WARNIN G: This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and
function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire
manual should be carefully read.
Instruction Manual
Quick Reference - System Functions
The following chart lists the basic functions of your system and the keys to press for each function. Refer to the listed page number for more information.
NOTE: Some functions may not be available on your system. Ask your installer for
more information.
To do this: Press this: See page:
Arm system (Away):.......................... [access code], leave through entry/exit door 2
OR press (if enabled)
Arm system (Quick):.......................... (from Ready state) 3
Arm system (Stay):............................[access code], do not exit premises 2
OR press (if enabled)
Arm system (No Entry Delay):............ [access code] 3
Bypass zones: ................................... [two-digit zone number(s)], to exit 5
Disarm system: .................................[access code] 3
Exit premises when system armed:.... OR press (if enabled)
Program access codes ....................... refer to “Programming Access Codes” 5
Send Fire message: ........................... (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 4
Send Auxiliary message:.................... (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 4
Send Panic message:......................... (press & hold for 2 seconds, if enabled) 4
Silence intrusion alarm:.....................[access code] 4
Turn door chime on/off:...................... to toggle on or off 5
OR press (if enabled)
Turn on bypassed zones (if Stay armed): (if enabled) 2
View alarm memory:......................... 4
System Information
Fill out the following information for future reference and store this manual in a safe place.
Master Code: _______________________ Access Code: ___________________________
Zone 1: ____________________________ Zone 2: ________________________________
Entry Time:_________________________ Exit Time: ______________________________
Central Station Acct. #: ______________ Central Station Tel. #: ___________________
Installer: ___________________________ Installer Tel. #: __________________________
Using the PC5502Z2
The PC5502Z2 keypad uses lights and sounds to indicate the status of your security system.
This manual describes the basic features of the keypad. Please review it thoroughly.
NOTE: A Trouble condition reduces the
security your system is designed to provide.
Call your installing company for service.
Alarms in memory: See “Disarming the System”.
Zones are bypassed: See “Bypassing Zones”.
Programming: The System light will flash
when you are programming access codes, or
performing other programming functions. If
someone is programming at another keypad,
the System light will turn ON to indicate that
the system is busy.
3. Number Pad
Use the number pad to enter your code, and
1. Zone Lights
Lights 1 and 2 show the status of zones 1
and 2 on your system. For example, these
lights will be on when the zones are open, or
when the zones are in alarm.
2. Status Lights
Ready Light
If the Ready light is ON, the system is ready
for arming. The system cannot be armed
unless the Ready light is ON.
Armed Light
If the Armed light is ON, the system has been
armed successfully.
System Light
If the System light is ON, one or more of
these conditions could be present on the system:
System troubles: If a trouble condition
occurs, the keypad will beep twice every 10
seconds until you press any key on the keypad.
to access system functions. To exit a function
and return to the Ready state, press . To
select a function press .
4. Function Buttons
If your installer has enabled them, you can
use the function buttons to access the stay
arm, away arm, door chime, sensor reset and
quick exit features. Press and hold the appropriate button for two seconds.
5. Emergency Keys
Press both * keys for two seconds to send
a FIRE message. Press both * keys for two
seconds to send an AUXILIARY message.
Press both * keys for two seconds to send
a PANIC message.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: The Fire, Auxiliary
and Panic keys will NOT function unless
programmed by the installer. If these
keys are in service, when you hold down
both keys for two seconds the keypad
sounder will beep, indicating that the
input has been accepted and sent.