Autopilot Servo Installation Guide
RV9 Roll
This product is not approved for installation in type certificated aircraft
Document 101046-004, Revision G
May, 2014
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Servo Mounting Instructions – RV-9 Roll Kit 1
101046-004 Rev G

RV7,8,9,10 Right Roll Bracket
RV7,8,9,10 Right Support Bracket
Aluminum Pushrod Tube - 3.0"
AN365-1032A Nylon Insert Locknut
AN970-3 Large Flat Washer
AN960-10 Small Flat Washer
MS35333-39 #10 Internal Star Washer
The RV-9 right wing roll servo mounting kit includes a right wing mounting bracket, right wing
support bracket, linkage attach plate, pushrod linkage, and most of the required fasteners to mount
the servo and properly link it to the aircraft control system. All Dynon-supplied parts are illustrated
in dark grey to distinguish them from existing aircraft hardware. The lower bell crank support
bracket must be removed to install the supplied servo mounting bracket. Fasteners used to secure
the existing brackets will be re-used to install the new Dynon brackets. It is up to the installer to
determine if these fasteners are suitable for re-use (these fasteners are not available from Dynon).
The brackets that will replace the existing aircraft brackets are made of 4130 steel and plated per
QQP416 CAD - Type II Class II Yellow. They have been designed to meet or exceed the original
brackets in strength and corrosion resistance. Install the Dynon-supplied lower servo mounting
bracket in place of the existing one, using the previously removed original fasteners.
With the bracket in place, install the 2 AN3H-3A bolts, MS35333-39 star washers, and AN960-10
flat washers to secure the servo to the bracket per the drawing, noting the orientation of the servo
output arm. All AN bolts supplied by Dynon have drilled heads for use with safety wire.
Install the support bracket on the other side of the servo using the same bolt stack-up. Verify the
wires on the side of the servo pass through the gap in the support bracket and are not pinched
Servo Mounting Instructions – RV-9 Roll Kit 2
101046-004 Rev G