Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide

System Installation Guide
These products are not TSO’d and cannot be installed into traditional
FAA Part 23 and similarly type-certificated aircraft
Document 101320-018, Revision S
For use with firmware version 12.0
Copyright © 2009-2015 by Dynon Avionics, Inc.
Permission to print this manual is granted to third parties.
Contact Information
Dynon Avionics, Inc. 19825 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone: (425) 402-0433 - 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) Monday – Friday Dynon Avionics Technical Support available 7:00 AM–4:00 PM (Pacific Time) Monday – Friday Email: mailto://support@dynonavionics.com Fax: (425) 984-1751
Dynon Avionics offers online sales, extensive support, and frequently updated information on its products via its Internet sites:
http://www.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics primary web site; including: http://docs.dynonavionics.com – Current and archival documentation. http://downloads.dynonavionics.com – Software downloads. http://support.dynonavionics.com – Support resources. http://store.dynonavionics.com – Dynon’s secure online store for purchasing all Dynon products 24 hours a day. http://wiki.dynonavionics.com – Dynon’s Documentation Wiki provides additional technical information on Dynon
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other features for license codes that add new functionality to your SkyView system.
2009-2015 Dynon Avionics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of Dynon Avionics. Dynon Avionics hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed for personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Dynon Avionics reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Visit the Dynon Avionics website (www.dynonavionics.com) for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Dynon Avionics products.
Limited Warranty
Dynon Avionics warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for three years from date of shipment. Dynon Avionics will, at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labor performed by Dynon Avionics. The customer is, however, responsible for any transportation cost and any costs that are incurred while removing, reinstalling, or troubleshooting the product. This warranty does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident, improper installation or unauthorized alteration or repairs.
Dynon Avionics retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the instrument or firmware or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole
Revision Date
December 2009
Initial release
March 2010
Document number changed to 101320-001.
Minor style, grammar, and cross reference changes and corrections.
Updated guide to reflect SkyView firmware version 1.5 behavior and requirements.
Added servo installation information in various chapters.
Clarified SV-ADAHRS-200/201 installation orientation requirements.
Clarified SkyView display basic operation procedures. Most notably, added a screen synchronization section.
SV-D700 / SV-D1000 Installation and Configuration Chapter Updates:
Called out the use of a 5 amp breaker instead of a 7.5 amp breaker on page 4-7. Added important backup battery information on page 4-7. Consolidated serial device installation into this chapter. Added installation information for external dimming control and audio outputs. Expanded the Brightness Setup Section. Added a section regarding installed databases. Added a section reminding users outside of North America that they will need to install an
applicable terrain database file on page 4-14.
Added a section regarding Aviation Data.
Cautioned against the use of ferrous pneumatic fittings on page 5-3.SV-EMS-220 Installation and Configuration Chapter Updates:
Clarified the theory behind and the use of EMS sensor definition and configuration files in
Added a section regarding SV-EMS-220 wire harnesses. Added example engine sensor and transducer installations. Removed the requirement for a 200 ohm pull down resistor in the Rotax oil pressure
sensor installation.
Removed the requirement for a 1.21k ohm pull up resistor in the Rotax CHT sensor
The SV-EMS-220 is capable of measuring differential fuel flow. All information in the guide
has been updated to reflect this.
Fixed the fuse call-out on in the Ammeter Shunt Section. Revision A called out a 7.5 amp
fuse. This guide calls out a 1 amp fuse.
Documented other minor sensor installation requirements corrections as required.
Clarified SV-GPS-250 installation requirements.
Expanded Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections.
May 2010
Document number changed to 101320-002.
Minor style changes.
Added information in applicable locations regarding the SV-NET-SERVO wiring kit.
Color-coded the connectors in the example SkyView systems figures to indicate gender.
Updated the guide to include HSI requirements and other related information.
These instruments are not intended for use in type certificated aircraft at this time. Dynon Avionics makes no claim as to the suitability of its products in connection with FAR 91.205.
Dynon Avionics products incorporate a variety of precise, sensitive electronics. SkyView products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts. Units found to have been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon Avionics unit is opened up, it is not considered airworthy and must be serviced at the factory.
Dynon Avionics Returns and Warranty web page can be found at http://support.dynonavionics.com.
Revision History
iv SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Revision Date
Updated the guide to reflect autopilot functionality, calibration, and testing information. The most notable changes are to the Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and Calibration section.
Expanded the Input Function Section under the Serial Port Configuration Section in the SV-D700 / SV-D1000 Installation and Configuration Chapter.
Added an important note on page 5-10 regarding the necessity of configuring airspeed limitations for autopilot servo calibration.
Specified that the SV-EMS-220 warning light pin (D37 pin 29) should not be connected in Table
The SV-GPS-250 should now be configured as INPUT FUNCTION = POS 1.
Clarified servo installation instructions regarding the connection point on the servo arm with the linkage hardware on page 9-6.
Updated the AP Disengage/CWS Button Section on page 9-10 to say that the button is required instead of just highly recommended.
June 2010
Document number changed to 101320-003.
Added GPS Fix Status information.
Added Fuel Flow pulses/gallon documentation.
Clarified EMS GP input compatibility.
Added information about obstacles and runways to synthetic vision section.
Added information about new autopilot pitch axis settings.
Added information about optional External Alarm Light connection.
Added information about fuel computer settings.
Updated autopilot test procedures with additional warnings and precautions.
October 2010
Reiterated the importance of proper ADAHRS orientation and other installation requirements.
Added note about servo self-lubrication.
Clarified lack of specific boom-mount AOA/Pitot installation instructions.
Added information about serial device and display connection requirements.
Added firmware upgrade information for servos being used from D10/D100 with older firmware.
Clarified GPS serial connection wire functions and colors.
Added SV-XPNDR-261/262 installation instructions and specifications.
Added SV-ARINC-429 installation instructions and specifications.
Added new requirement to connect TX and RX lines from serial devices to ALL displays in parallel.
Added information about Autopilot servos not needing lubrication.
Clarified lack of boom mount AOA/Pitot mount availability.
December 2010
Clarified that cable-side transponder TNC connector is not provided by Dynon.
Added SV-BAT-320 connection information for customers making their own harnesses.
Added OAT connection information for customers making their own harnesses.
Removed 30K resistor requirement for Rotax trigger coil RPM pickup.
Clarified SV-GPS-250 connections when multiple displays and/or SV-GPS-250 modules are involved.
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S v
Revision Date
Added pinout table for Dynon Capacitance-to-Voltage Converter.
March 2011
Added connector labels to SkyView Network Module and Display Diagrams.
Fixed orientation of SkyView connectors on diagrams.
Clarified acceptable SV-ADAHRS-200/201 orientation.
Added additional Garmin 430 and SL30 configuration information.
Fixed link to AOA information on Dynon web site.
Added LED status troubleshooting information for SkyView modules.
Added product registration information.
Updated Garmin 480 connection details.
Added warnings about modifying products and introduction of foreign debris.
Described improved loss of external power with backup battery connected behavior.
Added G meter setup information.
Added recommended Ethernet connection information for multiple display SkyView systems.
Clarified GRT hall effect amps sensor support.
Added information about reconnecting repaired SkyView Network components to a system after repair.
Added Synthetic Vision License and Purchase Information.
Added SV-MAP-270 License and Purchase Information.
Updated information about obtaining and managing aviation / obstacle databases, including Jeppesen data support.
April 2011
Removed Create System Backup description.
Added description of EMS serial data.
Changed Screen Hardware to Display Hardware.
Add flight path marker and extreme pitch warning menu items.
Clarified SV-GPS-250 connectivity.
Clarified that Ethernet is designed to be connected permanently.
September 2011
Added angle of attack menu item.
Added OAT probe adjustment setting information.
Added Vertical Power VP-X License information and interfacing information.
Clarified serial port connections for multi-display SkyView systems in Appendix E.
Added information about which modules and devices the SV-BAT-320 can provide power to in the event of power failure.
Added EI FT-60 fuel flow sensor orientation information.
Added a note about the importance of external devices sharing ground with SkyView for proper operation.
Added Amps shunt fuse diagram.
Added SV-XPNDR-261/262 power wire size recommendation.
Added permission to print manual.
Added information about taking screenshots for troubleshooting purposes.
Added information about re-doing ADAHRS-based calibrations if an additional ADAHRS is installed after calibrations have been done.
vi SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Revision Date
Consolidated all information about ADAHRS calibrations into the ADAHRS installation chapter.
Added ADAHRS, SYSTEM, and NMEA Serial output information to Serial Data Output Appendix.
November 2011
Added Garmin GTN connection information.
Added Garmin serial port setting for Garmin 430/530 ARINC-429 based connections.
March 2012
Added information about equipping for IFR.
Clarified that Jeppesen data must be transferred to USB flash drive via the Jeppesen JSUM program.
Added PocketFMS information.
Clarified Honeywell oil pressure sensor connection information (Rotax).
Added recommendation to ensure master contactor/relay is protected by a diode.
Clarified fuel flow sensor connections.
Added UMA differential pressure sensor information.
Added backup battery test to initial installation procedures.
Changed EMS wire harness tables to indicate pin 2 may not have a wire in it (all recent Dynon harnesses).
Clarified future use of connected TSO’d GPS to transponder for ADS-B 2020 mandate compliance.
Clarified that a broken shear screw may be indicative of a more systemic problem that needs to be resolved.
Added serial port test to ensure that ports are configured correctly on all displays.
Better explanation of cases when fuel tank / sensor geometry prohibits display of all fuel in tanks.
Added Kavlico Fuel, Oil, and Coolant Pressure sensor information.
Clarified external dimming input.
Added Rotax 912 special oil temp / tachometer behavior.
Added altitude alerter setup information.
Added EMS 5/12V output current limitations information.
Added 3rd party two wire oil temperature sensor connection instructions.
Added procedure for performing pitot/static checks.
Updated map setup instructions as former setup items are not user-accessible via normal SkyView UI.
Clarified settings changes necessary to support capacitive fuel quantity senders.
Added audio output connection instructions.
Updated CWS Broken Line Detect instructions to reflect that the feature is now available.
July 2012
Clarified obtaining HEX CODEs for mode S operation.
Added SV-NET-HUB drawing with dimensions.
Location of pulses/gallon setting changed in setup menu.
Added dual SV-GPS-250 + dual display example connection diagram.
Clarified VP-X flaps and trim calibration procedures.
Added Dynon Capacitance to Voltage Converter current draw information for power planning.
Clarified that audio output from ALL SkyView displays must be connected to audio
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S vii
Revision Date
panels/intercom for proper audio operation.
Clarified % power only available on Lycoming / Continental engines.
Added crush washer spec for 100409-001 oil temp sensor.
Updated pitot/static test instructions.
Added metric units to most dimensions and weights.
Explained presence of unused 1.21K resistor in transponder connector kit.
Clarified fuel flow sensor placement recommendations.
Changed max SkyView displays supported to three.
Added instructions for using already-installed Dynon D10/D100 Series OAT Probes with SkyView.
Added Rotax 912 iS information.
Added SkyView Network redundancy information to SkyView Network and Troubleshooting sections.
Expanded ADAHRS Source Selection section with new cross-checking features.
December 2012
Updated SV-XPNDR-261/262 Installation, Configuration, and Testing chapter, as well as relevant appendix data, to reflect updated ADS-B Out capability, improved squat-switchless air/ground detection and automatic mode switching.
Added basic explanation of EMS voltmeter inputs.
Clarified the boom mount does not incorporate drainage features.
Added link to FAA AIM for further ADS-B and TIS system information.
Clarified SV-XPNDR-261/262 serial port wiring.
Added engine alert inhibit information.
Added voltage measurement capability and ultimate limit for type “C” EMS inputs.
Improved standby network error troubleshooting explanation.
Updated recommendation to have servos powered whenever SkyView is powered on.
Added description of take-off position marking for trim calibrations.
Added SV-ADSB-470 installation information.
Documented move of INHIBIT ENGINE ALERTS AT BOOT option to Engine Information menu.
Updated return to service appendix.
January 2013
Updated Serial Data Output Format Specifications. SYSTEM and EMS formats have changed for
Documented new internal data logging feature. See appendix F.
Added a note to reinforce that the servo shear screw should NEVER be removed or adjusted in the normal process of installing an autopilot servo.
June 2013
Revised for SkyView v6.0.
Revised for installation of SV-COM-C25.
Revised for Expert IFR AP mode and Simplified VFR AP mode.
Updated SV-BAT-320 Initial Battery Test and Annual Test.
On multi-display systems, serial port configuration is now identical on all displays (SYSTEM SETUP). Previously serial ports were configured individually on each display. Updated all reference referencing serial ports that the same serial ports MUST be used on all displays.
Updated SV-ADSB-470 section to reflect that a Garmin GTX 330ES will now enable display of
viii SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Revision Date
ADS-B traffic (in addition to Dynon Avionics SV-XPND-261 or -262).
Updated SV-EMS-220/221 to reflect that Pin 23 is now a “Type C” input (was previously only Pins 8, 22, and 31).
Updated SkyView display Contact #1 Input is now (Optional) AP External LEVEL Button.
Updated SL30 instructions – now able to monitor status on top bar and push frequencies.
Added SL40 wiring instructions – now able to monitor status on top bar and push frequencies.
Added recommendation in SV-NET-SERVO instructions not to route power, ground, and CWS using unused pins on the 9-pin connectors.
Added instructions for connecting RPM for Rotax 914.
Added instructions on setting Pulses Per Revolution for Jabiru engines and Rotax 912.
Added detailed instructions for displaying status of Heated Pitot Controller on EMS.
Added explanation about priority of displaying one of two RPM signals, if two are connected.
September 2013
Clarified power consumption for SkyView displays.
Clarified 912 iS fuel pressure measurement requirements.
Added alternate sealing washer recommendation for oil temperature sensor.
Added configuration information for new Fuel Tank Reminder feature.
Clarified SV-BAT-320 Test Procedures.
Default Climb and Descent Vertical Speeds now used in some Expert Autopilot scenarios.
Added ADS-B configuration information to 430/530/GTN connection instructions for using those products’ TSO’d GPS position with SkyView’s transponder ADS-B Out capability.
March, 2014
Added SkyView v10.0, SV-D1000T, SV-AP-PANEL, and SV-KNOB-PANEL:
- SV-D1000T touch setup (Page 4-28)
- SV-AP-PANEL installation (Section 17)
- SV-KNOB-PANEL installation (Section 18)
- Added information about Transponder software update to v2.04 (Page 11-20)
- Setup for dual SV-EMS-220/221 to monitor all cylinders of a 9-cylinder radial engine (Pages 7­29, 7-30, 7-31)
- Added setup for monitoring dual engines with dual SV-EMS-220/221 and at least two SkyView displays (Page 7-32)
- Added Contacts Used For Landing Gear section (Page 7-56)
- Added additional color choices in EMS ranges, choices now include Blue, Cyan, Orange, Violet, White, and Yellow. (Page 7-64)
- Added and updated serial connection details for Garmin / Apollo SL30 COM/NAV radio, Garmin / Apollo SL40 COM radio, Val Avionics NAV 2000 NAV radio, Icom IC-A210 COM radio, MGL V6/V10 COM radio, and Trig TY91 COM radio (Pages 4-16 through 4-18)
- Added GPS and NAV devices can now be named with a user selectable seven character name instead of POS x, NAV x, GPS x
- Added explanation of new ALLOW AUTO SWITCH in setup of SV-ARINC-429 (Page 12-11)
- Added explanation of software upgrade cannot proceed if previously configured SkyView Network devices are not connected (Page 3-15 and 3-16)
Added extensive Harness Construction Notes for connecting single and dual SV-COM-C25s to an SV-INTERCOM-2S. (Section 16)
Added procedure for adjusting 912 iS CAN fuel flow reported to SkyView Fuel Computer (Page 7-28)
Added caution not to over-torque fasteners used to mount SV-BAT-320 (Page 9-2)
Added information to display VP-X BATT VOLTS widget in EMS display (Page 11-14)
Added information on using “FTP client” to download very large terrain database files (Page 6-
Added information about Rotax 914 EGT probes (Page 7-35)
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S ix
Revision Date
Added information about Rotax 914 fuel pressure sensor (Page 7-39)
Added SV-EMS-220 / 221 is required for display of VP-X information (Page 13-1)
Added that Altitude Encoder output for Garmin SL70 is supported (Page 4-15)
Added Kavlico Pressure Sensor Manufacturer Part Numbers (Appendix G)
Improved TSO / Part 23 applicability statement (cover)
Improved guidance for installation of SV-GPS-250 (Page 2-10 and Page 8-2)
Improved information about Rotax 914 air box temperature sensor (Page 7-55)
Improved guidance that SV-XPNDR-262, even after firmware update, will not meet the requirements of the FAA 2020 ADS-B “mandate” (Section 11 - SV-XPNDR-261/262 Installation, Configuration, and Testing)
Improved guidance that ADAHRS/EMS/SYSTEM/NMEA Serial Output must be connected to all SkyView displays. Updated similar guidance for other devices connected via serial port, made language consistent on all devices connected via serial port. (Pages 4-11 through 4-19)
Improved guidance for installation of External LEVEL Button (Page 10-13)
Improved guidance on monitoring Heated Pitot status (Page 15-7)
Corrected: SV-COM-C25 Sensitivity (Page 18-6)
Corrected: To use Garmin 330ES with SV-ADSB-470, setting HEX CODE procedure is required for all software versions (Page 14-1)
August, 2014
New products:
SkyView firmware v11.0 SV-COM-X83 8.33 kHz VHF COM Radio (Chapter 17 and related information) Video Input Adapter for SkyView (USB) (Page 15-16)
New features: Support for COM radios with 8.33 kHz tuning steps:
f.u.n.k.e. Avionics ATR833 Garmin GTR 225 and Garmin GNC 255 Trig Avionics TY91 and TY92
New alert messages for:
Mismatch between SkyView BARO setting and BARO value reported from ADS-B (Page 3-12) New installation – modules not configured (Page 4-9) High-resolution terrain is not available for aircraft’s current location (Page 6-3) Sensor definition files do not match between SkyView displays (Page 7-60) Transponder HEX CODE is not set (Page 11-15)
Wide field of view for Synthetic Vision (Page 3-12) Vne can now be expressed as TAS as well as IAS (Page 5-8, 10-20) MW Fly AEROPOWER engines supported in SV-EMS-221 (Page 7-1) AP Disconnect/CWS Switch and External LEVEL Button status is checked at boot. (Page 10-13,
AP Disconnect/CWS Switch is checked upon entering SERVO CALIBRATION (Page 10-16) ADS-B traffic display enabled with non-Dynon ADS-B OUT devices (Page 14-1) Independent volume control for Angle of Attack (Page 15-7)
Documentation added:
Added explanation that SkyView can be powered on during engine start (Page 2-5) Recommendation to install Panel Mount USB cable with each SkyView display (Page 2-6) Serial port connection and configuration information for Emergency Location Transmitter
(ELT) (Page 4-20)
External Dim Control Connections (Page 4-20) SV-ADAHRS-200/201 must be installed level or the Slip/Skid Ball will not be centered (Page 5-
Caution about applying too much torque when installing SV-BAT-320 (Page 9-2) Addition of capacitor to servo to eliminate Intercom noise (Page 10-12, 10-13) Pin descriptions, added wiring diagram for SV-AP-PANEL Trim Controller installation (Chapter
x SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Revision Date
As of v11.0, SkyView does not have “Auto-trim” capability (Page 19-3) Alert Data Log (Page 26-2)
Documentation improved:
Getting Started (Pages 1-2 through 1-4) SkyView System Power Specifications (Table 2, Page 2-2) Corrected SV-XPNDR-261/262 dimensions (Page 2-3) Recommendation to not use stainless steel hardware for installing SV-ADAHRS-200/201,
added recommendation to use Brass hardware (Page 2-8, Page 5-3)
Explanation of Dynon Diagnostic File (Page 3-10 and Page 3-16) Updated screen shots throughout SV-D700 / SV-D1000 / SV-D1000T Installation and
Configuration (Chapter 4)
Moved configuration information for Garmin GTX 330ES to Traffic Devices section (Page 4-14) VAL NAV 2000 – frequency cannot be displayed on top bar (Page 4-17) Updated SV-ADAHRS-200/201 Magnetic Calibration Procedure (Page 5-5) Differences between SV-EMS-220 and SV-EMS-221 (Page 7-1) Rotax oil pressure sensor connector charge (Page 7-41, 7-42) Oil temperature sensor section, updated crush washer installation instructions. (Page 7-42) Rotax 914 Differential Fuel Pressure Sensor UMA N1EU07D guidance improved (Page -7-44, 7-
Suppress units displayed on sensor widgets (Page 7-63) Effect of setting ALLOW AUTO SWITCH to YES (LABEL 100P) for 430/530 (Page 12-7) and GTN-
series (12-9) Setup for transponders other than SV-XPNDR-261/262 with ADS-B OUT for receiving ADS-B Traffic information with SV-ADSB-470 (Page 14-1)
Check for blockage of AOA / Pitot lines prior to installation (Page 15-10) SV-COM-C25 Post Installation Checks, Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance (Page 16-8,
Homemade Wire Harness Considerations (Page 21-2 through 21-4) MAP button no longer available (Page 21-11) Kavlico pressure sensors information (Appendix G)
January, 2015
New products: SkyView firmware v12.0
New features:
Support for Garmin GTR 200, page 4-20 In-flight compass calibration procedure, beginning on Page 5-6 Airplane icon in PFD Page Compass and MAP Page is now changeable, Page 5-10 External EMS Warning Light Test, Page 7-59 SkyView Video Adapter can now flip the image horizontally and/or vertically, page 15-10 Autopilot Auto-trim configuration, Section 18 History datalog, Page 25-3
Documentation improved:
Updated weights for major and minor units, rationalized to all the same units Updated Power Consumption table, Page 2-2 and 2-3 Updated Transponder settings, Page 11-16 through 11-18 Updated AOA/Pitot Installation (section) to defer mechanical and electrical installation to the
separate Heated and Unheated AOA/Pitot Probe Installation Guide
Updated SkyView Network troubleshooting, improved error message, page 20-9 Updated Table 75 - SV-EMS-221 Male D37 Transducer Connector, Page 22-10 and 22-11 Corrected Pin 18 of SV-EMS-220/221 in Table 74 (Page 22-10) and Table 75 (Page 22-11),
incorrectly stated 500 mA output; corrected to 300 mA output.
Updated User datalog filename explanation (Page 25-3) Updated Kavlico Pressure Sensor P/Ns reference – Page 26-1 Updated mentions of SV-EMS-220/221 Pin 18 fuse; added that fuse is self-resetting.
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S xi
Table 1 – SkyView System Installation Guide Revision History
Table of Contents
Contact Information ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Copyright ...................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Limited Warranty .......................................................................................................................................................... iii
Revision History ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1. Introduction 1-1
Warning ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Dynon Avionics Product Registration ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
About this Guide ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
2. System Planning 2-1
Power Consumption ................................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Major Component Physical Specifications ................................................................................................................. 2-4
Temperature Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 2-5
General System Installation Tips ................................................................................................................................ 2-6
SkyView Can Be On During Engine Start ..................................................................................................................... 2-6
Installing SkyView in an IFR-Equipped Aircraft ........................................................................................................... 2-6
Location Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Mounting Requirements........................................................................................................................................... 2-13
SkyView System Construction .................................................................................................................................. 2-13
Example SkyView Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 2-17
HSI Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-20
3. Basic SkyView Display Operation 3-1
Screen Synchronization .............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Display Bezel Layout ................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Joystick and Button Operation ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
SkyView Touch ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Menu Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Basic Display Operation Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 3-6
Screens and Menus..................................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Main Menu ......................................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Message Notification Area ................................................................................................................................. 3-9
In Flight Setup Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 3-9
Setup Menu ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-9
System Software Menu .................................................................................................................................... 3-10
System Setup Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 3-11
LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP Menu ............................................................................................................................ 3-11
PFD SETUP Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 3-12
EMS Setup Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 3-13
MAP Setup Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 3-13
Autopilot Setup Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 3-13
Transponder Setup Menu ................................................................................................................................. 3-14
Hardware Calibration Menu ............................................................................................................................. 3-14
Firmware Updates and File Operations .................................................................................................................... 3-14
How to Update Firmware ................................................................................................................................. 3-15
How to Export System Settings ........................................................................................................................ 3-16
How to Load and Delete Files ........................................................................................................................... 3-17
How to Export Data Logs and Waypoints ......................................................................................................... 3-17
SkyView System Installation Guide xiii
Table of Contents
4. SV-D700 / SV-D1000 / SV-D1000T Installation and Configuration 4-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Electrical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 4-7
Power Input ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-7
Grounding ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Airplane Master Contactor / Relay Considerations ............................................................................................ 4-7
Backup Battery Connection and Operation Rules .............................................................................................. 4-7
SkyView Network Connectors ............................................................................................................................ 4-8
Network Setup and Status .................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Ethernet Connection......................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Internal Time Keeping....................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Serial Devices .................................................................................................................................................... 4-11
USB Usage and Accessibility ............................................................................................................................. 4-22
External Dim Control Connections.................................................................................................................... 4-22
Contact Inputs .................................................................................................................................................. 4-24
Reserved Connections for Future Use .............................................................................................................. 4-24
Display Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 4-24
How to Access Display Hardware Information ................................................................................................. 4-25
Serial Port Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 4-25
Brightness Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 4-27
Top Bar Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 4-28
Aircraft Information .......................................................................................................................................... 4-28
Screen Layout Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 4-29
Touch Setup ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-30
5. SV-ADAHRS-200/201 Installation and Configuration 5-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 5-2
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Pneumatic Ports ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Compass Calibration ................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
On-ground Compass Calibration Procedure: ...................................................................................................... 5-5
In-flight Compass Calibration Procedure: ........................................................................................................... 5-6
SV-OAT-340 Location and Installation ........................................................................................................................ 5-8
PFD-Related Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 5-10
Other ADAHRS Calibrations ...................................................................................................................................... 5-12
6. SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software Purchase and Setup 6-1
License Information .................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Databases ................................................................................................................................................................... 6-2
Viewing Information about Installed Databases ................................................................................................ 6-3
Terrain Data ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-3
Aviation/Obstacle Databases.............................................................................................................................. 6-4
Charts and Airport Diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 6-5
Loading Databases .............................................................................................................................................. 6-6
Removing Databases .......................................................................................................................................... 6-6
7. SV-EMS-220/221 Installation and Configuration 7-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................... 7-4
SkyView EMS Sensor Definition and Configuration Files ............................................................................................ 7-4
Engine Sensor and Transducer Planning..................................................................................................................... 7-4
Example Engine Sensor and Transducer Installations .............................................................................................. 7-12
Dual Engine Support using two SV-EMS-220/221s and two SkyView Displays ................................................ 7-33
xiv SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Table of Contents
Engine Sensor and Transducer Installation ...................................................................................................... 7-34
Engine Sensor Accuracy and Grounding ........................................................................................................... 7-34
Tools and Equipment Required ........................................................................................................................ 7-34
Voltmeter Inputs............................................................................................................................................... 7-35
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Probes ........................................................................................................... 7-35
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Probes ....................................................................................................... 7-36
Tachometer ...................................................................................................................................................... 7-37
Manifold Pressure Sensor ................................................................................................................................. 7-40
Oil Pressure Sensor ........................................................................................................................................... 7-41
Oil Temperature Sensor .................................................................................................................................... 7-43
Fuel Pressure Sensor ........................................................................................................................................ 7-44
Fuel Flow Sensor ............................................................................................................................................... 7-46
Fuel Level Sensor .............................................................................................................................................. 7-49
Ammeter Shunt ................................................................................................................................................ 7-51
Carburetor Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 7-54
Rotax CHT Sensors ............................................................................................................................................ 7-54
Trim and Flaps Position Potentiometers .......................................................................................................... 7-55
Coolant Pressure Sensor ................................................................................................................................... 7-56
Coolant Temperature Sensor............................................................................................................................ 7-57
General Purpose Temperature Sensor ............................................................................................................. 7-57
Rotax 914 Air Box Temperature ....................................................................................................................... 7-58
Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................ 7-58
General Purpose Thermocouple ....................................................................................................................... 7-59
External EMS Warning Light ..................................................................................................................................... 7-60
Engine Information ................................................................................................................................................... 7-60
EMS Sensor Definitions, Mapping, and Settings ....................................................................................................... 7-62
EMS Sensor Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 7-62
EMS Sensor Input Mapping .............................................................................................................................. 7-62
EMS Sensor Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 7-64
EMS Screen Layout Editor ......................................................................................................................................... 7-72
EMS Sensor Calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 7-74
8. SV-GPS-250 Installation and Configuration 8-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 8-2
Serial Connection ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-3
9. SV-BAT-320 Installation 9-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 9-2
Electrical Connection .................................................................................................................................................. 9-3
Battery Charging ......................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Battery Status Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Detailed Battery Status Check .................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Initial/Recurrent Backup Battery Test ........................................................................................................................ 9-4
Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 9-5
10. Autopilot Servo Installation, Configuration, and Calibration 10-1
Dynon Avionics Autopilot Servo Models .................................................................................................................. 10-2
Compass Calibration Requirement ........................................................................................................................... 10-2
Additional Resources ................................................................................................................................................ 10-3
Servo Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................................................... 10-3
Autopilot Servo Calibration and Test Procedures .................................................................................................. 10-15
Autopilot Servo Initial Setup ................................................................................................................................... 10-16
Autopilot In-Flight Tuning Procedures .................................................................................................................... 10-22
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S xv
Table of Contents
11. SV-XPNDR-261/262 Installation, Configuration, and Testing 11-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 11-3
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 11-5
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 11-12
Transponder-Related SkyView Display Settings ..................................................................................................... 11-15
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 11-19
Transponder Software Updates .............................................................................................................................. 11-20
12. SV-ARINC-429 Installation and Configuration 12-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 12-1
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................. 12-2
ARINC-429 Device Connection .................................................................................................................................. 12-2
SV-ARINC-429 Related Settings .............................................................................................................................. 12-11
13. Vertical Power VP-X Integration and Configuration 13-1
License Information .................................................................................................................................................. 13-1
Physical and Electrical Installation ............................................................................................................................ 13-2
Serial Port Connection .............................................................................................................................................. 13-2
VP-X SkyView Display Settings .................................................................................................................................. 13-3
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 13-4
14. SV-ADSB-470 Installation, Configuration, and Testing 14-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 14-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 14-3
Antenna Selection and Installation ........................................................................................................................... 14-6
SV-ADSB-470-Related SkyView Display Settings ....................................................................................................... 14-8
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 14-8
15. Accessory Installation and Configuration 15-1
SkyView System Angle of Attack Pitot Probe Installation and Configuration ........................................................... 15-1
Encoder Serial-to-Gray Code Converter Installation and Configuration .................................................................. 15-5
Capacitance-to-Voltage Converter Installation and Configuration .......................................................................... 15-8
Video Input Adapter for SkyView (USB) ................................................................................................................... 15-9
16. SV-COM-C25 Installation, Configuration, and Testing 16-1
Physical Installation: SV-COM-PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 16-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 16-6
Power Input ...................................................................................................................................................... 16-6
Audio Signal Grounding .................................................................................................................................... 16-6
Audio Shielding ................................................................................................................................................. 16-6
SkyView Network Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 16-6
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 16-6
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 16-16
SkyView System Settings for SV-COM-C25 ............................................................................................................. 16-18
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 16-18
Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 16-19
17. SV-COM-X83 Installation, Configuration, and Testing 17-1
Certification Considerations ..................................................................................................................................... 17-2
Physical Installation: SV-COM-PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 17-2
Physical Installation: SV-COM-T8 .............................................................................................................................. 17-4
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 17-7
Power Input ...................................................................................................................................................... 17-7
xvi SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Table of Contents
Audio Signal Grounding .................................................................................................................................... 17-7
Audio Shielding ................................................................................................................................................. 17-7
SkyView Network Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 17-7
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 17-8
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 17-17
SkyView System Settings for SV-COM-X83 ............................................................................................................. 17-20
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 17-20
Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 17-21
18. SV-AP-PANEL Installation 18-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 18-3
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 18-4
Autopilot Auto-trim .................................................................................................................................................. 18-9
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 18-9
19. SV-KNOB-PANEL Installation 19-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 19-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 19-3
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 19-3
20. Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting 20-1
Recording a Screenshot ............................................................................................................................................ 20-1
Returning SkyView Components to Service after Repair .......................................................................................... 20-1
Operational Status .................................................................................................................................................... 20-4
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ................................................................................................................ 20-7
Annual Backup Battery Test...................................................................................................................................... 20-7
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................... 20-8
21. Appendix B: Specifications 21-1
SkyView Minor Equipment Weights ......................................................................................................................... 21-1
SkyView Compatible Engine Sensors ........................................................................................................................ 21-3
SV-XPNDR-261 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 21-4
SV-XPNDR-262 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 21-5
SV-COM-C25 Radio Frequency Specifications .......................................................................................................... 21-6
SV-COM-X83 (TY91L VHF Radio Unit) Radio Technical Specifications ...................................................................... 21-6
22. Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections 22-1
Wire Gauge ............................................................................................................................................................... 22-1
Grounding ................................................................................................................................................................. 22-1
D-subminiature Crimp Contacts and Tools ............................................................................................................... 22-2
Homemade Wire Harness Considerations ................................................................................................................ 22-2
SkyView Equipment Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................. 22-4
SkyView Equipment Electrical Connector Pin-Out Tables ........................................................................................ 22-6
Servo Harness Pin-Out ...................................................................................................................................... 22-6
SkyView D37 Harness Pin-Out .......................................................................................................................... 22-7
SkyView D37 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 22-8
SkyView Network Connection Pin-Out ............................................................................................................. 22-9
SV-EMS-220/221 Pin-Out ............................................................................................................................... 22-11
SV-ARINC-429 Pin-Out .................................................................................................................................... 22-14
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Pin-Out ........................................................................................................................... 22-15
SV-XPNDR-261/262 ADS-B Information .................................................................................................................. 22-18
23. Appendix D: SV-EMS-220/221 Sensor Input Mapping Worksheet 23-1
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S xvii
Table of Contents
24. Appendix E: Serial Data Output 24-1
DYNON ADAHRS Serial Data Format ......................................................................................................................... 24-2
DYNON SYSTEM Serial Data Format ......................................................................................................................... 24-4
DYNON EMS Serial Data Format ............................................................................................................................... 24-7
DYNON ADAHRS / SYSTEM / EMS Serial Data Output Combinations ..................................................................... 24-11
NMEA OUT Serial Data Formats ............................................................................................................................. 24-12
25. Appendix F: User Data Logs 25-1
User Data Log ................................................................................................................................................... 25-1
Recent Flight Data Log ...................................................................................................................................... 25-2
Alert Data Log ................................................................................................................................................... 25-2
History Data Log ............................................................................................................................................... 25-3
Data Logging Recording Options ...................................................................................................................... 25-3
Exporting Data Logs .......................................................................................................................................... 25-3
26. Appendix G: Kavlico Pressure Sensor Part Numbers 26-1
Dynon Avionics Technical Advisory 120214 – Kavlico Pressure Sensors .......................................................... 26-1
xviii SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
1. Introduction
The printed version of this guide is in grayscale. Some figures and diagrams contain important color information. Reference the electronic version of this guide to view it in color.
It is the installer’s responsibility to conform to industry standards when applicable.
This guide provides information about the physical, electrical, and plumbing installation and configuration of the following SkyView system components:
Angle-of-Attack (AOA) / Pitot Probe, Encoder Serial-to-Gray Code Converter, and the
Capacitance to Voltage Converter
Engine and environmental sensors purchased from Dynon Avionics SV32 / SV42 / SV52 Autopilot servos SV-AP-PANEL Autopilot Control Panel SV-ADAHRS-200 / SV-ADAHRS-201 ADAHRS Modules SV-ADSB-470 Module SV-ARINC-429 ARINC 429 Module SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery SV-COM-C25 COM Radio SV-COM-X83 COM Radio SV-D700 / SV-D1000 / SV-D1000T Displays SV-EMS-220 / SV-EMS-221 Engine Monitoring Module SV-GPS-250 GPS Receiver Module SV-KNOB-PANEL Knob Control Panel SV-XPNDR-261 / SV-XPNDR-262 Transponders
Additionally, this guide deals with setting up the installation-dependent firmware options. Because you may not have purchased all of the components mentioned above, you need only read through the relevant sections of this guide. Information about the operation of these instruments can be found in the SkyView Pilot’s User Guide.
If you are converting to SkyView from an earlier Dynon Avionics D10/D100 series system, we have written the D10/D100 Series to SkyView Conversion Guide, which details the changes required to convert between the two product families. It is available as a downloadable PDF document at http://docs.dynonavionics.com.
Dynon Avionics products incorporate a variety of precise, sensitive electronics. SkyView products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts. Units found to have been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon Avionics unit is opened up, it is not considered airworthy and must be serviced at the factory.
SkyView System Installation Guide 1-1
This icon denotes information that merits special attention.
This icon denotes a helpful installation tip.
Dynon Avionics Product Registration
Please take a moment to register your Dynon Avionics SkyView system at
http://register.dynonavionics.com. Registering your product with Dynon ensures that your
contact information is up-to-date. This helps verify product ownership, can expedite warranty claims, and allows us to notify you in the event a service bulletin is published for your product. You can also optionally sign up to receive other Dynon news and product announcements. Dynon will not share your contact information with third parties or send you announcements without your explicit consent.
About this Guide
In the electronic (.PDF) version of this guide, page and section references in the Table of Contents and elsewhere act as hyperlinks taking you to the relevant location in the guide. The latest electronic version (.PDF) of this guide is available on the Dynon Avionics website at http://docs.dynonavionics.com.
Getting Started
This “getting started” section contains a very small amount of information that can be used to check out your SkyView system on the bench, or immediately after SkyView has been installed in the plane. This is not a substitute for reading the entire SkyView System Installation Guide, which provides instructions for wiring and configuring SkyView to the unique requirements of your particular airplane.
1. A SkyView display requires 10-30 VDC. You must connect BOTH of the (long) Red wires to
POWER and BOTH of the (long) black wires to Ground. Current for each display can be up to
3.5A @ 12V (add 1.5A if the SV-BAT-320 battery is connected and being charged), so use a big battery or power supply.
2. To power on or power off a SkyView display manually, push and hold Button #1 (the left-
most button).
3. Any devices connected to SkyView that do not receive their power from the SkyView
Network (such as SV-XPNDR-261/262 and Dynon Autopilot servos) must also be powered ON to communicate with SkyView.
4. To finish the installation of the SV-NET-10CP (10 foot) and longer cables, the diagram you
need to insert the pins is SkyView Network Connection Pin-Out in Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections.
1-2 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
5. The EMS 37-pin Main Sensor Harness includes a 9-pin connector that is wired to pins 11
(Orange wire), 12 (Yellow wire), and 30 (Black wire). This connector is used for other Dynon products, but is not used in SkyView installations. Thus, the 9-pin connector should be removed to use these wires for connecting sensors to the SV-EMS-220. Remove the connector by cutting the three wires close to the 9-pin connector.
6. SkyView SETUP MENU is accessed by pushing and holding Buttons 7+8 together for 2-3
7. Setting the Tail Number is required for before you can configure your SkyView Network
(described below): SETUP > AIRCRAFT INFORMATION > TAIL NUMBER. If Tail Number has not yet been issued for your plane, set TAIL NUMBER to something other than DYNON.
8. Many SkyView displays and modules communicate over a common set of wires – the
SkyView Network that terminates at the D9 connectors on the back of your SkyView display(s). Getting all modules and displays “talking” on SkyView Network is done by going to SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > NETWORK SETUP > CONFIGURE > (click right one more
time). If a module is noted as “requires update”, press the UPDATE button. Otherwise, press
the FINISH button. Note that you will not see any flight instruments or engine instruments before a network configuration is performed, even if the SV-ADAHRS-200/201 and SV-EMS­220/221 have been wired properly and are connected.
9. Devices that do not utilize SkyView Network are connected via serial port connections.
Dynon devices that use serial ports include the SV-ADSB-470, SV-GPS-250, SV-XPNDR­261/262, and various third-party devices. As serial devices are not part of the SkyView Network, they will not be seen on the list of devices seen as you configure SkyView Network above. Instead, configuring SkyView to communicate with SV-GPS-250 and SV-XPNDR­261/262 is done via a more manual process in SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > SERIAL PORT SETUP.
10. If you have installed an SV-GPS-250, its SERIAL IN FUNCTION must be set to POS 1.
11. After you’ve configured SkyView Network, have properly configured any serial devices, exit
the Setup Menu. Your SkyView display should now display EMS, PFD, and MAP. Map will not
display without a GPS fix (the airplane symbol on the Map page will also flash with “?” if it
does not have a GPS fix.
12. Your SkyView may require various updates such as system software, databases, and Sensor
Definitions. See http://www.dynonavionics.com/docs/support_software_SkyView.html for more details on the updates available for SkyView. If you are a non-US customer, the display of aviation and obstacle data on your SkyView system requires a database purchase from Jeppesen or PocketFMS. Note that firmware on each SkyView display must be updated individually.
13. Common issues for setting up SkyView engine monitoring:
a. The configuration of sensors installed on SkyView at the factory is generic; therefore
“Red X’s” on the EMS for various sensors are normal until sensor configuration for
your particular engine sensor configuration is complete.
b. The layout of which sensor “widgets” are shown on the screen, sizes, styles, etc. is
completely configurable: SETUP > EMS SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT EDITOR
14. Common issues for setting up SV-XPNDR-261/262:
a. Ensure that there is a valid tail number set (see above)
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S 1-3
b. Ensure that a valid HEX CODE is set: SETUP > TRANSPONDER SETUP > AIRCRAFT HEX
CODE. A caution message – XPNDR HEX CODE NOT SET will appear if a transponder is configured in SkyView, but the HEX CODE is not set to a valid number.
c. Traffic will not be displayed unless you are in an area covered by an TIS radar site
(US only)
15. Common issues for setting up Dynon Autopilot
a. Servos must be powered ON b. Servos must be recognized on SkyView Network (above) c. AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS must be set (at least one must be actively adjusted from the
defaults) before the Autopilot can be configured: SETUP > PFD SETUP > AIRSPEED.
e. After SERVO CALIBRATION is successfully completed, AP status will now be displayed
on the SkyView display top bar.
1-4 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Installers should read and understand this chapter before proceeding with physical installation. SkyView equipment installed contrary to the requirements outlined in this chapter may not operate within specifications.
2. System Planning
The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with important SkyView system information and concepts including the following:
Operating specifications Installation location requirements SkyView systems
SkyView modules have environmental and location requirements that must be adhered to for specified operation. This chapter helps installers make informed decisions regarding suitable SkyView equipment locations in aircraft. It contains electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications, installation requirements, and other important guidelines and suggestions.
When SkyView components are used together, they are referred to as a SkyView system. This chapter also explains what a SkyView system is and how to build one.
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S 2-1
System Planning
Current requirement @ 12 volt DC
Current requirement
@ 12V DC
@ 24V DC
Current requirement
@24V DC
display S/N
below 4000
when charging)
when charging)
display S/N
above 4000
when charging)
when charging)
display S/N
below 6000
when charging)
when charging)
SV-D1000 Display S/N above 6000
when charging)
when charging)
(all S/N)
when charging)
when charging)
Power Consumption
Table 2 contains power specifications for typical SkyView systems. Note that SkyView displays (SV-D700, SV-D1000, SV-D1000T) provide power to SV-ADAHRS-200/201, SV-EMS-220/221, SV­ARINC-429, SV-KNOB-PANEL, the “control panel section” of SV-AP-PANEL, and the SV-GPS-250. Thus the individual power requirements of those units are not shown; their power requirements are included in the power requirements of the SkyView display(s). When there
are two SkyView displays in a system, both displays “share the load” of powering SkyView
Network modules.
2-2 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
Table 2 – SkyView Display Power Specifications
System Planning
@ 12 volt DC
@ 24V DC
0.2A maximum
0.1A maximum
(Trim motor control section)
4.0A maximum
(depends on the trim
motors used)
Not Applicable
3.0A maximum (transmitting)
1.5A maximum (transmitting)
2.0A maximum (transmitting)
1.0A maximum (transmitting)
0.4A maximum
0.2A maximum
1.3A maximum
(moving 100% torque)
0.7A maximum (moving 100%
2.0A maximum
(moving 100% torque)
1.0A maximum (moving 100%
2.8A maximum
(moving 100% torque)
1.4A maximum (moving 100%
Heated AOA / Pitot Probe
10A (maximum heat)
Not Applicable
Serial to Gray Code Converter
0.01 A (10 mA)
0.05 A (50 mA)
(or add to another fuse or
circuit breaker)
Table 3 contains power specifications for SkyView modules that are powered from ship’s power (not powered by SkyView Network). A 5A circuit breaker is recommend in most cases because that is the smallest circuit breaker that is commonly available in certified versions.
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S 2-3
Table 3 – SkyView Modules Power Specifications
System Planning
Physical Specifications
2.47” W x 4.20“ H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 107mm H x 101mm D)
2.00 lb. (0.90 kg)
2.47” W x 5.13“ H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 130mm H x 101mm D)
3.00 lb. (1.40 kg)
2.47” W x 6.05“ H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 154mm H x 101mm D)
4.00 lb. (1.80 kg)
4.71" W x 1.22" H x 2.61" D
(120mm W x 31mm H x 66mm D)
0.50 lb. (0.20 kg)
7.00”W x 1.19” H x 4.63” D
(177.8mm W x 30.1mm H x 117.6 D)
0.80 lb. (0.36 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.30 lb. (0.15 kg)
4.75" W x 1.09" H x 2.61" D
(121mm W x 28mm H x 66mm D)
0.40 lb. (0.18 kg)
3.30" W x 2.10" H x 3.90" D
(84mm W x 53mm H x 99mm D)
0.80 lb. (0.40 kg)
7.34” x 2.38” x 1.51”
(186.6mm x 60.45mm x 38.23mm)
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.38 lb. (0.17 kg)
(w/mounting tray)
2.5W x 1.9H x 6.3D
(66mm W x 48mm H x 160mm D)
0.77 lb. (0.35 kg)
7.64" W x 5.51" H x 2.14" D
(194mm W x 140mm H x 54mm D)
2.40 lb. (1.10 kg)
10.32" W x 7.06" H x 2.14" D
(262mm W x 179mm H x 54mm D)
3.00 lb. (1.40 kg)
10.32" W x 7.06" H x 2.33" D
(262mm W x 179mm H x 59mm D)
3.30 lb. (1.50 kg)
6.35" W x 1.09" H x 2.99" D
(161mm W x 28mm H x 76mm D)
0.63 lb. (0.29 kg)
2.19" W x 0.75" H x 3.44" D
(56mm W x 19mm H x 87mm D)
0.44 lb. (0.20 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.40 lb. (0.18 kg)
(w/mounting tray)
2.5W x 1.9H x 6.3D
(66mm W x 48mm H x 160mm D)
0.77 lb. (0.35 kg)
Major Component Physical Specifications
Table 4 contains physical specifications (dimensions are approximatesee respective installation chapters for exact dimensions).
Table 4 – SkyView System Component Physical Specifications
2-4 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
System Planning
Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-30 °C to +75 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-20 °C to +60 °C
-20 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-55 °C to +85 °C
-20 °C to +70 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-40 °C to +60 °C
-40 °C to +70 °C
-30 °C to +60 °C
-55 °C to +85 °C
-20 °C to +70 °C
Temperature Specifications
Table 5 contains environmental specifications.
Table 5 – SkyView System Component Environmental Specifications
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S 2-5
System Planning
Aircraft construction involves a variety of processes that create debris that can damage Dynon Avionics components. Metalwork, in particular, will produce metallic shavings and dust that may damage or destroy the electronics in Dynon Avionics products if they are contaminated with this debris. Care should be taken to ensure that Dynon Products are kept away from aircraft construction debris. Damaged caused by the introduction outside particulates will not be repaired under warranty.
Do not physically modify Dynon SkyView displays or modules in any way that is not specified in this manual. Damage caused to Dynon products due to physical modifications will not be repaired under warranty.
General System Installation Tips
SkyView Can Be On During Engine Start
SkyView units incorporate robust power protection that allows them to be powered on during engine start for full engine monitoring. SkyView displays require a minimum of 10V, and during engine start, it’s common for the electrical system to temporarily drop below 10V. If an SV-BAT­320 backup battery is not installed, SkyView may shut off / reboot. If you wish to monitor your engine prior to engine start, an SV-BAT-320 backup battery should be installed so that the SkyView display can switch to the SV-BAT-320 when its power inputs are not receiving at least 10V. The SkyView display will switch from SV-BAT-320 to ship’s power when its power inputs receive voltage above 10V.
Installing SkyView in an IFR-Equipped Aircraft
If you are equipping an aircraft that is capable of being flown in IFR/IMC conditions, Dynon Avionics makes the following recommendations:
The entirety of the instrument panel and supporting avionics systems and instrumentation should be designed so that the display of information essential for continued safe flight and landing will remain available to the pilot after any single failure or probable combination of failures. In other words, a usable "partial-panel" of primary flight instruments should be preserved in the event of the failure of a SkyView display, systems that support it, or other instruments in the aircraft.
This level of redundancy can be obtained in different ways. For example, one could utilize multiple SkyView displays (with SV-BAT-320 backup batteries attached) including multiple ADAHRS units connected to protect against the failure of any single display, ADAHRS, or the electrical system. Flight instrument redundancy could also be preserved by using other separate and independent systems such as the Dynon EFIS-D6. Some builders may elect to combine SkyView with other more conventional “steam” gauges such as mechanical airspeed, altitude, and attitude indicators.
2-6 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
System Planning
To protect against aircraft electrical failures and anomalies, Dynon Avionics STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that each SkyView display has an SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery connected to it.
SkyView’s attitude algorithm normally uses airspeed to provide superior accuracy. If a problem
develops with your airspeed reading due to mechanical blockage of pitot, disconnection of pitot, or other pitot/static issues, a properly connected and configured GPS source acts as a substitute. Dynon SkyView systems typically have one or more GPS sources connected to enable Synthetic Vision and Mapping capabilities, but a primary and backup GPS connection is especially important to preserve the attitude indication in the event of loss of airspeed information in IFR aircraft.
In order to provide the most reliable airspeed (and therefore attitude) performance, Dynon Avionics STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the installation of a heated pitot probe in aircraft equipped for IFR to prevent loss of airspeed data due to icing.
Location Requirements
SV-D1000 and SV-D700
Observe the following guidelines when choosing a location for a SkyView display:
Displays require about 2.4(61mm) of free space behind the panel, depending on mounting
surface thickness.
The SkyView Display Harness (SV-HARNESS-D37) extends about 3” (76mm) from the back of the
Add one inch beyond the physically required volume for the display’s heat sinks and fans to
Avoid placing the display near heater vents or any source of extremely hot air. The display should be easily viewable without any obstructions. Displays have no internal inertial sensors and do not need to be mounted in the same
orientation as the ADAHRS or other modules.
Displays only support a landscape viewing orientation; do not mount in portrait orientation. A SkyView system can include as many as three SkyView displays in any combination of SV-
D700, SV-D1000, or SV-D1000T.
Many customers choose to allow room for and install a “panel mount USB extension cable for
each SkyView display. USB is used for installing firmware, databases, and electronic charts (for which the USB flash drive is semi-permanently connected). Thus if space allows, a panel­mounted USB connector can be more convenient than accessing a harness tucked behind the panel. Such cables plug into the USB jacks on the back of the SkyView display. Suitable cables can be found by searching on the Internet for “panel mount USB”.
SkyView System Installation Guide – Revision S 2-7
System Planning
Proper installation of the SV-ADAHRS-200/201 module(s) is critical. PFD performance is significantly linked to a proper ADAHRS installation. The installation location must meet all of the mechanical, magnetic, orientation, and environmental requirements detailed below.
An SV-ADAHRS-200/201 installation location should be a rigid surface within 12 feet longitudinally and 6 feet laterally of the aircraft's center-of-gravity. Figure 1 illustrates this criterion.
Figure 1 – SV-ADAHRS-200/201 with Respect to Center-of-Gravity
The location should also be magnetically benign. Given that it may be difficult or impossible to avoid all sources of magnetic interference, it is possible to characterize and compensate for small, static magnetic fields with calibration. Calibration cannot, however, compensate for
2-8 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision S
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