External Magnetometer EDC-D10 Installation and Calibration
Dynon Avionics
August 28, 2003
The Dynon Avionics external magnetometer EDC-D10 must be mounted according to the
following instructions for it to function correctly. All mounting hardware needs to be
non-ferrous material such as aluminum, plastic, or brass. Many stainless steel screws are
alloys with some ferrous material in them. If the item is attracted to a magnet, it should
not be used in the installation. The EDC-D10 needs to be mounted in a location as free
from magnetic interference as possible. This means away from any ferrous nuts, bolts,
and screws, aircraft tubing, and wires carrying any appreciable current such as strobe
light wiring.
The EDC-D10 must be mounted such that its orientation is as closely aligned with the
EFIS-D10 as possible. It should be mounted with the long axes parallel to the wings, the
electrical connector facing forward (towards the nose of the airplane), and the mounting
tabs on the bottom. The bracket used to hold the EDC-D10 must account for all
differences in angles between the EFIS-D10 and the EDC-D10. This includes pitch, roll,
and yaw. We recommend you use an electronic level that reads to 1/10th of a degree to
make sure the EDC-D10 is aligned with the EFIS-D10 in pitch and roll to better than
2/10th of a degree. Wiring instructions are included in the EFIS-D10 Installation Guide
on page 10.
Wiring Verification
Correct wiring installation can be easily verified once completed. Power on the EFISD10 with the EDC-D10 connected to it. Observe the displayed heading and then hold
one of the earpieces of a headset near the front of the EFIS-D10. If the EDC-D10 is
correctly wired, you should see no change in the displayed heading (more than 5 degrees)
when the headset earpiece is near the EFIS-D10. If you see a substantial change in
heading, there is a communication problem between the EFIS-D10 and the EDC-D10.
The procedure for in-plane calibration of the EDC-D10 is different than described in the
EFIS-D10 Installation Guide. It involves pointing the aircraft in four directions, taking
data at each location using a laptop connected to the EFIS-D10, and having the laptop
calculate the calibration constants and upload them to the EFIS-D10.
To perform the calibration, you will need the following:
1) EFIS-D10 and EDC-D10 installed in aircraft with PC connection to the EFIS-D10
2) Laptop with the latest version of the EFIS Support Program installed (to input the
magnetic dip angle into the EFIS.)
3) Magnetic Dip angle known. Refer to the EFIS-D10 Installation Guide or the
EFIS Support Program help files for information about determining the magnetic
dip angle and loading it into the EFIS-D10.
EDC-D10 Installation and Calibration 1

4) The EDC Calibration Program downloaded from our web site and loaded on the
5) An accurate method of aligning the airplane with North, East, South, and West.
We have used a compass rose at the airport for this.
6) Appropriate cables to connect the laptop to the EFIS.
Once you have the installation completed and verified, a laptop connected to the EFISD10 with the EDC Calibration program, and a place to perform the calibration, perform
the following steps:
1) Turn on the EFIS-D10 and allow it to warm up for at least 15 minutes before
performing the calibration.
2) Start the EDC Calibration Program on the laptop and verify data is being
displayed in the window of the program. If no data is being displayed, check if
the data is available on one of the other available COMM ports using the pull
down window in the EDC Calibration Program window. If no data is available on
any of the COMM ports, check your cabling to make sure it is correct.
3) Align the airplane pointing North as closely as possible.
4) On the EFIS-D10, navigate the menus to SETUP->MAGCAL. When you press
the MAGCAL button, you should see the data length change in the window and
the message “Collecting data for NORTH” will appear. A counter will indicate
the data is being stored and after about 15 seconds, a second message “Finished
taking data this position” will appear.
5) Align the airplane pointing East as closely as possible.
6) On the EFIS-D10 press the left most button labeled GNDNRT. The EDC
Calibration Program window will display “Collecting data for EAST.” After
about 15 seconds, the message “Finished taking data this position” will appear.
7) Align the airplane pointing South as closely as possible.
8) On the EFIS-D10 press the 2nd from the left button labeled AIRRGT. The EDC
Calibration Program window will display “Collecting data for SOUTH.” After
about 15 seconds, the message “Finished taking data this position” will appear.
9) Align the airplane pointing West as closely as possible.
10) On the EFIS-D10 press the 3rd from the left button labeled AIRLFT. The EDC
Calibration Program window will display “Collecting data for WEST.” After
about 15 seconds, the message “Finished taking data this position” will appear.
11) Press the EFIS-D10 button labeled END. This will cause the EDC Calibration
Program on the laptop to calculate the calibration constants and upload them into
the EFIS-D10. The program will also display the average error. This value can
be rounded to the nearest integer and used to adjust the magnetic heading in the
EFIS. To do this, navigate the EFIS-D10 menu structure to SETUP->MAGADJ.
Use the up/down arrows to enter in the suggested magnetic adjustment value.
EDC-D10 Installation and Calibration 2