DSC PC2580 User Manual

Digital Security Controls Ltd. warrants that for a period of twelve months from the date of purchase, the product shall be free of defect in materials and workmanship under normal use and that in fulfilment of any breach of such warranty, Digital Security Controls Ltd. shall, at its option, repair or replace the defective equipment upon return of the equipment to its repair depot. This warranty applies only to defects in parts and workmanship and not to damage incurred in shipping or handling, or damage due to causes beyond the control of Digital Security Controls Ltd. such as lightning, excessive voltage, mechanical shock, water damage, or damage arising out of abuse, alteration or improper application of the equipment.
The foregoing warranty shall apply only to the original buyer, and is and shall be in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied and of all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Digital Security Controls Ltd. This warranty contains the entire warranty. Digital Security Controls Ltd. neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify or to change this warranty, nor to assume for it any other warranty or liability concerning this product.
In no event shall Digital Security Controls Ltd. be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of anticipated profits, loss of time or any other losses incurred by the buyer in connection with the purchase, installation or operation or failure of this product.
WARNING: Digital Security Controls Ltd. recommends that the entire system be completely tested on a regular basis. However, despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, criminal tampering or electrical disruption, it is possible for this product to fail to perform as expected.
Test Your System Regularly .................................................................................................................... 5
Important Notice ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Arming Your System ............................................................................................................................... 8
Smoke Detector and Fire Alarm Reset ................................................................................................... 8
Disarming Your System........................................................................................................................... 9
Engineer Reset........................................................................................................................................ 9
Bypassing Zones .................................................................................................................................... 9
Keypad Alarms ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Utility Output Command........................................................................................................................ 10
At-Home Arming.................................................................................................................................... 11
Home-Away Arming .............................................................................................................................. 1 1
Quick-Exit .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Quick-Arm ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Display Alarm Memory .......................................................................................................................... 12
Display Trouble Conditions................................................................................................................... 12
Changing Access Codes...................................................................................................................... 13
One Time Use Code ............................................................................................................................. 14
Door Chime On/Off................................................................................................................................ 14
Bell Test ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Weekly Testing...................................................................................................................................... 1 5
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Arming the System with the LCD600 Keypad ...................................................................................... 17
Arming with Bypassed Zones or Trouble Conditions ........................................................................... 17
Disarming the System with the LCD600 Keypad.................................................................................. 18
If there is a Trouble Condition Present .............................................................................................. 18
If there was an Alarm......................................................................................................................... 1 8
Resetting Smoke Detectors with the LCD600 Keypad ......................................................................... 18
Bypassing Zones with the LCD600 Keypad......................................................................................... 19
Turning Quick-Arm ON and OFF with the LCD600 Keypad ................................................................. 20
Displaying Alarm Memory with the LCD600 Keypad ........................................................................... 20
Viewing Trouble Conditions with the LCD600 Keypad......................................................................... 20
Programming Access Codes with the LCD600 Keypad ...................................................................... 21
Bell Test ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Testing Your System with the LCD600 Keypad.................................................................................... 22
Most fires occur in the home, and to minimize this danger it is recommended that a household fire safety audit be conducted and a family escape plan be developed.
Household Fire Safety
Check your home for the following potential hazards:
Are all electrical appliances and outlets in a safe condition? Check for frayed cords, over-loaded lighting circuits, and so on. If you are uncertain about the condition of your electrical appliances or household electrical service, have a professional evaluation.
Are all flammable liquids stored safely in closed containers in a well ventilated and cool area? Cleaning with flammable liquids, such as gasoline, should be avoided. Refer to product instructions, printed warnings and labels for information on using and storing hazardous materials safely.
Are fire hazardous materials (such as matches) well out of the reach of children?
Are furnaces and wood burning appliances properly installed, clean, and in good working order? If in doubt, have a professional evaluation.
Family Escape Planning
There is often very little time between the detection of a fire and the time at which it becomes deadly. Because of this, it is very important that a family escape plan be developed, practised and followed.
1 Every family member should participate in developing the escape plan. 2 Study the possible escape routes from each location within the house. Since many fires occur at night,
special attention should be given to the escape routes from sleeping quarters.
3 It is essential that escape from a bedroom be possible without opening the interior door. Consider the
following when making your escape plans:
Make sure that doors and windows that open to the outside are easily opened. Ensure that they are not painted shut and that their locking mechanisms operate smoothly.
If opening an exit or using an exit is too difficult for children, the elderly or handicapped, plans for rescue should be developed. This includes making sure that those who are to perform the rescue can promptly hear the fire warning signal.
If the exit is above ground level, an approved fire ladder or rope should be provided, as well as training in its use.
Exits on the ground level should be kept clear. Be sure to remove snow from exterior patio doors in winter. Outdoor furniture or equipment should not block exits.
The family should have a predetermined assembly point where everyone can be accounted for; for example, across the street or at a neighbour’s house.
Once everyone is out of the house, call the Fire Brigade.
A good plan emphasizes quick escape. Do not investigate first or attempt to fight the fire, and do not attempt to rescue belongings as this takes up valuable time. Once outside, do not re-enter the house. Wait for the Fire Brigade.
Write the plan down and rehearse frequently, so that should an emergency arise, everyone will know what they are to do. Revise the plan as conditions change; for example, when there are more or fewer family members in the home, or if there are physical changes to the house.
Make sure your alarm system is operational by conducting weekly tests as noted elsewhere in this manual. If you are unsure about system operation, contact your installer.
It is recommended that you contact your local Fire Brigade and request further information on home fire safety and escape planning. If available, have your local fire prevention officer conduct an in-house fire safety inspection.
Bell Test
With the system disarmed, press the [∗] Key.
Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to this message. Press [6], then enter the Master Code.
Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to this message. Press [8] to turn perform a Bell Test. When the Bell Test is selected, the bell or siren and the keypad sounder will sound for 2 seconds. When the test is complete, press the [#] Key to return to the “Ready” mode.
Testing Your System with the LCD600 Keypad
It is recommended that you test your system regularly. NOTE: such as early morning or late evening.
1 Call to inform your monitoring station that you are testing your system.
2 Disarm the system and ensure that this message is displayed.
Perform a Bell Test by entering [
4 Activate each sensor on your system one at a time. For example, open protected doors and windows,
and walk in areas protected by motion detectors.
shown here will be displayed. If a trouble condition is indicated after the test, press [∗][2] to view the trouble condition. Press [#] when finished viewing trouble conditions.
As each zone is activated, this message will be displayed. Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll through the list of open zones. If you are opening zones one at a time, only one zone should be displayed as being open.
Perform system tests in the off-peak hours,
][6][Master Code][8]; the message
Installer ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Installation Date ____________________________ Monitoring Station: _________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________ Account Number ___________________________
Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________ Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________ Name ________________________________ Phone ________________________
Zone Type Protected Area
1 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 2 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 3 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 4 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 5 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 6 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 7 ____________________ _______________________________________________________ 8 ____________________ _______________________________________________________
Entrance Delay ____________________________ Exit Delay __________________________________ Auxiliary Entrance Delay ____________________ Auxiliary Exit Delay__________________________
When the [<] or [>] Key is pressed, a message similar to this will be displayed to indicate which zone has been activated.
When the zone is closed, and if all zones are closed, this message will be displayed. Continue to activate the rest of the zones on your system and ensure that the keypad indicates when each zone is opened and closed.
5 If they are programmed for operation, press the [F], [A], and [P] keys in turn. The [F] Key will sound the
bell or siren in a pulsed mode. Enter an Access Code to silence the alarm. The [A] Key is a silent alarm; the [P] Key may be programmed as silent or audible. If an alarm sounds, enter an Access Code to silence the alarm.
6 If your system has a Fire Zone, activating the Fire Zone will cause the bell or siren to sound with a
pulsed tone.
CAUTION: Do not use an open flame or burning materials to test a smoke detector.
Contact your installer for information on safe methods to activate a smoke detector.
7 Should the system fail to operate properly, call your alarm dealer for service. 8 When testing is complete, call and advise the monitoring station.
[F] Key Enabled Disabled [A] Key Enabled Disabled [P] Key Enabled Disabled
The following keypads are installed on your system:
________ PC2550RK Keypads
________ LED625 Keypads
________ LCD600 Message Display Keypads
Programming Access Codes with the LCD600 Keypad
With the system disarmed, press the [∗] Key and scroll to this message. Press [5] to program Access Codes.
Enter the Master Code when this message is displayed.
This message will be displayed to indicate that Access Code 1, the Master Code, is programmed. When scrolling through the list of Access Codes, a “P” will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen to indicate that an Access Code is programmed.
Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to the Access Code to be programmed. When the desired code is displayed, or if you know the number of the code you wish to program, enter a number from [1] to [8] to select the code. To program Access Codes 9 through 16, press [9]. After pressing [9], use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to the desired Access Code, and enter a number from [1] to [8] to select a code from [9] to [16].
When this message is displayed, enter the new Access Code. Use only the numbers from [0] to [9]; do not press [ completely erase a code, enter [
Code (Access Code 1)!
When the Access Code is programmed, a message similar to the one shown here will be displayed. In this example, the message indicates that Access Code 3 has been programmed. If [ “P” will not be displayed.
When you are finished programming codes, press the [#] Key to return to the “Ready” mode.
] or [#] when entering the code. To
Do not try to erase the Master
] is entered to erase a code, the
Turning the Door Chime Feature ON and OFF with the LCD600 Keypad
With the system disarmed, press the [∗] Key.
Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to this message. Press [6], then enter the Master Code.
Use the [<] and [>] Keys to scroll to this message. Press [6] to turn the Door Chime feature ON and OFF. If the Door Chime is being turned ON, the keypad will sound several quick beeps. If the Door Chime is being turned OFF, the keypad will sound a single long tone.
When finished setting the Door Chime feature, press the [#] Key to return to the “Ready” mode.
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