Dynon Avionics RV-7 User Manual

Autopilot Servo Installation Guide
RV7, RV8, RV10 Roll
This product is not approved for installation in type certificated aircraft
Document 101046-003, Revision G
May, 2014
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Servo Mounting Instructions – RV-7/8/10 Roll Kit 1 101046-003 Rev G
Kit Contents
Dynon Part #
Part Description
Large Male Rod End
RV7,8,9,10 Right Roll Bracket
RV7,8,9,10 Right Support Bracket
Aluminum Pushrod Tube - 3.0"
AN315-4R Jam Nut
AN365-1032A Nylon Insert Locknut
AN970-3 Large Flat Washer
AN960-10 Small Flat Washer
MS35333-39 #10 Internal Star Washer
AN3H-3A Bolt - 3/8"
AN3H-10A Bolt - 1"
AN3H-17A Bolt - 1 7/8"
Aluminum Spacer - 0.875"
The RV-7/8/10 right wing roll servo mounting kit includes a right wing mounting bracket, right wing support bracket, pushrod linkage, and most of the required fasteners to mount the servo and properly link it to the aircraft control system. All Dynon-supplied parts are illustrated in dark grey to distinguish them from existing aircraft hardware. The lower bell crank support bracket must be removed to install the supplied servo mounting bracket. Fasteners used to secure the existing brackets will be re-used to install the new Dynon brackets. It is up to the installer to determine if these fasteners are suitable for re-use (not available from Dynon). With the mounting brackets loosened/removed it is an ideal time to drill the aileron bell crank bracket per the dimensions in the illustration.
The brackets that will replace the existing aircraft brackets are made of 4130 steel and plated per QQP416 CAD - Type II Class II Yellow. They have been designed to meet or exceed the original brackets in strength and corrosion resistance. Install the Dynon-supplied lower servo mounting bracket in place with the previously removed original fasteners and install the vertical bolt as it was in the original installation.
With the bracket in place, install the 2 AN3H-3A bolts, MS35333-39 star washers, and AN960-10 flat washers to secure the servo to the bracket per the drawing, noting the orientation of the servo output arm. All AN bolts supplied by Dynon have drilled heads for use with safety wire.
Servo Mounting Instructions – RV-7/8/10 Roll Kit 2 101046-003 Rev G
Neglecting to properly install and/or use Dynon autopilot hardware may result in failures which could cause loss of aircraft control resulting in aircraft damage, personal injury or death.
Install the support bracket to the other side of the servo using the same bolt stack-up. Secure it to the upper bell crank support bracket using the existing fastener. With the servo in place, torque all fasteners back to original installation specifications and add safety wire where needed.
With the servo installed, the linkage needs to be assembled. Refer to the illustration and follow proper rod end installation techniques. Screw at least half of the threads on each rod end into the push rod. To prevent the possibility of the servo arm going over-center, the servo arm must not travel more than a total of +/-60º from neutral throughout the control system's range of travel. The linkage should be installed as close to the Dynon recommendation as possible, as changes will affect geometry. Dynon suggests installing the linkage at the outer-most hole of the servo arm. Changing this location will affect servo torque output, servo arm travel, control surface resolution, and the amount of force required to shear the safety screw, and should only be changed if the installer has an understanding of these implications. See the diagram on the following page which illustrates the linear travel and available force for each mount point on standard-arm servos.
Thread both large rod ends with jam nuts into the supplied 3.0" tube. Standard mounting of the linkage to the servo arm will include the AN3H-10A bolt, AN970-3 large diameter flat washer (for capturing the rod end bearing), 2 AN960-10 flat washers on each side of the servo arm itself, and the AN365-1032A lock nut. The other end of the linkage will require the same type of stack-up, with the addition of the 0.875" spacer and longer AN3H-17A bolt to secure to the drilled aileron bell crank bracket.
The distance between the servo arm and the control system attachment point must allow for the angle between the servo arm and the push rod to be at approximately 90º when the controls are at neutral. Use the adjustability in the rod ends to achieve this, and then tighten the jam nuts to lock the rod ends in place. Installers should always keep in mind the range of motion of the servo. Total servo arm travel is limited, but verify the arm/linkage do not interfere with anything during the full motion of the control stick. The built in control stops of the aircraft will limit the servo arm travel when installed correctly. We recommend the use of the optional Range of Motion Limiting Bracket, supplied with the servo to eliminate the chance of the servo arm going over-center. This bracket should not be used as a normal stop; the aircraft's built-in stops should always be the primary range limit.
Your servo(s) and AP74/76 (if ordered) came with a CD containing the latest documentation for all Dynon products (also available at dynonavionics.com). Please read through that documentation to understand the wiring and configuration process for your Autopilot system. We also maintain a collaborative set of this documentation, which is often updated with new information by both Dynon and fellow builders. Visit wiki.dynonavionics.com to view and contribute to the latest version of these documents.
You can also visit forum.dynonavionics.com to discuss and share installation notes, pictures, and suggestions with other builders.
Servo Mounting Instructions – RV-7/8/10 Roll Kit 3 101046-003 Rev G
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