Dynon Avionics SkyView SE, SkyView HDX, SkyView Classic, SkyView Touch System Installation Manual

SkyView SE
SkyView Classic
SkyView Touch
SkyView HDX
System Installation Guide
Document 101320-026, Revision AA
For use with Software version v15
December, 2016
Copyright © 2009-2016 by Dynon Avionics, Inc.
Permission to print this manual is granted to third parties.
Contact Information
Dynon Avionics, Inc. 19825 141st Place NE Woodinville, WA 98072 Phone: 425-402-0433 - 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) Monday – Friday Dynon Avionics Technical Support available 7:00 AM–4:00 PM (Pacific Time) Monday – Friday Email: mailto://support@dynonavionics.com Fax: 425-984-1751
Dynon Avionics offers a number of Internet sites for support:
http://www.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics primary web site; including: http://docs.dynonavionics.com – Current and archival documentation. http://downloads.dynonavionics.com – Software downloads. http://license.dynonavionics.com – Redeem SV-MAP-270, SV-SYNVIS-280, and SV-VPX-290 licenses. http://store.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics’ secure online store for purchasing all Dynon Avionics products. http://register.dynonavionics.com – Register your Dynon Avionics product. http://support.dynonavionics.com – Support resources.
Stay in touch with Dynon Avionics:
http://blog.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics’ blog. https://www.facebook.com/dynonavionics - Dynon Avionics is on Facebook. Please “friend” us! http://forum.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics’ Internet forum for SkyView pilots. http://newsletter.dynonavionics.com – Dynon Avionics’ email newsletter. https://twitter.com/dynon - Dynon Avionics is on Twitter!
http://www.dynonavionics.com/videos – Video training, including short vignettes on specific operations. http://www.dynonavionics.com/training – Hands-on training at various events.
2009-2016 Dynon Avionics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express written permission of Dynon Avionics. Dynon Avionics hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed for personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Dynon Avionics reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Visit the Dynon Avionics website (www.dynonavionics.com) for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Dynon Avionics products.
iv SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Limited Warranty
Dynon Avionics warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for three years from date of shipment. Dynon Avionics will, at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge to the customer for parts or labor performed by Dynon Avionics. The customer is, however, responsible for any transportation cost and any costs that are incurred while removing, reinstalling, or troubleshooting the product. This warranty does not cover failures due to abuse, misuse, accident, improper installation or unauthorized alteration or repairs.
Dynon Avionics retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the instrument or Software or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole discretion. SUCH REMEDY SHALL BE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY.
These instruments are not intended for use in type certificated aircraft at this time. Dynon Avionics makes no claim as to the suitability of its products in connection with FAR 91.205.
Dynon Avionics products incorporate a variety of precise, sensitive electronics. SkyView products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts. Units found to have been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon Avionics unit is opened up, it is not considered airworthy and must be serviced at the factory.
Dynon Avionics Returns and Warranty web page can be found at http://support.dynonavionics.com.
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA v
Changes in this Revision
Revision Date
Revision History for previous revisions is located in
Appendix I: SkyView System Installation Guide Revision History.
December, 2016
o Corrected table of contents missing links o Corrected misc. formatting issues o Updated Table 75 adding missing transponder harness wire colors
October, 2016
Document number changed to 101320-025, Revision Z New products:
o SkyView SV-HDX800 display o SkyView SV-HDX1100 display o ADS-B (UAT) Antenna – Rod type (978 MHz) o Transponder antenna – Rod type (1090 MHz) o SV-MAP-270 included with new SkyView displays and SkyView HDX
(Section 6)
New features:
o Weight and Balance (Setup) o Maintenance Log (Setup) o Ability to change label “CHT” to “CLNT” o Ability to change aural message “Cylinder Head Temperature” to
“Coolant Temperature”.
Software changes in SkyView Software v15.0.0, released 2016-10-18.
o SkyView SV-HDX800 display (new product) o SkyView SV-HDX1100 display (new product) o SV-BAT-320 charging algorithm improved to be able to charge units
that are in protection mode.
Documentation improved in this revision:
o Section 4 – Added connection and configuration instructions for GNC
255 COM/NAV radio.
o Section 5 – Corrected incorrect references to Figures on different
AOA/Pitot Probes
o Section 7 – Updated references to use of dual SV-EMS-220/221
modules to monitor large engines or dual engines is only supported in SkyView Classic (not SkyView SE or SkyView HDX [as of Software v15.0])
o Section 7 – Added mention of SV-NET-SPL for use with dual SV-EMS-
220/221 installations.
o Section 7 – Added lists of all available and recommended Dynon
Avionics engine sensor kits.
o Section 11 – Added detail about the permissible use of SV-XPNDR-262
after 2020 (outside Class B and Class C airspaces)
o Section 13 – Explanation that to monitor operation of VPX, one
display must include an SV-BAT-320 or be powered independently of the VP-X.
o Section 16 – Added alternate method for adjusting Microphone Gain
of SV-COM-C25.
o 579 pages
Table 1 – Changes in this Revision of SkyView Classic / SkyView SE / SkyView HDX System Installation Guide
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA vii
Table of Contents
Contact Information ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Copyright ...................................................................................................................................................................... iii
Limited Warranty .......................................................................................................................................................... iv
Changes in this Revision ................................................................................................................................................ v
1. Introduction 1-1
Warning ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Dynon Avionics Product Registration ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
About this Guide ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Semantics of “Software” vs “Software” ...................................................................................................................... 1-4
SkyView Classic, SkyView Touch, SkyView SE, and SkyView HDX ............................................................................... 1-4
Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA) Considerations with SkyView .............................................................................. 1-4
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
2. System Planning 2-1
SkyView units cannot / should not be mixed ............................................................................................................. 2-1
9-pin D9F and D9M Connectors are SkyView Network (not RS-232 Serial) ............................................................... 2-2
SkyView Network is a “Party Line” ............................................................................................................................. 2-2
External Switches and Indicators ................................................................................................................................ 2-3
SkyView Display Resolution ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3
SkyView System Maximum Number of Displays ........................................................................................................ 2-3
Power Specifications ................................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Major Unit Physical Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 2-6
Temperature Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 2-7
General System Installation Tips ................................................................................................................................ 2-8
SkyView System Can Be On During Engine Start ........................................................................................................ 2-8
Installing SkyView in an IFR-Equipped Aircraft ........................................................................................................... 2-8
Mounting Requirements............................................................................................................................................. 2-9
SkyView System Construction .................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Example SkyView Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 2-13
HSI Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-17
3. Basic SkyView Display Operation 3-1
Screen Synchronization .............................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Display Bezel Layout ................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Joystick and Button Operation ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
SkyView Touch – Touch Interface Features Not Used in Setup Menus ...................................................................... 3-5
Menu Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Basic Display Operation Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 3-7
In Flight Setup Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 3-9
SETUP MENU .................................................................................................................................................... 3-10
SYSTEM EVENT Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 3-10
SYSTEM SOFTWARE Menu ................................................................................................................................ 3-11
SYSTEM SETUP Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 3-12
LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP Menu ............................................................................................................................ 3-13
PFD SETUP Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 3-14
EMS SETUP Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 3-15
MAP SETUP Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 3-15
AUTOPILOT SETUP Menu .................................................................................................................................. 3-16
TRANSPONDER SETUP Menu ............................................................................................................................ 3-16
Table of Contents
viii SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
HARDWARE CALIBRATION Menu...................................................................................................................... 3-16
Software Updates and File Operations ..................................................................................................................... 3-17
How to Update Software .................................................................................................................................. 3-18
How to Export System Settings ........................................................................................................................ 3-19
How to Load and Delete Files ........................................................................................................................... 3-19
How to Export Data Logs and Waypoints ......................................................................................................... 3-19
4. SkyView Display Installation and Configuration 4-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Location Requirements for SkyView Displays ..................................................................................................... 4-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 4-17
Power Input ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-17
Grounding ......................................................................................................................................................... 4-17
Airplane Master Contactor / Relay Considerations .......................................................................................... 4-17
SV-BAT-320 Connection and Operation Rules .................................................................................................. 4-17
SkyView Network Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 4-18
Network Setup and Status ................................................................................................................................ 4-18
Ethernet Connection......................................................................................................................................... 4-21
Internal Time Keeping....................................................................................................................................... 4-21
RS-232 Serial Devices ........................................................................................................................................ 4-21
USB Usage and Accessibility ............................................................................................................................. 4-32
External Dim Control (Dimming) Connections .................................................................................................. 4-33
Contact Inputs .................................................................................................................................................. 4-35
Reserved Connections for Future Use .............................................................................................................. 4-35
Display Setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 4-36
How to Access Display Hardware Information ................................................................................................. 4-36
Serial Port Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 4-36
Brightness Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 4-38
Top Bar Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 4-39
Aircraft Information .......................................................................................................................................... 4-39
SkyView Classic, SkyView SE Screen Layout Setup ........................................................................................... 4-40
SkyView HDX Display Setup / Layout ................................................................................................................ 4-41
SkyView Classic and SkyView HDX Touch Setup ............................................................................................... 4-42
Glide Ring Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 4-42
Weight and Balance Setup ................................................................................................................................ 4-42
Maintenance Log Setup .................................................................................................................................... 4-43
5. SV-ADAHRS-200/201 Installation and Configuration 5-1
Optional Components for Easier Installation of your SV-ADAHRS-200/201............................................................... 5-3
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 5-4
SV-ADAHRS-200/201 Location Requirements ............................................................................................................ 5-4
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................. 5-12
Pneumatic Ports ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-12
Compass Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 5-13
On-ground Compass Calibration Procedure: .................................................................................................... 5-14
In-flight Compass Calibration Procedure: ......................................................................................................... 5-15
SV-OAT-340 Location and Installation ...................................................................................................................... 5-17
PFD-Related Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 5-19
Other ADAHRS Calibrations ...................................................................................................................................... 5-21
Performing Pitot/Static Checks ................................................................................................................................. 5-22
6. SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping License Purchase and Setup 6-1
License Information .................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Table of Contents
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA ix
Databases ................................................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Viewing Information about Installed Databases ................................................................................................ 6-3
Terrain Database ................................................................................................................................................ 6-6
Aviation/Obstacle Databases.............................................................................................................................. 6-7
US SkyView Pilots – Stadium TFR Database ........................................................................................................ 6-8
Charts and Airport Diagrams .............................................................................................................................. 6-9
Loading Databases ............................................................................................................................................ 6-10
Removing Databases ........................................................................................................................................ 6-10
7. SV-EMS-220/221 Installation and Configuration 7-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 7-3
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................... 7-5
SkyView EMS Sensor Definition and Configuration Files ............................................................................................ 7-5
Engine Sensor and Transducer Planning..................................................................................................................... 7-5
Example Engine Sensor and Transducer Installations .............................................................................................. 7-20
Lycoming/Continental 4-cylinder Carbureted .................................................................................................. 7-21
Lycoming/Continental 4-cylinder Fuel Injected ................................................................................................ 7-23
Lycoming/Continental 6-cylinder Carbureted .................................................................................................. 7-25
Lycoming/Continental 6-cylinder Fuel Injected ................................................................................................ 7-27
Jabiru 2200 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7-29
Jabiru 3300 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7-31
Rotax 912 ULS Carbureted ................................................................................................................................ 7-33
Rotax 912 iS (Electronic Control Unit) .............................................................................................................. 7-35
Dual Engine Support Using Dual SV-EMS-220/221s and Two SkyView Classic Displays ................................... 7-42
Engine Sensor and Transducer Installation ...................................................................................................... 7-43
Engine Sensor Accuracy and Grounding ........................................................................................................... 7-43
Tools and Equipment Required ........................................................................................................................ 7-44
Voltmeter Inputs............................................................................................................................................... 7-44
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Sensors ......................................................................................................... 7-44
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Sensors ...................................................................................................... 7-46
Tachometer ...................................................................................................................................................... 7-47
Manifold Pressure Sensor ................................................................................................................................. 7-49
Oil Pressure Sensor ........................................................................................................................................... 7-50
Oil Temperature Sensors .................................................................................................................................. 7-53
Fuel Pressure Sensor ........................................................................................................................................ 7-54
Fuel Flow Transducer ........................................................................................................................................ 7-57
Fuel Level Sensor .............................................................................................................................................. 7-59
Ammeter Shunt ................................................................................................................................................ 7-61
Carburetor Temperature Sensor ...................................................................................................................... 7-65
Rotax CHT Sensors ............................................................................................................................................ 7-65
Trim and Flaps Position Potentiometers .......................................................................................................... 7-66
Coolant Pressure Sensor ................................................................................................................................... 7-67
Coolant Temperature Sensor............................................................................................................................ 7-69
General Purpose Temperature Sensor ............................................................................................................. 7-69
Rotax 914 Air Box Temperature ....................................................................................................................... 7-70
Contacts ............................................................................................................................................................ 7-70
General Purpose Thermocouple ....................................................................................................................... 7-71
External EMS Warning Light ..................................................................................................................................... 7-72
Engine Information ................................................................................................................................................... 7-72
EMS Sensor Definitions, Mapping, and Settings ....................................................................................................... 7-74
EMS Sensor Definitions ..................................................................................................................................... 7-74
EMS Sensor Input Mapping .............................................................................................................................. 7-75
EMS Sensor Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 7-76
Table of Contents
x SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
EMS Screen Layout Editor ......................................................................................................................................... 7-85
EMS Sensor Calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 7-87
SkyView HDX ENGINE BOTTOM BAND ..................................................................................................................... 7-88
8. SV-GPS-250/2020 GPS Receiver Installation and Configuration 8-1
WAAS Data Reception ................................................................................................................................................ 8-2
Use of the SV-GPS-2020 outside the US ..................................................................................................................... 8-3
Considerations for converting an SV-GPS-250 to an SV-GPS-2020 in Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSAs) ............... 8-3
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 8-4
Considerations for installing an SV-GPS-2020 in an aircraft with an installed SV-GPS-250........................................ 8-6
Serial Data Connection ............................................................................................................................................... 8-7
Configuration – SV-GPS-2020 only, Serial Port 5 ...................................................................................................... 8-10
Configuration – SV-GPS-2020 (Serial Port 5) and SV-GPS-250 (Serial Port 4) ........................................................... 8-10
Testing / troubleshooting installation of the SV-GPS-250 and/or SV-GPS-2020 ...................................................... 8-11
Part 1 – Basic Serial Port Functionality ............................................................................................................. 8-11
Part 2 – GPS Receive Performance ................................................................................................................... 8-12
(US only) Additional configuration required for SDA/SIL=1… ................................................................................... 8-15
Additional Configuration Required for Compliance with FAA 2020 ADS-B Out Mandate ........................................ 8-15
9. SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery Installation 9-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 9-2
SV-BAT-320 Location .......................................................................................................................................... 9-2
Electrical Connection .................................................................................................................................................. 9-3
Charging the SV-BAT-320 ............................................................................................................................................ 9-3
SV-BAT-320 is Automatically Charged in Flight .................................................................................................. 9-4
Charging the SV-BAT-320 on Ground or During Aircraft Construction ............................................................... 9-4
Battery Status Icon ..................................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Detailed Battery Status Check .................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Initial SV-BAT-320 Test ............................................................................................................................................... 9-6
In the Event of Initial SV-BAT-320 Test Failure … ............................................................................................... 9-7
SV-BAT-320 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 9-8
Returning an SV-BAT-320 to Dynon Avionics for Exchange (Warranty Replacement) ............................................... 9-8
10. AP Servo Installation, Configuration, and Calibration 10-1
Dynon Avionics Autopilot Servo Models .................................................................................................................. 10-3
Compass Calibration Requirement ........................................................................................................................... 10-3
Additional Resources ................................................................................................................................................ 10-3
Servo Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................................................... 10-4
Autopilot Servo Calibration and Test Procedures .................................................................................................. 10-16
Autopilot Servo Initial Setup ................................................................................................................................... 10-17
Autopilot In-Flight Tuning Procedures .................................................................................................................... 10-23
11. SV-XPNDR-261/262 Installation and Configuration 11-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 11-3
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 11-5
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 11-12
Transponder-Related SkyView Display Settings ..................................................................................................... 11-16
(US only) Configuration required for SDA/SIL=1 for continued reception of ADS-B Traffic (early 2016) ............... 11-23
SkyView Systems with an SV-GPS-250 as primary GPS… ........................................................................................ 11-24
(US-Only) Equipping for compliance with FAA 2020 ADS-B Out Mandate ............................................................. 11-25
Installation of Dynon Avionics SV-GPS-2020 for compliance with FAA 2020 ADS-B Out mandate ................ 11-27
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Updates ................................................................................................................... 11-30
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Update SW02.09 ............................................................................................. 11-35
Table of Contents
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA xi
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Update SW02.09 Quick Decision Points.......................................................... 11-35
Deprecated SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Update Instructions and notes .................................................... 11-37
SkyView Software v12.2 – v13.0.3 SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software SW02.06 Update ...................................... 11-38
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Version (SW) v2.02/v2.04/v2.06 Labeling Requirements (US Registered /
Operated Aircraft Only) .................................................................................................................................. 11-39
SkyView Software v14.0 – v14.1 SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Update SW02.08 ......................................... 11-40
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Software Update SW02.08 Quick Decision Points.......................................................... 11-40
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................... 11-41
Transponder Warnings (Transponder Self Diagnostics) ......................................................................................... 11-42
Performing Transponder Checks ............................................................................................................................ 11-43
Dynon Avionics SV-GPS-250 and SV-GPS-2020 Compliance Statements ............................................................... 11-44
12. SV-ARINC-429 Installation and Configuration 12-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 12-1
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................. 12-2
ARINC-429 Device Connection .................................................................................................................................. 12-2
SV-ARINC-429 Related Settings .............................................................................................................................. 12-11
13. Vertical Power VP-X Integration and Configuration 13-1
VP-X Physical, Electrical Installation and Configuration ........................................................................................... 13-1
Serial Port Connection .............................................................................................................................................. 13-2
License Information .................................................................................................................................................. 13-3
VP-X SkyView Classic Display Settings ...................................................................................................................... 13-4
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 13-5
14. SV-ADSB-470 Installation and Configuration 14-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 14-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 14-4
Antenna Selection and Installation ........................................................................................................................... 14-7
SV-ADSB-470-Related SkyView Display Settings ....................................................................................................... 14-9
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 14-10
15. Accessory Installation and Configuration 15-1
SkyView System Angle of Attack Pitot Probe ........................................................................................................... 15-1
Encoder Serial-to-Gray Code Converter ................................................................................................................... 15-5
Capacitance to Voltage Converter for Van’s Capacitive Plates ................................................................................ 15-8
SkyView Video Input Adapter ................................................................................................................................... 15-9
SkyView Wi-Fi Adapter ........................................................................................................................................... 15-13
Advanced Flight Systems (AFS) ADVANCED Control Module (ACM) ...................................................................... 15-16
SV-BUTTON-LEVEL .................................................................................................................................................. 15-17
Pitot/Static/AOA Pneumatic Installation Kit ........................................................................................................... 15-21
Recommended Tools & Installation Accessories ............................................................................................ 15-24
Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 15-24
Panel Module Faceplate Blank ............................................................................................................................... 15-27
SV-KNOB-DIMMER .................................................................................................................................................. 15-28
16. SV-COM-C25 Installation and Configuration 16-1
Physical Installation: SV-COM-PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 16-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 16-6
Power Input ...................................................................................................................................................... 16-6
Audio Signal Grounding .................................................................................................................................... 16-6
Audio Shielding ................................................................................................................................................. 16-6
SkyView Network Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 16-6
Table of Contents
xii SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 16-6
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 16-15
SkyView System Settings for SV-COM-C25 ............................................................................................................. 16-17
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 16-19
Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 16-20
17. SV-COM-X83 Installation and Configuration 17-1
Certification Considerations ..................................................................................................................................... 17-2
Physical Installation: SV-COM-PANEL ....................................................................................................................... 17-2
Physical Installation: SV-COM-T8 .............................................................................................................................. 17-4
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 17-7
Power Input ...................................................................................................................................................... 17-7
Audio Signal Grounding .................................................................................................................................... 17-7
Audio Shielding ................................................................................................................................................. 17-7
SkyView Network Connectors .......................................................................................................................... 17-7
Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 17-8
Antenna Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 17-16
SkyView System Settings for SV-COM-X83 ............................................................................................................. 17-19
Post Installation Checks .......................................................................................................................................... 17-20
Continued Airworthiness and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 17-20
18. SV-AP-PANEL Installation and Configuration 18-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 18-3
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 18-4
Autopilot Auto-trim .................................................................................................................................................. 18-9
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 18-9
19. SV-KNOB-PANEL Installation 19-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 19-2
Electrical Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 19-3
Post Installation Checks ............................................................................................................................................ 19-3
20. SV-MAG-236 Installation and Configuration 20-1
Physical Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 20-2
Optional SV-OAT-340 Connected to SV-MAG-236 ................................................................................................... 20-4
SkyView Network Connection .................................................................................................................................. 20-1
Compass Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 20-1
On-ground Compass Calibration Procedure: .................................................................................................... 20-2
In-flight Compass Calibration Procedure: ......................................................................................................... 20-3
Restoring Use of the SV-ADAHRS-200/201 Internal Magnetometer ........................................................................ 20-5
21. Appendix A: Maintenance and Troubleshooting 21-1
Cleaning a SkyView Display....................................................................................................................................... 21-1
Saving a Screenshot of a Specific Screen .................................................................................................................. 21-2
Savings a Settings File (Configuration of your SkyView system) ............................................................................... 21-2
Saving a Dynon Diagnostic File ................................................................................................................................. 21-2
SkyView Displays Error: SYS EVENT 5: SEE SETUP ..................................................................................................... 21-3
Returning SkyView Components to Service after Repair .......................................................................................... 21-3
In a Multi-display SkyView System, Continuing to Fly with a Missing Display.......................................................... 21-6
Operational Status .................................................................................................................................................... 21-7
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness ................................................................................................................ 21-9
Annual SV-BAT-320 Test ................................................................................................................................. 21-10
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................................................... 21-12
Table of Contents
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA xiii
22. Appendix B: Specifications 22-1
SkyView / Dynon Avionics Minor Equipment Weights ............................................................................................. 22-1
SkyView Compatible Engine Sensors (sold by Dynon Avionics) ................................................................................ 22-2
SV-BAT-320 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................ 22-3
SV-XPNDR-261 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 22-4
SV-XPNDR-262 Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 22-5
SV-XPNDR-261/262 ADS-B Information .................................................................................................................... 22-8
SV-COM-C25 Technical Specifications .................................................................................................................... 22-10
SV-COM-X83 (TY91L VHF Radio Unit) Technical Specifications .............................................................................. 22-11
SV-GPS-250 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 22-12
SV-GPS-2020 Specifications .................................................................................................................................... 22-13
23. Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections 23-1
Wire Gauge ............................................................................................................................................................... 23-1
Grounding ................................................................................................................................................................. 23-1
DSUB Crimp Contacts and Tools ............................................................................................................................... 23-2
Non-Dynon Avionics Wire Harness Considerations .................................................................................................. 23-2
SkyView Equipment Electrical Connections .............................................................................................................. 23-4
SkyView Equipment Electrical Connector Pinout Tables .......................................................................................... 23-6
Servo Pinout (SV-NET-SERVO) .......................................................................................................................... 23-6
SkyView Display D37 Pinout (SV-HARNESS-D37) .............................................................................................. 23-7
SkyView D37M Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 23-8
SV-EMS-220/221 Pinouts (EMS Harnesses) .................................................................................................... 23-11
SV-ARINC-429 Pinout ...................................................................................................................................... 23-14
SV-XPNDR-261/262 Pinout (SV-HARNESS-XPNDR) ......................................................................................... 23-16
SV-AP-PANEL Pinout (D15M connector) ......................................................................................................... 23-18
SV-COM-PANEL Pinout (D15M) ...................................................................................................................... 23-19
SV-COM-425 Pinout ........................................................................................................................................ 23-20
SV-COM-T8 Pinout .......................................................................................................................................... 23-22
24. Appendix D: SV-EMS-220/221 Sensor Input Mapping Worksheet 24-1
25. Appendix E: Serial Data Output 25-1
DYNON ADAHRS Serial Data Format ......................................................................................................................... 25-2
DYNON SYSTEM Serial Data Format ......................................................................................................................... 25-4
DYNON EMS Serial Data Format ............................................................................................................................... 25-7
DYNON ADAHRS / SYSTEM / EMS Serial Data Output Combinations ..................................................................... 25-11
NMEA OUT Serial Data Formats ............................................................................................................................. 25-12
26. Appendix F: User Data Logs 26-1
User Data Log ................................................................................................................................................... 26-1
Recent Flight Data Log ...................................................................................................................................... 26-2
Alert Data Log ................................................................................................................................................... 26-2
History Data Log ............................................................................................................................................... 26-3
Data Logging Recording Options ...................................................................................................................... 26-3
Exporting Data Logs .......................................................................................................................................... 26-3
27. Appendix G: Kavlico Pressure Sensor Part Numbers 27-1
Dynon Avionics Technical Advisory 120214 – Kavlico Pressure Sensors .......................................................... 27-1
28. Appendix H: Sensor Debug Data 28-1
29. Appendix I: SkyView System Installation Guide Revision History 29-1
Table of Contents
xiv SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
30. Appendix J: Checklists 30-1
Saving Your Checklist with “UTF-8 Character Encoding” .......................................................................................... 30-2
Example Checklist ..................................................................................................................................................... 30-4
Example Checklist Formatting Notes: ....................................................................................................................... 30-5
Excel Checklist Generation Tool ............................................................................................................................... 30-6
Loading a Checklist ................................................................................................................................................... 30-6
Displaying Your Checklist on your SkyView Display .................................................................................................. 30-9
31. Appendix K: Switches, etc. External to SkyView Units 31-1
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 1-1
1. Introduction
It is the installer’s responsibility to conform to industry standards as applicable.
This guide provides information about the physical (mechanical), electrical, and pneumatic installation and configuration of the following SkyView major system components:
Advanced Flight Systems (AFS) ADVANCED Control Module (included as part of an
ADVANCED Quick Panel System)*
Angle-of-Attack (AOA) / Pitot Probe (details specific to the SkyView system) Encoder Serial-to-Gray Code Converter Capacitance to Voltage Converter Engine and environmental sensors purchased from Dynon Avionics (and selected
other sensors)
SkyView Video Input Adapter SkyView Wi-Fi Adapter SV32 Autopilot servo (all variations, generic installation details) SV42 Autopilot servo (all variations, generic installation details) SV52 Autopilot servo (all variations, generic installation details) SV-AP-PANEL Expert Autopilot Control Panel / Trim Controller** SV-ADAHRS-200 ADAHRS Module SV-ADAHRS-201 ADAHRS Module SV-ADSB-470 ADS-B Receiver Module* SV-ARINC-429 ARINC 429 Interface Module* SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery SV-COM-C25 and SV-COM-X83 COM Radios SV-D600 SkyView SE Display SV-D700 SkyView Classic Display SV-D900 SkyView SE Display SV-D1000 SkyView Classic Display SV-D1000T SkyView Classic Display SV-HDX800 SkyView HDX Display SV-HDX1100 SkyView HDX Display SV-EMS-220 Engine Monitoring Module SV-EMS-221 Engine Monitoring Module SV-GPS-250 GPS Receiver Module SV-GPS-2020 GPS Receiver Module SV-KNOB-PANEL Knob Control Panel SV-MAG-236 Remote Magnetometer SV-XPNDR-261 Transponder SV-XPNDR-262 Transponder
1-2 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
* Not applicable to a SkyView SE system ** SV-AP-PANEL buttons not applicable to a SkyView SE system (trim control subsystem does function in a SkyView SE system.)
The following (optional) units have their own Installation and/or Operating manuals, also available at http://docs.dynonavionics.com:
Dynon Avionics AOA/Pitot Probes SV-INTERCOM-2S SV32, SV42, and SV52 (all variants) installation kits for specific aircraft
This guide deals with setting up installation-dependent Software options. Because you may not have purchased all of the components mentioned above, you need only read through the relevant sections of this guide
When a SkyView system is connected to products not manufactured or provided by Dynon Avionics (such as NAV radios and GPS receivers), it is often necessary to refer to those product’s technical / installation manuals to configure their settings and their wiring to be compatible with your SkyView system. While this guide provides some information about some popular products not manufactured by Dynon Avionics, the information provided in this guide is not comprehensive. Thus, for any third-party products that you intend to connect to your SkyView system, we recommend that the installer obtain the full technical / installation manuals available for reference.
If you are converting to a SkyView or SkyView SE system from an earlier Dynon Avionics D10/D100 series system, we have written the D10/D100 Series to SkyView Conversion Guide, which details the changes required to convert between the two product families. It is available as a downloadable PDF document at http://docs.dynonavionics.com.
Dynon Avionics products incorporate a variety of precise, sensitive electronics. SkyView products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts such as fuses. Units found to have been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon Avionics unit has been opened, it is not considered airworthy and must be serviced at the factory.
Dynon Avionics Product Registration
Please take a moment to register your Dynon Avionics SkyView Classic / SkyView SE / SkyView HDX system at http://register.dynonavionics.com. Registering your product with Dynon Avionics ensures that your contact information is up-to-date. This helps verify product ownership, can expedite warranty claims, and allows us to notify you in the event a service bulletin is published for your product. You can also optionally sign up to receive other Dynon Avionics news and product announcements. Dynon Avionics will not share your contact information with third parties or send you announcements without your explicit consent.
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 1-3
About this Guide
This guide the SkyView Classic / SkyView SE / SkyView HDX System Installation Guide (hereafter, “this guide”) contains information for the installation and initial / basic configuration of the SkyView Classic, SkyView SE, and SkyView HDX Systems. Separate guides the SkyView
Pilot’s User Guide, SkyView SE Pilot’s User Guide, and SkyView HDX Pilot’s User Guide explain the use, configuration, and flying the respective SkyView systems that are not considered part of the installation.
This guide is revised, at a minimum, several times per year, usually coinciding with the release of a new version of SkyView Software, or introduction of new SkyView-related products from Dynon Avionics or partner companies.
Printing This Guide
To reduce waste and confusion resulting from outdated information in print, Dynon Avionics no longer provides this guide in printed form. The latest, most up-to-date, most complete version of this guide (and all Dynon Avionics documentation, including the various Pilot’s User Guides) is always available at http://docs.dynonavionics.com. We recommend that you download the most recent version and print out sections as necessary for your build. If you prefer to print out the entire guide, rather than printing it out on a home printer (typically, with relatively expensive inkjet printing) we recommend that you have this take the PDF file of this guide to be printed at a large office supply retailer that provides printing services. The statement on the cover of this guide: Permission to print this manual is granted to third parties. should be sufficient permission to do so.
It is also handy to have the electronic version on your tablet computer as reference as you can perform keyword searches, and the electronic version includes figures and diagrams that contain important color information. We have found that the free “iBooks” application that can be installed on Apple iPad tablet computers can import this guide’s PDF file for easy reference.
In the electronic (.PDF) version of this guide, page and section references in the Table of Contents and elsewhere act as hyperlinks taking you to the relevant location in the guide.
This icon denotes information that merits special attention.
This icon denotes a helpful installation tip.
If your aircraft was built using components not provided by Dynon Avionics (such as harnesses), some information provided in this guide may not be applicable. For example, some manufacturers prefer to build harnesses that do not adhere to the wire color codes of harnesses manufactured by Dynon Avionics. Some configuration menus described in this guide may not be accessible as a manufacturer may have restricted access to certain menus.
1-4 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Semantics of “Software” vs “Software”
In a typical personal computer, the Software” is the (seldom-changed) low-level software that boots up the computer and then proceeds to loads the “operating system (OS)” (typically Windows, or Mac OS, or Linux), which then loads the “application software (apps)”. In a SkyView system, because the “Software”, “OS”, and “apps” functions are embedded into a single unit with a single function, the “Software”, “OS”, and “software” distinctions aren’t
relevant to the builder or pilot. So, for clarity, in this guide, for clarity, the term “Software” is used (most of the time) as an encompassing term for “Software”, “OS”, and “app” functions.
SkyView Classic, SkyView Touch, SkyView SE, and SkyView HDX
SkyView SE is a streamlined, simplified edition of SkyView. Although the two editions are within the same family of products, the two editions cannot interoperate. For example, you cannot install a SkyView SE display (SV-D600 or SV-D900) into an existing SkyView (non-SE) system and vice versa. Most notably, SkyView SE does not support the MAP function of SkyView, Synthetic Vision (SynVis) or the Expert AP mode. The following SkyView features / units are not supported in SkyView SE:
Alternative languages (US English only) Charts (not supplied by Dynon Avionics) SV-ADSB-470 SV-AP-PANEL (buttons; Trim Control Subsystem is supported in SkyView SE) SV-ARINC-429 SV-D1000T (SkyView Touch) SV-EMS-220 (a second unit, for supporting dual engines) Vertical Power VP-X (not supplied by Dynon Avionics) Video Input Adapter Wi-Fi Adapter
SkyView HDX, the newest product in the SkyView family, is a successor to SkyView Classic, including SkyView Touch. Just as many features of SkyView Classic are not supported in SkyView SE, many features in SkyView HDX are not supported in the older SkyView Classic. The “feature progression” of the three products are:
SkyView SE → SkyView Classic, Touch → SkyView HDX
The installation details for all three products families are largely the same, thus this manual (originally written for SkyView [now SkyView Classic and Touch]) has been updated to incorporate the details of SkyView SE and SkyView HDX installation. The individual sections are noted if that product is not supported in SkyView SE or SkyView Classic.
Special Light Sport Aircraft (S-LSA) Considerations with SkyView
Modifications / configuration changes to S-SLA aircraft generally require a Letter of Authorization (LOA) from the aircraft manufacturer or authorized dealer. This includes modifications as minor as adding a new SkyView component, such as a panel unit, or, in some
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 1-5
cases, updating SkyView’s Software. If you have an S-LSA, it is recommended that you consult your aircraft’s Pilot Operating Handbook and aircraft’s Maintenance Manual. These will guide you in what modifications, including whether Software updates, are permitted. Please consult your authorized dealer, or your manufacturer, if you have questions.
Some aircraft manufacturers, notably Van’s Aircraft (the RV-12), and Flight Design, provide customized versions of SkyView Software in “packages”. Such customized packages provide Software updates and settings specific to those aircraft, and is available from the aircraft
manufacturer’s website (not Dynon Avionics). Some manufacturers choose to “lock” certain SkyView settings, including not being able to update a SkyView system using “generic” SkyView
Software. Such restrictions are at the discretion of the aircraft manufacturer, and Dynon Avionics cannot “override” such restrictions.
SkyView documentation, including this guide, generally does not address specific aircraft types, options, and specific SkyView configurations.
Generally, we recommend that you update your SkyView system to the latest available Software as released by Dynon Avionics several times per year, available at
http://downloads.dynonavionics.com. This revision of the SkyView System Installation Guide
includes features, functions, improvements, and new products coinciding with the Software version stated on the cover page. Updating your system Software ensures that you have access to the latest features, functions, improvements, and new products to make your SkyView system…
Go Fly!
Getting Started
This “getting started” section contains a minimal information that can be used to check out your SkyView system on the bench, or immediately after SkyView has been installed in the plane. This section is not a substitute for reading this entire guide, which provides instructions for wiring and configuring SkyView to the unique requirements of your particular airplane.
1. A SkyView display requires 10-30 VDC. You must connect BOTH of the (long) Red wires to
POWER and BOTH of the (long) black wires to Ground. Current for each display can be up to
3.5A @ 12V (add 1.5A if the SV-BAT-320 battery is connected and being charged), so use a big battery or power supply.
2. To power on or power off a SkyView display manually, push and hold Button #1 (the left-
most button).
3. Any devices connected to SkyView that do not receive their power from the SkyView
Network (such as SV-XPNDR-261/262 and Dynon Avionics Autopilot servos) must also be powered ON to communicate with SkyView.
4. To finish the installation of the SV-NET-10CP (10 foot) and longer cables, the diagram you
need to insert the pins is SkyView Network in Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections.
1-6 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
5. The EMS 37-pin Main Sensor Harness includes a 9-pin connector that is wired to pins 11
(Orange wire), 12 (Yellow wire), and 30 (Black wire). This connector is used for other Dynon Avionics products, but is not used in SkyView installations. Thus, the 9-pin connector should be removed to use these wires for connecting sensors to the SV-EMS-220. Remove the connector by cutting the three wires close to the 9-pin connector.
6. SkyView SETUP MENU is accessed by pushing and holding Buttons 7+8 together for 2-3
7. Setting the Tail Number is required for before you can configure your SkyView Network
(described below): SETUP > AIRCRAFT INFORMATION > TAIL NUMBER. If Tail Number has not yet been issued for your plane, set TAIL NUMBER to something other than DYNON AVIONICS. Note that for US planes, the leading N is a required part of the TAIL NUMBER. TAIL NUMBER should not include dashes (-) or spaces. Examples: Correct: N12AB Incorrect: N-12AB or N 12AB
8. SkyView displays and modules communicate over a common set of wires – the SkyView
Network that terminates at the D9 connectors on the back of your SkyView display(s). Getting all modules and displays “talking” on SkyView Network is done by going to SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > SKYVIEW NETWORK SETUP > CONFIGURE > (click right one more time). If a module is noted as “requires update”, press the UPDATE button. Otherwise, press the FINISH button. Note that you will not see any flight instruments or engine instruments before a network configuration is performed, even if the SV-ADAHRS-200/201 and SV-EMS­220/221 have been wired properly and are connected.
9. Devices that do not utilize SkyView Network are connected via RS-232 serial port
connections. Dynon Avionics devices that use RS-232 serial ports include the SV-ADSB-470, SV-GPS-250/2020, SV-XPNDR-261/262, and various third-party devices. As RS-232 serial devices are not part of the SkyView Network, they will not be seen on the list of devices seen as you configure SkyView Network above. Instead, configuring SkyView to communicate with SV-GPS-250/2020 and SV-XPNDR-261/262 is done via a more manual process in SETUP MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > SERIAL PORT SETUP.
10. If you have installed an SV-GPS-250/2020, its SERIAL IN FUNCTION must be set to POS 1.
11. After you’ve configured SkyView Network, have properly configured any serial devices, exit
SETUP MENU. Your SkyView display should now display EMS, PFD, and MAP (SkyView SE does not include MAP as a feature). Map will not display without a GPS fix (the airplane symbol on the Map page will also flash with “?” if it does not have a GPS fix.
12. Your SkyView System may require various updates such as system Software, databases, and
Sensor Definitions. See http://downloads.dynonavionics.com for more details on the updates available for SkyView. If you are a non-US customer, the display of aviation and obstacle data on your SkyView system requires a database purchase from Jeppesen or PocketFMS. Note that Software on each SkyView display must be updated individually.
13. Common issues for setting up SkyView engine monitoring:
a. The configuration of sensors installed on SkyView at the factory is generic; therefore
“Red X’s” on the EMS for various sensors are normal until sensor configuration for
your particular engine sensor configuration is complete.
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 1-7
b. The layout of which sensor “widgets” are shown on the screen, sizes, styles, etc. is
completely configurable: SETUP > EMS SETUP > SCREEN LAYOUT EDITOR
14. Common issues for setting up SV-XPNDR-261/262:
a. Ensure that there is a valid tail number set (see above) b. Ensure that a valid HEX CODE is set: SETUP > TRANSPONDER SETUP > TRANSPONDER
HEX CODE. A caution message – XPNDR HEX CODE NOT SET will appear if a transponder is configured in SkyView, but the HEX CODE is not set to a valid number.
c. Traffic will not be displayed unless you are in an area covered by an TIS radar site
(US only)
15. Common issues for setting up Dynon Avionics Autopilot
a. Servos must be powered ON b. Servos must be recognized on SkyView Network (above) c. AIRSPEED LIMITATIONS must be set (at least one must be actively adjusted from the
defaults) before the Autopilot can be configured: SETUP > PFD SETUP > AIRSPEED.
e. After AP SERVO CALIBRATION is successfully completed, AP status will now be
displayed on the SkyView display top bar.
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 2-1
2. System Planning
Installers should read and understand this section before proceeding with physical installation. SkyView equipment installed contrary to the requirements outlined in this section may not operate within specifications.
The purpose of this section is to familiarize you with important SkyView system information and concepts including the following:
SkyView units cannot / should not be mixed 9-pin D9F and D9M Connectors are SkyView Network (not RS-232 Serial) Operating specifications SkyView systems
When SkyView components are used together, they are referred to as a SkyView system. This section also explains what a SkyView system is and how to build one.
SkyView units cannot / should not be mixed
For planning your SkyView system, or upgrades, Dynon Avionics recommends planning / budgeting
for installing the same “family” of SkyView displays, not to “mix” displays from different SkyView
families. SkyView SE displays cannot interoperate in a SkyView system that includes SkyView Classic or
SkyView HDX displays. For example, if you plan to use a SkyView SE display, your SkyView system should only use SkyView SV-D600 or SkyView SV-900 displays.
SkyView HDX product line will eventually add features and products that are not compatible with SkyView Classic. Thus, Dynon Avionics does not recommend depending on mixing and match” SkyView Classic and SkyView HDX displays in the same SkyView system. A future version of SkyView Software will remove the ability to interoperate between SkyView Classic and SkyView HDX.
For planning your panel for the first time, or planning to upgrade displays, the displays should be “all SkyView Classic” or “all SkyView HDX” displays.
System Planning
2-2 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
9-pin D9F and D9M Connectors are SkyView Network (not RS-232 Serial)
SkyView displays and SkyView modules use D9M connectors for “SkyView Network” connections between SkyView displays and SkyView modules1,2. This
initially causes some confusion because the same type of connector is used for “RS-232 serial” on PCs and other (non-SkyView) devices such as GPS units. The 9-pin SkyView Network connectors on the back of a SkyView display is shown in Figure 1 at right.
The specific use of the various pins within the 9-pin SkyView Network connectors in a SkyView system is unique to SkyView. It is important to
understand that in SkyView, the 9-pin connectors are not electrically compatible with RS-232 serial connections found on PCs and other devices. One critical difference is that in a SkyView Network 9-pin D9F or D9M connector, 3 of the 9 pins provide power, which, if connected to a RS-232 serial device, could damage it, or damage the SkyView display. For example, if
you wish to connect a GPS unit that has an RS-232 output, it will not work… and may damage SkyView or the GPS to connect the two units directly by plugging in the GPS’ 9-pin connector the 9-pin connectors on the SkyView display.
RS-232 serial devices can be connected to a SkyView system; this is done via specific pins / wires of the SV-HARNESS-D37 37-pin connector / harness on the SkyView display. Details of connecting RS-232 serial devices are explained in SkyView Display Installation and Configuration, RS-232 Serial Devices, and Appendix C: Wiring and Electrical Connections, SkyView Display D37 Pinout (SV-HARNESS-D37).
SkyView Network is a “Party Line”
SkyView Network communicates between the displays and modules as a modern, multi-drop (serial BUS) network, similar to an old-fashioned telephone party line. A more modern example of a multi­drop serial network is Ethernet. SkyView Network wiring is electrically common between all SkyView Network devices. In SkyView Network each Pin 1 of the 9-pin SkyView Network connectors and cables are electrically connected to every SkyView Network 9-pin connector Pin 1.
The “physical” method of each connection doesn’t matter – electrical connections can be made with splitters, hubs, multiple SkyView Network connectors on the back of a device (both connectors are electrically common), etc. All SkyView Network devices “listen” on the SkyView Network. A SkyView display manages (controls) all communications over SkyView Network. For example, if there are two SV32 servos installed, the SkyView display “talks” to only one SV32 at a time. The SkyView display distinguishes between the two SV32s by their unique (electronic) Serial Number.
The SV-ADSB-470 ADS-B receiver uses a D9F connector that is not compatible with SkyView Network; see the
section SV-ADSB-470 Installation and Configuration for details.
Dynon Avionics AP servos (wired with the SV-NET-SERVO kit) use a D9F and D9M connectors (at the servo) that is not compatible with SkyView Network; see the section AP Servo Installation, Configuration, and Calibration for details.
Figure 1
SkyView Display
SkyView Network
System Planning
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 2-3
If there is more than one SkyView display, for controlling SkyView Network communications, one
display is automatically elected as “Master”, and the other display has a “Standby” role. If the “Master” display fails, the “Standby” display automatically becomes “Master” (failover) and begins
managing SkyView Network communications.
External Switches and Indicators
Some SkyView units provide inputs or outputs for switches and indicators that are installed external to the SkyView unit. Some of these are required, others provide optional functionality. Appendix K: Switches, etc. External to SkyView Units provides a comprehensive listing of all external switches or indicators for reference in planning a SkyView system panel, stick grip, hat switches, etc.
SkyView Display Resolution
SkyView displays feature high resolution displays with non-reflective screens that are viewable in direct sunlight.
SkyView Display
800 x 480 pixels
1024 x 600 pixels
1280 x 800 pixels
Table 2 - SkyView Displays Resolution
SkyView System Maximum Number of Displays
A SkyView Classic system can include as many as three SkyView Classic and SkyView Touch displays in any combination of SV-D700s, SV-D1000s, and SV-D1000Ts.
A SkyView SE system can include as many as three SkyView SE displays in any combination of SV-D600s and SV-D900s.
A SkyView HDX system can include as many as three SkyView displays in any combination of SV­HDX800s and SV-HDX1100s.
System Planning
2-4 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Power Specifications
Table 3 contains SkyView displays and devices that are powered by SkyView displays. 5A circuit protection is recommended for SkyView displays in common configurations; 5A is the smallest circuit breaker that is commonly available in certified versions.
SkyView Displays: No SV-BAT-320 (see below) No SkyView Network modules (see below) No SV-GPS-250 No USB devices Display brightness at maximum
@ 12V DC
@ 24V DC
SV-D600 all S/N
SV-D700 S/N below 4000
SV-D700 S/N above 4000
SV-D900 all S/N
SV-D1000 S/N below 6000
SV-D1000 S/N above 6000
SV-D1000T all S/N
SV-HDX800 all S/N
SV-HDX1100 all S/N
Devices powered from SkyView Displays
These devices are directly connected to an individual SkyView display and are powered by the display. Add the
current consumption of these devices to the current consumption of the SkyView display they are connected to.
This will allow you to calculate the total current that each SkyView display requires.
SV-BAT-320 (while charging)
Video Adapter for SkyView (USB)
SkyView Wi-Fi Adapter (USB)
Devices powered via SkyView Network
These devices are connected to SkyView Network, which is powered by the SkyView display(s). If you have two
or three displays, the current requirements of these devices are shared equally between the displays. If you
have one display, add 100% of a SkyView Network device’s current to the display’s current requirement. If you
have two displays, add 50% of SkyView Network device’s current to each display’s current requirement. If you
have three displays, add 33% of SkyView Network device’s current to each display’s current requirement.
SV-AP-PANEL (not including trim motor loads)
SV-EMS-220 (maximum number of sensors)
Table 3 – Power Specifications for SkyView Displays, Units Powered by SkyView Displays
Example, a SV-D1000T @ 12V with: 1 – SV-BAT-320 (1.00A) 1 - SV-GPS-2020 (0.10A) 1 - SV-ADAHRS-200 (0.15A) 1 - SV-EMS-220 (0.11A) will require 3.76A when charging the battery, 2.76A when the battery is fully charged.
System Planning
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 2-5
Table 4 contains power specifications for SkyView units that are powered from aircraft power (not powered by SkyView Network). The circuit protection recommendations are suitable for most installations and assume that you are using Dynon Avionics harnesses and/or are following the wiring advice in this Installation Guide. It may be possible to use different sized circuit protection if the protective device has suitable load overhead for the device(s) connected to it. It is important that circuit protection devices be appropriately sized to protect the wiring connected to them. 5A circuit protection is recommend in most cases because that is the smallest circuit breaker that is commonly available in certified versions, and Dynon Avionics wiring harnesses specify wire of at least 22 AWG.
@ 12V DC
@ 24V DC
(Trim motor control section)
Actual current
dependent on the trim
motor chosen
Not Applicable
12V only
SV-COM-C25 - Receive
SV-COM-C25 – Transmit
SV-COM-X83 – Receive
SV-COM-X83 – Transmit
(Or add to another circuit)
Servos (All) – Not Engaged
SV32 (all variants)
Moving @ 100% torque
SV42 (all variants)
Moving @ 100% torque
SV52 (all variants)
Moving @ 100% torque
Heated AOA / Pitot Probe
@ Maximum Heat
Not Applicable
12V only
Serial to Gray Code Converter
(or add to another circuit)
* Same current @12V and @24V – does not incorporate a switching power supply.
Table 4 – Power Specifications for SkyView Units Powered by Aircraft Power
System Planning
2-6 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Major Unit Physical Specifications
Table 5 contains physical specifications of major units. Note that dimensions listed in this table are approximatesee the installation sections of each unit for installation drawings with precise dimensions.
For physical specifications of minor units such as sensors, see Appendix B: Specifications, Table 99 – SkyView Minor Equipment Weights.
2.47” W x 4.20” H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 107mm H x 101mm D)
2.00 lb. (0.90 kg)
2.47” W x 5.13” H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 130mm H x 101mm D)
3.00 lb. (1.40 kg)
2.47” W x 6.05” H x 3.98” D
(63mm W x 154mm H x 101mm D)
4.00 lb. (1.80 kg)
4.71 W x 1.22 H x 2.61 D
(120mm W x 31mm H x 66mm D)
0.50 lb. (0.20 kg)
7.00” W x 1.19” H x 4.63” D
(177.8mm W x 30.1mm H x 117.6 D)
0.80 lb. (0.36 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.30 lb. (0.15 kg)
4.75 W x 1.09 H x 2.61 D
(121mm W x 28mm H x 66mm D)
0.40 lb. (0.18 kg)
3.30 W x 2.10 H x 3.90 D
(84mm W x 53mm H x 99mm D)
0.80 lb. (0.40 kg)
7.34” x 2.38” x 1.51”
(186.6mm x 60.45mm x 38.23mm)
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.38 lb. (0.17 kg)
(w/mounting tray)
2.5 W x 1.9H x 6.3 D
(66mm W x 48mm H x 160mm D)
0.77 lb. (0.35 kg)
7.64 W x 5.51 H x 2.14 D
(194mm W x 140mm H x 54mm D)
2.40 lb. (1.10 kg)
(through S/N 8082)
10.32 W x 7.06 H x 2.14 D
(262mm W x 179mm H x 54mm D)
3.00 lb. (1.40 kg)
SV-D1000 (S/N 8083+)
10.32 W x 7.06 H x 2.33 D
(262mm W x 179mm H x 59mm D)
3.30 lb. (1.50 kg) SV-EMS-220/221
6.35 W x 1.09 H x 2.99 D
(161mm W x 28mm H x 76mm D)
0.63 lb. (0.29 kg)
2.19 W x 0.75 H x 3.44 D
(56mm W x 19mm H x 87mm D)
0.44 lb. (0.20 kg)
0.47 lb. (0.21 kg)
7.64” W 5.59” H x 3.21” D
(194mm W x 142mm H x 82mm D)
2.75 lb. (2.25 kg)
System Planning
SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA 2-7
10.31” W x 7.1” H x 3.1” D
(262mm W x 180mm x 79mm D)
3.35 lb. (1.52 kg)
3.53” x 1.80” x 1.27” D
(89.7mm x 45.7mm H x 32.4mm D)
0.40 lb. (0.18 kg)
4.71 W x 1.22 H x 2.61 D
(120mm W x 31mm H x 66mm D)
(not including cable - 18” (457mm)
0.46 lb. (0.21 kg)
(w/mounting tray)
2.5 W x 1.9H x 6.3 D
(66mm W x 48mm H x 160mm D)
0.77 lb. (0.35 kg)
Table 5 – SkyView System Component Physical Specifications
Temperature Specifications
Table 6 contains environmental specifications for major SkyView units.
Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
SV32 (all variants) SV42 (all variants) SV52 (all variants)
-22° F to 167° F
(-30° C to 75° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to +60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to +60° C)
-4° F to 140° F
(-20° C to 60 °C)
-4° F to 140° F
(-20° C to 60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-67° F to 185° F
(-55° C to 85° C)
-4° F to 158° F
(-20° C to 70° C)
SV-D600 SV-D700 SV-D900
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
SV-EMS-220 SV-EMS-221
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
System Planning
2-8 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision AA
Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-40° F to 140° F
-40° C to 60° C
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
-22° F to 140° F
(-30° C to 60° C)
-67° F to 185° F
(-55° C to 85° C)
-4° F to 158° F
(-20° C to 70° C)
Table 6 – SkyView System Component Environmental Specifications
General System Installation Tips
Aircraft construction involves a variety of processes that create debris that can damage Dynon Avionics components. Metalwork, in particular, will produce metallic shavings and dust that may damage or destroy the electronics in Dynon Avionics products if they are contaminated with this debris. Care should be taken to ensure that Dynon Avionics products are kept away from aircraft construction debris. Damage caused by the introduction of outside particulates into the interior of a Dynon Avionics unit will not be repaired under warranty.
Do not physically modify SkyView displays or SkyView modules in any way that is not specified in this manual. Damage caused to Dynon Avionics products due to physical modifications will not be repaired under warranty.
SkyView System Can Be On During Engine Start
All Dynon Avionics units in a SkyView system incorporate robust power protection that allows them to be powered on during engine start for full engine monitoring. SkyView displays require
a minimum of 10V, and during engine start, it’s common for the electrical system to
temporarily drop below 10V. If an SV-BAT-320 Backup Battery is not installed, SkyView may shut off / reboot. If you wish to monitor your engine prior to engine start, an SV-BAT-320 should be installed so that the SkyView display can switch to the SV-BAT-320 when its power inputs are not receiving at least 10V. The SkyView display will switch from SV-BAT-320 to aircraft power when its power inputs receive voltage above 10V.
Installing SkyView in an IFR-Equipped Aircraft
SkyView SE does not integrate with any IFR navigation sources, and excludes features and components commonly used in an aircraft equipped for IFR flight.
If you are equipping an aircraft that is capable of being flown in IFR/IMC conditions, Dynon Avionics makes the following recommendations:
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