Despatch LBB Series Owner's Manual

LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
C-204 VERSION 12
C-188 PN 146230 VERSION 13 9/2011
Version 13 1
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Updated electrical drawings in DRAWINGS AND SPARE PARTS LISTS section.
Correction, page 19, set-up parameter table
Parts lists corrections in DRAWINGS AND SPARE PARTS LISTS section
Corrections to SPECIFICATIONS section, addition of options and features in APPENDIX
Change Product Warranty page
Update drawings and hi-limit information
Parts lists corrections in DRAWING AND SPARE PARTS LISTS section. Corrected Despatch address.
Parts lists corrections in DRAWING AND SPARE PARTS LISTS section
Updated warranty
K. Livingston
Revise format
K. Livingston
Additional Parts tables
2 Version 13
Revision History
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL Version 13 3
Table of Contents
1. About This Manual ................................................................................................. 8
1.1. Important User Information .......................................................................... 8
1.2. Manufacturer & Service ................................................................................ 9
1.3. Organization of this Manual ......................................................................... 9
1.4. Conventions ................................................................................................ 10
1.5. Specifications .............................................................................................. 11
1.5.1. Dimensions .............................................................................................. 11
1.5.2. Capacities ................................................................................................ 12
1.5.3. Power ....................................................................................................... 13
1.5.4. Temperature ............................................................................................ 14
2. Safety .................................................................................................................... 15
2.1. Safety Information ...................................................................................... 15
2.1.1. Lockout.................................................................................................... 15 Lockout Requirements ......................................................................... 15 Lockout Procedure ............................................................................... 15
2.2. Maintenance ................................................................................................ 16
2.3. Electrical Power .......................................................................................... 16
2.4. Fire .............................................................................................................. 17
2.5. Equipment Lockout Requirements ............................................................. 17
2.5.1. Emergency Stop ...................................................................................... 17
3. Theory of Operation .............................................................................................. 19
3.1. The LBB Series Oven ................................................................................. 19
3.1.1. Oven Theory ............................................................................................ 20
3.2. Control Systems .......................................................................................... 20
3.2.1. Primary Control Instrument .................................................................... 20
3.2.2. Optional Protocol Plus Controller ........................................................... 22
3.2.3. Hi-Limit Instrument ................................................................................ 22 Product Hi-Limit Instrument ............................................................... 23 Oven Hi-Limit Instrument ................................................................... 23
4. Assembly & Setup ................................................................................................ 24
4.1. Unpack & Inspect the LBB Series Oven .................................................... 24
4.1.1. If Damaged During Shipping .................................................................. 24
4.2. Set-up the LBB Series Oven ....................................................................... 24
4.2.1. Select Oven Location/Operating Environment ....................................... 24
4.2.2. Set-up Procedure ..................................................................................... 25
4.2.3. Wiring & Power Connections ................................................................. 26
5. Operation............................................................................................................... 28
5.1. Load Oven ................................................................................................... 28
5.2. Pre-Startup Checklist .................................................................................. 29
5.3. Operating Procedure ................................................................................... 30
5.3.1. Start Oven ................................................................................................ 30
5.4. Working with the Control Instrument ......................................................... 32
5.4.1. Change Setpoint ...................................................................................... 32
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual 4 Version 13
5.4.2. Control Instrument Parameter Programming Mode ................................ 33 Entering Control Instrument Operating and Set-up Mode .................. 33 Control Instrument Operating Mode Notes ......................................... 34
5.4.3. Change Control Instrument Display from Centigrade to Fahrenheit ...... 35
5.4.4. Oven Zone Calibration ............................................................................ 36
5.4.5. Set the Hi-Limit ....................................................................................... 37 Change the Hi-Limit Instrument Setpoint ........................................... 37
5.4.6. Hi-Limit Instrument Parameter Setup Mode ........................................... 38
5.4.7. Hi-Limit Instrument Setup Parameters ................................................... 38
5.4.8. Change Hi-Limit instrument Display from Centigrade to Fahrenheit ... 39
5.5. Working with Optional Protocol Plus Controller Operating Modes .......... 40
6. Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 41
6.1. Checklist ..................................................................................................... 41
6.2. Lubrication .................................................................................................. 42
6.3. Routine Tests .............................................................................................. 42
6.3.1. Test Control Instrument .......................................................................... 42
6.3.2. Test Hi-Limit Instrument ........................................................................ 42
6.4. Replacement Parts ....................................................................................... 42
6.4.1. Replace the Control Instrument............................................................... 43
6.4.2. Replace Hi-Limit Instrument .................................................................. 46
6.4.3. Replace (Optional) Protocol Plus Controller .......................................... 49
6.4.4. Replace Heater Unit ................................................................................ 49
6.4.5. Replace Fan Motor .................................................................................. 51
7. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 53
8. Appendices ............................................................................................................ 55
8.1. Standard Products Warranty ....................................................................... 55
8.2. Optional Equipment .................................................................................... 56
8.2.1. Assemble Oven Stand ............................................................................. 56
8.2.2. Timer Option ........................................................................................... 57 Operating the Timer ............................................................................. 57 Configure the Timer ............................................................................ 58
8.2.3. Timer Option with Audible and Visual Alarm........................................ 58
8.2.4. High Alarm Limit Option ........................................................................ 59
8.2.5. Recorder Option ...................................................................................... 59
8.2.6. Stacking Kit Assembly Instructions (Only for models LBB1-23, LBB1-
43 and LBB1-69 ) ................................................................................................. 59
8.3. Part Lists ..................................................................................................... 61
8.3.1. LBB1-23A-1............................................................................................ 61
8.3.2. LBB1-23B-1 ............................................................................................ 61
8.3.3. LBB1-43A-1............................................................................................ 62
8.3.4. LBB1-43B-1 ............................................................................................ 62
8.3.5. LBB1-69A-1............................................................................................ 63
8.3.6. LBB1-69B-1 ............................................................................................ 63
8.3.7. LBB2-12-1 .............................................................................................. 64
8.3.8. LBB2-18-1 .............................................................................................. 64
8.3.9. LBB2-27-1 .............................................................................................. 65
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL Version 13 5
8.4. Electrical Schematics .................................................................................. 66
Figure 1. LBB Forced Convection Benchtop Oven. ......................................................... 19
Figure 2. Horizontal Airflow through the LBB Oven. ...................................................... 19
Figure 3. LBB Series Oven Primary Control Instrument ................................................. 21
Figure 4. Protocol Plus Displays and Control Buttons. .................................................... 22
Figure 5. Hi-Limit Instrument........................................................................................... 23
Figure 6. LBB Series Oven Name Plate. .......................................................................... 26
Figure 7. LBB Series Oven with Top Removed. .............................................................. 27
Figure 8. Wiring Access through Rear of Oven. .............................................................. 27
Figure 9. Close-up of Connector Block. ........................................................................... 27
Figure 10. LBB Series Oven Control Panel. ..................................................................... 31
Figure 11. Adjust Damper to Set Exhaust Vent by rotating the outer component. .......... 31
Figure 12. Remove Control Panel to Access Control Instrument. .................................... 44
Figure 13. Providing easy access to the Control instrument. ............................................ 44
Figure 14. Remove Old Control and Hi-Limit Instruments and Wiring (Rear view). ...... 45
Figure 15. Prepare to remove control instrument by removing the mounting bracket. .... 45
Figure 16. Connections to Control Instrument. ................................................................ 46
Figure 17. Hi-Limit Connector Block on Control Board. ................................................. 47
Figure 18. Press and Hold Tabs to Remove Hi-Limit Instrument. ................................... 47
Figure 19. Connections to Hi-Limit Instrument. .............................................................. 48
Figure 20. Connections to Hi-Limit Instrument. .............................................................. 48
Figure 21. Remove Screws to Remove Each Duct. .......................................................... 49
Figure 22. Typical Heating Element. ................................................................................ 51
Figure 23. Fan Motor Location and Close-up. .................................................................. 52
Figure 24. Optional LBB Oven Stand............................................................................... 56
Figure 25. Timer Option Displays and Switches. ............................................................. 57
Figure 26. Stacking Kit Assembly Components. .............................................................. 60
Figure 27. LBB1-23A-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 28. LBB1-23B-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 29. LBB1-43A-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 30. LBB1-43B-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 31. LBB1-69A-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 32. LBB1-69B-1 Schematic. ................................................................................. 67
Figure 33. LBB2-12-1 Schematic. .................................................................................... 67
Figure 34. LBB2-18-1 Schematic. .................................................................................... 67
Figure 35. LBB2-27-1 Schematic. .................................................................................... 67
Table 1. Control Instrument Explanations. ....................................................................... 21
Table 2. Hi-Limit Instrument Explanations. ..................................................................... 23
Table 3. Control Instrument Operating Parameters. ......................................................... 33
Table 4. Control Instrument Set-up Parameters. ............................................................... 34
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
6 Version 13
Table 5. Hi-Limit instrument Setup Parameters. .............................................................. 39
Table 6. Common Technical Issues and Remedies. ......................................................... 53
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL Version 13 7
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Values displayed on screens are examples only. Though those values may be typical, contact Despatch Industries for the final value.
Users of this equipment must comply with operating procedures and training of operation personnel as required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970, Section 6 and relevant safety standards, as well as other safety rules and regulations of state and local governments. Refer to the relevant safety standards in OSHA and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), section 86 of 1990.
8 Version 13
1. About This Manual
1.1. Important User Information
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher, unless it is for the purchaser's personal use.
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Despatch Industries. Despatch Industries does not assume any responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
In no event will Despatch Industries be liable for technical or editorial omissions made herein, nor for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or defect of this manual.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
Only fully-trained and qualified personnel should setup and maintain this equipment. Improper setup and operation of this equipment could cause an explosion that may result in equipment damage, personal injury or possible death.
Global Headquarters
Service & Technical Support
Despatch Industries
8860 207th Street Lakeville, MN 55044 USA
International/Main: 1-952-469-5424 US toll free: 1-888-337-7282 Fax: 1-952-469-4513
Service: 1-952-469-8230 US toll free: 1-800-473-7373 Service
Version 13 9
The information in this document is not intended to cover all possible conditions and situations that might occur. The end user must exercise caution and common sense when installing or maintaining Despatch Industries products. If any questions or problems arise, call Despatch Industries at 1-888-DESPATCH or 1-952-469-5424.
1.2. Manufacturer & Service
The LBB Series Oven is manufactured by Despatch Industries.
Despatch has specialized in thermal processing for over 100 years. Technical expertise gained over those years helps provide innovative solutions to critical applications in vertical markets and cutting edge technology worldwide. Despatch products are backed by a drive for long-term customer satisfaction and a strong sense of responsibility. The worldwide network of factory-trained Service Professionals is available to support your Despatch equipment. From full service preventive maintenance to routine repair and certified calibration and uniformity, the Despatch service network is positioned to respond to your business needs. Our service programs are customized to meet your specific needs using our Advantage Service Assurance Program (ASAP). For more information on ASAP, visit
1.3. Organization of this Manual
This owner’s manual contains the most comprehensive set of information for the Despatch LBB Series Ovens, including installation instructions, theory of operation,
operating instructions, among other things.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Failure to heed warnings in this instruction manual and on the oven could result in personal injury, property damage or death.
This icon signifies important information.
This icon signifies information that describes an unsafe condition that may result in death, serious injury, or damage to the equipment.
A condition that may result in death, serious injury, or damage to equipment.
A condition that may result in serious injury or damage to equipment.
A condition that may result in damage to equipment or product.
Reversed-out, Bold, 10pt Arial typeface indicates a specific key or button on screen to click.
10 Version 13
1.4. Conventions
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
Chamber Size
in (cm)
Overall Size
in (cm)
on Shelf
in (cm)
Number of
2 on 2”
2 on 2”
2 on 2”
2 on 2”
2 on 2
2 on 2
The LBB oven is not intended to process solvents or other volatile or flammable materials. Oven exhaust is intended for cooling purposes only.
Do not place this oven in an environment harmful to electrical components.
Placing this oven in an environment detrimental to electrical components (for example, environments where carbon fibers, coal dust or similar contaminants may be present) may result in component failure.
Contact Despatch for options available to help prevent such failures.
Version 13 11
1.5. Specifications
1.5.1. Dimensions
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
LBB Model Number
Maximum Load
Lbs (Kg)
Maximum Shelf Load
Lbs (Kgs)
Exhaust Capacity
(0.5) 2 (0.9)
Maximum load capacity not valid on ovens with the “control
panel located on bottom” option.
Do not exceed a total of 400 Lbs. (181 Kg) for stacked LBB1­69 ovens.
12 Version 13
1.5.2. Capacities
LBB1-69 and larger models have reinforced shelves. Standard duty (50 Lbs. maximum) shelves are also
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual ABOUT THIS MANUAL
Cord and Plug
LBB 1-23A
50/60 1 1.2
Included, 15 Amp
LBB 1-23B
50/60 1 1.2
Included, 15 Amp
LBB 1-43A
50/60 1 1.6
Included, 20 Amp
LBB 1-43B
50/60 1 1.6
Included, 15 Amp
LBB 1-69A†
50/60 1 2.4
None, Hardwired
LBB 1-69B†
50/60 1 2.4
None, Hardwired
LBB 2-12†
50/60 1 3.6
None, Hardwired
LBB 2-18†
50/60 1 3.6
None, Hardwired
50/60 1 4.8
None, Hardwired
Ovens designed for 240 volts (check your oven nameplate for power requirement) will operate satisfactorily on a minimum of 208 volts, but with a 25% reduction in heater power. If your power characteristics are lower, contact Despatch industries.
Version 13 13
1.5.3. Power
If the line voltage for your LBB Series Oven varies more than 10% from the oven voltage rating, electrical components such as relays and temperature controls may operate erratically.
If the line voltage is lower than the oven voltage rating, heat-up time may be
significantly longer and motors may overload or run hot
If the line voltage is higher than the nameplate rating, motors may run hot and draw
excessive amperage
Models LBB1-69, LBB2-12, -18 and -27 must be hardwired to the electric supply using 10 AWG or
larger wire suitable for at least 75 °C (167 °F).
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ABOUT THIS MANUAL LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Temperature and
LBB Model Number
Time to temperature (approximate minutes with no load
Recovery time with door open 1 minute (approximates minutes with no load)
150°C 2 2 3 3 3 4
204°C 4 4 6 6 7 8
Temperature uniformity at:
+/- 3°C
+/- 3°C
+/- 3°C
+/- 2°C
+/- 3°C
+/- 3°C
+/- 4°C
+/- 4°C
+/- 4°C
+/- 3°C
+/- 4°C
+/- 4°C
Operating range with 20°C
35°C- 204°C
Control Stability
± 0.5 °C
Dampers must be open to operate at the minimum temperature.
Time to Temperature” and “Temperature Uniformity values are based on 240V/60 Hz operation, with control panel located on top. Actual results may vary slightly depending on unit configuration and operating conditions.
14 Version 13
1.5.4. Temperature
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual SAFETY
Carefully follow the established Lock Out Tag Out policies of your company in all cases.
Electrical panels contain high voltage. Disconnect and lock out the power supply before working inside any electrical panels. Failure to lock out the power supply can result in death or injury.
Version 13 15
2. Safety
2.1. Safety Information
Do not work on the LBB Series Oven without reading and understanding this section which contains important information and warnings. Ignoring these warnings can result in death, serious injury or damage to the machine and product.
2.1.1. Lockout
Machine lockout places the LBB Series Oven into a zero energy state and prevents accidental machine start up. Always follow the Lockout Procedure described in this Section before cleaning, maintaining or repairing the LBB Series Oven. An accidental start-up, while working on the LBB Series Oven, can result in serious injury or death. Lockout Requirements
1. Every power source that can energize any element of the LBB Series Oven must be
shut off at the closest possible power source. This includes air, water and electricity, including the Disconnect Switch.
2. After energy sources are locked out, test to ensure circuits are de-energized. Lockout Procedure
Personnel authorized to lockout equipment must have the necessary locks to perform the lockout.
1. Physically disconnect all electrical power to the machine or lockout the appropriate
breaker or disconnects.
2. Close all valves and bleed off any pressure.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
SAFETY LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Contact with energized electrical sources may result in serious injury or death.
Do not place this oven in an environment harmful to electrical components.
Placing this oven in an environment detrimental to electrical components (for example, environments where carbon fibers, coal dust or similar contaminants may be present) may result in component failure.
Contact Despatch for options available to help prevent such failures.
16 Version 13
3. Test for power by attempting a start with the machine controls.
4. Identify the Lockout Condition with a tag on the electrical disconnect and pneumatic
shut off valve.
5. When work is complete, remove all tags and restore the machine to its working state.
2.2. Maintenance
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform maintenance or repair.
2.3. Electrical Power
Only qualified and trained personnel should perform electrical maintenance or electrical repair.
Before performing maintenance, disconnect all electrical power from the machine.
Use a padlock and lockout all disconnects feeding power to the machine.
Never clean or repair the oven when in operation. Unauthorized alterations or modifications to LBB Series Oven are strictly forbidden.
Never modify any electrical circuits. Unauthorized modifications can impair the function and safety of the LBB Series Oven.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
LBB Series Oven Owners Manual SAFETY
Always disconnect all power before extinguishing a fire. Attempting to extinguish a fire in a machine connected to electrical power can result in serious injury or death!
Do not place this oven in an environment harmful to electrical components.
Placing this oven in an environment detrimental to electrical components (for example, environments where carbon fibers, coal dust or similar contaminants may be present) may result in component failure.
Contact Despatch for options available to help prevent such failures.
Version 13 17
2.4. Fire
Keep the LBB Series Oven clean and free of scrap materials, oil or solvents to prevent the possibility of fire. In the event of fire, use a fire extinguisher as follows.
1. Leave door (s) as they are.
2. De-energize the machine immediately by turning OFF the DISCONNECT SWITCH.
3. Turn off the remote main disconnect (customer supplied disconnect).
4. Shut off fuel
5. Call the fire department or extinguish the fire.
2.5. Equipment Lockout Requirements
To prevent injury or equipment damage during inspection or repair, the LBB Series Oven must be locked out.
2.5.1. Emergency Stop
When a risk of personal injury or damage to the LBB Series Oven exists, turn OFF the
oven by removing/unplugging the cord. This shuts off all electrical power to the oven.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
SAFETY LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual 18 Version 13
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Recirculation Fan
Figure 1. LBB Forced Convection
Benchtop Oven.
Figure 2. Horizontal Airflow through the LBB Oven.
Version 13 19
3. Theory of Operation
3.1. The LBB Series Oven
The Despatch LBB Series Ovens (Figure 1) effectively distribute heat with a processing time among the fastest of any lab oven its class. LBB Series Ovens are effectively used in testing, preheating, sterilizing, drying, aging and curing as well as other production applications. The LBB Series Ovens incorporate forced circulating airflow with precision
digital control to deliver fast processing. The overall result is efficient productivity under strenuous conditions.
The LBB Series Ovens are precise and practical. The unique Despatch design moves convected heat through stainless steel ducts on each side of the oven (Figure 2). The air is circulated with a high volume fan. The LBB Series Ovens employ higher volume fans than any competitive model. The chamber can be densely loaded without interfering with the process. For your convenience the fresh air intake is fixed. The exhaust rate is regulated by a damper on the back of the unit.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
THEORY OF OPERATION LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Do not remove the hat bracket as it distributes exhaust air and protects the exhaust opening from being completely covered.
20 Version 13
3.1.1. Oven Theory
The LBB Series forced circulating oven uses fan to circulate air through the chamber. A circulating oven is much more efficient and uniform oven than a gravity-convection oven due to the constant air movement. Soaking at a desired setpoint still depends on a number of parameters including chamber area, load mass, the ability to absorb heat and the exhaust rate. But soak times with a forced circulating oven may be shortened. The LBB Series Oven is capable of heating to 204°C (400°F). The oven uses a microprocessor-based digital control to display the actual chamber temperature at the sensing point. The temperature sensor is located to optimize control action for the entire chamber for various load conditions. While the control display may fluctuate a few degrees around the setpoint, reflecting temperature changes at the sensor location. However, overall chamber temperature remains stable. The strategic location of the sensor compensates for delays in heat convection and enhances the performance and temperature control of the oven. The oven has been designed for an overall result of quality productivity where fast processing and versatility are critical.
3.2. Control Systems
3.2.1. Primary Control Instrument
The LBB Series Oven is equipped with a microprocessor-based digital control instrument configured as a proportional controller and set to its optimum operating values (Figure 3). Initially the control instrument allows the heater to operate at full power. As the actual oven temperature reaches the setpoint, the control instrument cycles the heater on and off, minimizing process temperature fluctuations. Table 1 provides explanation for working with the control instrument.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Main (PV) Display
Typically displays actual oven temperature. Press SET/ENT to display setpoint. Displays parameter code and value.
Press to switch between PV and SP displays. Enter data using or . Press repeatedly to switches through parameter displays.
Decrease setpoint or mode parameter
Increase setpoint or mode parameter
Lit when setpoint value displays
Lit when control calls for heat
AL1 –2
Figure 3. LBB Series Oven Primary Control Instrument
Version 13 21
Table 1. Control Instrument Explanations.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
THEORY OF OPERATION LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
Reset the Hi-Limit instrument by pressing the RESET button on the instrument.
Figure 4. Protocol Plus Displays and Control Buttons.
22 Version 13
3.2.2. Optional Protocol Plus Controller
The Protocol Plus controller has two displays. A dedicated LED upper display shows the oven temperature (Figure 4). A two line LCD lower display provides information on control status, high limit temperature and allows changes to be made to the control settings. Review the Protocol Plus Controller Owner’s Manual for more information.
3.2.3. Hi-Limit Instrument
The LBB Series Oven is equipped with a Hi-Limit instrument (Figure 5). The Hi-Limit instrument protects the oven or product by discontinuing the heating process when the Hi-Limit is exceeded.
Set the Hi-Limit instrument to a temperature 10°C - 14°C higher than the control instrument setpoint, or to a temperature that should not be exceeded in the process. If the setting on the Hi-Limit instrument is exceeded the heater shuts down. See Table 2 for explanation about the Hi-Limit instrument.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and
retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual THEORY OF OPERATION
Output 1 status value. (OP2 normally not used for LBB Ovens).
C/ F
Degree indicator.: Celsius or Fahrenheit
Process value
High limit setpoint 1. (LSP1 typically not used for LBB Ovens).
Setpoint 2 for output 2 (typically not used for LBB Ovens)
Lock status indicator
Scroll Key, used for advancing available displays
Increases a setpoint or mode parameter
Decreases a setpoint or mode parameter
Reset the high limit, return to normal display
Figure 5. Hi-Limit Instrument.
Version 13 23
Table 2. Hi-Limit Instrument Explanations. Product Hi-Limit Instrument
If the product being processed has a critical high temperature limit, use the Hi-Limit instrument as a product Hi-Limit instrument. Set the Hi-Limit instrument to a temperature somewhat below the temperature at which the product could be damaged. Oven Hi-Limit Instrument
If the product being processed does not have a critical high temperature limit, use the Hi­Limit as an oven Hi-Limit instrument to protect the oven equipment. Set the Hi-Limit to 204°C.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
ASSEMBLY & SETUP LBB Series Oven Owner’s Manual
24 Version 13
4. Assembly & Setup
Assembly and Setup provides directions for unpacking and installing your Despatch LBB Series Oven.
4.1. Unpack & Inspect the LBB Series Oven
Remove all packing materials and thoroughly inspect the oven for any damage that might have occurred during shipment.
Note whether the carton and plastic cover sheet inside carton are still in good
Observe all outside surfaces and corners of the oven for scratches and dents Check oven controls and indicators for normal movement, bent shafts, cracks, chips
or missing parts such as knobs and lenses
Check the door and latch for smooth operation
4.1.1. If Damaged During Shipping
If damage occurred during shipping:
1. Contact the shipper immediately and file a written damage claim.
2. Contact Despatch Industries (1-800-473-7373 or 1-952-469-8230 or to report your findings and to order replacement parts for those damaged or missing. Send a copy of your filed damage claims to Despatch industries (Despatch Industries, 8860 207th Street, Lakeville, MN 555044, USA).
3. Check the packing list to ensure you received all the specified components of the
oven system. If any items are missing, contact Despatch Industries to have missing products forwarded to you. Your shipment should include:
One (1) Despatch oven One (1) Instruction manual One (1) Warranty card Two (2) Shelves One (1) Damper assembly
4. Complete the warranty card and mail it to Despatch within 15 days after receipt of the
4.2. Set-up the LBB Series Oven
4.2.1. Select Oven Location/Operating Environment
The Despatch LBB Series oven is designed to operate in an industrial setting. Despatch recommends the following environmental operating guidelines:
1. Place the oven on a flat, level solid foundation.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means including graphic, electronic, or mechanical methods or photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Despatch Industries, unless for purchaser's personal use.
Copyright © 2011 by Despatch Industries.
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