Technical Data Sheet
Available Widths (in, mm)
DYMO Industrial Non-Adhesive Tag
DYMO Industrial Non-Adhesive Tag is made from polypropylene material with a
topcoat specifically formulated for thermal transfer printing. This material is designed
to be used as an insert for label holders for wire and cable marking, patch panels,
module marking, etc. This material can be used indoors or outdoors.
DYMO Part Numbers
Available Colors & Sizes
Certifications and & Standards Adherence
- To the best of our company’s knowledge we declare that our products meet the most recent
standards of the European Directives considering REACH and ROHS. None of the substances
identified as “substance of concern“ has been and will be contained in the product(s), listed on
this Technical Data Sheet, to a higher level than mentioned in the European Directives
considering REACH and ROHS.
Physical Properties
- Total Thickness: 180 microns ±10%
Temperature Stability
Application Temperatures
Service Temperatures
Chemical Resistance (Printed with the Rhino 6000)
Last Updated 11/29/2011

Technical Data Sheet
900g weight/arm
Sabesto (brake fluid
Printing remains; stained
No visible effect on text
and background
Constant UV
light exposure in
Tag (in insert – tested
with glass filter)
No visible effect on text
and background
900g weight/arm
Abrasion Resistance (Printed with the Rhino 6000)
UV Light Resistance
Humidity Resistance
- Printed labels adhered to aluminum surface for 30 days at 45°C (113°F), 85% Relative Humidity
with no visible effect on text or background
Shelf life of label cassette
- Two years stored at 21°C (69.8°F) and 50% Relative Humidity
* Sabesto is a registered trademark from Wurth
- This product is not developed to be used on humans, animals and/or in direct food
Last Updated 11/29/2011