D Link SR500NA1 User Manual

Building Networks for People
Unified Services Router User Manual
Release 1.01
User Manual
D-Link Corporation
Copyright © 2010.
Unified Services Router User Manual
User Manual
DSR-500N/1000N Unified Services Router Version 1.0
Copyright © 2010
Copyright Notice
This publication, including all photographs, illustrations and software, is protected under international copyright laws, with all rights reserved. Neither this manual, nor any of the material contained herein, may be reproduced without written consent of the author.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The manufacturer makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation of the manufacturer to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Limitations of Liability
Unified Services Router User Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 About this User Manual ............................................................................................ 8
1.2 Typographical Conventions ..................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2. Configuring Your Network: LAN Setup ............................................................................... 9
2.1 LAN Configuration ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 LAN Configuration in an IPv6 Network ................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Configuring IPv6 Router Advertisements ............................................................ 14
2.2 VLAN Configuration ................................................................................................ 17
2.2.1 Associating VLANs to ports ................................................................................... 18
2.3 Configurable Port: DMZ Setup .............................................................................. 20
2.4 Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) ........................................................................... 21
Chapter 3. Connecting to the Internet: WAN Setup ........................................................................... 23
3.1 Internet Setup Wizard ............................................................................................. 23
3.2 WAN Configuration ................................................................................................. 24
3.2.1 WAN Port IP address ............................................................................................. 25
3.2.2 WAN DNS Servers ................................................................................................. 25
3.2.3 DHCP WAN ............................................................................................................. 25
3.2.4 PPPoE Profiles ........................................................................................................ 27
3.2.5 WAN Configuration in an IPv6 Network ............................................................... 28
3.2.6 Checking WAN Status ............................................................................................ 29
3.3 Bandwidth Controls ................................................................................................. 32
3.4 Features with Multiple WAN Links ........................................................................ 34
3.4.1 Auto Failover ............................................................................................................ 34
3.4.2 Load Balancing ........................................................................................................ 35
3.4.3 Protocol Bindings .................................................................................................... 36
3.5 Routing Configuration ............................................................................................. 37
3.5.1 Routing Mode .......................................................................................................... 37
3.5.2 Dynamic Routing (RIP) .......................................................................................... 39
3.5.3 Static Routing .......................................................................................................... 40
3.6 Configurable Port - WAN Option .......................................................................... 42
3.7 WAN Port Settings .................................................................................................. 44
Chapter 4. Wireless Access Point Setup ............................................................................................. 46
4.1 Wireless Settings Wizard ....................................................................................... 46
4.1.1 Wireless Network Setup Wizard ........................................................................... 47
4.1.2 Add Wireless Device with WPS ............................................................................ 47
4.1.3 Manual Wireless Network Setup .......................................................................... 48
4.2 Wireless Profiles ..................................................................................................... 48
4.2.1 WEP Security .......................................................................................................... 49
4.2.2 WPA or WPA2 with PSK ........................................................................................ 50
4.2.3 RADIUS Authentication .......................................................................................... 51
4.3 Creating and Using Access Points ....................................................................... 52
4.3.1 Primary benefits of Virtual APs: ............................................................................ 54
4.4 Tuning Radio Specific Settings ............................................................................. 55
4.5 Advanced Wireless Settings .................................................................................. 56
Unified Services Router User Manual
4.6 Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) ............................................................................... 56
Chapter 5. Securing the Private Network ............................................................................................ 59
5.1 Firewall Rules .......................................................................................................... 59
5.2 Defining Rule Schedules ....................................................................................... 60
5.3 Configuring Firewall Rules ..................................................................................... 61
5.3.1 Firewall Rule Configuration Examples ................................................................. 65
5.4 Security on Custom Services ................................................................................ 68
5.5 ALG support ............................................................................................................. 69
5.6 VPN Passthrough for Firewall ............................................................................... 70
5.7 Application Rules .................................................................................................... 71
5.8 Web Content Filtering ............................................................................................. 72
5.9 IP/MAC Binding ....................................................................................................... 75
5.10 Intrusion Prevention (IPS)...................................................................................... 76
5.10.1 Protecting from Internet Attacks ........................................................................... 77
Chapter 6. IPSec / PPTP / L2TP VPN ................................................................................................. 79
6.1 VPN Wizard ............................................................................................................. 79
6.2 Configuring IPSec Policies .................................................................................... 82
6.2.1 Extended Authentication (XAUTH) ....................................................................... 85
6.3 Configuring VPN clients ......................................................................................... 85
6.4 PPTP / L2TP Tunnels ............................................................................................. 86
6.4.1 PPTP Tunnel Support ............................................................................................ 86
6.4.2 L2TP Tunnel Support ............................................................................................. 87
Chapter 7. SSL VPN ............................................................................................................................... 89
7.1 Users, Groups, and Domains ................................................................................ 89
7.1.1 User Types and Passwords .................................................................................. 90
7.2 Using SSL VPN Policies ........................................................................................ 92
7.2.1 Using Network Resources ..................................................................................... 94
7.3 Application Port Forwarding .................................................................................. 95
7.4 SSL VPN Client Configuration .............................................................................. 96
7.5 User Portal ............................................................................................................... 98
7.5.1 Creating Portal Layouts ......................................................................................... 99
Chapter 8. Advanced Configuration Tools ......................................................................................... 101
8.1 USB Device Setup ................................................................................................ 101
8.2 Authentication Certificates ................................................................................... 101
Chapter 9. Administration & Management ......................................................................................... 103
9.1 Configuration Access Control .............................................................................. 103
9.1.1 Remote Management ........................................................................................... 103
9.1.2 CLI Access ............................................................................................................. 104
9.2 SNMP Configuration ............................................................................................. 104
9.3 Configuring Time Zone and NTP ........................................................................ 106
9.4 Log Configuration .................................................................................................. 107
9.4.1 Defining What to Log ............................................................................................ 107
Unified Services Router User Manual
9.4.2 Sending Logs to E-mail or Syslog ...................................................................... 111
9.4.3 Event Log Viewer in GUI ..................................................................................... 113
9.5 Backing up and Restoring Configuration Settings ........................................... 114
9.6 Upgrading Router Firmware ................................................................................ 115
9.7 Dynamic DNS Setup ............................................................................................. 116
9.8 Using Diagnostic Tools ........................................................................................ 117
9.8.1 Ping ......................................................................................................................... 118
9.8.2 Trace Route ........................................................................................................... 118
9.8.3 DNS Lookup .......................................................................................................... 119
9.8.4 Router Options ...................................................................................................... 119
Chapter 10. Router Status and Statistics ............................................................................................. 120
10.1 System Overview .................................................................................................. 120
10.1.1 Device Status ........................................................................................................ 120
10.1.2 Resource Utilization .............................................................................................. 122
10.2 Traffic Statistics ..................................................................................................... 126
10.2.1 Wired Port Statistics ............................................................................................. 126
10.2.2 Wireless Statistics ................................................................................................. 127
10.3 Active Connections ............................................................................................... 128
10.3.1 Sessions through the Router ............................................................................... 128
10.3.2 Wireless Clients..................................................................................................... 130
10.3.3 LAN Clients ............................................................................................................ 130
10.3.4 Active VPN Tunnels .............................................................................................. 131
Chapter 11. Trouble Shooting ................................................................................................................ 133
11.1 Internet connection ............................................................................................... 133
11.2 Date and time ........................................................................................................ 135
11.3 Pinging to Test LAN Connectivity ....................................................................... 135
11.3.1 Testing the LAN path from your PC to your router .......................................... 135
11.3.2 Testing the LAN path from your PC to a remote device ................................. 136
11.4 Restoring factory-default configuration settings ............................................... 137
Chapter 12. Credits ................................................................................................................................. 139
Appendix A. Glossary .............................................................................................................................. 140
Appendix B. Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................... 143
Appendix C. Standard Services Available for Port Forwarding & Firewall Configuration .............. 144
Appendix D. Log Output Reference ....................................................................................................... 145
Unified Services Router User Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1: Setup page for LAN TCP/IP settings ...................................................................................... 11
Figure 2: IPv6 LAN and DHCPv6 configuration ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 3: Configuring the Router Advertisement Daemon ................................................................... 16
Figure 4: IPv6 Advertisement Prefix settings ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 5: Adding VLAN memberships to the LAN ................................................................................. 18
Figure 6: Port VLAN list ............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 7: Configuring VLAN membership for a port .............................................................................. 20
Figure 8: DMZ configuration ..................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9: UPnP Configuration ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10: Internet Connection Setup Wizard ........................................................................................ 23
Figure 11: Manual WAN configuration .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 12: List of configured PPPoE profiles .......................................................................................... 27
Figure 13: PPPoE profile configuration ................................................................................................... 28
Figure 14: IPv6 WAN Setup page ............................................................................................................ 29
Figure 15: Connection Status information for both WAN ports ............................................................ 31
Figure 16: List of Configured Bandwidth Profiles ................................................................................... 32
Figure 17: Bandwidth Profile Configuration page .................................................................................. 33
Figure 18: Traffic Selector Configuration ................................................................................................ 34
Figure 19: Load Balancing is available when multiple WAN ports are configured and Protocol
Bindings have been defined ................................................................................................... 36
Figure 20: Protocol binding setup to associate a service and/or LAN source to a WAN and/or
destination network .................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 21: Routing Mode is used to configure traffic routing between WAN and LAN, as well as
Dynamic routing (RIP) ............................................................................................................. 39
Figure 22: Static route configuration fields ............................................................................................. 42
Figure 23: WAN2 configuration for 3G internet (part 1) ........................................................................ 43
Figure 24: WAN2 configuration for 3G internet (part 2) ........................................................................ 44
Figure 25: Physical WAN port settings .................................................................................................... 45
Figure 26: Wireless Network Setup Wizards .......................................................................................... 47
Figure 27: List of Available Profiles shows the variety of options available to secure the wireless
link .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 28: Profile configuration to set network security ........................................................................ 50
Figure 29: RADIUS server (External Authentication) configuration .................................................... 52
Figure 30: Virtual AP configuration .......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 31: List of configured access points (Virtual APs) shows one enabled access point on the
radio, broadcasting its SSID ................................................................................................... 54
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 32: Radio card configuration options ........................................................................................... 55
Figure 33: Advanced Wireless communication settings ....................................................................... 56
Figure 34: WPS configuration for an AP with WPA/WPA2 profile ....................................................... 57
Figure 35: List of Available Firewall Rules .............................................................................................. 60
Figure 36: List of Available Schedules to bind to a firewall rule .......................................................... 61
Figure 37: The firewall rule configuration page allows you to define the To/From zone, service,
action, schedules, and specify source/destination IP addresses as needed. ................. 64
Figure 38: Schedule configuration for the above example. .................................................................. 67
Figure 39: List of user defined services. ................................................................................................. 69
Figure 40: Available ALG support on the router..................................................................................... 70
Figure 41: Passthrough options for VPN tunnels ................................................................................... 71
Figure 42: List of Available Application Rules showing 4 unique rules .............................................. 72
Figure 43: Content Filtering used to block access to proxy servers and prevent ActiveX controls
from being downloaded ........................................................................................................... 73
Figure 44: Two trusted domains added to the Approved URLs List ................................................... 74
Figure 45: Two keywords added to the block list ................................................................................... 75
Figure 46: The above example of IP/MAC Binding binds a LAN host’s MAC Address to an IP
address. If there is an IP/MAC Binding violation, the violating packet will be dropped
and logs will be captured ........................................................................................................ 76
Figure 47: Intrusion Prevention features on the router ......................................................................... 77
Figure 48: Protecting the router and LAN from internet attacks .......................................................... 78
Figure 49: VPN Wizard launch screen .................................................................................................... 80
Figure 50: IPSec policy configuration ...................................................................................................... 83
Figure 51: IPSec policy configuration continued (Auto policy via IKE) ............................................... 84
Figure 52: IPSec policy configuration continued (Auto / Manual Phase 2) ........................................ 85
Figure 53: PPTP tunnel configuration – PPTP Server .......................................................................... 87
Figure 54: L2TP tunnel configuration – L2TP Server ............................................................................ 87
Figure 55: Available Users with login status and associated Group/Domain .................................... 90
Figure 56: User configuration options ...................................................................................................... 92
Figure 57: List of SSL VPN polices (Global filter) .................................................................................. 93
Figure 58: SSL VPN policy configuration ................................................................................................ 94
Figure 59: List of configured resources, which are available to assign to SSL VPN policies ......... 95
Figure 60: List of Available Applications for SSL Port Forwarding ...................................................... 96
Figure 61: SSL VPN client adapter and access configuration ............................................................. 97
Figure 62: Configured client routes only apply in split tunnel mode.................................................... 98
Figure 63: List of configured SSL VPN portals. The configured portal can then be associated with
an authentication domain ........................................................................................................ 99
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 64: SSL VPN Portal configuration .............................................................................................. 100
Figure 65: USB device configuration ..................................................................................................... 101
Figure 66: Certificate summary for IPSec and HTTPS management ............................................... 102
Figure 67: User Login policy configuration ........................................................................................... 103
Figure 68: Remote Management from the WAN.................................................................................. 104
Figure 69: SNMP Users, Traps, and Access Control .......................................................................... 105
Figure 70: SNMP system information for this router ........................................................................... 106
Figure 71: Date, Time, and NTP server setup ..................................................................................... 107
Figure 72: Facility settings for Logging .................................................................................................. 109
Figure 73: Log configuration options for traffic through router ........................................................... 111
Figure 74: E-mail configuration as a Remote Logging option ............................................................ 112
Figure 75: Syslog server configuration for Remote Logging (continued) ......................................... 113
Figure 76: VPN logs displayed in GUI event viewer ............................................................................ 114
Figure 77: Restoring configuration from a saved file will result in the current configuration being
overwritten and a reboot ....................................................................................................... 115
Figure 78: Firmware version information and upgrade option ........................................................... 116
Figure 79: Dynamic DNS configuration ................................................................................................. 117
Figure 80: Router diagnostics tools available in the GUI .................................................................... 118
Figure 81: Sample traceroute output ..................................................................................................... 119
Figure 82: Device Status display ............................................................................................................ 121
Figure 83: Device Status display (continued) ....................................................................................... 122
Figure 84: Resource Utilization statistics .............................................................................................. 123
Figure 85: Resource Utilization data (continued) ................................................................................. 125
Figure 86: Resource Utilization data (continued) ................................................................................. 126
Figure 87: Physical port statistics ........................................................................................................... 127
Figure 88: AP specific statistics .............................................................................................................. 128
Figure 89: List of current Active Firewall Sessions .............................................................................. 129
Figure 90: List of connected 802.11 clients per AP ............................................................................. 130
Figure 91: List of LAN hosts .................................................................................................................... 131
Figure 92: List of current Active VPN Sessions ................................................................................... 132
Unified Services Router User Manual
Chapter 1. Introduction
The D-Link Unified Services Routers are enterprise grade security gateway solutions with Firewall, VPN and in some cases 802.11n Access Point capabilities. These devices have wizards to allow for quick and easy configuration for internet access, VPN tunnels, and wireless networks. The GUI provides all the capabilities for novice and advanced users to administer this secure and feature rich router.
1.1 About this User Manual
This document is a high level manual to allow new D-Link Unified Services Router users to configure connectivity, setup VPN tunnels, establish firewall rules and perform general administrative tasks. Typical deployment and use case scenarios are described in each section. For more detailed setup instructions and explanations of each configuration parameter, refer to the online help that can be accessed from each page in the router GUI.
1.2 Typographical Conventions
The following is a list of the various terms, followed by an example of how that term is represented in this document:
Product Name – D-Link Unified Services Router.
Model numbers DSR-500/500N/1000/1000N
GUI Menu Path/GUI Navigation – Monitoring > Router Status
User input – Text
Important note –
Chapter 2. Configuring Your Network:
LAN Setup
It is assumed that the user has a machine for management connected to the LAN to the router. The LAN connection may be through the wired Ethernet ports available on the router, or once the initial setup is complete, the device may also be managed through its wireless interface as it is bridged with the LAN. Access the router’s graphical user interface (GUI) for management by using any web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox:
Go to (default IP address) to display the router’s management
login screen.
Default login credentials for the management GUI:
Username: admin
Password: admin
If the router’s LAN IP address was changed, use that IP address in the navigation
bar of the browser to access the router’s management UI.
2.1 LAN Configuration
Setup > Network Settings > LAN Configuration
By default, the router functions as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server to the hosts on the WLAN or LAN network. With DHCP, PCs and other LAN devices can be assigned IP addresses as well as addresses for DNS servers, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) servers, and the default gateway. With the DHCP server enabled the router’s IP address serves as the gateway address for LAN and WLAN clients. The PCs in the LAN are assigned IP addresses from a pool of addresses specified in this procedure. Each pool address is tested before it is assigned to avoid duplicate addresses on the LAN.
For most applications the default DHCP and TCP/IP settings are satisfactory. If you want another PC on your network to be the DHCP server or if you are manually configuring the network settings of all of your PCs, set the DHCP mode to ‘none’. DHCP relay can be used to forward DHCP lease information from another LAN device that is the network’s DHCP server; this is particularly useful for wireless clients.
Instead of using a DNS server, you can use a Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server. A WINS server is the equivalent of a DNS server but uses the NetBIOS protocol to resolve hostnames. The router includes the WINS server IP address in the DHCP configuration when acknowledging a DHCP request from a DHCP client.
You can also enable DNS proxy for the LAN. When this is enabled the router then as a proxy for all DNS requests and communicates with the ISP’s DNS servers. When disabled all DHCP clients receive the DNS IP addresses of the ISP.
Unified Services Router User Manual
To configure LAN Connectivity, please follow the steps below:
1. In the LAN Setup page, enter the following information for your router:
IP address (factory default:
If you change the IP address and click Save Settings, the GUI will not respond.
Open a new connection to the new IP address and log in again. Be sure the LAN host (the machine used to manage the router) has obtained IP address from newly assigned pool (or has a static IP address in the router’s LAN subnet) before accessing the router via changed IP address.
Subnet mask (factory default:
2. In the DHCP section, select the DHCP mode:
None: the router’s DHCP server is disabled for the LAN
DHCP Server. With this option the router assigns an IP address within the specified
range plus additional specified information to any LAN device that requests DHCP served addresses.
DHCP Relay: With this option enabled, DHCP clients on the LAN can receive IP
address leases and corresponding information from a DHCP server on a different subnet. Specify the Relay Gateway, and when LAN clients make a DHCP request it will be passed along to the server accessible via the Relay Gateway IP address.
If DHCP is being enabled, enter the following DHCP server parameters:
Starting and Ending IP Addresses: Enter the first and last continuous
addresses in the IP address pool. Any new DHCP client joining the LAN is assigned an IP address in this range. The default starting address is The default ending address is These addresses should be in the same IP address subnet as the router’s LAN IP address. You may wish to save part of the subnet range for devices with statically assigned IP addresses in the LAN.
Primary and Secondary DNS servers: If configured domain name system
(DNS) servers are available on the LAN enter their IP addresses here.
WINS Server (optional): Enter the IP address for the WINS server or, if
present in your network, the Windows NetBios server.
Lease Time: Enter the time, in hours, for which IP addresses are leased to
Unified Services Router User Manual
Enable DNS Proxy: To enable the router to act as a proxy for all DNS requests and
communicate with the ISP’s DNS servers, click the checkbox.
3. Click Save Settings to apply all changes.
Figure 1: Setup page for LAN TCP/IP settings
2.1.1 LAN Configuration in an IPv6 Network
Advanced > IPv6 > IPv6 LAN > IPv6 LAN Config
In IPv6 mode, the LAN DHCP server is enabled by default (similar to IPv4 mode). The DHCPv6 server will serve IPv6 addresses from configured address pools with the IPv6 Prefix Length assigned to the LAN.
Unified Services Router User Manual
IPv4 / IPv6 mode must be enabled in the Advanced > IPv6 > IP mode to enable
IPv6 configuration options.
LAN Settings
The default IPv6 LAN address for the router is fec0::1. You can change this 128 bit IPv6 address based on your network requirements. The other field that defines the LAN settings for the router is the prefix length. The IPv6 network (subnet) is identified by the initial bits of the address called the prefix. By default this is 64 bits long. All hosts in the network have common initial bits for their IPv6 address; the number of common initial bits in the network’s addresses is set by the prefix length field.
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 2: IPv6 LAN and DHCPv6 configuration
If you change the IP address and click Save Settings, the GUI will not respond.
Open a new connection to the new IP address and log in again. Be sure the LAN host (the machine used to manage the router) has obtained IP address from newly assigned pool (or has a static IP address in the router’s LAN subnet) before accessing the router via changed IP address.
As with an IPv4 LAN network, the router has a DHCPv6 server. If enabled, the router assigns an IP address within the specified range plus additional specified information to any LAN PC that requests DHCP served addresses.
The following settings are used to configure the DHCPv6 server:
Unified Services Router User Manual
DHCP Mode: The IPv6 DHCP server is either stateless or stateful. If
stateless is selected an external IPv6 DHCP server is not required as the IPv6 LAN hosts are auto-configured by this router. In this case the router advertisement daemon (RADVD) must be configured on this device and ICMPv6 router discovery messages are used by the host for auto­configuration. There are no managed addresses to serve the LAN nodes. If stateful is selected the IPv6 LAN host will rely on an external DHCPv6 server to provide required configuration settings
The domain name of the DHCPv6 server is an optional setting
Server Preference is used to indicate the preference level of this DHCP
server. DHCP advertise messages with the highest server preference value to a LAN host are preferred over other DHCP server advertise messages. The default is 255.
The DNS server details can be manually entered here (primary/secondary
options. An alternative is to allow the LAN DHCP client to receive the DNS server details from the ISP directly. By selecting Use DNS proxy, this router acts as a proxy for all DNS requests and communicate with the ISP’s DNS servers (a WAN configuration parameter).
Primary and Secondary DNS servers: If there are configured domain name
system (DNS) servers available on the LAN enter the IP addresses here.
Lease/Rebind time sets the duration of the DHCPv6 lease from this router to
the LAN client.
IPv6 Address Pools
This feature allows you to define the IPv6 delegation prefix for a range of IP addresses to be served by the gateway’s DHCPv6 server. Using a delegation prefix you can automate the process of informing other networking equipment on the LAN of DHCP information specific for the assigned prefix.
2.1.2 Configuring IPv6 Router Advertisements
Router Advertisements are analogous to IPv4 DHCP assignments for LAN clients, in that the router will assign an IP address and supporting network information to devices that are configured to accept such details. Router Advertisement is required in an IPv6 network is required for stateless auto configuration of the IPv6 LAN. By configuring the Router Advertisement Daemon on this router, the device will listen on the LAN for router solicitations and respond to these LAN hosts with router advisements.
Unified Services Router User Manual
Advanced > IPv6 > IPv6 LAN > Router Advertisement
To support stateless IPv6 auto configuration on the LAN, set the RADVD status to Enable. The following settings are used to configure RADVD:
Advertise Mode: Select Unsolicited Multicast to send router advertisements
(RA’s) to all interfaces in the multicast group. To restrict RA’s to well known IPv6 addresses on the LAN, and thereby reduce overall network traffic, select Unicast only.
Advertise Interval: When advertisements are unsolicited multicast packets,
this interval sets the maximum time between advertisements from the interface. The actual duration between advertisements is a random value between one third of this field and this field. The default is 30 seconds.
RA Flags: The router advertisements (RA’s) can be sent with one or both of
these flags. Chose Managed to use the administered /stateful protocol for address auto configuration. If the Other flag is selected the host uses administered/stateful protocol for non-address auto configuration.
Router Preference: this low/medium/high parameter determines the
preference associated with the RADVD process of the router. This is useful if there are other RADVD enabled devices on the LAN as it helps avoid conflicts for IPv6 clients.
MTU: The router advertisement will set this maximum transmission unit
(MTU) value for all nodes in the LAN that are autoconfigured by the router. The default is 1500.
Router Lifetime: This value is present in RA’s and indicates the usefulness
of this router as a default router for the interface. The default is 3600 seconds. Upon expiration of this value, a new RADVD exchange must take place between the host and this router.
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 3: Configuring the Router Advertisement Daemon
Advertisement Prefixes
Advanced > IPv6 > IPv6 LAN > Advertisement Prefixes
The router advertisements configured with advertisement prefixes allow this router to inform hosts how to perform stateless address auto configuration. Router advertisements contain a list of subnet prefixes that allow the router to determine neighbors and whether the host is on the same link as the router.
The following prefix options are available for the router advertisements:
IPv6 Prefix Type: To ensure hosts support IPv6 to IPv4 tunnel select the
6to4 prefix type. Selecting Global/Local/ISATAP will allow the nodes to support all other IPv6 routing options
SLA ID: The SLA ID (Site-Level Aggregation Identifier) is available when
6to4 Prefixes are selected. This should be the interface ID of the router’s LAN interface used for router advertisements.
IPv6 Prefix: When using Global/Local/ISATAP prefixes, this field is used to
define the IPv6 network advertised by this router.
Unified Services Router User Manual
IPv6 Prefix Length: This value indicates the number contiguous, higher
order bits of the IPv6 address that define up the network portion of the address. Typically this is 64.
Prefix Lifetime: This defines the duration (in seconds) that the requesting
node is allowed to use the advertised prefix. It is analogous to DHCP lease time in an IPv4 network.
Figure 4: IPv6 Advertisement Prefix settings
2.2 VLAN Configuration
The router supports virtual network isolation on the LAN with the use of VLANs. LAN devices can be configured to communicate in a subnetwork defined by VLAN identifiers. LAN ports can be assigned unique VLAN IDs so that traffic to and from that physical port can be isolated from the general LAN. VLAN filtering is particularly useful to limit broadcast packets of a device in a large network
VLAN support is disabled by default in the router. In the VLAN Configuration page, enable VLAN support on the router and then proceed to the next section to define the virtual network.
Setup > VLAN Settings > Available VLAN
The Available VLAN page shows a list of configured VLANs by name and VLAN ID. A VLAN membership can be created by clicking the Add button below the List of Available VLANs.
A VLAN membership entry consists of a VLAN identifier and the numerical VLAN ID which is assigned to the VLAN membership. The VLAN ID value can be any number from 2 to 4091. VLAN ID 1 is reserved for the default VLAN, which is used for untagged frames received on the interface. By enabling Inter VLAN Routing, you
Unified Services Router User Manual
will allow traffic from LAN hosts belonging to this VLAN ID to pass through to other configured VLAN IDs that have Inter VLAN Routing enabled.
Figure 5: Adding VLAN memberships to the LAN
2.2.1 Associating VLANs to ports
In order to tag all traffic through a specific LAN port with a VLAN ID, you can associate a VLAN to a physical port.
Setup > VLAN Settings > Port VLAN
VLAN membership properties for the LAN and wireless LAN are listed on this page. The VLAN Port table displays the port identifier, the mode setting for that port and VLAN membership information. The configuration page is accessed by selecting one of the four physical ports or a configured access point and clicking Edit.
The edit page offers the following configuration options:
Mode: The mode of this VLAN can be General, Access, or Trunk. The
default is access.
In General mode the port is a member of a user selectable set of VLANs.
The port sends and receives data that is tagged or untagged with a VLAN ID. If the data into the port is untagged, it is assigned the defined PVID. In the configuration from Figure 4, Port 3 is a General port with PVID 3, so untagged data into Port 3 will be assigned PVID 3. All tagged data sent out of the port with the same PVID will be untagged. This is mode is typically used with IP Phones that have dual Ethernet ports. Data coming from phone to the switch port on the router will be tagged. Data passing through the phone from a connected device will be untagged.
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 6: Port VLAN list
In Access mode the port is a member of a single VLAN (and only one). All
data going into and out of the port is untagged. Traffic through a port in access mode looks like any other Ethernet frame.
In Trunk mode the port is a member of a user selectable set of VLANs. All
data going into and out of the port is tagged. Untagged coming into the port is not forwarded, except for the default VLAN with PVID=1, which is untagged. Trunk ports multiplex traffic for multiple VLANs over the same physical link.
Select PVID for the port when the General mode is selected.
Configured VLAN memberships will be displayed on the VLAN
Membership Configuration for the port. By selecting one more VLAN membership options for a General or Trunk port, traffic can be routed between the selected VLAN membership IDs
Unified Services Router User Manual
Figure 7: Configuring VLAN membership for a port
2.3 Configurable Port: DMZ Setup
This router supports one of the physical ports to be configured as a secondary WAN Ethernet port or a dedicated DMZ port. A DMZ is a subnetwork that is open to the public but behind the firewall. The DMZ adds an additional layer of security to the LAN, as specific services/ports that are exposed to the internet on the DMZ do not have to be exposed on the LAN. It is recommended that hosts that must be exposed to the internet (such as web or email servers) be placed in the DMZ network. Firewall rules can be allowed to permit access specific services/ports to the DMZ from both the LAN or WAN. In the event of an attack to any of the DMZ nodes, the LAN is not necessarily vulnerable as well.
Setup > DMZ Setup > DMZ Setup Configuration
DMZ configuration is identical to the LAN configuration. There are no restrictions on the IP address or subnet assigned to the DMZ port, other than the fact that it cannot be identical to the IP address given to the LAN interface of this gateway.
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Figure 8: DMZ configuration
In order to configure a DMZ port, the router’s configurable port must be set to
DMZ in the Setup > Internet Settings > Configurable Port page.
2.4 Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Advanced > Advanced Network > UPnP
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a feature that allows the router to discovery devices on the network that can communicate with the router and allow for auto configuration. If a network device is detected by UPnP, the router can open internal or external ports for the traffic protocol required by that network device.
Once UPnP is enabled, you can configure the router to detect UPnP-supporting devices on the LAN (or a configured VLAN). If disabled, the router will not allow for automatic device configuration.
Configure the following settings to use UPnP:
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Advertisement Period: This is the frequency that the router broadcasts UPnP
information over the network. A large value will minimize network traffic but cause delays in identifying new UPnP devices to the network.
Advertisement Time to Live: This is expressed in hops for each UPnP packet. This
is the number of steps a packet is allowed to propagate before being discarded. Small values will limit the UPnP broadcast range. A default of 4 is typical for networks with few switches.
Figure 9: UPnP Configuration
UPnP Port map Table The UPnP Port map Table has the details of UPnP devices that respond to the router’s
advertisements. The following information is displayed for each detected device:
Active: A yes/no indicating whether the port of the UPnP device that established a
connection is currently active
Protocol: The network protocol (i.e. HTTP, FTP, etc.) used by the device
Int. Port (Internal Port): The internal ports opened by UPnP (if any)
Ext. Port (External Port): The external ports opened by UPnP (if any)
IP Address: The IP address of the UPnP device detected by this router
Click Refresh to refresh the portmap table and search for any new UPnP devices.
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Chapter 3. Connecting to the Internet:
WAN Setup
This router has two WAN ports that can be used to establish a connection to the internet. The following ISP connection types are supported: DHCP, Static, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, 3G Internet (via USB modem).
It is assumed that you have arranged for internet service with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Please contact your ISP or network administrator for the configuration information that will be required to setup the router.
3.1 Internet Setup Wizard
Setup > Wizard > Internet
The Internet Connection Setup Wizard is available for users new to networking. By going through a few straightforward configuration pages you can take the information provided by your ISP to get your WAN connection up and enable internet access for your network.
Figure 10: Internet Connection Setup Wizard
You can start using the Wizard by logging in with the administrator password for the router. Once authenticated set the time zone that you are located in, and then choose the type of ISP connection type: DHCP, Static, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP. Depending on the connection type a username/password may be required to register this router with the ISP. In most cases the default settings can be used if the ISP did not specify that parameter. The last step in the Wizard is to click the Connect button, which confirms the settings by establishing a link with the ISP. Once connected, you can move on and configure other features in this router.
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3G Internet access with a USB modem is supported on the secondary WAN port
(WAN2). The Internet Connection Setup Wizard assists with the primary WAN port (WAN1) configuration only.
3.2 WAN Configuration
Setup > Internet Settings > WAN1 Setup
You must either allow the router to detect WAN connection type automatically or configure manually the following basic settings to enable Internet connectivity:
ISP Connection type: Based on the ISP you have selected for the primary WAN link
for this router, choose Static IP address, DHCP client, Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). Required fields for the selected ISP type become highlighted. Enter the following information as needed and as provided by your ISP:
PPPoE Profile Name. This menu lists configured PPPoE profiles, particularly
useful when configuring multiple PPPoE connections (i.e. for Japan ISPs that have multiple PPPoE support).
ISP login information. This is required for PPTP and L2TP ISPs.
User Name
Secret (required for L2TP only)
MPPE Encryption: For PPTP links, your ISP may require you to enable Microsoft
Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE).
Split Tunnel (supported for PPTP and L2TP connection). This setting allows your
LAN hosts to access internet sites over this WAN link while still permitting VPN traffic to be directed to a VPN configured on this WAN port.
With split tunneling enabled users can bypass content filtering and other firewall
settings. Disable split tunneling on the WAN interface for highest gateway security measures.
Connectivity Type. To keep the connection always on, click Keep Connected. To
log out after the connection is idle for a period of time (useful if your ISP costs are based on logon times), click Idle Timeout and enter the time, in minutes, to wait before disconnecting in the Idle Time field.
My IP Address: Enter the IP address assigned to you by the ISP.
Unified Services Router User Manual
Server IP Address: Enter the IP address of the PPTP or L2TP server.
3.2.1 WAN Port IP address
Your ISP assigns you an IP address that is either dynamic (newly generated each time you log in) or static (permanent). The IP Address Source option allows you to define whether the address is statically provided by the ISP or should be received dynamically at each login. If static, enter your IP address, IPv4 subnet mask, and the ISP gateway’s IP address. PPTP and L2TP ISPs also can provide a static IP address and subnet to configure, however the default is to receive that information dynamically from the ISP.
3.2.2 WAN DNS Servers
The IP Addresses of WAN Domain Name Servers (DNS) are typically provided dynamically from the ISP but in some cases you can define the static IP addresses of the DNS servers. DNS servers map Internet domain names (example: www.google.com) to IP addresses. Click to indicate whether to get DNS server addresses automatically from your ISP or to use ISP-specified addresses. If the latter, enter addresses for the primary and secondary DNS servers. To avoid connectivity problems, ensure that you enter the addresses correctly.
3.2.3 DHCP WAN
For DHCP client connections, you can choose the MAC address of the router to register with the ISP. In some cases you may need to clone the LAN host’s MAC address if the ISP is registered with that LAN host.
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Figure 11: Manual WAN configuration
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3.2.4 PPPoE Profiles
Setup > Internet Settings > PPPoE Profiles > WAN1 PPPoE Profiles
Some ISP’s allow for multiple concurrent PPPoE sessions (it is most common in Japan). Each connection can have its own specific authentication requirements and will provide unique IP, gateway, and DNS address parameters to the associated WAN port.
The PPPoE Profiles page offers a convenient way to maintain multiple PPPoE accounts, which can then be associated with one of the available WAN interfaces. Once configured, a PPPoE profile name can be selected on the WAN configuration page to reduce the configuration requirements for that WAN port.
The PPPoE profile is referenced on the WAN Configuration page. The List of PPPoE profiles for a particular WAN (see figure below) outlines the available profile and their status and authentication type.
Figure 12: List of configured PPPoE profiles
To create a new PPPoE profile, select Add in the PPPoE Profile page. Each profile is associated to one of the two WAN ports. Similar to the PPPoE configuration options in the WAN configuration page, you need to define the ISP logon credentials, authentication type, and connectivity settings for the PPPoE session. This information will be provided by the ISP that offers multiple PPPoE session support.
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Figure 13: PPPoE profile configuration
3.2.5 WAN Configuration in an IPv6 Network
Setup > IPv6 > IPv6 WAN1 Config
For IPv6 WAN connections, this router can have a static IPv6 address or receive connection information when configured as a DHCPv6 client. In the case where the ISP assigns you a fixed address to access the internet, the static configuration settings must be completed. In addition to the IPv6 address assigned to your router, the IPv6 prefix length defined by the ISP is needed. The default IPv6 Gateway address is the server at the ISP that this router will connect to for accessing the internet. The primary and secondary DNS servers on the ISP’s IPv6 network are used for resolving internet addresses, and these are provided along with the static IP address and prefix length from the ISP.
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