Doosan G424FE, G424F, G20P-5, G25P-5, G30P-5 Service Manual

Service Manual
G424FE LP/Dual Fuel Engine G
424F LP Engine
G20P-5, G25P-5, G30P-5, G33P-5, G35C-5 GC20P-5, GC25P-5, GC30P-5, GC33P-5
SB4251E00 May. 2007
Important Safety Information
Most accidents involving pr oduct operation, maintenance and repair ar e caused by failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions. An acc ident can often be avoided by recognizing p otentially hazardous sit uations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions pr oper ly .
Read and understand all safet y precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication, maintenance and repair on this product.
Basic safety precautions are listed in the “Safety” section of the Service or Technic al M anual. Additional safety precautions are list ed in the “Safety” section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication. Specific safet y warnings for all t hese publicat ions are pr ovided in the des cript ion of oper ations wher e hazard s exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons. Warnings in this publication and on the product labels are identified by the f ollowing s y m bol.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could result in in jur y or de a t h. Do not operate or perform an y lubrication, main tenance or repair on this product, until you have read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Operations that may c ause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in thi s publication.
DOOSAN cannot antici pate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or operating tec hnique not specifically recommended by DOO SAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsaf e by the operation, lubr ic ation, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current information available.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Index 3
Precautions before Service.................................7
Tightening Torque .............................................10
Recommended Lubricants and Capacities.......11
Engine Model and Engine Serial Number.........12
General Specification........................................ 13
G424F/G424FE Engine Power and Torque........15
General M a in t e na nc e.........................................16
Test Fuel System for Leaks...........................16
Inspect Engine f or Fluid Leak s ...................... 16
Inspect Vacuum Lines and F itt ings................ 16
Inspect Electrical System..............................16
Inspect Foot Pedal Operation........................16
Engine Oil Classification................................17
Checking Engine Oil Level............................18
Replacing Engine Oil and F ilter.....................18
Checking Compressed Pressure...................19
Cooling S y s te m Maintenanc e............................20
Coolant Recommendation.............................20
Check Coolant Level.....................................20
Inspect Coolant Hoses..................................20
Checking coolant leaks.................................21
Specific gravity test.......................................21
Relation between Coolant c onc entration and
Specific Gravity.............................................21
Checking and Adjusting Drive B elt ................ 22
Checking Belt for Damage............................ 22
Ignition System Maintenance............................23
Inspect Battery System................................. 23
Inspect Ig n i ti o n Syste m................................. 23
Inspection of Ignition Timing ......................... 23
Inspection of Spark Plug............................... 24
Fuel System Maintenance ................................. 26
Replace LP Fuel Filter Element..................... 26
Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation .................... 26
Pressure Regulator/Converter Inspection ...... 27
Inspect Air/Fuel Valve Mixer Assembly ......... 27
Inspect for Intake Leak s................................ 27
Inspect Th r o ttl e As se m b l y............................. 27
Checking the TMAP Sensor.......................... 27
Exhaust S y s tem Maintenance........................... 27
Inspect Engine f or Exhaus t Leaks................. 27
Maintenance Schedule...................................... 28
General Informati on ...........................................30
Engine Outline.............................................. 30
Technical Specifications............................... 31
Shells Selection Table.................................. 33
Recommended Torque Values...................... 36
Troubleshooting............................................ 38
Engine Exploded View....................................... 39
Intake manifold and gasket............................... 41
Exhaust Manifold and Gasket........................... 45
Timing Belt......................................................... 47
Timing Belt Tensioner....................................... 51
PCV Valve .......................................................... 52
Camshaft Timing Pulley and/or Seal................. 55
Crankshaft Timing Pulley.................................. 55
Crankshaft Front Seal ....................................... 56
Camshaft Case Cover and Gasket.................... 56
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Index 4
Crankshaft Accessory P ul ley............................57
Timing Belt Rear Cover .....................................57
Rocker Arms, Linkag e, Valve Lifters With
Cylinder Head and Eegine...............................59
Cooling S y s te m..................................................60
Thermostat Housing..........................................66
Water Pump........................................................67
Lubrication System............................................68
Oil Pan................................................................71
Oil Pump.............................................................72
Oil Pump Assembly ...........................................73
Camshaft Case Assembly .................................74
Cylinder Head.....................................................78
Valve, Spring or Seal......................................... 79
Engine Disassembl y ..........................................81
Engine Assembly...............................................85
Cylinder Block....................................................90
Crankshaft.......................................................... 91
Pistons and/or Connecting Rods ...................... 97
Rings.............................................................. 9999
Specifications.................................................. 101
Ignition System................................................ 102
Wasted Spark DIS Ignition System..............102
Inspection of Ignition Coil............................ 103
Spark Plug Wire Inspection......................... 104
Spark Plug Wire Replacement .................... 104
Spark Plug Replacement.............................105
Spark Plug Inspection................................. 105
Charging System............................................. 107
General Description .................................... 107
Troubleshooting Proc edur e ......................... 110
STARTING SYSTEM.........................................115
General Description .................................... 115
Diagnosis Procedure ...................................116
Start Relay Tests.........................................118
General Informati on ..........................................1 2 1
Service Standard.........................................126
Component Location ....................................127
G424FE EMS (Engine Manag ement System)
General Description.....................................131
LPG Fuel System Operati o n........................134
MPI Gasoline System Operation..................141
Electronic Throttle System...........................142
Ignition System............................................143
Exhaust System...........................................144
SECM Wiring Diagrams for G424FE............149
G424F EMS (Engine Management System)
General Description.....................................152
LPG Fuel System Operati o n........................155
Electronic Throttle System...........................159
Ignition System............................................159
SECM Wiring Diagrams for G424F LP Engine
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Index 5
EMS Inspection and Repair............................. 161
Engine Control Module (SECM ) .................. 161
Camshaft Position Sensor........................... 163
IAT (Intake Air Temperature) Sensor...........167
Oxygen Sensor (Pre-Catalyst)..................... 168
Oxygen Sensor (Post - Catalyst)...................169
ECT (Engine Coolant T em per ature) Sensor 170
LP Fuel Temperature Sensor...................... 172
Angle Sensor-Accelerator........................... 173
Transmission Oil Temperature Switch......... 174
Ground Speed Limit Switch (optional) ......... 175
Electronic Throttle Body..............................176
G424FE LP System Inspect io n and Repair..... 177
Removal and Installat ion............................. 177
Hose Connections................................ 178
Removal and Installat ion of
N-2007 LP
Removal and Installat ion of CA100 Mixer
for G424FE.......................................... 181
Tests and Adjustments................................183
N-2007 Regulator Service Testing........183
AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing.......... 185
Connection of the MI-07 S er v ic e Tool...185
Idle Mixture Adjustment........................186
Parts Description......................................... 189
CA100 Mixer for G424FE Engine ......... 189
N-2007 Regulator for G 424FE Engine.. 191
G424F LPG System Inspection and Repair.....193
Removal and Installat ion............................. 193
G424F Fuel System Connect ions......... 194
Removal and Installat ion of N-2001 LP
Removal and Installat ion of CA100 Mixer
for G424F ............................................ 196
Tests and Adjustments................................198
N-2001 Regulator Service Testing........198
AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing ..........200
Connection of the MI-07 S er v ic e Tool ...200
Idle Mixture Adjustment........................201
Parts Description.........................................203
CA100 Mixer for G424F Engine ............203
CA100 Disassembly and Serv ic e..........205
CA100 Disassembled Servic e...............206
N-2001 Regulator for G 424F Engine.....207
N2001 Regulator Disassembly S teps:...209
N2001 Disassembled Service ...............211
Components Location......................................213
Fuel Pressure Test ...........................................214
Fuel Pump.........................................................219
Preliminary Checks ..........................................220
Before Starting............................................220
Visual/Physical check..................................220
Basic Troubleshooting Guide..........................221
Customer Problem A naly s is Sheet...............221
Basic Inspect ion P r oc edur e .........................222
Connector Inspection Procedure..................223
Symptom Troubleshoot ing Guide Chart .......227
Basic Troubleshooting.....................................233
Surges and/or St um bles ..............................234
Engine Cranking but Will Not S tart / Difficult to
Lack of Power, Slow to Respond / P oor High Speed Performance / Hesitation During
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Index 6
Acceleration................................................ 237
Detonation / Spark Knock............................ 239
Backfire...................................................... 240
Dieseling, Run-on ....................................... 240
Rough, Unstable, I nc or r ec t I dle, or Stalling.. 241
Cuts Out, Misses......................................... 243
Poor Fuel Economy / Excess iv e Fuel
Consumption LPG Ex haus t Sm ell ............... 244
High Idle Speed .......................................... 245
Excessive Exhaus t Em is s ions or Odors.......246
Diagnostic Aids for Ric h / Lean O per ation... 247 Chart T-1 Restricted Exhaust System Check248
Reading Diagnostic Fault Codes.....................249
Displaying Fault Codes (DFC) from SECM
Memory............................................................. 249
Clearing Fault (DFC) Codes............................. 249
Fault Action Descrip t ions................................ 250
Fault List Definitions........................................250
Table 1. Fault List Definitions...................... 251
Table 2. Diagnostic Fault Codes (Flash Codes)
................................................................... 261
Service Tool Software (MotoView)...................279
Introduction .................................................279
Connection of the Ser v ic e Tool ....................280
MotoView Display Scr eens ..........................281
SECM field update wit h Servic e Tool...........293
Ground Speed Limits (Option).........................297
LPG And LP G Fue l Tanks ................................299
Regulatory Compliance....................................303
Special Co nditions for Sa f e Use......................303
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 7
Precautions before Service
Removal and Disassembly
For prevention of wrong inst allation or reassembly and for ease of operat ion, put m ating m ar k s to the parts where no function is adv er s ely aff ec ted.
Special Tool
Be sure to use Special Tools when their use is specified for t he oper ation. Use of substitute tools will r es ult in malfunction of the part or damage it.
Tightening Torque
Tighten the part properly to specified torque.
Use specified brand of s ealant. Use of sealant other than s pec ified sealant may cause water or oil leaks.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 8
Replacement Part
When oil seal, O-ring, pac k ing and gas k et have been removed, be sure t o replace t hem with new parts. However, rocker cover gasket may be reused if it is not damaged.
Rubber Parts
Do not stain timing belt and V- belt with oil or water. Therefore, do not clean the pulley and sprocket with detergent.
Oil and Grease
Before reassembly , apply s pec ified oil to the rotating and sliding parts.
Genuine Part
When the part is to be replaced, be s ur e to use genuine part. For selection of appropriate parts, refer to the Parts Catalog.
Electrical System
1. Be sure to disconnect the bat tery cable from the
negative (-) terminal of the battery.
2. Never pull on the wires when dis c onnec ting connectors.
3. Locking connector s will c lic k when the connector is secure.
4. Handle sensors and relays c ar efully. Be careful not to drop them or hit them against other parts.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 9
Precautions for catalytic Converter
If a large amount of unburned gasoline flows into the con verter, it may overheat and create a fire hazard. To prevent this, observe the following precau tions and explain them to your customer.
1. Use only unleaded gasoline.
2. Do net run the engine while the tr uc k is at rest f or
a long time. Avoid running the engine at fast idle for more than 5 minutes and at idle speed for more than 10 minutes.
3. Avoid spark-jum p tests. Do spark-jumps only when absolutely necessary . Perform this test as rapidly as possible and, while t es ting, never race the engine.
4. Do not measure engine compress ion for an extended time. E ngine c om pr es s ion tests must be made as rapidly as possible
5. Do not run the engine when the fuel tank is nearly empty. This may cause the engine to m is fire and create and extra load on the conv er ter.
6. Avoid coasting with the ignition turned off and during prolonged braking
7. Do not dispose of a used catalyt ic c onv erter together with parts contaminated with gasoline or oil.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 10
Tighteni ng Torque
Tightening Torque Table of Standard Parts
Torque (kg·m)
Bolt nominal diameter
Pitch (mm)
Head mark 4 Head mark 7
M5 0.8 0.3 ~ 0.4 0.5 ~ 0.6 M6 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.6 0.9 ~ 1.1
M8 1.25 1.2 ~ 1.5 2.0 ~ 2.5 M10 1.25 2.5 ~ 3.0 4.0 ~ 5.0 M12 1.25 3.5 ~ 4.5 6 ~ 8 M14 1.2 7.5 ~ 8.5 12 ~ 14 M16 1.5 11 ~ 13 18 ~ 21 M18 1.5 16 ~ 18 26 ~ 30 M20 1.5 22 ~ 25 36 ~ 42 M22 1.5 29 ~ 33 48 ~ 55 M24 1.5 37 ~ 42 61 ~ 70
M5 0.8 0.3 ~ 0.4 0.5 ~ 0.6
M6 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.6 0.9 ~ 1.1
M8 1.25 1.2 ~ 1.5 2.0 ~ 2.5 M10 1.25 2.5 ~ 3.0 4.0 ~ 5.0
NOTE: The torques shown in t he table are s tandard vales under the following conditions.
1. Nuts and bolt are made of steel bar and galvanized.
2. Galvanized plain st eel was her s ar e ins er ted.
3. All nuts, bolts, plain washer s ar e dr y .
NOTE: The torques shown in t he table are not
1. When spring washers, toothed washers and the like are inserted.
2. If plastic parts ar e fastened.
3. If oil is applied to thr eads and s urfac es . NOTE: If you reduce the tor ques in the t able to the
percentage indicated below under the following conditions, it will be the standard value.
1. If spring washers ar e us ed : 85%
2. If threads and bearing s ur faces are stained with
oil: 85%
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 11
Recommended Lubric a nt s and Capaciti e s
Recommended Lubricants
Lubricant Specification Remarks
Engine Oil API Classification SJ or above SAE 10W30 or SAE 5W30
Coolant (Antifr eez e)
Automotive ant ifreeze suitable for gasoline engines having aluminum alloy parts
Concentration level 50%(nor m al) Concentration level 40%(tropical)
Lubricant Capacities
Description G(C)20/25/30/33P-5
Oil Pan 4.25 Oil Filter 0.3
Engine Oil (liters)
Total 4.5 Engine 3.0 Radiator & Hoses 6.0
Coolant (liters)
Total 9.0
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 12
Engine Model and Engine Serial Number
Fuel Type
G424FE LP/Dual Fuel
EPA/CARB* 2007 Compliant
G424F LP
* EPA: Environmental Protection Agency * CARB: California Air Resources Board
G424FE Engine
Comply with EPA 2007 Emission Regulation
Electronic Cont r ol by ECM
Certified LP/ Dual Fuel Sy s tem available
Closed loop LP Carburetion system Closed loop MPI Gasoline system
3-way Catalytic Muffler is standard
G424F Engine
Not comply with EPA 2007 Emiss ion Regulation
Electronic Cont r ol by ECM
Standard LP System available
Open loop LP Carburetion s y stem
Muffler is standard
Indication of Engine Model and Serial Number
Engine Model Engine Serial Number
G424FE/G424F 30700001 to 39999999
Features and Benefi t s of G424F E/G424F Engine
Al head with valve seat inserts
Aluminum head and valve seat s yst em
SOHC 8 valve system
Timing belt system
Distributorles s Ignition system
Electronic control system by ECM (Engine control module)
Drive-by-wire system Higher efficiency and lower fuel consumption Min./Max. gover nor c ontrol Automatic engine protec tion from overheating
and/or low engine oil pressure
– Automatic trans m is s ion pr otection from
Engine diagnostics by ser v ic e-tool software Forklift ground speed lim it (optional)
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 13
General Specification
G424FE Engine G424F Engine
ENGINE TYPE: Water-cooled, Inline 4-Cy c le, 4-Cylinders COMBUSTION SYSTEM: Squish Combution Chamber INTAKE MANIFOLD Cast Aluminum (wit h injec tor ports) EXHAUST MANIFOLD Cast Iron (dual channel) VALVE CONFIGURATION: SOHC, 2 Valves per Cylinder VALVE LIFTER/LAS H ADJUSTER Stationary Hydraulic Lash Adjus ters VALVE ROTATOR Exhaust Rotat or CAMSHAFT DRIVE Timing belt system ( 20 mm Toothed B elt) DISPLACEMENT: 2,405 cc (147 cid) BORE x STROKE 87 mm (3.44 in) x 100 mm (3.94 in) BLOCK STRUCTURE Grey Cast Iron HEAD STRUCTURE Aluminum with seat ins er ts COMPRESSION RATIO: 9.6:1 COMPRESSION PRESSURE: 1,240 kPa (180psi) Minim um
Intake Valve: 17°30' B TDC/ 76°30' ABDC
Exhaust Valve: 58°30' B B DC/ 35° 30' ATDC FIRING ORDER: 1-3-4-2 WEIGHT: 120 kg ENGINE ROTATION: Counter-Clockwise (CCW) when viewed from Flywheel End FUEL TYPE: LPG, Dual Fuel (LPG or Gasoline) CRANK VENTILATION Foul Air System with PCV
IGNITION TYPE: Distributorless (waste spark) IGNITIOIN TIMI NG: Electronic controlled by E CM IGNITION COIL: 12 V operation volt SPARK PLUGS: 0.035" (0.8-0.9 mm) Air Gap
OIL PRESSURE: 282 - 324 kPa @ 1400 rpm
Upper Limit: 125 °C (257°F )
Recommended: 99 – 110 °C (210 - 230°F)
Lower Limit:80 °C ( 176 °F)
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 14
G424FE Engine G424F Engine
WATER PUMP ROTATION: Toothed Timing Belt Driv e- Cloc k wis e from front of engine
Opening Temperatur e: 82°C (180°F)
Fully Open Temperatur e: 95°C (203°F)
Closed loop LP Carburetion
Open loop LP Carburetion
Diaphragm Type Air Valv e
Assembly inside, Downdr aft
(Model: CA-100)
Diaphragm Type Air Valv e
Assembly inside, Downdr aft
(Model: CA-100)
Two-Stage Negativ e P r es s ur e
Regulator (Model: N-2007)
Two-Stage Negativ e P r es s ur e
Regulator (Model: N-2001)
FUEL TRIM VALVE (FTV): Dual Dither System None FUEL FILTRATION: 40 Microns Maximum 40 Microns Maximum
GASOLINE FUEL SYSTEM Closed loop MPI System and In-Tank Fuel Pump System
Electric Fuel P ump (12V)
Fuel Filter & Strainer
Gasoline Pressure Regulator (3.5 bar)
FUEL INJECTOR ASS’Y Electric Fuel Injector (12V)
12 V operation volt, 48 pins of I/O
CRANK SENSOR VR (Variable Reluctanc e) CAM SENSOR Hall sensor (Dual fuel engine only) TMAP: Intake Air Temp. & Manifold Absolute Press. Sensor PEDAL ANGLE SENSOR: Two-O utput Signals (Installed on Accelerator Pedal) OXYGEN SENSOR: Dual O x y gen S ens or S yst em None ECT-ECM: Engine Coolant Temperat ur e S ens or for ECM ECT-GAUGE Engine Coolant Temp. Sens or for GAUGE on Instrument Panel TPS: Throttle Position Sens or ( built in Throttle Body) THROTTLE BODY: Electronic Throttle Body LP FUEL LOCK-OFF: 12 V operation volt
ENGINE OIL PR. S/W: 14-41 kP a STARTING MOTOR: 12 Volts, 1.4 kW ALTERNATOR: 13.5 Volts, 80 A EXHAUST SYSTEM Muffler Catalytic M uff ler Muffler (wit hout catalyst)
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 1. General Info rmat ion 15
G424F/G424FE Engine Power and Torque
G424FE G424F
kW 46.2 44.7 46.2
hp 62 60 62
PS 62.9 60.8 62.9
rpm 2,550 2,550 2,550 N-m 181 172 181 ibf-ft 134 127 134
Kgf-m 18.5 17.5 18.5
rpm 2,200 2,200 2,200
GOVERNED SPEED rpm 2,600 2,600 2,600 LOW IDLE rpm 750 750 750
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 16
Suggested maintenance r equir em ents for an engine equipped with an MI-07 fuel sy stem ar e contained in this section. The oper ator should, however, develop a customized maintenance schedule using the requirements listed in this section and any other requirements listed by the engine manufac turer.
General Mainte na nc e
Test Fuel System for Leaks
Obtain a leak check squirt bot tle or pump spray bottle.
Fill the bottle with an approved leak check solution.
Spray a generous amount of the solution on the
fuel system fuel lines and connections, start ing at the storage cont ainer .
Wait approximately 15-60 seconds, then perform a visual inspection of the fuel system. Leaks will cause the solution t o bubble.
Listen for leaks
Smell for LPG odor which may indic ate a leak
Repair any leaks before c ontinuing.
Crank the engine through s ev er al revolutions. This
will energize the fuel lock- off and allow fuel to flow to the pressure regulator/converter. Apply additional leak check s olution to the regulator/ converter fuel c onnec tions and housing. Repeat leak inspection as list ed abov e.
Repair any fuel leaks bef or e c ontinuing.
Inspect Engine for Fluid Leaks
Start the engine and allow it to reac h oper ating temperatures.
Turn the engine off.
Inspect the entir e engine for oil and/or coolant
Repair as necessary before continuing.
Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings
Visually inspect v ac uum lines and fittings for physical damage such as brittleness, cracks and kinks. Repair/r eplac e as r equir ed.
Solvent or oil damage may caus e v ac uum lines t o become soft, resulting in a collapsed line while the engine is running.
If abnormally soft lines ar e detected, replace as necessary.
Inspect Electrical System
Check for loose, dirt y or dam aged c onnec tors and wires on the harness including: fuel lock-off, TMAP sensor, O2 sensors, elec tronic throttle, control relays, fuel t r im valves, crank position sensor, and cam position sensor.
Repair and/or replace as nec es s ary.
Inspect Foot Pedal Operation
Verify foot pedal t r av el is smooth without sticking.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 17
Engine Oil Classification
Recommended API clas s ification: Above SJ Recommended SAE viscosity classification
The following lubricants s hould be s elec ted for all engines to enhance excellent per formance and maximum effect.
1. Observe the API classif ic ation guide.
2. Proper SAE classification number should be
selected within ambient temperature ranges. Do not use the lubricant with SAE classification number and API grade not identified on the container.
*1. 10W-30 engine oil is recom m ended If 10W-30 is not applicable, pr oper engine oil will be possible according to temperat ur e r anges .
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 18
Checking Engine Oil Level
1. Check that the oil level is between “MIN” and
“Max” marks on the engine oil level gauge.
2. If the oil level is below “MIN” m ark, add oil until the level is within the s pec ified ranges.
3. Check the engine for oil cont am ination and viscosity and replac e if necessary.
Replacing Engine Oil and Filter
Prolonged and repeated contact with mineral oil will result in the removal of natural fats from the skin, leading to dryness, irri tation and dermat itis. In addition, used engine oil contains potentially harmful contaminants which may cause skin cancer. Exercise caution in order to minimize the leng th and frequency of contact of your skin to used oil. In order to preserve the environment, used oil and used oil filter must be disposed of only at designated di sposal sites.
1. Drain engine oil.
1) Remove the oil filler c ap.
2) Remove the oil drain plug, and dr ain the oil into a container.
2. Replace oil filter.
1) Remove the oil filt er.
2) Check and clean the oil filter installation surface.
3) Check the part number of the new oil filter is as same as old one.
4) Apply clean engine oil to the gas k et of a new oil filter.
5) Lightly screw t he oil filt er into place, and tighten it until the gasket contacts the seat.
6) Tighten it an additional 3/4 turn.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 19
3. Refill with engine oil filter.
1) Clean and install the oil drain plug wit h a new gasket.
Torque 40~70 N·m
2)Fill with fres h engine oil.
Capacity Drain and refill 4.3 L Oil filter 0.3 L
3) Install the oil filler c ap.
4. Start engine and check for oil leaks.
5. Recheck engine oil level.
Checking Compressed Pressure
1. Prior to inspection, check that the engine oil,
starter motor and batt er y are normal.
2. Start the engine and run it unt il the engine coolant temperature reac hes 80 ~ 95° C.
3. Stop the engine and disconnect the ignition coil and air cleaner element.
4. Remove the spark plug.
5. After opening the t hr ott le v alv e c om pletely, crank
the engine to remove f or eign m aterial from the cylinder.
At this time, necessarily screen the spark plug hole with a rag. Because hot coolant, oil, fuel, and other foreign material, being penetrated in the cylinder through cracks can come into the spark hole during checking compressed pressure. When cranking the engine to test compressed pressure, necessaril y open the throttle valve be­fore cranking.
6. Install the compr es s ion gauge to the spark plug
7. With the thrott le valve opened, c r ank the engine to measure the compress ed pr es s ure.
Standard (250~400 r pm ) Limit 1,240 kPa
8. Repeat steps ( no.6-7) over all c ylinders, ensur ing
that the pressure differential for each of the cylinders is within t he lim it.
Limit 100 kP a ( between cylinders)
9. If any of all cylinders is out of lim it, add a small amount of engine oil to t he spark plug hole, and re-proceed the procedur es ( no.6-7) to the cylinder.
At this time, if the compressed pressur e is increased, it means that the piston, pis ton ring or cylinder surface are worn or damaged, and if the compressed pressur e is dec r eas ed, it means that the valve is clogged, the valve contact is faulty, or the pressure leaks through gasket.
If a large amount of incomplete combustion gasoline comes into the catalytic converter, emergency such as a fire can occur due to overheating. So this job should be done quickly with the engine not operated.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 20
Cooling System Mai ntena nc e
Coolant Recommendation
The engine cooling system is provided with a mixture of 50% ethylene glyc ol anti-freeze and 50% water (For the vehicles of t r opic al area, the engine cooling system is provided with a mixture of 40% ethylene glycol anti-freeze and 60% water at the time of manufactur e.) Since the cylinder head and wat er pum p body ar e made of aluminum alloy casting, be sure to use a 30 to 60% ethylene glycol ant ifreeze coolant to assure corrosion protection and freezing prevention.
If the concentration of the antifreeze is below 30%, the anticorrosion property will be adversely affected. In addition, if the concentration is above 60%, both the antifreeze and engine cooling properties will decrease, adversely affecting the engine. For th ese reasons, be sure to maintain the concentration level within the specified range.
Coolant Water
Hard water, or water wit h high lev els of calc ium and magnesium ions, encourages the formation of insoluble chemical compoun ds by c om bining with cooling system additives such as silicates and phosphates.
The tendency of silicat es and phos phates to precipitate out- of-solution increases with increasing water hardness. Har d water, or water with high levels of calcium and magnes ium ions enc our ages the formation of insoluble c hem ic als , especially after a number of heating and cooling cycles.
DOOSAN prefers the use of distilled water or deionized water to reduce the potential and severity of chemical insolubility .
Acceptable Water
Water Content Limits (ppm)
Chlorides (CI) 40 maximum
Sulfates (SO4) 50 maximum
Total Hardness 80mg/ maximum
Total Solids 250 maximum
pH 6.0 ~ 8.0
ppm = parts per million
DOOSAN recommends select ing automotive antifreeze suit able for gasoline engines using aluminum alloy parts. The antifreeze should meet ASTM-D3306 standard.
Check Coolant Level
The items below are a general guideline f or system checks. Refer to the engine manufacturer’s s pec ific recommendations for proper procedures.
Engine must be off and cold.
Never remove the pressu re cap on a hot engin e.
The coolant level should be equal to the “COLD” mark on the coolant recover y tank.
Add approve coolant t o the spec ified level if the system is low.
Inspect Coolant Hoses
Visually inspect c oolant hoses and clamps. Remember to check the two coolant lines that connect to the pressur e r egulator/converter.
Replace any hose that shows signs of leakage, swelling, cracking, abr as ion or deterioration.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 21
Checking coolant leaks
1. After the coolant t em per ature drops below 38°C
loosen the radiator cap.
2. Check that the coolant level r eac hes filler neck.
3. Install the radiat or c ap tester to the radiator filler
neck and apply a pressure of 1.4kg/cm2 . While maintaining it f or 2 m inutes, check the radiator, hose, and connecting part for leak.
Because the coolant in the radiator is too hot, never open the cap when it hot, or injury may occur due to an outburst of hot water. Dry out the inspection p art . When removing th e tester, take care not to spill the coolant. When removing/installing the tester as well as testing, take care not to deform the fille r neck.
4. Replace parts if leak is detected.
Specific gravity test
1. Measure specif ic gravity of the coolant using a
2. After measuring the coolant temperature,
calculate specific gr av ity using the following table.
Relation between Coolant concentration and Specific Gravity
Temperature and Sp ecific gravity of coolant (Temp.:)
10 20 30 40 50
Freezing temp()
Coolant Concentration
Specific Volume
1.054 1.050 1.046 1.042 1.036 -16 30%
1.063 1.058 1.054 1.049 1.044 -20 35%
1.071 1.067 1.062 1.057 1.052 -25 40%
1.079 1.074 1.069 1.064 1.058 -30 45%
1.087 1.082 1.076 1.070 1.064 -36 50%
1.095 1.090 1.084 1.077 1.070 -42 55%
1.103 1.098 1.092 1.084 1.076 -50 60%
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 22
Checking and Adjusting Drive Belt
1. Checking tension
1) Press the middle of the water pum p pulley and alternator pulley wit h 10k gf.
2) Inspect the belt deflection by pressing it.
3) If the belt deflection is out of the standard, adjust it as follows.
New belt Used belt
Drive belt deflect ion ( L) 4.0~4.4mm 5.1~ 5.7mm
1. Loosen the alternator support bolt “A” nut and
adjusting lock bolt “B ” .
2. Adjust the belt tension by m ov ing the alternator brace adjusting bolt t o “ T” dir ec tion.
Alternator adjusting lock bolt “B” 1.2~1.5kg·m Alternator suppor t bolt “A” 2~2.5kg·m
3. Tighten the bolt “A ” and then tighten “B” to the specified torque.
If the belt tension is too excessive, noise as well as early wear of belt occurs and the water pu mp bearing and altern at or bearing are damaged. If the belt is too loose, due to early wear of belt and insufficient power of alternator, battery and water pump become inefficient and finally engine is over he ated or dama ged.
Checking Belt for Damage
Check the following item s and r eplac e the belt if defective.
1. Check the belt surf ac e for dam age, wear and crack.
2. Check the belt surf ac e for oil or grease contamination.
3. Check the rubber part for wear or hardening.
4. Check the pulley surfac e for crack or damage.
Crank pulley
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 23
Ignition Syst em Mai nt e nance
Inspect Battery System
Clean battery out er surfaces with a mixture of baking soda and water.
Inspect batter y outer surfaces for damage and replace as necessary.
Remove battery cables and c lean, repair and/or replace as necessary.
Inspect Ignition System
Remove and inspect the spark plugs . Replace as required.
Inspect the ignition coil for cracks and heat deterioration. V is ually ins pec t the coil heat sink fins. If any fins are br oken replace as requir ed.
Inspection of Ignition Timing
1. Inspection c ondition
Coolant temperatur e : 80-90°C(At normal Temperature)
Lamp and all accessories : OFF Transmission : In neutral position Parking brake : ON
2. Inspection
1) Connect the timing light.
2) Measure RPM.
Low Idle 750±15rpm
NOTE: If RPM is not normal, it is impos s ible to measure the proper ignit ion timing, so measure it at a normal RPM.
3) Inspect the standard ignit ion timing.
BTDC 5˚±5˚
4) If ignition timing is out of the standard, inspect sensors concerned wit h ignition timing.
Because ignition timing is fixed by set data value in ECU, it is impossible to control on purpose. Fist, check that sensors send output properly to help determine ignition timing control.
NOTE: Affectiv e ECU input to Ignition timing control
Coolant temperat ur e s ens or
Oxygen sensor
Battery voltage
MAP sensor (Engine load)
Crankshaft position s ens or
Throttle position s ens or
Intake Air Temperature sensor
5) Check that actual ignit ion timing is changed with engine RPM increased.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 24
Inspection of Spark Plug
Inspection and clean
1) Ignition cable
2) Ignition coil
1. Disconnect t he ignition cables from ignition coil ass’y.
2. Remove all spark plugs from the cy linder head
using a sparkplug wrench.
Take care not to come foreign materials into spark-plug mounting hole.
3. Check the spark plug as below.
1) Insulator brok en
2) Terminal worn
3) Carbon deposit
4) Gasket damaged or broken
5) Porcelain insulator of spark plug clearance
4. Check the plug clearance using a plug clear anc e gauge and if the value is not within the specified values, adjust it by bending the gr ound c lear anc e. When installing a new sparkplug, install it after checking the uniform plug c lear anc e.
Spark plug clearance 0.8~0.9mm
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 25
Spark Plugs
5. Install the spark plug and tighten it to the specified torque. Take care not to over tight en it t o pr ev ent cy linder head threads from dam age.
Tightening torque 2 ~ 2.5 kg·m
Contact point is black
Contact point is white
Density of the fuel mixture is thick
Density of the fuel mixture is thin
Lack of air intake
Ignition timing is fast
Spark plug is tight
Lack of torque
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 26
Fuel System Maintena nc e
Replace LP Fuel Filter Element
Park the lift truck in an authorized refueling area with the forks lowered, park ing br ak e applied and the transmission in Neut r al.
1. Close the fuel shutof f valv e on the LP-fuel tank. Run the engine until the fuel in the system runs out and the engine stops.
2. Turn off the ignition switch.
3. Scribe a line across the filt er hous ing c ov er s ,
which will be used for alignment pur pos es when re-installing the f ilter cover.
4. Remove the cover retaining screws (1).
5. Remove top cover (2), magnet (3), spring (4), and
filter element ( 7) from bottom cover (5).
6. Replace the filt er elem ent (7) .
7. Check bottom cover O- r ing s eal ( 6) f or damage.
Replace if necessary.
8. Re-assemble the filt er as s em bly aligning the scribe lines on the top and bott om c ov er s.
9. Install the cover r etaining sc r ews , tightening the screws in an opposite sequenc e ac r os s the cov er .
10. Open the fuel valve by slowly t ur ning the valve
11. Crank the engine sever al r ev olutions to open the
fuel lock-off. DO NOT START THE ENGINE. Turn the ignition key s witch to the off position.
12. Check the filter hous ing, fuel lines and fittings for
leaks. Repair as necess ar y .
Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation
Start engine.
Locate the electrical c onnector for the fuel lock (A) .
Disconnect the elec tric al c onnec tor.
The engine should run out of fuel and s top within a short period of time.
The length of time the engine runs on trapped fuel vapor increases with any increase in distance between the fuel lock-off and the pressure regulator/converter.
Turn the ignition key switch off and re-connect the fuel lock-off connect or .
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 27
Pressure Regulator/Converter Inspection
Visually inspect the pressure regulator/converter (B) housing for coolant leaks.
Refer to Chapter 5 if the pres s ure regulator/conver ter requires replacement.
Fuel Trim Valve Inspec tion (FTV)
Visually inspect the fuel trim valves (C) for abrasions or cracking. Replace as necessary.
To ensure a valve is not leaking a blow-by t es t can be performed.
1. With the engine off, dis c onnec t the electrical connector to the FTVs.
2. Disconnect t he vacuum line from the FTVs to the
pressure regulator/converter at the converter’s tee connection.
3. Lightly blow through the vacuum line connected to
the FTVs.
Air should not pass through t he FT V s when de­energized. If air leaks past the FTVs when de-ener giz ed, replace the FTVs.
Inspect Air/Fuel Valve Mixer Assembly
Refer to Chapter 5 for proc edur es r egar ding the LP mixer (D).
Inspect for Intake Leaks
Visually inspect the intake throttle assembly (E), and intake manifold for loos enes s and leak s . Repair as necessary.
Inspect Throt tl e Ass em bly
Visually inspect the throttle assembly motor housing for coking, c r ac k s, and m issing cov er­retaining clips. Repair and/or replace as necessary.
NOTE: Refer to Chapter 5 for pr oc edur es on removing the mixer and ins pec ting the throttle plate.
Checking the TMAP Sensor
Verify that the TMAP sensor (F) is mount ed tightly into the manifold or m anifold adapter (E), with no leakage.
If the TMAP is found to be loose, remov e the TMAP retaining screw and the TMAP sensor from the manifold adapter.
Visually inspect the TMAP O-ring seal for damage. Replace as necessary.
Apply a thin coat of an approved silicon lubr ic ant to the TMAP O-ring seal.
Re-install the TMAP sensor into the manifold or manifold adapter and secur ely tighten the retaining screw.
Exhaust System Maint ena nc e
Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks
Start the engine and allow it to reac h oper ating temperatures.
Perform visual inspection of exhaust system from the engine all the way to the tailpipe. Any leaks, even after the post- c atalyst oxygen sensor, can cause the sensor out put t o be eff ected ( due to exhaust pulsation ent r aining air ups tream). Repair any/all leaks found. Ensure the length from the post-catalyst sensor to tailpipe is the same as original fact or y .
Ensure that wire rout ing for the oxygen sensors is still keeping wires away f r om the exhaus t system. Visually inspect t he ox y gen s ens or s to det ect any damage.
G424F(FE) Servi ce Manual Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance 28
Maintenanc e Schedule
NOTE: The MI-07 fuel system was des igned for use with LPG fuel that complies with HD5 or HD10 LPG fuel
standards. Use of non-c om pliant LPG fuel may require more frequent servic e intervals and will disqualify the user from warranty c laim s.
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