Dsc PC2550 User Manual

Canadian Department of Communications Notice
NOTICE: The Canadian Department of Communications label identifies certified
equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian maintenance facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.
User should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.
CAUTION: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.
Load Number
the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100.
The Load Number of this unit is 42.
(LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of
Zone Protected Area Zone Type
1 ________________________________ _______________________ 2 ________________________________ _______________________ 3 ________________________________ _______________________ 4 ________________________________ _______________________ 5 ________________________________ _______________________ 6 ________________________________ _______________________ 7 ________________________________ _______________________ 8 ________________________________ _______________________
Fire Zone ________________________________
[F] Key [A] Key Enabled Disabled [P] Key
Enabled Disabled
Enabled Disabled
Access Codes
Master Code: ___________ [2] _____________ [3] _______________[4] _______________[5]_______________ [6] _____________ [7] _______________[8] _______________[9]_______________ [10] ___________ [11] ______________ [12] ______________ [13] ______________ [14] ___________ [15] ______________ [16] ______________
Entry and Exit Times
Entry Delay: __________ seconds Auxiliary Entry Delay:__________ seconds Exit Delay: ____________ seconds Auxiliary Exit Delay ___________ seconds
Monitoring Station Information
Account: __________________________________ Phone: _____________________
For Service:
Contact:___________________________________ Phone: _____________________
The PC2550 Security System has been designed to give you the greatest possible flexibility and convenience. Read this manual carefully and become familiar with the operation of your Security System. Your installer will tell you which commands listed in this manual apply to your system. Fill out the SYSTEM REFERENCE sheet in this manual and store it in a safe place for future reference. The label provided for the inside of the keypad door can be used to record which sensors are on each zone.
Remember that no security system can prevent emergencies. It is only intended to alert you in case of an emergency and should not take the place of prudent security practices or life and property insurance.
Notes for UL Installations
The PC2550 is suitable for the following UL installations:
• Household Fire and Grade A Burglary
• Grade A Local
• Grade B Central Station
• Grade A Police Station Connect with Basic Line Security
• Grade C Central Station
• Grade A Police Connection with Basic Line Security
It is important to test your system every week. To do this, first inform the monitoring station that you are testing your system. Then, with the system disarmed, activate all detection sensors one at a time and observe the zone light come on at the keypad as each sensor is activated. Perform a bell test by entering [ with the system disarmed. The PC2550 can be programmed at the time of installation to automatically perform a test transmission to the monitoring station on a regular basis. If the system has not been programmed for this automatic test, call the monitoring station for instructions on how to perform a test transmission. Don’t forget to inform the monitoring station when you have finished your test.
Check to see if the “Trouble” light is on when arming the system. See the Trouble Display section in this manual for a description of the different trouble conditions. Contact your installer for assistance if the trouble condition cannot be located and corrected.
][6][Master Code][8]
Your Security System is made up of a control panel, one or more keypads, and various detectors and sensors. The control panel will be mounted out of the way in a utility room or basement. The metal cabinet contains the system electronics, fuses and stand-by battery. There is normally no reason for anyone but the installer to have access to the control panel. The keypad(s) have an audible indicator, display lights and command entry keys. The keypad is used to send commands to the system and to display the current system status. Keypads are mounted in convenient areas close to the exit-entry doors. The security system has up to eight zones or areas of protection. Each zone used will have connected to it various sensors, such as door or window contacts, motion detectors, glassbreak detectors and vibration or shock sensors. When a sensor is in alarm, a keypad light will be on to indicate which zone is in alarm.
The 4 digit Master Code is used for arming and disarming the system, for programming additional access codes, and for changing other features. The Master Code will be supplied to you by your installer. All keypad entries are made by pressing one key at a time and may be changed by you at any time if the installer selects an option. For additional access codes, see Programming Additional Access Codes.
Close all protected doors and windows and stop movement in areas covered by motion detectors. If the “Bypass” light is ON, be sure zones are being intentionally bypassed before arming the system (see Zone Bypassing).
Check to see that the “Ready” light is ON (all zones are closed). The system cannot be armed unless the “Ready” light is ON. Enter a [4 digit access code]. As each digit is entered, the keypad sounder will beep. Once the correct access code is entered, the “Armed” light will come ON and the keypad sounder will beep quickly. If the access code was entered incorrectly or the “Ready” light was not ON, the keypad sounder will beep steadily for 2 seconds.
When the correct code is entered and the system is armed, exit through the door indicated by your installer as the exit-entry door. The exit time may be changed by your installer (please refer to the Quick-Arm feature).
Arming and Commercial Installations
When an Access Code is entered to arm the system, the bell or siren will sound a short tone to indicate that the system is being armed. If your security system is programmed to report to a monitoring station, the keypad will also sound a tone to indicate that the monitoring station has been advised of the arming of the system.
If the system is being armed and the bell or siren fails to sound, or if the keypad does not sound a tone to acknowledge that the monitoring station has been advised of the arming, arrange for service for the system.
This feature, if selected by your installer, will allow you to arm your system with any valid access code and the system will automatically bypass the interior zones if those interior zones have been designated as home-away zones by the installer. When activated, the “Bypass” light will come ON. If you exit within the allowed exit time, the system will automatically reactivate the interior zones. This feature is designed to save the user from having to manually bypass interior zones each time they wish to arm the system and remain at home.
In residential applications where the system has been armed and the interior zones are automatically bypassed, the interior zones can be reactivated from a keypad outside the interior zones protection area (e.g. a bedroom). To reactivate the interior zones, press [
] then [1] and the “Bypass” light will go out.
If you wish to arm your system and eliminate the entry delay, enter [∗][9] before your access code. The “Armed” light will flash as a reminder that the system is armed and has no entry delay. An entry through any zone programmed as a delay zone will create an instant alarm.
e.g. To arm without entry delay.....Press [∗][9][Access Code]
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