Once the came ra’s network set tings have been setu p properly, you can access the
camera’s web viewer usin g the DW IP Finder™. To open the camera’s web viewer:
1. Find the camera using the DW IP Find er™.
2. Doubl e-click on the camera’s view in the results ta ble.
3. Press th e ‘View Camera Website’. The camera’s web viewer will ope n up in
your default web brows er.
4. Enter the c amera’s username and password (default a re admin / admin).
5. If you are a ccessing the camera for the rst ti me, install the VLC les i n
order to view video f rom the camera.
Installation using Mount Bolt and Screws:
1. Using the template she et, make and drill t he cabling holes on the wall/ceiling.
2. Secure the two l ong mounting screws to the camera’s base.
3. Pass the wires thro ugh the mount bracket and make all ne cessary connections.
4. Mount the ca mera to the mounting surface by usi ng the 2 mounting nuts.
Rotate the locking d iscs over the screws until the camera is h eld tightly from
the mounting surface.
Quick Start Guide
Note: The came ra’s maximum til ting angle is 70°
4. The camera’s default network information is:
Network Setup
1. Run the CD included with th e camera and click on the DW IP Finde r™ le.
2. Th e software will scan your net work for all supported came ras and display the
results in the tabl e. Allow up to 5 seconds for t he IP Finder to nd the camera on
the network.
3. Sel ect a camera from the list by double-cl icking on the camera’s image or
clicking on the ‘Cl ick’ button under the IP Co nf. column. The camera’s net work
information will appear. If necessary, you can adjust the camera’s network type.
Select DHC P if the internet servi ce is dynamic IP. This will allow the ca mera to
receive its IP a ddress from the DHCP se rver.
Select STATIC to manuall y enter the camera’s IP addre ss, subnet mask,
Gateway and DNS in formation.
Contact your network administrator for more information.
Default TCP/IP information
• IP:
• Subnet Mask:
• G atew ay: 192.1 68.1.1
• D NS: 1 68.12 6.6 3.1
6. To save the chan ges made to the camera’s settings, input t he ID and PW of the
camera for authentication and click ‘Save’.
7. If the camera ne eds to be rebooted after the settings we re changed, press the
‘Reboot’ but ton. The camera will cycle power and wil l appear back in the search
results once the re boot is complete.
5. To view the ca mera’s web viewer, click on ‘View C amera Website’.
‘Port Forwa rding’ has to be set in your net work’s router for externa l access
to the camera .
Default ID / PW : ad min / admin
Rev Date: 3/16
Copyright © D igital Watchd og. All right s reser ved. Speci fications
and pricing ar e subject to ch ange without n otice.
Note: Please see th e full product manual for web viewer s etup, functions
and camera set tings options.
Use the DW IP Finder™ included in the c amera’s accessory CD to scan the net work
and detect all MEGA pix® cameras, set the ca mera’s network set tings, perform
rmware upgrad e or access the camera’s web client.
Firmware Upgrade Open Camer a's IP
Conguration Screen
Camera Uptime
Camera Name,
Model, IP Address,
and MAC Addre ss
Camera's Firmware
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View Camer a's
Thumbnail View
Camera's Network Settings
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