The DW-1100 (IEEE 802.11b compatible 11 Mbps WLAN Access Point) is a long-range,
high performance LAN product, which provides Access Point services to a 2.4 GHz RF
network and bridges to an Ethernet backbone. DW-1100 is a highly integrated Access Point
designed to combine legacy LANs with wireless LANs. DW-1100 performs all the necessary
inter-networking and bridging functions. It receives data from both networks, stores them
locally for further processing, installs and maintains connections and transmits the packets
to the proper destinati on. This User Guide descr ibes the steps req uired for th e initi al s et u p
of the AP IP address, the AP configuration, and the firmware upgrade procedure. The
description includes the implementation of the above steps through both Ethernet and USB.
Please make sure that you received the following Content:
! One (1) DW-1100 Access Point
! One USB cable
! One Ethernet cable
! One power adapter
! User Guide
! Firmware, Drivers, and Software Tools CD
For configuration through USB:
! Operating System: MS Windows ® 98, Windows ® 2000
! Desktop PC or notebook PC with USB port
For configuration through Ethernet:
! Operating System: MS Windows ® 95 OSR2, Windows ®98,
Windows ® 2000, Windows ® NT 4.0
! Desktop PC or notebook PC connected on a LAN
The features of the DW-1100 Access Point are the following:
! Povide Ethernet to Wireless LAN bridge fully compatible on
Ethernet side and fully IEEE 802.3 compatible on the Ethernet
side and fully interoperable with IEEE 802.11b compliant
! Ethernet interface with 10Base-T
! IEEE 802.11b infrastructure and ad hoc operating modes
! Dynamic data rate switching with 11, 5.5, 2 and 1Mbps
! Allows auto fallback data rate for optimized re liability,
throughput and transmission range
! Encryption supporting IEEE 802.11 40-bit or 128-bit Wired
Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
! Dual diversity antennas for the multi-path environment
! Firmware upgrade capability via USB port
! Web-based configuration and management
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AP Configuration
The DW-1100 AP configuration can be done through the Ethernet port either by using the
SNMP Manager application or through the USB port by using the AP Utility Application. In
order to configure the DW-1100 AP through the Ethernet Port/Wireless Port, you must first
install the SNMP Manager application, which is a powerful and reliable tool used for the
remote configuration of the Access Point through the Et hernet P ort/ Wireless Por t. In order t o
install the SNMP Manager you ne ed t o run the progr am “setu p.ex e” w hich y ou w ill find i n th e
“Utilities” folder in your CD. Follow the instructions of the set-up program and select the
directory where the application will be installed. Finally, a window appears indicating the
completion of the installation.
Connecting to AP using SNMP
1. On the Start Menu, choose Start -> Programs -> SNMP Manager.
2. File menu: When the application opens, under the File Menu there are the following
3. Connect to AP - Using this submenu you can directly connect with the Access Point by
typing its IP Address in t he pan el th at a pp ear s a nd at the C o m mu nity field, type "public"
and then press OK (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Connecting to Access Point using SNMP Manager
4. In case of a successful connection to the Access Point, the following window appears.
Press “OK” (Figure 2).
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DW-1000 Wireless Network Found
(version 1.4)
Figure 2 Access Point Found
5. In case of an unsuccessful connection you receive the following message (Figure 3):
Figure 3 Access Point Not Found
6. If the above error message appears, you need to check if the AP is connected to the
Configuring the AP using SNMP
1. When the connection has been successfully established, you get a message in the left
bottom corner indicating, “Get Configuration done” and on the right bottom corner the
“IP Address” of the connected Access Point.
2. File menu: The file menu contai ns the fol l owing enabled submenus
Close Connection AP - Terminates the connection with the Access Point.
Download Changes - When all the desired values of the parameters have been set
you are able to download the changes (save the changes) to the Access Point by
selecting this submenu.
Options - Defines the polling interval according to which the SNMP Manager polls the
Access point in order to update the statistics and the Associated Stations List.
3. Setup menu: As soon as the connection has been established, you are able to start
viewing or setting the Access Point parameters. Under the “Setup” menu, there are the
following submenus:
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