D-Link DVX-7090 User Manual

DVX-7090 VoIP Router
User's Guide
© 2006 D-Link Computer Corp.
D-Link Voice System DVX-7090
VoIP Router for organizations
Document : 1
Document type: User's Guide
Document status: Version
Date of issue: 10.10.2006
Trademarks used in this text: D-Link and the D-LINK logo are trademarks of D­Link Computer Corporation; Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. D-Link Computer Corporation disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2006 D-Link Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from D-Link Computer Corporation.
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 DOCUMENT PROFILE ..............................................................................................................................5
1.2 AUDIENCE..............................................................................................................................................5
1.3 TYPOGRAPHICAL CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................5
1.4 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................5
2 PRODUCT OVERVIEW...........................................................................................................................6
2.1 HARDWARE ...........................................................................................................................................6
2.2 SOFTWARE.............................................................................................................................................7
2.3 ROUTER FEATURES................................................................................................................................8
2.4 PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS ...............................................................................................................8
3 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION..................................................................................................9
4 CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................10
4.1 CONFIGURING NETWORKING PROPERTIES ............................................................................................10
4.2 CONFIGURING USER ENDPOINTS...........................................................................................................14
4.2.1 User basic settings.......................................................................................................................17
4.2.2 Registration settings....................................................................................................................18
4.2.3 User NAT-, fax-related and signaling-dependent settings...........................................................18
4.2.4 Call forward dialog.....................................................................................................................20
4.2.5 Codec capability settings.............................................................................................................21
4.2.6 Default user.................................................................................................................................23
4.3 CONFIGURING GATEWAYS ...................................................................................................................23
4.3.1 Basic gateway settings.................................................................................................................25
4.3.2 Registration settings....................................................................................................................25
4.3.3 D-Link DVX-7090 Router registration settings...........................................................................26
4.3.4 Gateway NAT-, fax-related and type-of-signaling properties......................................................27
4.3.5 Gateway codec capability settings...............................................................................................27
4.4 CONFIGURING DVX-7090 SERVICES....................................................................................................27
4.4.1 Commands that invoke services...................................................................................................30
4.5 CONFIGURING THE ROUTING TABLE .....................................................................................................31
4.5.1 Commands executed during routing............................................................................................32
4.5.2 Why position of routing rules in the table is important...............................................................33
4.6 GROUPS AND GROUPING ......................................................................................................................34
4.6.1 General........................................................................................................................................34
4.6.2 Configuring groups......................................................................................................................34
4.7 MANAGING VOICE PROMPTS ................................................................................................................36
4.8 CDRS AND LOGS .................................................................................................................................38
4.8.1 Call detail records (CDRs)..........................................................................................................38
4.8.2 Viewing CDRs .............................................................................................................................38
4.8.3 Logs.............................................................................................................................................42
4.8.4 Viewing Logs...............................................................................................................................44
4.9 SOFTWARE VERSION MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................................45
5 CONFIGURATION HOW-TO'S............................................................................................................49
5.1 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO VOICE TO EMAIL ....................................................................49
5.2 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO DIRECT INWARD SYSTEM ACCESS .........................................51
5.3 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO EXTENSION NUMBERS ............................................................54
5.4 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH FOR OUTBOUND CALLS................................................................55
5.5 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO CALL PICKUP .........................................................................56
5.6 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO IMPERSONATE FUNCTION .......................................................58
5.7 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO GROUP CALL SERVICE ...........................................................60
5.8 HOW TO CONFIGURE ROUTING PATH TO AUTO REDIAL .........................................................................62
5.9 HOW TO USE MATCH AND PATTERN FIELDS IN THE ROUTING TABLE ...................................................63
USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................72
6.1 CONFIGURING USERS DATA ................................................................................................................72
6.2 VIEWING STATISTICS ...........................................................................................................................74
6.3 MANAGING VOICE PROMPTS ...............................................................................................................75
7 USAGE HOW-TO’S.................................................................................................................................77
7.1 HOW TO USE CALL TRANSFER ..............................................................................................................77
7.2 HOW TO MAKE CONFERENCE CALLS.....................................................................................................77
APPENDIX A ACRONYMS..........................................................................................................................79
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This manual describes the D-Link DVX-7090 VoIP Router and explains how to configure and operate it.


This document is intended for computer systems specialists tasked with deployment and configuration of the DVX-7090 VoIP Router. The readers of this document are assumed to be familiar with the concepts of IP telephony and principles of networking. The system administrator who configures the VoIP Router must have a working knowledge of regular expression.


The conventions used in this document are described in the table below.
Table 1: Conventions
Convention Description
Note: text Important information requiring special attention
Words highlighted by grey background represent names of configuration parameters when they appear in the text of the document
Digits in bold italics denote numbers of a dialing sequence
Column title of a tabular form
Bold face letters are used to indicate names of programs, directories and files


Here is a brief synopsis of the chapters in this document:
Chapter 1 describes the purpose and structure of the document
Chapter 2 gives an overview of the product hardware and software components, details the
product’s features and specifications.
Chapter 3 describes how to install and connect the DVX-7090 VoIP Router.
Chapter 4 shows you how the system administrator can use the Router’s web interface for
the purposes of configuration
Chapter 5 introduces some configuration tips
Chapter 6 describes the application interface accessible to extension subscribers
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The DVX-7090 VoIP Router is a packet telephony switching system with a full range of features typical for traditional PBXs and a number of additional capabilities.
The DVX-7090 VoIP Router is an affordable branch exchange solution for geographically distributed organizations that eliminates the need to have two separate networks for voice and data and allows telephone communications over the same line that subscribers use for Internet access.
Product overview
Fig. 1 DVX-7090 deployment in a geographically distributed organization


The hardware specifications of DVX-7090 are as follows:
Form Factor: Standard industrial 19” 1U rackmount
Processor: VIA C3 1 GHz
System Memory: 1 144-pin SODIMM, up to 256MB Storage: 1 CompactFlash type II 512 MB card 4 10/100Base-TX Ethernet ports
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The DVX-7090 software has a modular structure that includes five functional components:
Control Unit (CU),
Switching Unit (SU),
Database server (DBS) and
Web-interface (WI).
Fig. 2 presents a block diagram of the D-Link VoIP Router software
Product overview
Fig. 2 Block diagram of D-Link VoIP Router software modules
The CU is the Router’s backbone element that functions as a server intended for user authentication and authorization, control of the SU, and interaction with the database server (DBS).
The SU is an integration of:
a stateful softswitch that transparently supports the SIP and H.323 signaling protocol
an RTP/RTCP proxy for conversion and reassembly of IP packets without
modification of their contents (i.e. without codec conversion)
a media proxy for full conversion of media streams
an audio file recording and playback utility (.wav format)
a SIP registrar
a SIP client for registering to remote SIP registrars/proxy servers
an H.323 gatekeeper
a RAS client for registering to H.323 gatekeepers/proxy servers
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The DBS is a suite of XML files. The DBS is a repository of data used to store and provide access to user records, the routing table, information about gateways and the system configuration.


The DVX-7090 VoIP Router allows:
Call holds
Call transfer
Conditional and unconditional call forwarding
Conference calls (max. 3 participants in the current version of the software)
Voice to email delivery
Direct Inward System Access (DISA)
Call pick up
Call waiting
Impersonate function
Product overview
Group calls
Codec conversion


VoIP protocols:
H.323 v.2
H.245 v.7
H.225 v.4
Supported voice encoding algorithms (codecs):
G.723.1 5.3 kBit/s
G.723.1 6.4 kBit/s
G.711 mU-Law
G.711 A-Law
GSM 06.10-FR
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Prepare a Windows workstation connected to the local area network. You will need the workstation to access the newly installed Router.
To install and power on your DVX-7090 VoIP Router, proceed as follows:
1. Unpack the supplied Router and install the box at a location of your choice
2. Connect the DVX-7090 VoIP Router to the LAN switch through the Ethernet port (port
2 in Fig. 3)
Installation and connection
Fig. 3 DVX-7090 front panel
3. The Windows workstation that you have prepared and the VoIP Router box must be on
the same network. To ensure this, create a network alias for subnet on the Windows workstation (see section 5.10 for details).
4. Switch on the Router. It takes some 30-40 seconds to load and start the VoIP Router
5. Start the Internet Explorer web browser on the Windows workstation and enter the URL
6. To log in with the administrator’s permissions, enter the default login and password –
admin, qwerty.
7. Configure the system as described in Ch. 4 and Ch. 5 of this guide
8. When through with the configuration, reboot the VoIP Router by clicking the
button on the page ‘Configuration’ of the Web interface.
9. Switch off the VoIP Router box and unplug the networking cable from the Ethernet port
(see port 2 in Fig. 3)
10. Plug in the networking cable into the WAN port (port 1 in Fig. 3) to make the VoIP
Router accessible at URL http://<WAN_IP> where <WAN_IP> is the assigned IP entered in the field IP address of the WAN settings dialog.
to access the Router’s logon page.
Now you can use any web browser to access the DVX-7090 Router and configure the system working remotely.
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Start your web browser and enter on the address line to access the logon page of the Router’s web interface.
The initial logon credentials that provide access to the administration interface of your system are admin, qwerty. If the entered login name and password are correct, you will be displayed with the main page of the Web interface.
Fig. 4 DVX-7090 logon page
Make sure that the change of the initial access password is the first procedure that you perform.
Note: The no-activity timeout for the web interface is 20 min. On timeout expiration the user is returned to the logon page.


The page with the Router’s networking properties is the first page displayed on entry to the system.
To access the page with the Router’s global settings from anywhere else in the web interface,
click the tab Fig. 5
. The DVX-7090 VoIP Router entry page is shown in
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Fig. 5 Networking configuration page
The configuration box WAN Settings allows you to configure the Router’s WAN properties and define the following parameters:
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Fig. 6 WAN settings dialog box
Use DHCP select this checkbox if you wish to engage dynamic IP address assigning
and enable DHCP
IP address – IP address of the WAN interface in the common dot-separated format
Netmask – subnet mask of the WAN interface
Default Gateway – IP address of the LAN’s border router
Hostname – the name of the host
Domain – domain name
DNS – IP address of the DNS server
SSL is a combo box that allows you to choose between encrypted and unencrypted
connections with the VoIP Router. In case of remote system administration select Yes for encrypted connection. If you administer the system locally, you connection may be unencrypted and you may wish to select No.
Note: Remember selecting Yes in the SSL combo box slows down operation of the web interface
The configuration form SMTP Server allows you to configure the e-mail defining the following parameters:
IP address – IP address (or DNS name) of the SMTP server
Port – SMTP server connection port
Source – email address of the DVX-7090 Router that will appear on the From: line of
email letters with sound files
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Fig. 7 SMTP server settings box
Note: It is assumed that the configured SMTP Server does not require authorization.
The date-time dialog box allows you to set the current date and time.
Fig. 8 Date and time setting box
Use NTP. Select the checkbox Use NTP if you wish to use automatic time synchronization and configure NTP time servers. Deselect the checkbox when you plan to make manual date-time setting. A deselected Use NTP checkbox makes the NTP servers list, the entry line and Timezone combo box dimmed and inaccessible.
Note: If your system is very slow or too fast in time (about one hour and more) it advisable that you set the time manually before selecting the Use NTP checkbox.
Timezone. Use the Timezone combo box to select the time zone where the DVX-7090 Router resides.
To add an NTP server to the list of time synchronization servers, type the server name in the edit box above the Timezone combo box and click the add button
box. Click
Note: After clicking the button
to validate the newly made entry.
you will be alerted to pending system restart
located to the right of the edit
inevitably caused by date/time modifications.
Click , to remove the latest erroneous entry from the list of NTP servers.
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When setting the date and time manually, enter the current date and time in the respective boxes
and click remove an erroneous entry.
The purpose of the dialog Change password is self-explanatory. A change of the access credentials set by the manufacturer (admin, qwerty) should be the first procedure you perform on your newly deployed system.
The configuration boxes SIP registrar and H.323 Gatekeeper allow you to specify the name of the SIP registrar and H.323 gatekeeper correspondingly and configure unicast and multicast ports for receipt of user registration requests.
. Click whenever you want to update the date-time setting or
Fig. 9 Change password dialog
Fig. 10 SIP registrar and H.323 gatekeeper configuration boxes
Fill the edit boxes with the necessary data and click
When through with changing the access password, click


Click the tab to access the page that displays the table of configured users.
to accept the changes.
to restart the system.
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Fig. 11 Table of configured user extensions
You can change the quantity of records displayed simultaneously by entering the desired number
of records in the text box Show users per page above the table and clicking .
You can skip directly to any portion of the records or page through the displayed listing successively by clicking the page numbers on the blue bar under the table.
The table columns present the following data and control elements:
shows a dimmed checkbox that indicates the active or inactive status of the
user record
contains , the Edit button. Click this button to edit the record.
shows the phone number of the user
presents the user’s name in the system
displays the user’s IP
includes , the button that invokes the groups dialog
sshows the registration status of registering endpoints. The valid values are:
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- Registered – the endpoint is successfully registered with the system;
- Unregistered – the endpoint is unregistered;
- In-call – the endpoint has established a connection with a remote party;
- Failed – unsuccessful endpoint registration.
- empty field - no successful endpoint registration has occurred
includes two buttons – and .
is the button that you click to make a duplicate of the record
is the delete button used to remove the record.
You may wish to use the filter located on top of the Users table (see Fig. 12) to display selective listings of configured extensions. User records can be filtered by the phone number, subscriber’s name or the group the user belongs to and by any combination thereof.
Fig. 12 Search filter of Users page
When you intend to have displayed only those user records where the extension number starts
with 5, enter 5 in the field Phone and click . When it is necessary to further narrow the search and display only user records that have phone numbers starting with 509, enter 509 in
the field Phone and click .
You can perform search by a digit or digits the phone number starts with and cannot search by digits occurring in the middle or in the end of the number. You cannot enter regular expressions in the filter field Phone either.
The search argument entered in the field Name is an alphabetic character or several characters that can be found as a substring occurrence within a name string. The performed exact-match search is case insensitive. For example, if you enter the letter A in the Name field and click
the search will return all user records where the user name includes characters A
and a, regardless of their number and position within the name string.
The search argument in the filter field Group is one selected from the drop-down list.
While using the filter you can define any single search argument, any combination of two arguments (phone and name, phone and group, name and group) and all three arguments simultaneously.
Click to bring up the user configuration form and configure the endpoint properties. The user configuration form is shown in Fig. 13
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The configuration form comprises five types of configuration parameters:
Basic settings (User name, Phone number, Signaling, IP address, IP Port ,E-mail Pin-
code, and Web password)
Registration settings (Login, Password, Web password)
General options (NAT, Fax T.38, Convert etc.)
SIP options (Ringback Tone, Allow SIP Redirect, Allow noproxy)
H.323 options (Tunneling, Fast Start, Multiple Fast Start, Ext, T.38 compatibility,
Start H.245)
Codec capabilities (Codec, FPP)
The checkbox Enabled in the upper left corner of the form can be selected or deselected to make the record active or inactive. You may wish to make the user record inactive to temporarily disable the extension and avoid the necessity to configure the user record anew when need be. The DVX-7090 Router ignores disabled user records.


To configure the user basic attributes:
Fig. 13 User configuration form
1. Type the user’s name in the text field User name
2. Enter the user’s extension number in the edit box Phone number
3. Select the signaling standard that the endpoint supports (h.323 or sip) from the drop-down
list of the combo box Signaling
4. Enter the IP address of the user’s terminal in the text field IP address
5. Enter a signaling port in the edit field IP port
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Note: You may skip entering an IP address and port if the checkbox Registration is selected, meaning that the endpoint being configured is a registering entity
6. Type the user’s email address in the E-mail edit field as the destination for voice messages
delivered by the DVX-7090 Router Voice-to-email mechanism.
7. Enter the user’s PIN-code in the edit field Pin code to grant the user access to the
Impersonate functionality.
8. Enter the user’s personal password in the Web password field to provide for remote access
to the User’s Interface.
Fig. 14 presents an example of completed basic user settings.
Fig. 14 User basic settings


Select the checkbox Registration if you wish to configure the user’s terminal as a registering endpoint. With the checkbox selected, enter a registration login and password in the appropriate fields. Use the field TTL to configure time-to-live for the endpoint registrations.
Note: With the Registration checkbox selected you need to fill t he field Password only if the registering endpoint is capable of secure authentication..
Fig. 15 Endpoint registration data


If necessary, configure other user endpoint properties that include the parameters shown in Fig. 16:
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Fig. 16 NAT- , fax-related and protocol-specific settings
The combo box NAT serves to select a NAT traversal policy and offers triple choice:
- direct means that call packets will go direct without enabling NAT traversal
- forced stands for the NAT traversal function enabled
- detect denotes automatic detection of NAT presence
Select direct when you are positive that communication with the endpoint you are configuring does not involve network address translation (NAT). Select the option forced when it is known that the endpoint sits behind a NAT router. Select detect when unsure about the situation with NAT.
FAX T.38 allows you to enable/disable T.38 fax support.
The Convert combo box offers three options:
– none (no codec conversion is performed even if the call originator and terminator
have a common codec capability)
– adaptive (the DVX-7090 Router performs codec conversion when necessary, i.e.
when the calling and called endpoints feature no common codec capabilities)
– forced (the DVX-7090 Router always performs conversion of media even when a
common capability exists)
Note: The use of codec conversion should be judicious as codec conversion is very demanding in terms of the system computing power and takes toll on voice quality. The option adaptive is the best choice as with adaptive selected the Router tries to put the call through without conversion and automatically engages the codec converter when the call is impossible otherwise. The option forced is for extraordinary cases when two endpoints cannot communicate otherwise even with a common codec capability.
The Repacketize control allows you to manage repacketization of media streams that may be necessary to improve the quality of speech and remedy possible silence suppression incompatibility occurring occasionally in terminal equipment. The options of the Repacketize drop-down list include:
– none disables repacketization of media streams – incoming (enables repacketization of ingress media) – outgoing (enables repacketization of egress media) – both (enables repacketization of ingress and egress streams)
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DTMF Options the DTMF Options combo box is used to select a type of DTMF digits payload. The available options include:
1. RFC2833 for all terminal equipment types
2. INFO V.1 for CISCO SIP terminals
3. INFO V.2 for Nortel SIP terminals
Dealing with H.323 Options:
Tunneling enables/disables encapsulation of H.245 messages
Fast Start enables/disables FastStart
Multiple FastStart. With Multiple FastStart set to ‘true’ the system includes FastStart in every packet
Ext T.38 compatibility
This parameter is intended to overcome slight incompatibilities that frequently exist in vendor­specific implementations of the H.323 standard. For example, setting Ext T.38 compatibility to true ensures trouble-free interoperation of Vocaltec endpoints with the DVX-7090 Router.
Start H.245 has three options:
- callproceeding
- connect
- alerting
that help you define which of the above H.225 messages will trigger establishment of the H.245 control channel
Early Connect – this flag is used to ensure smooth interoperation with endpoints that do not exchange capabilities (codecs etc.) until the arrival of CONNECT. Select true to provide for an early CONNECT message.
Dealing with SIP Options:
Ringback Tone is used to configure the RBT capability for the endpoint. If the terminal you are configuring is capable of generating RBT, select local, otherwise select emulate.
Allow SIP Redirect allows/disallows SIP redirection
Allow noproxy when set to true enables signaling proxy only and direct flow of media streams. The value false enables full proxy, which involves proxy operation for both signaling and media packets.
Note: Remember that the setting of the parameter Allow noproxy must be the same for both the calling and the called endpoint


Fig. 17 Call forward configuration form
To configure conditional and unconditional call forwarding:
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1. Click
2. Select a condition (Busy, No answer, Unreachable, Unconditional) that will cause call
forward using the combo box in the column Fwd Condition
3. If the forward rule being configured applies to a particular calling number only, type the
necessary calling number in the edit box Source. Alternatively, you can write a regular expression that covers a series of numbers.
Leave the edit box intact if the calling number is of no importance for the call forward you are configuring.
4. When necessary, you can limit call forward to a particular time period and day or days
of week.
To define a call forwarding period, select the checkbox Time (in the column Activity Schedule) and specify the period start and end time in the edit boxes From and To respectively. To specify on what days call forwarding will take place, select the checkbox Days and select call forward days on the drop-down menu invoked by a click on the appearing down-arrow button.
5. Type in the forward number in the text box Fwd Number of the form and click
to validate the changes you have made to the record.


The add-new-user dialog appears with all codecs in place and frame-per-packet settings done
(see Fig. 18.) If you wish to delete unnecessary codecs, click the delete button
To add to the codec capability of the user’s terminal, click required codec from the drop-down list of codec options.
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and select the
Fig. 18 Codeсs options
Enter a number of frames per packet in the neighboring edit box FPP with due regard to the endpoint capability and buffer size. Information about codec frame sizes is given in the table below.
Table 2 Frame sizes by codecs
Codec Frame size
G.729 10 ms
G.729A 10 ms
G.723 30 ms
G.711-aLaw 1 ms
G.711-uLaw 1 ms
GSM 06.01 20 ms
Therefore, if an endpoint can accept no more than, say, 60ms worth of audio per packet, for G.711 you can enter the value 60; for G.723 it will be 2 (60/30 = 2); for G.729 it would be 6 (60/10 = 6).
Note: Please, remember that for G.711 codecs it makes sense to enter “frames per packet” values in multiples of ten only.
You can increase/decrease codec precedence in the table by clicking up- and down-arrow buttons.
to move the codec record up one line and increase the codec precedence.
To add the new user record to the population of configured users, click
to move the codec record down one line thus decreasing the codec precedence.
to delete the codec record.
. Click
, to cancel the made changes.
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The Default user account is the only preconfigured user account that exists in the system at the time of the first startup.
Fig. 19 Users table on first start
The existence of the Default user record is a must therefore you cannot delete this record. The system uses the Default user account whenever a call comes originated by a user not registered with the system.


To access the page Gateways, press . The page presents a table of configured gateways as shown in Fig. 20
Fig. 20 Table of gateways
The columns in the gateways table present the following information:
or inactive
contains , the Edit button. Click this button to edit the record.
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contains a dimmed checkbox that shows if the gateway record is activated
shows the name the gateway is assigned in the system
includes , the button that invokes the groups dialog
shows the gateway’s current registration status. Possible values include:
- Registered – the gateway is successfully registered with the DVX-7090 Router
- In Call – the gateway is handling calls
- External – the DVX-7090 Router is registered to the gateway
- Both – combination of Registered and External
incorporates the button that you click to delete the record.
The parameters on the gateway configuration form are similar to those on the user configuration page. The gateway configuration form is presented in Fig. 21
Fig. 21 Gateway properties form
The parameters on the gateway configuration form fall under five categories:
- Basic gateway settings (Gateway name, Signaling, IP Address, IP Port)
- Gateway registration settings (Login, Password and TTL)
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- Parameters for DVX-7090 Router registrations with external registrars (Login,
Password, Port, TTL, Security type, Endpoint type)
- NAT-, fax-related and signaling-dependent settings
- Codec capability settings


Basic gateway settings include the following configuration parameters:
Fig. 22 Basic gateway attributes
Note: The name entered in the field Gateway name is u sed as the gateway’s identifier in
registrations to a remote gatekeeper/SIP registrar. So, make sure the configured gateway name matches the registration name on the remote GK/SIP registrar.
The checkbox Enabled activates/deactivates the gateway record in the system.
Gateway name is a text box for entering the gateway’s identifier.
Signaling is a combo box used to select the gateway’s signaling standard.
Use the IP Address edit box to enter the gateway’s IP.
Enter a listening port number in the IP Port edit field.
The checkboxes under the name Caller IDs have the following intent:
Use a selected checkbox Relay Incoming to indicate the call source gateway from which
the Router may accept the caller’s ID for further relay to destination.
Use a selected checkbox Trust Incoming to indicate a gateway as a trusted source from
which caller’s IDs are acceptable for the purposes of the Impersonate function.
Use a selected checkbox Send for gateways on the outgoing call leg to allow them to
pass the caller’s ID further to the destination.


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+ 58 hidden pages