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– Software downloads.
– Support resources.
continuously-updated online documentation contributed by Dynon employees and customers.
– Dynon Avionics’ Internet forum where Dynon customers can interact and
receive Dynon technical support outside of telephone support hours. A key feature of the forum is that it
allows the exchange of diagrams, photos, and other types of files.
– Dynon’s blog where you can find new and interesting Dynon-related content.
2003-2010 Dynon Avionics, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated or stored in
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download a single copy of this manual and of any revision to this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed for
personal use, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual or revision must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and
provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Dynon Avionics reserves the right to change or improve its products and to
make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Visit the Dynon Avionics website
) for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Dynon Avionics
Limited Warranty
Dynon Avionics warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for three years from date of shipment. Dynon
Avionics will, at its sole option, repair or replace any components that fail in normal use. Such repairs or replacement will be made at no charge
to the customer for parts or labor. The customer is, however, responsible for any transportation cost. This warranty does not cover failures due to
abuse, misuse, accident, improper installation or unauthorized alteration or repairs.
Dynon Avionics retains the exclusive right to repair or replace the instrument or firmware or offer a full refund of the purchase price at its sole
ese instruments are not intended for use in type certificated aircraft at this time. Dynon Avionics makes no claim as to the suitability of its
products in connection with FAR 91.205.
Dynon Avionics’ products incorporate a variety of precise, calibrated electronics. Except for replacing the optional internal backup battery in
EFIS-based products per the installation guide, our products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts. Units that have been found to have
been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon Avionics unit is opened up, it will require calibration
and verification at our Woodinville, WA offices before it can be considered airworthy.
About this Guide........................................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Menu Descriptions..................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Power Requirements.................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
25-Pin Male EMS Harness ........................................................................................................................................ 2-9
3. 3-1 Transducer Installation
Tools and Equipment Required ................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Probes................................................................................................................... 3-2
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Probes ............................................................................................................... 3-3
Oil Temperature Sensor............................................................................................................................................. 3-7
General Purpose Inputs.............................................................................................................................................3-13
General Purpose Thermocouple ...............................................................................................................................3-19
4. 4-1 Instrument Installation
Selecting a Remote Compass Module Location ........................................................................................................ 4-1
EDC-D10A Communication Cable ........................................................................................................................... 4-2
Power Inputs.............................................................................................................................................................. 4-3
Serial Communication Cables ................................................................................................................................... 4-4
Dynon Smart Avionics Bus (DSAB) Wiring............................................................................................................4-11
Panel Location and Mounting...................................................................................................................................4-13
Setting Zero Pitch (In flight)...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Configure Airspeed Color Thresholds....................................................................................................................... 5-4
6. 6-1 EMS Configuration
Full-Page Setup Menu Overview............................................................................................................................... 6-1
Alarm and Color Threshold Configuration................................................................................................................ 6-2
Global Parameters Setup ........................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Engine Type Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Trim Calibration ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-6
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) .............................................................................................................................6-10
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT)..........................................................................................................................6-11
Voltage .....................................................................................................................................................................6-15
General Purpose Inputs.............................................................................................................................................6-16
General Purpose Thermocouple ...............................................................................................................................6-19
Example Networks .................................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Network Status .......................................................................................................................................................... 7-6
8. 8-1 Autopilot Installation and Configuration
Additional Information and Updates ......................................................................................................................... 8-1
Firmware Upgrades Required For AP Functionality ................................................................................................8-13
AP Servo Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................8-14
This manual provides information about the physical, electrical, and plumbing installation of the
FlightDEK-D180, EDC-D10A, optional AOA pitot probe, and all engine sensors purchased from
Dynon Avionics. Additionally, this guide deals with setting up the installation-dependant
firmware options. Because you may not have purchased all the components, you need only read
through the relevant sections of this guide. Information about the operation of this instrument
can be found in the FlightDEK-D180 Pilot’s User Guide.
The EFIS component of the FlightDEK-D180 uses solid-state sensor technology to give an
accurate and easy-to-understand display. To ensure accuracy in its readings, it is very important
that you install the instrument correctly and perform the specified calibration steps. This
installation guide helps you through that process.
OEM Installations
If your FlightDEK-D180 is installed by an OEM distributor, you may find that you are unable to
access some menus and settings. Some Dynon distributors customize various areas of the
FlightDEK-D180 firmware to maintain a consistent pilot experience and minimize integration
issues across a large number of installations. Currently, OEMs can customize access levels to the
following settings on Dynon systems: EMS GLOBAL setup menu, EMS SENSOR setup menu,
fuel calibration, trim calibration, flaps calibration, GPS/NAV setup menu, screen configurations,
data logging, and checklists/data panels. OEM distributors have the option of customizing some
or all of these areas. Please contact your aircraft’s manufacturer if you have any questions about
how your unit has been customized.
Dynon Avionics’ products incorporate a variety of precise, calibrated electronics. Except for
replacing the optional internal backup battery in EFIS-based products per the installation guide,
our products do not contain any field/user-serviceable parts. Units that have been found to have
been taken apart may not be eligible for repair under warranty. Additionally, once a Dynon
Avionics unit is opened up, it will require calibration and verification at our Woodinville, WA
offices before it can be considered airworthy.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 1-1
About this Guide
In the electronic (.PDF) version of this manual, page and section references in the Table of
Contents and elsewhere act as hyperlinks taking you to the relevant location in the manual. The
latest version of this manual is available on the Dynon Avionics website at
The following icons are used in this guide:
Any text following this icon describes functionality available only with the HS34 HSI
Expansion Module connected to your system.
Any text following this icon describes functionality available only with the AP74
Autopilot Interface Module connected to your system.
Any text following this icon describes functionality that is possible when multiple Dynon
Avionics products are networked together via the Dynon Smart Avionics Bus (DSAB).
Any text following this icon refers to a setting or situation which merits particularly close
Menu Descriptions
Throughout this guide, the “>“ character is used to indicate entering a deeper level of the menu
system. For example, “EFIS > INFO > LEFT” indicates entering the EFIS menu, pressing
MORE, then pressing INFO, and then pressing LEFT to enter the left info item menu. Note that
the MORE button is not shown in the sequence, since pressing MORE reveals more options in
the same level of the menu system.
1-2 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Please follow these instructions explicitly as improper wiring can result in permanent damage to
your instrument and/or the accompanying sensors.
All electrical power and EFIS-specific lines interface with the FlightDEK-D180 via the female
25-pin D-sub connector on the back of the instrument. All EMS-related sensor inputs enter the
FlightDEK-D180 via the male 37-pin and female 25-pin D-sub connectors on the back of the
instrument. Ensure that the unit powers on and that all indicators display expected values before
completing the final physical assembly.
Recommended Wiring Practices
For all electrical connections, use correct wiring techniques, taking care to properly
insulate any exposed wire. A short circuit between any of the wires may cause damage to
the FlightDEK-D180 and/or your aircraft. Make all connections to your harness before
plugging it into any of the components of the system. Do not make connections while
power is applied at any point in the system.
Dynon Avionics sells wiring harnesses for all connections to the FlightDEK-D180. The
harnesses are made up of 22 AWG wire and – with the exception of the thermocouple harnesses
– meet Mil Standard MIL-W-22759/16 (Tefzel insulation). If you have opted not to purchase
these harnesses, please refer to the provided wiring diagrams for construction information. We
recommend that all wire you use also meets Mil Standard MIL-W-22759/16; all wire supplied by
Dynon Avionics (with the exception of thermocouple wire, which uses FEP insulation) meets
this specification.
When using any pre-manufactured harness, verify that each pin has continuity with the expected
wire on the wiring diagram. This test can be easily done with a multimeter. When verifying
harnesses, use the wiring charts and diagrams in this guide as your ultimate authority on pin
function (for any harness) and wire color (for harnesses purchased from Dynon Avionics).
Route all wiring through the engine compartment such that there are no spots where it could
chafe or break. Use appropriate strain relief at all junctions between wires and connectors. We
recommend that you secure all wires at regular intervals along wiring runs to accommodate
vibration effects.
In the sections below, many connections have an
associated legend, as shown at right. All connections on
the EMS male 25-pin harness route to thermocouples and
are color-coded to correspond to the thermocouple
coloring. All connections on the EFIS female 25-pin harness are described in the 25-Pin Female
EFIS Harness section on page 2-4.
Pin Color Function
# Color function
Power Requirements
22 AWG wire is normally sufficient for the power supply and ground lines, but we recommend
that you consult a wire sizing chart and determine the size required for the wire routing in your
particular aircraft. Ensure that the power lines include a circuit breaker or an appropriately sized
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 2-1
Wiring Overview
fuse for the wire you select. Power is fed to the FlightDEK-D180 via pins in the female D-25
connector as shown on the 25-Pin Female EFIS Harness diagram on page 2-4.
The FlightDEK-D180 system-wide power requirement is 14 watts typical and 19 watts
maximum. On a 12-volt system, this translates to about 1.5 amps of maximum current draw. On
a 24-volt system, this translates to about 0.8 amps maximum current draw. Normally, a 3-amp
circuit breaker or fuse is sufficient.
Many of the engine sensors require a connection to a
shared electrical ground with the FlightDEK-D180. There
are many places on an aircraft where you could connect
these sensors. However, the ideal location to ground these
sensors is near the FlightDEK-D180 to minimize voltage
differences between the sensor and instrument grounds.
Some sensors (e.g., oil pressure and oil temperature)
connect to ground via their cases’ contact with the engine
or aircraft body. There must be a solid connection between
this “case ground” and the FlightDEK-D180 ground. The oil temperature sensor is very
susceptible to voltage differences between the engine case and the negative terminal of the
battery. Ensure that solid, thick electrical connections exist between the engine and battery
ground. Other sensors (e.g., fuel pressure) do not have a grounded case and have two leads
instead. One lead must be connected to ground, the other to the sensing input of the FlightDEKD180. The FlightDEK-D180 has 3 pins on the 37-pin harness which may be used for connecting
such sensors to ground. More than one sensor’s ground may be connected to any of these three
grounds using a splice.
The case of the FlightDEK-D180 is connected to its supply ground. If your panel is connected to
aircraft ground, the connection between the instrument’s case and the panel dramatically helps
minimize voltage differences between the instrument and sensor grounds. If your panel is not
metal, or is otherwise isolated from engine ground, connect a 14 AWG or larger wire to the
instrument case. The most convenient place to do this is at the back of the mounting tray.
Additionally, connect any unused EMS ground leads to a convenient ground. Keep all ground
leads as short as possible.
5 Black Ground
16 Black Ground
17 Black Ground
Color Function
Because of the current drawn by the FlightDEK-D180, even very small resistances between
battery ground and instrument ground can cause voltage differences which adversely affect
engine sensor readings. An easy way to test the quality of the instrument’s ground is to measure
voltage between the ground pin at the FlightDEK-D180 and the ground lead at your aircraft’s
battery. With the FlightDEK-D180 powered on, connect one lead of your voltmeter to a free
ground lead coming from the FlightDEK-D180. Connect the other lead of your voltmeter to the
ground terminal of your battery. The voltage between these two points should measure very
close to 0 mV (within 5 mV). If it does not, you must improve the ground connection between
the ground of your battery and that of your avionics bus.
2-2 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Wiring Overview
+5V Excitation
Some of the sensors require either a direct connection, or
connection via a resistor, to the +5V excitation circuit. We
recommend that you allow for more than one splice into
this line.
18 White/red
Color Function
Thermocouple Harness Preparation
Refer to the 25-Pin Male EMS Harness section on page 2-9 during this procedure. Strip 1” of
brown outer insulation off each thermocouple wire pair on the supplied 25-pin thermocouple
harness. Strip ¼” of insulation from each of the thermocouple wires inside. Crimp the supplied
male Fastons onto each wire on the thermocouple harness. These will later be inserted into the
female Fastons on each thermocouple.
Do not connect the Fastons on the harness with those on the thermocouples until you have routed
the wires and mounted the thermocouples at the desired location.
The thermocouple wires can be cut to a desired length if your application requires. If you need to
extend the length of the thermocouple, you must use the correct type (J or K) thermocouple wire
to accomplish this. It is acceptable to use non-thermocouple fasteners to join two pieces of
thermocouple pair wire, provided the junction does not extend very far or have large temperature
differences across it. Please contact Dynon Avionics to order extension wire.
Harness Mating
The following diagram shows the 3 electrical connectors on the back of the FlightDEK-D180.
The two horizontal connectors are used for the EMS portion of the product; the vertical
connector is used for the EFIS portion. The main EMS harness (for all connections except EGT
& CHT thermocouples) should terminate in a 37-pin female D-sub connector. The EGT/CHT
thermocouple harness should terminate in a 25-pin male D-sub connector. The EFIS harness
(also used to provide power to the instrument) should terminate in a 25-pin female D-sub
connector. The following pages provide wiring diagrams and details for each of these harnesses.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 2-3
25-Pin Female EFIS Harness
Below is the wiring diagram of the EFIS 25-pin female harness. If you purchased your harness
from Dynon Avionics, it is color coded according to the chart on the following page. Unless
noted otherwise, all wires are 3 feet long on the Dynon-provided harness.
2-4 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
The pin assignments for the female 25-pin harness are repeated below. Note that the pin numbers are labeled on the face of both the female and male connector. Each connection on the harness
supplied by Dynon is color-coded. These colors are listed in the following chart.
1 Red Master Power (10-30 volts) Page 4-2
2 Yellow Keep Alive Power (10-30 volts, always on) Page 4-2
3 Black Master Ground Page 4-2
4 Green DSAB-A Page 4-11
5 Blue DSAB-B Page 4-11
6 N/A No Connect
7 N/A No Connect
8 N/A No Connect
9 Black (bundled) PC Serial Ground – EFIS logging only Page 4-5
10 Orange (bundled)
14 N/A No Connect
15 N/A External Backup Power Page 4-2
16 Black Ground
17 N/A No Connect
18 Green Audio Alert Out Page 4-10
19 N/A No Connect
20 N/A No Connect
22 Yellow (Bundled)
24 White EDC-D10A GND Page 4-2
25 N/A No Connect
Dynon Harness
Wire Color
White/Orange (Red
on some harnesses)
White/Blue (Black
on some harnesses)
Blue/White (black
on some harnesses)
White (Bundled in
Encoder cable)
White/Green (Green
on some harnesses)
Function Details
FlightDEK-D180 Transmit / PC Serial
Receive (RS-232) – EFIS logging only
EDC-D10A Data B
EDC-D10A Power (12V)
Serial Encoder Transmit (RS-232)
Serial Encoder Ground
FlightDEK-D180 Receive / PC Serial
Transmit (RS-232) – EFIS logging
EDC-D10A Data A
Page 4-4
Page 4-2
Page 4-2
Page 9-32
Page 9-32
Page 4-5
Page 4-2
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 2-5
Wiring Overview
The following block diagram depicts the basic layout of the EFIS DB25 electrical connections
and is for reference only. Read the specific instructions for each connection prior to installation.
The colors shown refer to the Dynon-supplied EFIS harness.
2-6 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Wiring Overview
37-Pin Female EMS Harness
Below is the wiring diagram of the EMS 37-pin female harness. If you purchased your harness
from Dynon Avionics, pins 1, 2, 34, 35, 36, and 37 have wires inserted, but are not used. You
may clip the wires or remove the pins as needed. Refer to the following page for detailed pin out
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 2-7
Wiring Overview
The pin assignments for the female 37-pin harness are repeated below. Note that the pin numbers are labeled on the face of both the female and male connector. Each connection on the harness
supplied by Dynon is color-coded. These colors are listed in the following chart.
DB37 harness
1 Red
2 Yellow
3 Black Ground Page 2-2
4 Purple/blue GP 1 (general purpose resistive) Page 3-13
5 Black Ground Page 2-2
6 White/yellow Oil pressure Page 3-6
7 White/brown Oil temperature Page 3-7
8 Brown Fuel pressure Page 3-7
9 Brown/blue Contact 1 Page 3-18
10 Brown/yellow Contact 2 Page 3-18
13 Black Ground (Fuel Flow) Page 3-9
14 Yellow Fuel flow input Page 3-9
15 Red Fuel flow power (12V) Page 3-9
16 Black Ground Page 2-2
17 Black Ground Page 2-2
18 White/red 5V excitation circuit Page 2-3
19 White/black Auxiliary Serial Receive (RS-232) Page 4-6
20 Orange/brown Fuel level 1 Page 3-11
21 Orange/blue Fuel level 2 Page 3-11
22 Purple/yellow GP 2 (General Purpose Resistive) Page 3-13
23 Purple/green GP 3 (General Purpose Resistive) Page 3-13
24 Orange/green Amps High Page 3-12
25 Orange/purple Amps Low Page 3-12
26 Green/red Manifold pressure Page 3-5
29 Yellow/green External warning light Page 4-10
30 Black PC Serial ground – EMS logging only Page 4-5
31 White/orange Intercom audio alert Page 4-10
32 White/green RPM left Page 3-4
33 White/blue RPM right Page 3-4
34 Blue
35 Green
36 Blue
37 Green
Dynon Harness
Wire color
Orange FlightDEK-D180 Transmit / PC Serial
Receive (RS-232) – EMS logging only
Yellow FlightDEK-D180 Receive / PC Serial
Transmit (RS-232) – EMS logging only
Not supplied
Not supplied
General purpose thermocouple (J or K-type) Page 3-19
General purpose thermocouple (J or K-type) Page 3-19
Function Details
Do not connect
Do not connect
Do not connect
Do not connect
Do not connect
Do not connect
Page 4-5
Page 4-5
2-8 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Wiring Overview
25-Pin Male EMS Harness
Below is the EMS 25-pin harness wiring diagram. The 4-cylinder harness only has EGTs 1
through 4 and CHTs 1 through 4 wired. The Rotax harness only has EGTs 1 and 2 wired, as the
EMS measures the Rotax-supplied resistive CHTs through its GP inputs. On the supplied
harness, each pair of wires is encased in brown insulation and labeled with corresponding
cylinder number. Inside the outer insulations, each wire in the pair has the color listed on the
diagram below. If you are making your own harness, utilize J & K type thermocouple wire as
indicated in the diagram.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 2-9
This section explains the steps required to install and connect all transducers supplied by Dynon
Avionics. Additionally, connection instructions are given for some transducers that Dynon
Avionics does not sell, like the tachometer, fuel level, flaps, trim, and contacts.
Tools and Equipment Required
The following list contains commonly used tools and equipment; however some of the tools or
equipment listed below may not apply to your installation.
o Available from www.bandcspecialty.com – (316) 283-8000 – part number RCT-1
Weather Pack crimp tool (common slip joint pliers will also work)
o Available from www.whiteproducts.com/tools.shtml
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Flathead screwdriver
¼” ID tubes, any necessary adapters, and clamps for routing manifold pressure to the
Drill and 1/8” bit
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-1
Transducer Installation
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) Probes
Correct placement of EGT probes on the exhaust manifold is critical to obtaining accurate
readings. Placement differs between engine types, and even specific models. Consult your specific engine’s manual for proper EGT locations.
For Rotax 912 engines, only two of the four cylinders are typically monitored for EGT. Unlike
the CHT probes which are mounted on diagonal cylinders, the EGT probes should be mounted
on the two rear cylinders’ exhaust manifolds. It is critical that the EGT probes be mounted to
parallel cylinders’ exhaust manifolds for proper temperature comparison.
Once you have determined the appropriate EGT locations for your engine, drill 1/8” diameter
holes at the specified positions in the exhaust manifold. Usually, this spot is 2 to 8 inches from
the cylinder. This spot should be on a straight portion of the exhaust manifold, as this provides a
better fit for the hose clamps. For best results, mount all probes the same distance from each
1. Make sure the hole is placed to ensure that the probe does not interfere with the cowl or
spark plug. Also, when making holes, keep in mind that the probe could inhibit the ability
to perform routine maintenance if placed incorrectly.
2. Place probe in exhaust manifold, and secure it by tightening the clamp with a flathead
screwdriver. Make sure the clamp is tight and provides a secure fit, but do not over-tighten
such that visible stress is put on the pipe.
Now, plug each thermocouple wire into its corresponding wire on the thermocouple harness.
Ensure that you match the wire color pairs on the harness to those on the thermocouple. All
thermocouple harnesses supplied by Dynon have each function (e.g., CHT1, EGT1) labeled on
each thermocouple pair.
A loose probe could allow exhaust to leak. This can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning
in the cabin and/or a potential fire. Have a knowledgeable mechanic inspect the
The probe can come lose during flight, and could potentially come in contact with
rotating engine parts or the propeller. We suggest a safety wire to keep the probe in place.
3-2 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Transducer Installation
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) Probes
Dynon Avionics sells and supports a variety of CHT probes. All thermocouple harnesses
supplied by Dynon have each function (e.g., CHT1, EGT1) labeled on each thermocouple pair.
Dynon Avionics sells bayonet style CHT probes (used in Lycoming and Continental engines).
With each probe we sell, a bayonet adapter is included. Your specific engine manual should
describe where to mount these bayonet adapters, but normally, there is a threaded hole (CHT
well) near the bottom of the cylinder close to the lower spark plug. Screw the bayonet adapter
into this hole. Screw the locking collar up or down the spring surrounding the probe such that the
tip of the probe is pressed against the bottom of the CHT well when the collar is attached to the
adapter. Insert the CHT probe into the well and lock the collar to the adapter. Now, plug each
thermocouple wire into its corresponding wire on the thermocouple harness. Ensure that you
match the wire color pairs on the harness to those on the thermocouples.
Rotax 912 engines use 2 resistive CHT probes that are included with the engine. These probes
are preinstalled, but you need to route the connections from them to the FlightDEK-D180. See
the CHT General Purpose Installation section on page 3-15 for information on making the
physical connection to the sensor.
Jabiru engines require a 12mm ring-terminal CHT probe for each cylinder. First, slide the
compression washer off the spark plug. Slide the 12mm ring-terminal probe onto the plug. Now,
slide the spark plug compression washer back onto the spark plug. Reinstall the spark plug into
the spark plug hole. Please refer to the documentation that came with your engine for more
information. Now, plug each thermocouple wire into its corresponding wire on the thermocouple
harness. Ensure that you match the wire color pairs on the harness to those on the thermocouples.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-3
Transducer Installation
Dynon Avionics does not sell a tachometer transducer.
Depending upon existing equipment and engine type,
you have a few options for connecting the tachometer
inputs on the FlightDEK-D180. See the relevant
subsections below for your particular method. You may
connect different types of signals to the two different RPM inputs (e.g., p-lead to RPM Left and a
12V transducer to RPM Right). Once you have connected the tachometer inputs according to
your engine and transducer type, you must set the appropriate pulses/revolution as described on
page 6-8.
If you have a standard tachometer transducer (usually with a 12V output), you may simply
connect its output to the RPM Left input on the FlightDEK-D180. Ensure that you follow all
recommendations given in the manual for your individual tachometer transducer.
If you do not have a standard
tachometer pickoff, you must
follow the instructions below. The
magneto P-lead has high voltages
which can very easily damage the
FlightDEK-D180 if not dealt with
Pin Color Function
32 White/green RPM Left
33 White/blue RPM Right
Use the two included 30kΩ
resistors (color bands: orange,
black, brown, red, brown; connect
in either direction) to attach left
and right P-leads to the RPM Left
and RPM Right inputs on the FlightDEK-D180. Connect them as shown in the following
diagram. It is important to connect each resistor as close as possible to the spot where you tap
into the P-lead. This minimizes the length of cable carrying high voltage spikes. 6 cylinder
Lycoming engines sometimes need more inline resistance to prevent false readings by the
If, after setting the PULS/REV R and L values as described on page 6-8, you see higher
than expected RPM or unstable values, you may need to increase the series resistance to
as high as 150kΩ.
The Rotax 912 engines have a 5th trigger coil for the purposes of electrically monitoring rev
counts. This trigger coil outputs to a two-wire harness. Connect either of the two wires to
ground; connect the other to one of the included 30kΩ resistors (color bands: orange, black,
3-4 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Transducer Installation
brown, red, brown; connect in either direction). Connect the other end of the resistor to the RPM
Left input on the FlightDEK-D180.
The most common tachometer pickoff location for Jabiru 2200 and 3300 engines is one of the
alternator wires. Splice a wire off one of the two white alternator wires, connect it through a 1amp fuse to the RPM Left input on the FlightDEK-D180.
The FlightDEK-D180 can read frequency-based RPM signals, provided the peak voltage is at
least 10 volts above ground. If the peak voltage exceeds 50 volts, use the included 30kΩ resistors
as described in the P-lead Pickoff section above. Like the other methods above, you must know
the number of pulses per revolution for your RPM transducer.
Manifold Pressure Sensor
The manifold pressure sensor is an integral
assembly consisting of three pins, a rubber
seal, and a connector housing. Strip 3/16”
18 C White/red
insulation off the ends of the three wires
listed at right. Slide the three rubber seals
26 B Green/red
onto the three wires and the pins onto the
ends of the wires. Crimp the 3 provided pins
17 A Black Ground
onto the ends of the wires, ensuring that the
long tabs that cradle the rubber seal wrap
around the seal (see picture at right for example). For more
details on preparing and crimping the Weather Pack pins, see
Pack Pin#
Color Function
Note that you will need access to the +5V excitation circuit for
other sensor installations, so make allowances for breaking out
the connection to other areas. Route the three wires to the
location where you would like to mount the manifold pressure
Figure 1 Connection diagram for
sensor with all black wires only
Plug the crimped pins into the
provided Weatherpack connector.
Now, mount the manifold pressure
sensor in a secure fashion using the
mounting holes on either side of the
The pressure port on the manifold
pressure sensor requires 1/4” inner
Figure 3: Detail view of properl
crimped pin.
Figure 2: Pin insertion
(rear) view of supplied
diameter tubing for a secure fit. You may need to use adapters to
convert down to smaller inner diameter tubing for your specific engine. We recommend that you
use pipe clamps at every transition point, including at the sensor itself.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-5
Transducer Installation
If you notice fluctuations on the manifold pressure reading on the FlightDEK-D180, you may
need to install a restrictor with a small hole inline between the sensor and the head where the
manifold pressure line is split off.
Oil Pressure Sensor
The FlightDEK-D180 supports several oil pressure sensor installations. The Dynon-supplied
sensor and the Rotax and Jabiru pre-installed sensors are the most common.
First, mount the oil pressure sensor to a fixed location
using an Adel clamp (see picture at lower right) or other
secure method. The oil pressure sensor must not be
installed directly to the engine due to potential vibration
problems. Dynon Avionics’ sensor is supplied with a
1/8” NPT pipe thread fitting. An adapter might be necessary
for some engines. Please see the manual supplied by the
engine’s manufacturer. You must use appropriate pipe fitting
adapters and ensure that the case of the sender has a connection to ground. This is critical for functionality.
Crimp a standard #8 ring terminal onto the white/yellow wire
from pin 6. Unscrew the stud cap from the threaded stud.
Place the ring terminal on the stud and secure the cap down
sandwiching the ring terminal.
Due to vibration issues, never connect the sensor
directly to the engine.
If you use Teflon tape or other seal, ensure the sensor
casing still maintains a good connection to ground.
Pin Color Function
6 White/yellow
1/8-27 NPT
0-150 PSI
If you are installing on a Jabiru or Rotax engine, your engine
comes with a pre-installed oil pressure sensor.
Prior to mid-2008, Rotax provided an oil pressure
sensor with 2 tabs for electrical connection. In mid2008, Rotax switched to a new type of oil pressure
sensor (Rotax P/N 956413) with an integrated 2-wire
cable. Connect this newer sensor according to the
wiring diagram at right. Connect the red wire of the
new sensor to EMS DB37 Pin 15 (12V). Connect the
white wire of the new sensor to EMS DB37 Pin 6.
Then, connect one end of a 200Ω resistor to pin 6,
and the other end to ground. The Jabiru and both types of Rotax oil pressure sensors are
compatible with the FlightDEK-D180. Select the correct sensor type as described in the Oil
Pressure Configuration section on page 6-9.
3-6 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Use an Adel clamp similar to the above to secure the pressure sensor
Transducer Installation
Oil Temperature Sensor
The oil temperature sensor needs to be installed
according to the directions of the engine
manufacturer. Dynon Avionics sells oil
temperature sensors with both 5/8-18 UNF
(Dynon P/N 100409-001) and 1/8-27 NPT
(Dynon P/N 100409-000) threads. Ensure that you have the
right sensor for your engine. Using a crush washer (not
provided) between the sensor and the engine case, tighten the
sensor according to your engine manufacturer’s
Route the wire from pin 7 on the 37-pin harness to where the
oil temperature sensor is mounted. When routing the wires,
make sure that they are secured, so they will not shift position
due to vibration. Strip ¼” of insulation off the end of the w
Crimp a #10 ring terminal onto the end of the wire, ensuri
that a good connection is made between the wire and the connector. Unscrew the nut from the
stud on the oil temperature sensor. Slip the ring terminal onto the stud and secure the nut over i
Pin Color Function
7 White/brown
1/8-27 NPT
5/8-18 UNF
As mentione
d in the Grounding section on page 2-2, the oil temperature sensor is very
susceptible to voltage differences between the engine case and the negative terminal of the
battery. Ensure that solid, thick, and short electrical connections exist between the engine an
battery ground.
Fuel Pressure Sensor
First, mount the fuel pressure se
using an Adel clamp or other secure method. The fuel
pressure sensor must not be installed directly to the
engine due to potential vibration problems. Next,
connect the fuel sensor to the engine using approp
hoses and fittings. Its pressure port has a 1/8-27 NPT pi
to connect to the pressure port on your engine. Locate the correct fuel pressure port for your
engine. This port must have a pressure fitting with a restrictor hole in it. This restrictor hole
ensures that, in the event of a sensor failure, fuel leakage rate is minimized, allowing time fo
emergency landing.
Carbureted engines
: Use the 0-30 PSI sensor
(Dynon P/N 100411-000). Crimp a standard ¼”
female Faston onto one of the ground wires (see
the Grounding section on page 2-2) coming from
the 37-pin harness. Crimp another ¼” fema
Faston onto the brown wire from pin 8. Push t
two Fastons onto the two terminals on the fuel
pressure sensor. Polarity is not important. If you
nsor to a fixed location
Pin Color Function
8 Brown
pe thread fitting; you may need adapters
1/8-27 NPT
0-30 PSI
1/8-27 NPT
0-80 PSI
r an
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-7
Transducer Installation
are converting from a GRT EIS system, you must disconnect the external resistor pull-up from
the fuel pressure output. This will make the sensor output equivalent to the sensor supplied by
Dynon Avionics.
Injected engines: Use the 0-80 PSI sensor (Dynon P/N 100411-001). Crimp a standard #8 ring
terminal onto the brown wire from pin 8. Unscrew the stud cap from the threaded stud. P
ring terminal on the stud and secure the cap down sandwiching the ring terminal. If the
connection between the sensor and your engine is non-metallic, you must connect the sensor c
to ground through other means. The best way to accomplish this is b
connected ring terminal between the sensor and the mating fitting.
y sandwiching a ground-
lace the
Due to vibration issues, never connect the sensor directly to engine. If you use Teflon tape or other seal, ensure the sensor casing still maintains a good
connection to ground.
3-8 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Transducer Installation
Fuel Flow Sensor
Dynon Avionics supplies two different fuel flow
When placing either sensor, ensure that the three wire leads
are pointed straight up. A filter should be placed upstream from the sensor to screen out debris.
Placement of the fuel flow sender relative to other items in the fuel system like fuel pumps is left
to the builder. The manufacturer of the fuel flow sender does not make strong recommendations
on this point. It is not uncommon, though, to place the sender downstream of any auxiliary
electric boost pumps but upstream of the engine driven fuel pump. For best measuring
performance, the fuel should travel uphill by one to two inches after leaving the fuel flow sender.
Pin Color Function
13 Black Ground
Yellow (or
15 Red
Fuel flow
Fuel flow
Due to vibration issues, never connect the sensor directly to engine. Do NOT use Teflon tape when screwing in any of the fittings.
The FloScan fuel flow transducer has ¼” female NPT threads
at both the inlet and outlet. Only use ¼” NPT fittings to match.
When installing, do not screw fittings more than two full turns
past hand tightened. The torque should not exceed 180 inchlbs.
¼” NPT Female
Make note of the numbers on the tag attached to the fuel
flow sensor. You will need it in the Fuel Flow Configuration
section on page 6-14.
The Electronics International “Red Cube” FT-60 flow transducer has ¼” female NPT ports. Do
not exceed a torque of 300 inch-lbs when installing fittings into the transducer. The fuel line on
the outlet port should not drop down after exiting the transducer. This configuration can trap
bubbles in the transducer, causing jumpy readings.
The inlet port, outlet port, and flow direction are marked on the top of the FT-60.
If installing on a Rotax 912, review the following page for recommendations specific to these
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-9
Transducer Installation
3-10 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
Transducer Installation
Fuel Level Sensor
Dynon Avionics does not sell fuel level sensors.
The FlightDEK-D180 supports both resistive type
sensors as well as capacitive sensors which output a
voltage (e.g., Princeton). If you have a capacitive
sensor which does not output a voltage on its own,
you may be able to use Dynon’s Capacitance-toVoltage Converter. Read the relevant section below
for the type that you are installing.
Once you have installed your fuel level sensors, you
will need to calibrate each of them, as described in
Fuel Level Calibration on page 6-5.
Pin Color Function
Fuel level 1
20 Orange/brown
(resist or
Fuel level 2
21 Orange/blue
(resist or
See General Purpose Inputs section
4 Purple/blue GP 1
22 Purple/yellow GP 2
23 Purple/green GP 3
You may connect up to four resistive fuel level sensors to the FlightDEK-D180. Simply connect
the output of the sensor you would like to be Fuel Level 1 (left tank) to pin 20 and the sensor you
would like to be Fuel Level 2 (right tank) to pin 21. You may also connect third and fourth fuel
level transducers to the general-purpose inputs of your choice. See the General Purpose Inputs
section on page 3-13 for more information.
Capacitive fuel level sensors are only supported on the Fuel Level 1 and Fuel Level 2 inputs.
Additionally, your capacitive sensor needs to output a variable voltage within the ranges of 05Vdc. First, supply the sensor with power according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the
sensor manufacturer requires a sensor calibration, perform that calibration first. Connect the
sensor’s output to pin 20 or 21, depending on whether you want the tank to display as left (Fuel
Level 1) or right (Fuel Level 2) tank. Do not connect capacitive fuel level sensors to any of the
general-purpose inputs. Be sure to configure the firmware to recognize the capacitive fuel level
sensor on the fuel level input(s) you’ve chosen as described in the Fuel Level Configuration
section on page 6-13.
If you are installing Dynon’s Capacitance-to-Voltage Converter (most commonly used with the
capacitive plates in some RVs), please read Capacitance-to-Voltage Converter Installation on
page 9-35.
FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide 3-11
Transducer Installation
Ammeter Shunt
The ammeter shunt should be mounted so that the metal
part of the shunt cannot touch any part of the aircraft.
The ammeter shunt can be installed in your electrical
system in one of three locations as shown in the
(simplified) electrical diagram below.
Position A: Ammeter indicates current flow into
or out of your battery. In this position, it will
show both positive and negative currents. (-60A
to 60A)
Position B: Ammeter indicates only the positive currents flowing from the alternator to both
the battery and aircraft loads. (0A-60A)
Position C: Ammeter indicates the current flowing only into the aircraft loads. (0A-60A)
Note that the ammeter shunt is not designed for the high current required by the starter and must
not be installed in the electrical path between the battery and starter.
Pin Color Function
24 Orange/green amps high
25 Orange/purple amps low
Electrically, the shunt should be placed so that it does not receive power when the master
switch is off. If it does receive power in this case, it is possible for your aircraft battery to
slowly discharge over a few weeks or months.
Use two ¼” ring terminals sized appropriately for the high-current wire gauge you will be
routing to and from the ammeter shunt. Cut the wire where you would like to install the ammeter
shunt. Strip the wire and crimp on the ring terminals. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the
two large screws (one on either end of the shunt), slip the ring terminals on, and screw them back
into the base.
We highly recommend that you fuse both the connections between the shunt and the FlightDEKD180. There are two methods for accomplishing this. You may simply connect two 1 amp fuses
in-line between the shunt and the FlightDEK-D180. Or, you may use butt splices to connect 1” to
2” sections of 26 AWG wire between the shunt and each of the Amps leads connecting to the
3-12 FlightDEK-D180 Installation Guide
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