D-Link DHN-120 User Manual

USB Adapter
User’s Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................................................1
DHN-120 Installation Guide and Networking Basics..................................1
Box Contents ............................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Installing Adapters and Cables.....................................................3
Installing USB Adapters...............................................................................3
Installing Cables...........................................................................................3
Chapter 3 Installing Software........................................................................5
Installing Software under Windows 98........................................................5
Installing Software in Windows 2000..........................................................9
Chapter 4 Networking Basics......................................................................13
TCP/IP Protocol..........................................................................................13
Computer Identification.............................................................................. 17
Sharing Files...............................................................................................19
Sharing Printers ..........................................................................................26
Playing Network Games.............................................................................31
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting..........................................................................36
Verify Each Computer’s Identification ..................................................36
Verify Network Adapter Installation...................................................... 36
Verify Cable Connections.......................................................................37
Understanding Indicators........................................................................38
Getting Technical Support......................................................................38
Technical Specifications.............................................................................39
Technical Support............................................................................................44
Chapter 1 Introduction
DHN-120 Installation Guide and Networking Basics
The D-Link DHN-120 is ideal for the small office or home office environment. The DHN-120 enables you to add your computer to a network. After completing the steps in this manual, you will have the ability to share information and resources - such as files and printers - and take full advantage of a "connected" environment for work and play!
The DHN-120 comes with drivers for the most popular operating systems and can be integrated into a larger network. This Quick Starter Guide is designed to help you install the DHN-120 and connect the computer to a network running Windows 98 or Windows 2000.
The HomePNA standard allows you to connect computers and devices at speeds up to 10 Mbps. The DHN-120 is based on the newest HomePNA 2.0 standard. Older Network Cards, based on HomePNA 1.0, support speeds up to 1 Mbps. The DHN-120 is backwards compatible with HomePNA 1.0 products as well.
This Quick Starter Guide will take you through the steps of planning your network, installing the network hardware and software, and setting up Windows properly to use basic networking functions like printer and file sharing and playing network games. Take a moment to read through this manual and familiarize yourself with the steps necessary to complete the installation process. The entire process should take from one to two hours of your time. But, you should also give yourself some time to play with your new network!
Box Contents
You should have the following items:
1 DHN-120 10 Mbps HomePNA 2.0 Network Adapter
1 Phoneline Cable
1 USB Cable
DHN-120 Quick Starter Guide (This Manual)
DHN-120 Driver CD
Chapter 2 Installing Adapters and Cables
If you plan to set up two computers in the same room, you can use a single phone jack. Keep in mind that at all times at least one of the cards on your phoneline network must be plugged into a phone jack. Also keep in mind that the phone jack must be for an active phone line. The phoneline network cards depend on the small voltage that it is on your phone lines to function properly.
Installing USB Adapters
USB is the simplest way to install a network adapter. It is a simple matter of using the included USB cable to connect the DHN-120 to an open USB port on any PC or laptop you wish to connect. Please make sure that each computer is off before plugging the unit in. Once you have created your network, you will be able to hot-plug the DHN-120 at will, but for the purposes of this manual it is best if you initially install the adapters with your computers powered off.
Installing Cables
The cable included in the box is 15 feet in length. If you need a longer cable, they are sold at most electronics stores. If you want to use a phone on the same phone jack, we recommend that you purchase a splitter for the jack.
If you plan to use 2 or more phone jacks, make sure that they are (1) active and (2) on the same line (the same phone number). The Home Phoneline adapters will NOT interfere with your normal phone, analog modem, or DSL modem but they do require an active phone line to work.
With the power off on your computers, run the first cable from your DHN­120 USB HPNA 2.0 Network Adapter directly to the phone jack. If you have two available phone jacks on the same line (telephone number) then simply repeat this step for any other machines you would like to add to your home phoneline network like the picture below, Figure 1:
Figure 1: Connecting Cables
If you plan to have two computers in the same room and only have one phone jack, you can "daisy chain" the computers together. Simply run your first phoneline cable from one of ports on the first DHN-120 to an available, active phone line. Then run the second cable from the second port of the first DHN­120 to one of the ports on the second DHN-120.
If you have a free port available on the DHN-120, it can be used to plug in a phone or modem. The DHN-120 won't interfere with your phone, DSL, or modem signal.
Congratulations: The hardware is ready to be configured into a network.
Chapter 3 Installing Software
You have completed the hardware installation necessary to start operating your network. But, before you start sending those print jobs to the printer in the other room or start playing fast paced network games with your family, you need to tell your computers that they are connected to a network – that is, you need to install the Networking System Software. This will consist primarily of installing device drivers for your Network Adapters. Device drivers help the operating system on your computer to identify and operate devices such as printers and Network Adapters.
Installing Software under Windows 98
Since the DHN-120 is Plug-and-Play, Windows 98 recognizes that you have added a Network Adapter and requests that you provide the necessary device driver. The Windows 98 installation CD will be needed to complete this installation.
A. Power ON your computer.
B. Windows 98 will detect the new hardware, and will launch the
Add New Hardware Wizard. The wizard will find your new "D­Link DHN-120", as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Add New Hardware Wizard
C. Insert the DHN-120 Drivers CD provided with your kit into your
CD-ROM drive and click "Next >" to continue.
D. In Windows 98, the wizard will ask you, "What do you want
Windows to do?" Select "Search for the best driver for your device (Recommended)" and click "Next >" to continue, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Search for Driver
E. The wizard will now ask you to identify the location to search.
Ensure that "CD-ROM Drive" has a check in Windows 98 and click "Next >" to continue, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Specify Driver Location
F. The wizard will find the driver on the CD and state its readiness to
install the driver for the "D-Link DHN-120 10Mb Home Phoneline USB Adapter" Click "Next >" to continue, as shown in Figure 5.
G. The wizard will install the driver and additional networking
software from the Windows 98 CD-ROM. If requested, please provide the Windows 98 CD-ROM.
Figure 5: Driver Installation
H. For Windows 98, the wizard will display that it has finished
installing the driver. Remove the driver CD from the CD-ROM drive and click "Finish." Windows will ask to reboot click "Yes" and let your computer reboot, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Click Finish to complete the installation
Installing Software in Windows 2000
Since the DHN-120 is Plug-and-Play, Windows 2000 will recognize that you have added a Network Adapter and request that you provide the necessary device driver. The Windows 2000 installation disks or CD will be needed to complete this installation.
I. Power ON your computer.
J. Windows 2000 will detect the new hardware, and will launch the
Add New Hardware Wizard. The wizard will find your new "D­Link DHN-120", see Figure 7.
Figure 7: Found New Hardware Wizard
K. Select "Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)"
then click "Next>", see Figure 8.
Figure 8: Locate Driver Files
L. Make sure your DHN-120 installation CD is in your CD-ROM
drive and the box next to "CD-ROM drives" is checked. Press "Next>", see Figure 9.
Figure 9: Driver Files Search Results
M. Windows will find the appropriate driver. Press "Next>"
Figure 10: Digital Signature Not Found
A. Press "Yes", see Figure 10.
Figure 11: Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard
N. To complete the installation, press "Finish", see Figure 11.
Chapter 4 Networking Basics
You may have had some ideas about how to use your new network prior to installing the DHN-120 – sharing files, printing from any computer on the network, or accessing the Internet on multiple computers with one connection. This section will help you get started on those ideas or even give you some new ones. However, this section is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to networking, it is just an outline of a few networking basics.
If you are interested in learning more about networking, we have identified some Internet resources that may be of interest:
D-Link Systems, Inc. www.dlink.com D-Link is one of the largest manufacturers of Ethernet products in the world.
D-Link’s technological expertise and dedication to providing quality products at a low price makes D-Link a good place to watch for the newest in networking innovations. Or, you may want to get the newest drivers available for your Network Adapters.
TCP/IP Protocol
Before you start sharing files and printers, you need to set the IP address for each of your computers. An IP address is just that, an address. It tells other computers on the network where your computer is so that they can communicate. For your first computer you will add a fixed IP address. For each computer you add to the network, you will need to follow these same steps, but add a different address.
O. From the Start menu, go to Settings-Control Panel, as shown in
Figure 12.
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