How to Replace the Bracket
EAP Types
Definitions of Configuration Terms
Package Contents
Contents of Package:
D-Link AirPremier AGTM DWL-AG530
1 1a/11g Dualba nd (2.4GHz/5GHz)
Wireless 108Mbps PCI Adapter
Ma nual, W arranty a nd Drivers on CD
Printed Quick Installation Guide
Low Prefile Bracket
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
System Requirements for Configuration:
A desktop computer with a n available 32-bit PCI 2.2
Windows XP/2000
At least 128MB of memory and a 500MHz processor
An 802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g access point (for Infrastruc-
ture mode) or another 802.11a, 802.1 1b, or 802.11g wireless
ada pter (for Ad-Hoc; Peer-to-Peer networking mode).
* Due to DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection), 802.11a SSID broadcast (Ad-Hoc mode) is always
At up to fifteen times the speed of previous wireless devices (up to 108Mbps in
Super AG mode), you ca n work faster a nd more efficiently , increa sing productivity .
With the DWL-AG530, bandwidth-intensive applications like graphics or
multimedia will benef it significantly be cause large files are a ble to move a cross
the network quickly .
Inclusion of all three standards (802.11g; 802.11a; 802.11b) means that the
DWL-AG530 is versatile enough to allow connection to almost any 802.11
network or device.
The D WL-AG530 ha s the newest, strongest a nd most adva nced security features
available today. When used with other 802.11 WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected
Access/Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
network with a RADIUS server, the security features include:
WPA/WPA2: Wi-Fi Protected Access/Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
authorizes and identifie s users based on a se cret key that changes automatically
at regular intervals. WPA/WPA2 uses TKIP (T emporal Key Integrity Protocol)
to change the temporal key every 10,000 pa ckets (a pa cket is a kind of message
transmitted over a network.) This ensures much greater security than the
standard WEP security. (By contrast, the previous WEP encryption
implementations required the keys to be changed manually.)
802.1X: Authentication which is a first line of defen se against intrusion. In the
authentication process, the Authentication Server* verifies the identity of the
client attempting to connect to the network. Unfamiliar clients would be denied
) and 802.1X compatible products in a
For home users that will
security for the DWL-AG530, used in conjunction with other WPA/WPA2compatible 802.1 1 products, will still be much stronger than ever before. Utilizing
the Pre- Shared Key mode of WPA/WPA2, the D WL-AG530 will obtain a new
security key every time it connects to the 802.11 network. You only need to
input your encryption information once in the configuration menu. No longer will
you have to manually input a new WEP key frequently to en sure se curity. With
the DWL-AG530, you will automatically receive a new key every time you
connect, vastly increasing the safety of your communication.
*Not all servers can provide Authentication
not incorporate a RADIUS server in their network, the
Feature s
Faster Wireless Networking with speeds up to 108Mbps in T urbo
mode -
AG530 in your PC, you will have the flexibility of wireless networking speeds
that save you time and money .
* IEEE 802.1 1a standard to provide wireless 54Mbps data rate, and
up to 108Mbps (only for USA and Singapore) if enable Super A/G
mode with D-Link AirPremier AG
* IEEE 802.1 1g standard to provide wireless 54Mbps data rate, and
up to 108Mbps if enable Super A/G mode with D-Link
AirPremier AG
* D-Link 108AG performance results are based on testing with other
D-Link 108AG enabled devices utilizing Packet Bursting,
FastFrames, Turbi Mode and Compression techniques. Data
already compressed may not benefit from the D-Link 108AG
Compatible with 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g Devices - Fully compat-
ible with the IEEE 802.1 1a, 802.11b a nd 802.1 1g standards, the D WL-AG530
can connect with existing 802.11b, 802.1 1g- or 802.11a- complia nt routers,
access points and cards. That means you can still communicate with colleagues and friends while you have the a bility to link to even more wireless
Better Security with 802.1X and WPA/WPA2 -With the DWL-AG530 in
your desktop PC you can securely connect to a wireless network using
802.1x for wireless authentication, a s well as WP A/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected
Access/Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
security for your data and communication than has previously been available.
Versatility - The DWL-AG530 is fully compatible with IEEE 802.11a and
802.1 1b standards, ma king it interoperable with 802.1 1a a nd 802.1 1b wireless routers and access points in your office, home or at public wireless
32-bit PCI Performance/Plug & Play Connectivity -The D WL-AG530
is a powerful 32-bit PCI ada pter that installs quickly a nd ea sily into desktop PCs, and when used with other D-Link Air Premier AG
will automatically connect to the network out of the box.
Fa ster data tra n s fers me a n incre ased productivity . With the DWL-
and AirPlus XtremeGTM products.
and AirPlus XtremeGTM products.
) providing you a much higher level of
Wi-Fi CERTITIEDTM for WMMTM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) -The D WL-AG530
delivers quality of service (QoS) for voice, audio, and video use over
wireless networks. It will prioritizing pa ckets with voice, audio, and video
data and make sure these packets are delivered ahead of less important traf f ic. This is a built in fe ature under Window 2000 and XP.
LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. The DWL-AG530ha s the f ollowing LEDs:
A blinking light indicates data is being
A ste ady light indicates a connection to a n
access point
Wireless Basics
D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-touse and compatible high-speed wirele ss connectivity within your home, business
or public access wireless networks. D-Link wireless products will allow you
access to the data you want, when and where you want it. You will be able to
enjoy the freedom that wireless networking brings.
A wireless local area network (WLAN) is a computer network that transmits
and receives data with radio signals instead of wires. WLANs are used
increasingly in both home and office environments, and public areas such as
airports, coffee shops and universities. Innovative ways to utilize WLAN
technology are helping people to work and communicate more efficiently.
Increased mobility and the absence of cabling and other fixed infrastructure
have proven to be beneficial for many users.
Wireless users can use the same applications they use on a wired network.
Wireless adapter cards used on laptop a nd de sktop syste ms support the same
protocols as Ethernet adapter cards.
Wireless Basics (continued)
People use WLAN technology for many different purposes:
Mobility– Productivity increases when people have access to data in any
location within the operating range of the WLAN. M anage ment decisions ba sed
on real-time information can significantly improve worker efficiency.
Low Implementation Costs– WLANs are easy to set up, manage, change
and relocate. Networks that frequently cha nge can benef it from WLANs ea se of
implementation. WLANs can operate in locations where installation of wiring
may be impractical.
Installation and Network Expansion- Installing a WLAN system can be
fa st and ea sy a nd can eli minate the need to pull cable through walls a nd ceilings.
Wireless technology allows the network to go where wires cannot go - even
outside the home or office.
Inexpensive Solution – Wireless network devices are a s competitively priced
a s conventional Ethernet network devices.
Scalability – WLANs ca n be configured in a variety of ways to meet the needs
of specific a pplications a nd installations. Configurations are ea sily cha nged a nd
range from Peer-to-Peer networks suita ble for a small number of users to larger
Infrastructure networks to accommodate hundreds or thousands of users,
depending on the number of wireless devices deployed.
The DWL-AG530 is compatible with the f ollowing wirele ss products:
D-Link AirPremier
Wireless Cardbus Adapters used with laptop computers
D-Link AirPremier
Wireless Access Points
D-Link AirPremier
Wireless Broadband Routers
The DWL-AG530 is also interoperable with other 802.11g and
802.1 1b a nd 802.11a sta ndards-compli ant devices.
AG DI-784
Wireless Basics (continued)
Standards-Based Technology
The DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter utilizes the 802.11a, 802.1 1b and 802.1 1g
The IEEE 802.11g sta ndard is a n extension of the 802.1 1b sta ndard. It increa ses
the data rate up to 54 Mbps within the 2.4GHz band utilizing OFDM technology.
This mean s that in most environments, within the specified ra nge of this device,
you will be able to transfer large files quickly or even watch a movie in MPEG
format over your network without noticeable delays. This technology works by
tran smitting high-speed digital data over a radio wave utilizing OFDM (OrthogonalFrequency Division Multiplexing) technology . OFDM works by splitting the ra dio
signal into multiple smaller sub-signals that are then tra nsmitted simulta neously
at different frequencies to the receiver . OFDM reduces the a mount of crosstalk
(interference) in signal transmission s. The D-Link D WL-AG530 will automatically
sense the best possible connection speed to ensure the greatest speed and
range possible.
802.11g offers the most advanced network security features available today,
including: WPA, WP A2, 802.1x, TKIP, AES and Pre-Shared Key mode.
The DWL-AG530 is backwards compatible with 802.11b devices. This means
that if you have an existing 802.1 1b network, the device s in that network will be
compatible with 802.1 1g devices at speeds up to 1 1Mbps in the 2.4GHz ra nge.
Wireless Basics (continued)
Installation Considerations
The D-Link AirPremier AG DWL-AG530 lets you acce ss your network, using a
wireless connection, from virtually a nywhere within its operating range. Kee p in
mind, however, that the number, thickness and location of walls, ceilings, or
other objects that the wireless signals must pa ss through, may limit the range.
Typical ranges vary depending on the types of materials and background RF
(radio frequency) noise in your home or business. The key to maximizing
wireless range is to follow these basic guidelines:
Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the DWL-AG530 and
other network devices to a minimum - each wall or ceiling can reduce
your D WL-AG530’s range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your
devices so that the number of walls or ceilings is minimized.
Be aware of the direct line between network devices. A wall that is 1.5
feet thick (.5 meters), at a 45-degree angle appears to be almost 3 feet
(1 meter) thick. At a 2-degree angle it looks over 42 feet (14 meters)
thick! Position devices so that the signal will travel straight through a
wall or ceiling (instead of at an angle) for better rece ption.
Building materials can impede the wireless signal - a solid metal door
or aluminum studs may have a negative effect on range. Try to position
wireless devices a nd computers with wireless ada pters so that the signal
passes through drywall or open doorways and not other materials.
Keep your product away (at least 3-6 feet or 1-2 meters) from electrical
devices or appliances that generate RF noise.
Getting Started
There are basically two modes of networking:
Infrastructure – using an access point or wireless router
such as the DWL-7100AP.
Ad-Hoc – directly connecting to a nother computer, for Peer-
to-Peer communication, using wireless network adapters on
each computer, such as two or more DWL-AG530 Wireless
PCI Adapters.
On the following pages we will show you an example of an InfrastructureNetwork and a n Ad-Hoc Network.
An Infrastructure network contains an access point or a wireless router.
The Infra structure Network example shown on the following page contains
the following D-Link network devices (your existing network may be
comprised of other devices):
A wirele ss router - D-Link AirPremier
AG DI-784
A laptop computer with a wireless adapter -
D-Link Air Premier
A desktop computer with a wireless adapter -
D-Link Air PremierA ADSL modem - D-Link DSL-300T
* Due to DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection), 5GHz Ad-Hoc mode is always disable in EEC countries.
Getting Started (continued)
Setting up a Wireless Infrastructure Network
For a typical wireless setup at home
(a s shown here),
please do the
Y ou will need broa dband Internet a cce ss (a Cable or DSL-subscriber line
into your home or office).
with Laptop PC
Consult with your Cable or DSL provider f or proper installation of the modem.
Connect the Cable or DSL modem to your broadband router. (See the
Quick Installation Guide included with your router).
Install the D-Link AirPremier
an availa ble PCI slot on your desktop computer.
(See the Quick Installation Guide included with the network adapter).
Install the D-Link DWL-AG660 Wirele ss Cardbus Adapter into a laptop
(See the Quick Installation Guide included with the DWL-AG660).
If you wish, you may connect a computer that is equipped with a n Ethernet
network adapter (such as a DFE-528TX) to the router also.
A RADIUS server is optional. Connect a RADIUS server to your network
to use all the features of WP A. (Without a RADIUS server you ca n still use
the WPA Pre-Shared Key mode.) RADIUS Authentication can also be
provided by another service provider over the Internet a nd remote to your
network site.
AG D WL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter into
Getting Started (continued)
Setting up a Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
Install the D-Link DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter into the de sktop
computer. (See the Quick Installation Guide included with the DWL-AG530).
Install the DWL-AG660 into a la ptop computer. (See the Quick
Installation Guide included with the DWL-AG660).
Set the wireless configuration for the adapters to Ad-Hoc mode, set
the adapters to the same channel, and assign an IP address to each
computer on the Ad-Hoc network. (See box below).
IP Addre ss
When assigning IP addresses to the computers on the network, please
remember that the IP address for each computer must be in the sameIP address range as all the computers in the network, and the subnet
mask must be exactly the same for all the computers in the network.
For exa mple: If the f irst computer is assigned an IP a ddre ss of
with a subnet mask of, then the second computer can be
a ssigned an IP a ddress of with a subnet ma sk of,
IMPORTANT: If computers or other devices are assigned the same IP
address, one or more of the devices may not be visible on the network.
Using the Configuration Utility
D-Link AirPremierAGTM DWL-AG530 uses the Configuration Utility as the
manage ment software. The utility provides the user a n ea sy interface to cha nge
any settings related to the wireless adapter. After you have completed the
installation of the D WL-AG530 (refer to the Quick Installation Guide that ca me
with your purcha se) whenever you start the computer, the Conf iguration Utility
starts automatically and the system tray icon is loaded in the toolbar (see
illustration below*.) Clicking on the utility icon will start the Configuration Utility.
Another way to start the Configuration Utility is to click on Start>Programs>D-
Link AirPremierAG
If you are using Windows XP, you ca n use either the Zero Configuration Utility
or the D-Link Conf iguration Utility .
T o use the D-Link Configuration Utility with XP, right-click
on the wireless network icon in the tas kbar in the lower
right-hand corner of your computer screen.
In the window that appears, select
View Available Wireless Networks
and click the Advanced button. The
screen at right will a ppe ar.
> D-Link AirPre mier AGTM Utility .
Select the Wireless Networks tab.
Uncheck the box in the properties window
that enables windows configuration.
To access the WPA/WPA2 security
features of the D WL-AG530 you must
install the Aegis software (included on
the installation CD) before inserting the
Adapter into your la ptop PC.
After you have done this, you can then use the D-Link
Configuration Utility with XP by clicking on the D-Link
Configuration Utility icon.
If the icon does not display in the tas kbar, then click on
this icon on your desktop to open.
*Configuration Utility icon
in the system tray
Using the Configuration Utility (continued)
After clicking on the Configuration Utility icon, the Link Info screen will display
the settings for the DWL-AG530:
Displays the MAC address of
the access point or router to
which the DWL-AG530 is asso-
The Service Set Identifier is the
name assigned to the wireless
network. The factory SSID set-
ting is default.
802.1 1b indicates that the D WLAG530 is communicating in the
2.4GHz band.
Wireless Mode:
Either Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc will be displayed here. (Plea se see the Getting
Started section in this manual for an expla n ation of the se two modes.)
You can see if WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is Enabled or Disabled here.
Connection Info:
The connection status is displayed here.
Tx Rate:
Tx Rate settings are automatically determined for an optimal speed up to a
maximum of 54Mbps (108Mbps in T urbo mode).
The channel selection is automatically determined by the D WL-AG530.
Link Info
Signal Strength/Link Quality:
Displays the Link Quality for the DWL-AG530 wireless connection to the access point. The signal strength represents the wireless signal between the
access point and the DWL-AG530. The percentage coincides with the graphical bar.
Packet Count:
Displays the statistics of the data packets that are transmitted and received.
Rescan Button:
Rescans for the strongest signal in your environment and associates with that
access point or router.
* Due to DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection), 5GHz Ad-Hoc mode is always disable in EEC countries.
Using the Configuration Utility (continued)
Service Set Identifier is a na me that identif ies a
wireless network. Access points and wireless
devices attempting to connect to a specific
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) must use
the sa me SSID. The default setting is default.
Wireless Mode:
Click on the pull-down menu; select from the
following options:
Infrastructure - Conne cting to the WLAN
using an a ccess point. (This is the default
Ad-Hoc - Wireless mode used when
connecting directly to a computer equipped with a wireless adapter in a
Peer-to-Peer environment.
Data Encryption:
Select Enabled or Disabled.
Choose one of the following modes:
Open Authentication - The DWL-AG530 is visible to all devices on the
Shared Authentication- Allows communication only with other device s
with identical WEP settings.
WPA/WPA2* - Select to enable WPA/WP A2. Click Athentication Conf ig.
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK* - Sele ct to enable WPA-PSK/WP A2-PSK. Click
Authentication Config.
*(See the following pages for more detailed configuration instructions.)
Key Length:
Select the key length and e ither ASCII or hexadecimal format.
Enable 802.1x in this field. (802.1x is automatically enabled when WPA/WPA2
or WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK is selected.)
Keys 1-4:
Select the default key .
Hexadecimal digits consist of the numbers 0-9 a nd the letters A-F.
ASCII (America n Sta ndard Code f or Information Intercha nge)is a code for
representing English letters as numbers from 0-127.
IP Settings:
When you click IP Settings in the Configuration window, the pop-up screen
shown on the next page will a ppear. Configure the IP settings in that window.
Click Apply to save cha nges.
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