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Installation Guide
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Congratulations on purchasing your new USB2.0 hi-speed Card Bus adapter. The USB 2.0
Card Bus adapter supports a high-transmission rate of up to 480Mbps. It enables you to
connect either the USB 1.1 devices or the latest USB2.0 high-speed peripherals on your
System Requirements
Notebook with one Card Bus slot.
The accessory of setup program disc can be used either the following operating systems:
Windows98 Second Edition.
Windows Millennium.
Windows 2000.
Windows XP.
Mac O.S. 10.1 X、10.2 or later
Package contents
USB 2.0 Card Bus
Setup program disc with manual
USB power cable
Hardware installation
1. Install USB2.0 EHCI driver. (Please refer to next driver installation)
2. Slide the card bus adapter into your notebook slot gently until it is firmly seated in the PC
card slot. (Please refer to PC card installation guide in your Notebook user manual)
3. When the card bus adapter is inserted into the slot completely, Windows will detect the host
controller automatically.
4. Connect the USB power cable that came with the package. Plug one end of the USB adapter
cable into a USB port on your notebook. You can refer to the following figure for correct
5. Plug the other end of the power cord into the power jack on card bus adapter. Then it will be
ready to accept your USB device for application.
External power adapter r equirements:
The card bus adapter supports the following list of low-powered peripherals. If you need to
connect a high-powered device such as USB floppy disk drive or high speed rpm of 2.5”HDD,
your system might crash or will not detect the device by windows. This may cause the power
cable to not provide an enough power current. For this situation we recommend you connect an
external power supply to get more power current for the hi-powered device.
The external power adapter is an optional accessory (**NOT INCLUDED, but available for
separate purchase**). Please see the following specification and order from your local dealer.
Low-powered device: Mouse、keyboard、Flask disk、USB Ethernet、Card reader、data linker
or self-power device such as: Printer、USB audio speaker、scanner、
digital camera…etc.
High-powered device: USB floppy disk drive、high capacity or high speed RPM of 2.5”
storage enclosure、USB camera…etc.
The external power supply specifications:
1. Output: DC 5V /1 A (2-port), 5V /2 A (4-port)
2. Power plug: 1.3∅(inner)* 3.5∅ (outer)*9.6mm(length)