Digi-Star Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator User Manual

Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator
790 West Rockwell Avenue
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Fax: 920-563-9721
F3510B 04/06/01 1
The Stock Weight Datamaster Indicator
About the Stockweigh Datamaster.......................................................................................................................... Page -3-
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................... Page -5-
Basics ...................................................................................................................................................................... Page -6
Switching on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator................................................................................................Page -6-
Step by Step Procedure for setting up the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator ........................................................Page -7-
Collecting Weight Gains........................................................................................................................................ Page -10-
Uploading Stockweigh Datamaster to your computer...........................................................................................Page -11-
Data Set Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. Page -15-
Commands............................................................................................................................................................ Page -16-
Data Collection...................................................................................................................................................... Page -19-
Additional Commands........................................................................................................................................... Page -21-
Daily Weight Gain Program................................................................................................................................... Page -22-
Printing and Sorting .............................................................................................................................................. Page -24-
Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator to computer communications ..........................................................................Page -25-
Using the Datamaster with a Scanner................................................................................................................... Page -29-
Summary............................................................................................................................................................... Page -30-

The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator

About the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator represents the latest breakthrough in rugged, portable, and
highly accurate weighing and recording systems by Digi-Star, leaders in agricultural weighing technology.
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is not a computer but a data collection unit of the highest
integrity. The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator has a memory of 24 characters x 8000 lines x seven days, with the ability to interface to a serial printer or computer.
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator has a power requirement of 12V dc. 1Amp. this can be supplied
by a battery or power supply.
< When partnered with any of the Digi-Star electronic weighing systems, the Stockweigh Datamaster
Indicator offers unparalleled accuracy and ease of operation under almost any conditions.
Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator Benefits
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator allows the operator to record individual weights and to key in
information pertinent to each animal or object being weighed.
< When recording is completed, the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will sort and visually present the
information as directed by the operator.
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator can be connected to a portable printer or computer through an
RS232 interface to provide a hard copy and >uploading= information into computer files.
Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator Versatility
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator has been designed by practical rural people to cover just about
every possible requirement.
< The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator features a large easy-to-read full alphanumeric LCD display/line
reader and keyboard.
< With the ability to record information in four-column format, a detailed record can be built for each
individual animal or item being weighed.
For example, when weighing livestock the four columns can be utilised as follows:
Weight Column
This automatically records the weight of the animal in pounds or kilograms.
Identification Column
This can be used to record the ear tag details, letters or numbers, or a combination can be keyed up to five places. Eg.A1234
Hash (##)
A numerical column that will add and average any value 1-99, for example backfat or frame score.
User Code Column
This has a capacity to accept up to 7 alpha-numeric characters. The operator may use this column for any special coding or to make shorthand notes about particular animals. It may be used as an optional identity column. Note that the data in the 7 character coding field can be split into sub-fields using the space bar.
Sorting By Weight
< By setting a weight range (High and Low) in the program either before weighing or before sorting, the
Stockweigh Datamaster can provide summaries of animals by groups, i.e. the number of animals
under the target weight range, their total weight as a group, and their average weight.
< This process can be repeated for the target group (those animals weighing in between the high and
low set figures) and the group which is above the target weight.
< The Stockweigh Data Maser can also provide a summary of the total number of animals weighed, their
total weight, and their average weight.
< The Stockweigh Datamaster will also, on command, sort these three groups by identification, the
numerical column, hash (##), or by the user=s own code.
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is User Friendly
< You don=t have to be a computer expert to operate the Stockweigh Datamaster. The number of
practical program features make it easy.
! The full alpha-numeric LCD line reader, which provides easy to follow prompts through all
! Use of the backspace key allows for easy entry correction. ! The full alpha-numeric keyboard makes entry easy. ! The Fast automatic weight mode with dynamic damping ensures weighing is carried out
quickly and accurately.
Function Keys Guide to the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator
Take time to study this text. You will enjoy reading how the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator can do things you have often thought about. Then switch on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator and see for yourself how easy it is to use this powerful livestock weighing machine.
You are not likely to need this text again as the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will prompt you, step by step, to do the right thing at the right time. Try it!
Our goal was to make things easy for you.
Data Collection
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is a data collection machine. When connected to a battery and a set of Digi-Star load cells it constitutes a complete weighing system designed to meet the exacting requirements of today=s Livestock Industries.
A printer or computer may be connected to the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator communication ports. However, you will find it best to leave your printer and computer in the office and only take the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator into the yard. This data collection machine will securely bring information from the yard to your office for further processing.
Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator Construction
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator consists of three modules built into a rugged die cast aluminum
1. The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator data collection and data processing electronics plus printer and computer interfaces.
2. A full sized sealed keyboard designed specifically for data collection around the farm.
3. A two line display to show weights and give messages in English.
Memory Capacity
As you weigh each animal you can enter additional information to be stored with that weight . The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is able to store over 8000 lines of data at any time.
Weighing data is collected under four headings:
Weight: 6 characters (0000.0) numeric only. Ident: 5 characters alpha-numeric. ##: 2 characters numeric only. Coding: 7 characters alpha-numeric.
Operating Modes
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator has three modes of operation:
1. Collect data set Collect new information and store it in the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator memory in the form of data sets.
2. Manage data sets Recall a data set from memory; upload a data set to computer; download a data set from a computer; erase data sets from memory.
3. Process data sets Calculate tallies, weight totals, and averages. Enter set points and print sorted listings.
Operation of the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator revolves around COMMAND! appearing on the display. When COMMAND! is showing on the display you can select a command by pressing the correct key on the keyboard (see the list of function keys). The display will acknowledge your selection. If the acknowledgment is correct then press the enter key. From here on, the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will prompt you as indicated in the program flow sheet, until the display again reads COMMAND!
When A?@ shows on the display, please press either the NO key or the YES key.
A flashing A!@ on the display is either drawing your attention to a displayed message, or it is telling you that
your last keystroke was not valid.
Low Battery
When LOBAT shows on the display it indicates that the battery is running low and needs to be recharged or replaced. Switch off the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator as soon as possible, as Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator operation is not guaranteed when the low battery sign is up. If the battery runs too low then the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will lock itself up to avoid corrupting data.
Display Format
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator has a two line display. Normally, the first line displays prompts and messages and the second line shows a running weight reading. However, sometimes both lines are needed to show information and the weight reading on the second line is temporarily displaced.


Switching on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator
Program version
When you turn on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator the Display will show a message giving the name of the program and its version number.
After a short pause the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will display a copyright message.
Lines remaining
After a further pause, the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will show the number of lines of memory still unused.
The display will then show COMMAND!
There are three expectations to this normal start-up sequence.
1. The battery is low.
2. The data sets are stored in memory are no longer valid.
3. The last data set has not been finished.
Battery too low
If the battery sign is already up when the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is first turned on you will not be allowed to continue.
The display will show the message BATTERY TOO LOW TO START and the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will lock itself. This is done to avoid corrupting the data sets stored in memory.
Memory invalid
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator is capable of retaining the data sets in its memory for at least seven days. When first turned on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator checks its memory to see if the data sets stored there are still valid. If the data sets in memory are not good (which means it must be more than seven days since the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator was last turned on) the display will show MEMORY INVALID...(MEMORY HAS BEEN ERASED).
You must press enter and go on.
Any data sets that were stored in memory have now been lost and are unavailable.
Note: You are not guaranteed a full week=s memory retention. If you turn on the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator for five minutes at any time, the memory is recharged and good for another week.
Last data set unfinished
The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator always checks to see if the last data set was properly completed before the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator was turned off. If the last data set was not completed then the display will show LAST DATA SET UNFINISHED!
If you wish to continue adding lines to the data set then press YES. The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will jump directly to the data collection mode. If you wish to chose the data set then press NO. This situation will usually arise when you are collecting data and a battery lead is accidentally disconnected.
Step by Step Procedure for setting up the
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7

Stockweigh Datamaster

Locate site where weighing is to be carried out
Unpack the weighing system and set up as explained in the instruction manual for that product. Note: the cables from the weighing system should run out the side of the platform where you intend to work.
Connect weighing bars to the back of the Stockweigh Datamaster. Connect power to the Stockweigh Datamaster via a 12 volt DC battery or a 120 VAC/12VDC transformer with a minimum output of 1 amp.
On the back of the Stockweigh Datamaster, make sure the weighing mode is set to preferred setting i.e.. CATTLE (large increments), GENERAL (auto resolution). Also, select your preferred weighing mode - AUTO % or AUTO/WINDOW if weighing livestock or MANUAL/MANUAL if weighing static produce. Now turn the Stockweigh Datamaster ON. NOTE; IF THE INDICATOR IS SET UP FOR 14,000 LBS SWITCHES ARE DISABLED.
Once the Stockweigh Datamaster is turned on it will go through its warm up and COMMAND! will show on the screen. This command signal now tells you that the Stockweigh Datamaster is now ready to set up a data file.
To set up the data file press F1 on the keyboard. The Stockweigh Datamaster will respond with COLLECT DATA - now press Enter. It will now tell you the number of lines left - this is the amount of memory in the Stockweigh Datamaster. Press Enter again.
NAME: will now come up on the screen. Here you can give the file a name, e.g.. Steers 12 03 95.
Once a name is given press Enter. If a filename is not needed, just press Enter and skip to the next command.
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Date: This will show the system date. If this is to be edited press the Backspace key to erase one digit at a time or press Shift + Backspace to erase the complete line, then enter the required date and press Enter.
LOW: will now come up on the screen. Here you enter the low weight of the weight range you wish to weigh into, e.g.. 250. Once entered press Enter. Now HIGH: will appear on the screen. Enter the high weight of your weight range e.g.. 400. Once the high weight is entered press Enter.
LOT? If this is activated it sets off the lot size required. If 10000 is entered, upon the weight reaching this total, the Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator will flag that the lot is completed.
Ident? will now appear on the screen. This refers to the electronic Ident. The Stockweigh Datamaster Indicator defaults to Tiris systems unless otherwise ordered. Seeing that manual Ident is to be used, in this case enter NO.
Wtgain? If this is the first weighing, there are no weights to compare, answer NO.
Ready? will now appear on the screen. If you are now ready to commence weighing press the YES key.
*You now have set up Data File to weigh into, with a specified weight range as follows:
Note: make sure the Stockweigh Datamaster is reading Zero by pressing the Zero button.
*You may now commence weighing the first animal.
Once the animal has entered onto the platform, the weight of the animal will be locked in after about 3 to 5 seconds, depending on the efficiency of the platform being used. The weight will be locked in when a + appears to the left hand side of the weight.
Now that the weight is locked in, press AWt@. This will enter the weight under the WEIGHT column on the top LCD line, e.g. 325.
The cursor is now under the IDENT column. Here you can enter an ear tag or any identification number. The Stockweigh Datamaster will read both alpha and numeric terms under the Ident column, e.g. B123.
The cursor now has to be moved to the ## column by pressing the Space bar. Here you can enter anything from age, muscle score, frame score, or your own code such as treatments given to each animal at any time of weighing. The Stockweigh Datamaster will only read numeric terms under the ## column. e.g.. 1- may mean the animal was given an Ivomec treatment, 2 - may be a 5-in-1.
Step 17
Press the Space bar to move the cursor to the CODING column. Here you can add in your own coding of any type. For example, A X H may stand for the animals breeding, an Angus/Hereford Cross. The Stockweigh Datamaster will read both alpha and numeric terms under the coding column.
* The screen will look like the following:-
325 B123 01 A X H
WEIGHT: 6 characters (0000.0) numeric only IDENT: 5 characters alpha-numeric ##: 2 characters numeric only CODING: 7 characters alpha numeric
Note: To change the information on this line (before saving), simply press the arrow left (backspace) key. To update the weight automatically press the AWt@ key. To change the weight manually press the AShift+Wt@ key and re-enter the weight manually using the keyboard.
Step 18
Now that all the information is entered onto the screen of the Stockweigh Datamaster, you must also enter it into the memory by pressing the save key. This procedure must be carried out if all animal weights are to be recorded and stored in the memory.
* At any time during weighing, or at the end , you can obtain a summary of how the herd are weighing.
This is done by pressing the F10 key. Press Enter to scroll through the file.
* The screen will come up the following:
LO TALLY = 27 LO AVG = 181 KG LO #AVG = 2.0
TGT TALLY = 433 TGT AVG = 316 KG
TGT #AVG = 2.0
HI TALLY = 40 HI AVG = 477 KG HI #AVG = 2.0
ALL TALLY = 500 ALL AVG = 294 KG ALL #TALLY= 500 ALL #AVG = 2.0
KEEP WEIGHING? Press either YES or NO to either continue or close file.
A printer or computer may be connected to the communications ports on the rear of the Stockweigh Datamaster.
COMP – Computer/printer port PRINT- Computer/printer port
NOTE: Using a scanner for electronic identification will work through same port.
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