheats: refer to Section 3.7.
Connect the two pressure switches to a suitable control circuit to shut the pump down if either of the oil
circuits loses pressure. This is most easily done by wiring them in series. The shut-down thermal snap switch can be wired in series with the two pressure switches to shut down the pump if any one of the three switches trip.
Connect the warning thermal snap-switch to the control equipment to provide an indication that the pump is
too hot: refer to Section 3.7.
Refer to Figure 3. CDX pumps have a temperature sensor (9) fitted to the end cover and a pressure transmitter (32) attached to the oil supply pipe at each end. Connect these sensors to a suitable control circuit, in order to shut down the pump if it overheats or if either of the oil circuits loses pressure, refer to Section 3.6.
1.6 Drive coupling operation
The pump has a flexible drive coupling which transmits the drive from the pump motor to the pump rotors.
Refer to Figure 14. A coupling hub (10) is fitted to the pump shaft (14) and a drive hub (19) is fitted to the motor shaft (4). A flexible insert (18) fits between the two hubs.
1.7 Hazardous area and safe area versions of the pump
1.7.1 Safe area (in relation to an external atmosphere)
A safe area is one where there is no possibility of a potentially explosive atmosphere existing, therefore it is not necessary to take special precautions to avoid mechanical or electrical ignition sources.
1.7.2 Hazardous area
A hazardous area (in relation to an external atmosphere) is one where there is the possibility of a potentially explosive atmosphere existing, therefore it is necessa ry t o take spe cial prec aut ions to avoid mechanical or electrical ignition sources.
1.7.3 Pumped gases
Hazardous gases and vapours can be defined as materials that could be one or more of the following:
To xi c
Flammables in the flammable range
Flammables below the upper flammability limit.
Pumps that are suitable for pumping hazardous gases and vapours have a leak tightness specification of better than 10
mbar l s.
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Figure 1 - The IDX pump (Sheet 1 of 2)
1. Pump motor (typical)
2. Motor terminal box (typical)
3. Gearbox vent filter
4. Gearbox oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
5. Heat exchanger
6. Pump inlet
7. End cover vent filter
8. End cover oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
9. Thermal snap-switch box
10. End cover oil cooler
11. End cover oil level sight-glass (2 off
12. Mounting brackets (4 off)
13. Mounting pads (4 off, between items 12 and 14)
14. Mounting feet (4 off, box section)
15. Cooling water outlet
16. Pump outlet
17. TCV (thermostatic control valve)
18. Gearbox oil level sight-glass (2 off
19. Cooling water inlet
20. Coupling cover (2 off
21. Motor fan
22. Gearbox oil cooler
23. Lifting-bolts (4 off)
24. Shaft-seals purge pipelines
25. Shaft-seals purge inlet
26. Sight-glass bezel
27. Temperature measurement area
28. Earth (ground) stud
29. Nut (on tube fitting)
30. Vent filter body top
One on each side of the pump
32. Pressure switch
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A708-01-880 Issue E
Figure 1 - The IDX pump (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Figure 2 - The IDX1300 pump (Sheet 1 of 2)
1. Pump motor (typical)
2. Motor terminal box (typical)
3. Gearbox vent filter
4. Gearbox oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
5. Heat exchanger
6. Pump inlet
7. End cover vent filter
8. End cover oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
9. Thermal snap-switch box
10. End cover oil cooler
11. End cover oil level sight-glass (2 off
12. Mounting brackets (4 off)
13. Mounting pads (4 off, between items 12 and 14)
14. Mounting feet (4 off, box section)
15. Cooling water outlet
16. Pump outlet
17. TCV (thermostatic control valve)
18. Gearbox oil level sight-glass (2 off
19. Cooling water inlet
20. Coupling cover (2 off*)
21. Motor fan
22. Gearbox oil cooler
23. Lifting-bolts (4 off)
24. Shaft-seals purge pipelines
25. Shaft-seals purge inlet
26. Sight-glass bezel
27. Temperature measurement area
28. Earth (ground) stud
29. Nut (on tube fitting)
30. Vent filter body top
31. Air Bleed
One on each side of the pump
32. Pressure switch
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A708-01-880 Issue E
Figure 2 - The IDX1300 pump (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Figure 3 - The CDX pump (Sheet 1 of 2)
1. pump motor (typical)
2. Motor terminal box (typical)
3. Gearbox vent filter
4. Gearbox oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
5. Heat exchanger
6. Pump inlet
7. End cover vent filter
8. End cover oil filler plug and bonded seal (in filler port)
9. Temperature transmitter
10. End cover oil cooler
11. End cover oil level sight-glass (2 off
12. Mounting brackets (4 off)
13. Mounting pads (4 off, between items 12 and 14)
14. Mounting feet (4 off, box section)
15. Cooling water outlet
16. Pump outlet
17. TCV (thermostatic control valve)
18. Gearbox oil level sight-glass (2 off
19. Cooling water inlet
20. Coupling cover (2 off
21. Motor fan
22. Gearbox oil cooler
23. Lifting-bolts (4 off)
24. Shaft-seals purge pipelines
25. Shaft-seals purge inlet
26. Sight-glass bezel
27. Temperature measurement area
28. Earth (ground) stud
29. Nut (on tube fitting)
30. Vent filter body top
Not e: This Figure shows a CDX with integral flame
arrestors. The inlet and outlet configuration on a CDX without integral flame arrestors is as shown in Figure 1.
One on each side of the pump
32. Pressure transmitter
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Figure 3 - The CDX Pump (Sheet 2 of 2)
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Non hazardous gases and vapours do not constitute a hazard should they leak into the external environment or should the pump develop an inward air leakage, this could include one or more of the following:
Vapo urs
Inert gases
Materials below the lower flammability limit
Non toxic materials
Non corrosive materials.
Pumps that are suitable for pumping non hazardous gases and vapours cannot be guaranteed not to leak small amounts of gas (greater than 10
mbar l s) into or out of the pump, therefore it has to be assumed that there is the
possibility for some pumped gases to be present in the external atmosphere.
Note: Where pumps suitable for non hazardous gases and vapours are used to pump inert gases they should be
located in a well ventilated area in order to avoid the possibility of asphyxiation.
The CDX pumps are suitable for Hazardous Area operation. Refer to the CDX pumping system instruction manual which will specify the technical specification and hazard classification of the system.
IDX pumps are only suitable for Safe Area operation: see Section 1.9.2.
1.8 Accessories
A number of accessories are available for the CDX and IDX pumps; use these to configure the pump for specific applications.
These accessories are listed in Section 7.4.
1.9 Normal/abnormal operation
1.9.1 Normal operation: CDX pumps
In normal operation, depending on the flame arrestors fitted and the level of systemisation, CDX pumps are safe to handle gases as follows:
Ex II 2 G c k IIB, IIC T3, T160, T4
Ex II 1,2 G B3, IIB T3, T4
To find out which certification has been assigned to the pumping syst em, refer to the system nameplate and specific system documentation.
If the CDX pump is part of a hazardous area system, it may be fitted with integral or external flame arrestors: refer to the CDX pumping system instruction manual.
If the CDX pump is part of an ATEX system, it may be fitted with integral or external flame arrestors: refer to the ATEX system instruction manual.
1.9.2 Normal operation: IDX pumps
IDX pumps are designed for Safe Area applications only.
Do not use the IDX pump in hazardous areas, or pumping hazardous gases/dusts.
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A708-01-880 Issue E
1.9.3 Abnormal operation: CDX and IDX pumps
Use of the pump as a positive pressure compressor.
Use of the pump while subjected to high back-pressure (for example, caused by a blockage in the exhaust
pipeline). Refer to Section 2.2 for the system limitation.
Pumping gases that cause the inlet flame arrestor (where fitted) or associated pipelines to exceed a surface
temperature of 60 °C (140 °F).
Pumping of gases with a temperature above 60 °C at the inlet of the pump.
Reverse rotation of the pump.
Pumping hydrocarbon oxides.
Pumping gases that tend to self-decompose, or that are chemically unstable.
Pumping gases of a higher gas group than allowed by the pumping system certification.
Pumping of group IIC gases.
Use of the pump with materials which have auto-ignition temperatures below the defined temperature
Operation such that the pump inlet temperature falls below the dew point of a flammable vapour being
pumped. This could lead to condensate that can collect and lead to the risk of corrosion or an ignition hazard.
Pumping of, or use of the pump in the presence of, explosive dust atmospheres.
Use of the pump in ambient conditions other than those specified in Section 2.1.
Pumping pyrophoric gases.
Use with oxygen enriched atmospheres.
Use in an external atmosphere where there is a potentially flammable dust atmosphere.
Use of the pump in a potentially explosive external atmosphere, unless the pumping system is certified as
compliant with ATEX Directive 94/9/EC (European Union only).
Misuse of the CDX or IDX pump as described below is strictly prohibited.
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Technical data
A708-01-880 Issue E
2Technical data
2.1 Operating and storage conditions
Ta bl e 1 - Ope ra ti ng a nd S to ra ge Co nd it io ns
2.2 Performance
Ta bl e 2 - Pe rf or ma nce D at a
Ambient operating temperature range
Ambient storage temperature range
Consult Edwards for advice on operation of the pump in ambient temperatures below -5 °C (23 °F).
The pump must be heated to at least +5 °C before starting.
-20 to 40 °C (-4 to 104 °F)
-20 to 50 °C (-4 to 122 °F)
Maximum ambient operating humidity Maximum operating altitude
90% RH 1000 m (3300 ft)
Typ ic al w ar m- up t ime
Cool-down time (to a safe temperature for maintenance) Normal surface temperature of the pump at ultimate vacuum: Case (water jacket) End cover and gearbox (oil)
To a p u mp c as e t em pe ra tu r e of 6 5 ° C (1 49 ° F ).
90 minutes
3 hours
65 to 90 °C (149 to 194 °F) 80 to 105 °C (176 to 221 °F)
Typ ic al c on ti nu ou s A- wei gh te d sound pressure level at ultimate vacuum 82 dB(A)
CDX/IDX1000 IDX1300
Minimum pumping speed Displacement (swept volume) Ultimate vacuum
800 m
3 h-1
(470 cfm)
1110 m
3 h-1
(655 cfm)
5 x 10
mbar, 5 Pa, 0.04 Torr
1100 m
3 h-1
(649 cfm)
1440 m
3 h-1
(850 cfm)
5 x 10
mbar, 5 Pa, 0.04 Torr
Pump rotational speed Maximum outlet pressure
4300 r min
(4300 r.p.m.)
1.15 bar absolute, 1.15 x 10
16.7 psi
5185 r min
(5185 r.p.m.)
1.05 bar absolute, 1.05 x 10
15.3 psi
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2.3 Mechanical data
Ta bl e 3 - Me ch an ic al Da ta
2.4 Electrical data
Note: The CDX temperature sensor and oil pressure sensors are safety-critical devices for ATEX systems. If
applicable, refer to the ATEX system instruction manual for details.
Ta bl e 4 - El ec tr ic al Da ta
Dimensions See Figures 4, 5 and 6
CDX1000 mass (maximum) 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof with Flame Arrestors 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof with Flame Arrestors 30 kW, 50 Hz, Flameproof 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Flameproof
Pump and motor
1810 kg (3985 lb) 1805 kg (3965 lb) 1710 kg (3765 lb) 1705 kg (3745 lb)
Motor only
310 kg (685 lb) 305 kg (665 lb) 310 kg (685 lb) 305 kg (665 lb)
IDX1000 mass (maximum) 22 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area 30 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area 30 kW, 50 Hz, Safe Area 40 h.p., 60 Hz, Safe Area IDX1300 30 kW Safe Area IDX1300 40 h.p. Safe Area
Pump and motor
1575 kg (3460 lb) 1630 kg (3585 lb) 1640 kg (3610 lb) 1705 kg (3745 lb) 1640 kg (3610 lb) 1705 kg (3745 lb)
Motor only
175 kg (380 lb) 230 kg (505 lb) 240 kg (530 lb) 305 kg (665 lb) 240 kg (530 lb) 305 kg (665 lb)
Cleaning solution required to flood the pump cavities (see Section 5.9)40 l (10.56 US gal)
Nominal electrical supply Vol t age tole ranc e Full load current No load current
Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump
Starting current/time Recomm ended electrical supply cable size
Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump Refer to the motor manual supplied with the pump
Te mp er a t ur e s en so r an d o il p r e ss u re s en s o rs (CDX only: see note above)
Supply voltage Signal current
24 V d.c. 4 to 20 mA
Thermal snap-switches (IDX only) contact ratings
Maximum voltage
Maximum current (resistive load)
24 V a.c./d.c. 2 A
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2.5 Lubrication data
Note: An Edwards Material Safety Data Sheet for the oil referenced below is available on request.
Ta bl e 5 - Lub ri cat io n Da ta
2.6 Shaft-seals purge gas supply
Note: The compressed gas supply must be dry.
Use a nitrogen purge if operating a CDX pump with an oil temperature (measured on the end cover) higher than 95 °C (203 °F): see Section 3.14.
Ta bl e 6 - Sh af t- se al s pu rg e ga s su pp ly da ta
2.7 Cooling water supply
Table 7 - Cooling water supply data
Oil capacity
Minimum Maximum
Recomm ended oil (supplied)
5 l (1.32 US gal)
5.5 l (1.45 US gal) Mobil SHC 629
End cover
Oil capacity
Minimum Maximum
Recomm ended oil (supplied)
5 l (1.32 US gal)
5.5 l (1.45 US gal) Mobil SHC 629
Suitable compressed gases Dry air or nitrogen
Purge gas supply pressure 2 to 10 bar, 2 x 10
to 1 x 106 Pa, 29 to 145 psi
Regulated pressure to shaft-seals
Above exhaust back-pressure
0.3 to 0.5 bar, 3 x 10
to 5 x 104 Pa, 5 to 7 psi
Supply temperature range Maximum supply pressure Minimum flow rate
Typ ic al h ea t re mo ve d fr o m pum p
With a supply temperature of 20 °C (68 °F).
5 to 35°C (41 to 95 °F) 10 bar, 1 x 106 Pa, 145 psi 10 l min
, 2.64 US gal min-1
10 kW (13.4 h.p.)
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2.8 Temperature control system
Note: The CDX temperature sensor senses the temperature of the oil in the end cover, and is a safety-critical
device for ATEX systems. If applicable, refer to the ATEX system instruction manual for details.
Ta bl e 8 - Temp er at ur e Con tr ol S ys te m Da ta
2.9 Connections
Tab le 9 - C on ne cti on s
If the CDX pump is part of an ATEX system, there may be an operating case temperature limit. Refer to the ATEX system instruction manual for details.
Water coo lin g s yst em
Ty pe Coolant capacity
TCV (Thermostatic Control Valve)
Sensor operating temperature range Maximum sensor temperature
CDX temperature sensor (see Note above)
Ty pe Sensing range
IDX warning thermal snap-switch
Opening temperature Closing temperature
IDX shut-down thermal snap-switch
Opening temperature Closing temperature
Indirect water-to-coolant heat exchanger 50 l (13.2 US gal)
10 to 80 °C (77 to 176 °F) 130 °C (266 °F)
Platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) 0 to 200 °C (32 to 392 °F)
88 °C (190 °F) 78 °C (172 °F)
95 °C (203 °F) 85 °C (185 °F)
Proce ss co nnections
Pump inlet Pump outlet Recomm ended inlet and outle t seals
Cooling water connections
Supply inlet Return outlet
Shaft-seals purge gas inlet
150 DIN
or 6 inch ANSI
80 DIN* or 3 inch ANSI
PTFE envelope gaskets: Klinger milled type with a
1.5 mm (0.06 inch) full-face insert
½ inch BSP male
or ½ inch NPT male
½ inch BSP male
or ½ inch NPT male
¼ inch compression
50 Hz pumps
60 Hz pumps
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2.10 Coolant
The pump is supplied filled with Edwards coolant which is monopropylene based, and is both an antifreeze and a corrosion inhibitor. Spare Edwards coolant is available: refer to Section 7.3. A Material Safety Data Sheet for the coolant is available on request.
If using another coolant type to replenish lost coolant:
It must prevent the formation of visible oxide sludge and scale deposits.
It must provide frost protection down to a temperature of -14 °C (7 °F), when mixed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
It must be compatible with the materials of construction of the cooling system; that is: SG iron, copper,
brass, aluminium, stainless steel, rubber (hoses) and fluoroelastomer (Viton) seals.
It must comply with the requirements of BS 6580-1992 and BS 5117.
It must be based on monopropylene glycol or ethylene glycol fluid.
It must not contain amines.
The coolants shown in Table 10 may be suitable for use in the CDX and IDX pumps. All of these coolants are amine free, automotive grade, ethylene glycol antifreezes and must be d i luted to b etw e en 35% t o 50% by v o lume w i th wat er to provide the required cooling protection. However, Edwards recommends the use of Edwards coolant; Edwards cannot guarantee other types of coolant will provide the best corrosion protection for the pump.
Ta bl e 10 - Po ss ib le A lt er na ti ve C ool an ts
Manufacturer Product
BP (Chemicals) Te xa co L ub r ic an ts Castrol
NAPGEL C2230 (Universal) Te xa co E ng i ne C o o la n t ET X 60 2 4 Castrol Antifreeze
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2.11 Materials of construction
Note: A Material Safety Data Sheet for Fluoroelastomer (Viton) is available on request.
Ta bl e 11 - Co ns tru ct io n Ma te ri als
Figure 4 - IDX1000 Dimensions: mm (inch) (key)
A. Side view B. Plan view C. End view D. Front fixing dimensions with mounting feet removed
1. Pump inlet
2. Pump outlet
3. Fixing-holes: Ø18 mm (0.71 inch), 2 holes on each mounting foot
4. Fixing-holes: Ø17 mm (0.67 inch), 2 holes on each mounting bracket
Component Material(s)
Stators and W/C plates Rotors Gear/end covers Inlet flange and exhaust manifold
SG iron SG iron SG iron SG iron
Coupling cover Bearings, gears and oil pumps Layshaft Heat exchanger Oil coolers and pipelines
Grey iron Steel Steel Aluminium/copper Stainless steel
Coolant pump Hoses Hose fittings
SG iron/PPS/Neodymium magnets Rubber Brass/iron
Seals purge pipelines and fittings Shaft seals O-rings
Stainless steel PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) Fluoroelastomer (Viton)
Flame arrestor housings Flame arrestor elements
SG iron Stainless steel
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Figure 4 - IDX1000 Dimensions: mm (inch)
* Maximum
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