Desa VTD-18N-BTB, VTD-24P-PDG, VTD-24P-BTB, VTD-18N-PDG, VTD-18P-BTB User Manual

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ANSI Z21.60-2003
CSA 2.26-2003
WARNING: If the information in this man u al is not followed exactly, a fi re or explosion may result caus ing prop er ty damage, per­ son al in ju ry, or loss of life.
— Do not store or use gasoline or other
fl ammable vapors and liq uids in the vicinity of this or any other ap pli ance.
• Do not try to light any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your build ing.
• Immediately call your gas sup pli er from a neigh bor’s phone. Follow the gas sup­ pli er’s in struc tions.
• If you cannot reach y our gas sup plier , call the fi re de part ment.
— Installation and service must be per formed
by a qualifi ed installer, ser vice agen cy, or the gas supplier.
WARNING: Improper in stal la tion, ad­ just ment, al tera tion, service, or main­ te nance can cause injury or prop er ty dam age. Re fer to this man u al for cor rect in stal la tion and op er a tion al pro ce dures. For as sis tance or ad di ­tional in for ma tion con sult a qualifi ed in stall er, ser vice agen cy, or the gas sup plier.
WARNING: This appliance is for in­ stal la tion only in a solid-fuel burn­ ing ma son ry or UL127 fac to ry-built fi re place, con struct ed of non com ­bus ti ble ma te ri al, and con nect ed to a working fl ue. (See page 7 for min i mum fl ue open ing.)
WARNING: This is a gas-fi red ap pli ance. It uses air (ox y gen) from the room in which it is installed. Pro vi sions for ad e quate com bus tion and ven ti la tion air must be provided. Refer to the National
Fuel Gas Codes, ANSI Z233.1/NFPA 54, Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation.
This appliance may be installed in an aftermarket,* manufactured (mobile) home, where not pro hib it ed by local codes.
This appliance is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the rating plate. This ap pli ance is not convertible for use with other gases.
Warning: This product must be installed by a Licensed Plumber or Gas Fitter when installed within The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
* Aftermarket: Completion of sale, not for purpose of resale, from the manufacturer
Save this manual for future reference.
SAFETY INFORMATION..............................................................2
LOCAL CODES............................................................................3
PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION.......................................................3
PRODUCT FEATURE ..................................................................4
INSTALLATION ............................................................................7
OPERATING AP PLI ANCE..........................................................11
INSPECTING BURNERS ..........................................................13
WARNING: Keep fl ue open when operating unit.
IMPORTANT: Read this owner’s man u al carefully and completely be fore trying to assemble, op er ate, or ser­ vice this log set. Im prop er use of this log set can cause se ri ous injury or death from burns, fi re, ex plo sion, elec­trical shock, and carbon mon ox ide poi son ing.
DANGER: Carbon mon ox ide poisoning may lead
to death!
WARNING: This product contains and/or generates chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Early signs of carbon mon ox ide
poisoning re sem ble the fl u, with head aches, dizziness, or nau sea. If you have these signs, the log set may not be working properly. Get fresh air at once! Have log set serviced. Some people are more affected by carbon monoxide than others. These include preg nant wom en, peo ple with heart or lung disease or ane mia, those under the in fl u ence of alcohol, and those at high altitudes.
Natural & LP Gas : Natural & LP gas are odorless. An odor-mak-
ing agent is added to the gas. The odor helps you detect a gas leak. However, the odor added to the gas can fade. Gas may be present even though no odor exists.
Make certain you read and understand all warnings. Keep this manual for reference. It is your guide to safe and proper operation of this log set.
W ARNING: Any change to this log set or its con­trols can be dan ger ous.
1. This appliance, as supplied, is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the rating plate.
2. If you smell gas
• shut off gas supply
CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE .............................................13
REPLACEMENT PARTS ............................................................18
OWNER'S REGISTRATION FORM............................................23
WARRANTY INFORMATION ...................................... Back Cover
• do not try to light any appliance
• do not touch any elec tri cal switch; do not use any phone in your build ing
• immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions
• if you cannot reach your gas sup plier, call the fi re de part ment
3. Never install the log set
• in a recreational vehicle
• where curtains, furniture, clothing, or other fl ammable ob­ jects are less than 42 inches from the front, top, or sides of the log set
• in high traffi c areas
• in windy or drafty areas
4. Before installing in a solid fuel burn ing fi replace, the chim ney fl ue and fi re box must be cleaned of soot, creosote, ash es and loose paint by a qualifi ed chimney cleaner . Creosote will ig nite if highly heated. Inspect chimney fl ue for damage. If dam aged, repair fl ue before operating appliance.
5. Y ou must operate this log set with fi replace doors or screens in place and fully closed. Unless provided by other means, screens shall have openings for in tro duc tion of combustion air.
6. This log set is designed to be smoke less. If logs ever appear to smoke, turn off appliance and call a qual i fi ed ser vice per son. Note: During ini tial op er a tion, slight smok ing could oc cur due to log curing and the burning of man u fac tur ing res i dues. You may wish to add more ventilation by opening a win dow.
7. T o reduce the creation of soot, follow the in struc tions in Clean- ing and Main te nance, page 13.
8. Do not allow f ans to blow directly into the fi replace. Avoid any drafts that al ter burner fl ame patterns. Ceiling fans can create drafts that alter burner fl ame patterns. Altered burner patterns can increase sooting.
9. Do not use a blower insert, heat ex chang er insert or other ac­ ces so ry not approved for use with this log set.
10. The installation and provisions for combustion and ventilation air must conform with the National Fuel Gas Codes, ANSI Z233.1/
NFPA 54, Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ven ti la tion.
11. Do not run log set
• where fl ammable liquids or vapors are used or stored
• under dusty conditions
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12. Do not burn solid fuel in the fi replace after installing the log set. Do not use this log set to cook food or burn pa per or oth er ob jects.
13. Log set becomes very hot when in use. Keep chil dren and adults away from hot sur face to avoid burns or clothing ig ni tion. Log set will re main hot for a time after shutdown. Al low surface to cool be fore touch ing.
14. Carefully supervise young children when they are in the room with log set.
15. Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed service technician to inspect the appliance and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control which has been under water.
17. Turn log set of f and let cool before ser vic ing, installing, or re­ pair ing. Only a qualifi ed service person should install, ser vice, or repair log set.
18. Keep the appliance area clear and free from combustible ma te ­ri als, gasoline and other fl ammable vapors and liquids.
19. Provide adequate clearances around air openings.
W ARNING: Do not place log scraps or la v a roc ks
on burner.
Install and use appliance with care. Follow all local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the latest edition of The National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54*.
*Available from:
American National Standards In sti tute, Inc.
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
National Fire Protection Association, Inc.
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
Log Set
WARNING: Any change to this log set or its controls
can be dangerous.
WARNING: Do not use a blow er insert, heat ex­ chang er insert, or other accessory not ap proved for use with this appliance.
WARNING: Keep fl ue open when operating unit.
Appliance base assembly be comes very hot when run ning appliance. Keep chil dren and adults away from hot surface to avoid burns or clothing ignition. Appliance will remain hot for a time after shut down. Allow surface to cool be fore touching.
Carefully supervise young chil dren when they are in the room with appliance. When using the hand-held remote accessory (Remote-Ready Models Only), keep se lec tor switch in the OFF position to prevent chil dren from turn ing on burners with remote.
Y ou must operate this appliance with a fi re place screen in place. Make sure fi re place screen is closed before run ning appliance.
Piezo Ignitor
Log Set
Piezo Ignitor
Remote Control
Control Knobs
Control Knobs
Chassis Assembly
Remote Reciever
Chassis Assembly
Lava Rock
Log Scraps
Lava Rock
Log Scraps
Keep the appliance area clear and free from com­ bus ti ble materials, gasoline, and other fl ammable vapors and liquids.
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Figure 1 - Product Identifi cation
Providing Adequate V entilation
There are two optional remote controls that can be purchased sepa­rately for Remote-Ready Models:
• wall switch • hand-held ON/OFF remote See Accessories, page 22.
The wall thermostat or hand-held ther mo stat may not be used with vented dec o ra tive appliances.
CA UTION: Do not remove the data plates from the grate assembly. The data plates con tain im por tant warranty and safety in for ma tion.
1. Remove log set as sem bly from carton. Note: Do not pick up
assembly by logs. This could dam age the unit. Alw ays handle assembly by grate.
2. Remove control cover fl oor media components & remote control if supplied.
3. Remove all protective packaging ap plied to log set for ship­ment.
4. Check all items for any shipping dam age. If damaged, prompt ly inform deal er where you bought appliance.
This unitized gas log set is tested and approved to ANSI Z21.60a and CSA 2.26a-2000 as a vented decorati ve appliance. This log set has a piezo ignitor . This system requires no matches, batteries or other source to light log set.
This unit has a pilot with an Oxygen Depletion Sensing (ODS) safety shutoff sys tem. The ODS/pilot shuts off the appliance if there is not enough fresh air.
This unit has a piezo ignitor. This system requires no matches, bat­teries, or other sourc es to light appliance.
W ARNING: This appliance shall not be installed in a confi ned space or unusually tight con struc tion un­ less pro vi sions are pro vid ed for ad e quate com bus tion and ven ti la tion air. Read the fol low ing in struc tions to in sure prop er fresh air for this and other fuel-burning ap pli anc es in your home.
Today’s homes are built more energy ef fi cient than ever. New ma te ri als, increased in su la tion, and new construction methods help reduce heat loss in homes. Home own ers weather strip and caulk around windows and doors to keep the cold air out and the warm air in. During heating months, home owners want their homes as airtight as pos si ble.
While it is good to make your home energy effi cient, your home needs to breathe. Fresh air must enter your home. All fuel-b urning appliances need fresh air for proper com bus tion and ven ti la tion.
Exhaust fans, fi replaces, clothes dryers, and fuel burning appliances draw air from the house to operate. Y ou must provide ad e quate fresh air for these ap pli anc es. This will insure proper venting of vented fuel-burning appliances.
The following are excerpts from National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Sec tion 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ven ti ­la tion.
All spaces in homes fall into one of the three following ventilation classifi cations:
1. Unusually Tight Construction
2. Unconfi ned Space
3. Confi ned Space The information on pages 4 through 6 will help you classify your
space and provide ad e quate ven ti la tion.
Unusually Tight Construction
The air that leaks around doors and win dows may provide enough fresh air for combustion and ventilation. Howe ver, in buildings of un­usually tight construction, you must provide additional fresh air.
Unusually tight construction is de fi ned as construction where:
a. walls and ceilings exposed to the outside at mo sphere
have a con tin u ous water vapor retarder with a rating of one perm (6 x 10 open ings gasketed or sealed and
b. weather stripping has been add ed on openable win-
dows and doors and
c. caulking or sealants are applied to areas such as
joints around window and door frames, be tween sole plates and fl oors, be tween wall-ceiling joints, be tween wall panels, at pen e tra tions for plumb ing, electrical, and gas lines, and at other openings.
If your home meets all of the three criteria above, you
must pro vide ad di tion al fresh air . See Ventilation Air From Outdoors, page 5.
If your home does not meet all of the three criteria above, proceed to De ter min ing Fresh-Air Flow For Appliance Lo ca tion, below.
kg per pa-sec-m2) or less with
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Providing Adequate V entilation (Cont.)
Determining Fresh-Air Flow for Appliance Location
V entilation Air
Confi ned and Unconfi ned Space
The National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 defi nes a con fi ned space as a space whose volume is less than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 Btu per hour (4.8 m3 per kw) of the ag gre gate input rating of all ap pli anc es in stalled in that space and an un con fi ned space as a space whose vol ume is not less than 50 cubic feet per 1,000 Btu per hour (4.8 m3 per kw) of the ag gre gate input rating of all appli­ances in stalled in that space. Rooms com mu ni cat ing di rect ly with the space in which the ap pli anc es are in stalled*, through openings not fur nished with doors, are con sid ered a part of the unconfi ned space.
* Adjoining rooms are communicating only if there are doorless passageways or ven ti la tion grills between them.
Determining if You Have a Confi ned or Unconfi ned Space
Use this work sheet to determine if you have a confi ned or un con fi ned space.
Space: Includes the room in which you will install appliance plus any adjoining rooms with doorless passageways or ventilation grills between the rooms.
1. Determine the volume of the space (length x width x height). Length x Width x Height =____________cu. ft. (vol ume of space) Example: Space size 20 ft. (length) x 16 ft. (width) x 8 ft. (ceil ing
height) = 2560 cu. ft. (vol ume of space)
If additional ventilation to adjoining room is supplied with grills or open-
ings, add the volume of these rooms to the total vol ume of the space.
2. Multiply the space volume by 20 to determine the maximum Btu/Hr the space can support.
____________(volume of space) x 20 = (Maximum Btu/Hr the space
can sup port)
Example: 2560 cu. ft. (volume of space) x 20 = 51,200 (max i mum
Btu/Hr the space can sup port)
3. Add the Btu/Hr of all fuel burning ap pli anc es in the space.
Vent-free appliance _____________ Btu/Hr Gas wa ter appliance* _____________ Btu/Hr Gas fur nace _____________ Btu/Hr Vented gas appliance _____________ Btu/Hr Gas fi re place logs _____________ Btu/Hr Other gas appliances* + _____________ Btu/Hr Total = _____________ Btu/Hr
* Do not include direct-vent gas ap pli anc es. Direct-vent draws com-
bus tion air from the outdoors and vents to the outdoors.
Example: Gas water appliance _____________ Btu/Hr Vent-free appliance + _____________ Btu/Hr Total = _____________ Btu/Hr
4. Compare the maximum Btu/Hr the space can support with the actual amount of Btu/Hr used.
____________________Btu/Hr (maximum the space can sup port) ____________________Btu/Hr (actual amount of Btu/Hr used) Example: 51,200 Btu/Hr (max i mum the space can support) 73,000 Btu/Hr (actual amount of Btu/Hr used) The space in the above example is a con fi ned space because the actual
Btu/Hr used is more than the maximum Btu/Hr the space can sup port. Y ou must provide additional fresh air. Your op tions are as follows:
A. Rework worksheet, adding the space of an adjoining room. If the ex tra
space provides an unconfi ned space, remove door to ad join ing room or add ven ti la tion grills between rooms. See Ven ti la tion Air From Inside Building, page 6.
B. V ent room directly to the outdoors. See V entilation Air F rom Out doors,
page 6.
C. Install a lower Btu/Hr appliance, if lower Btu/Hr size makes room un con -
fi ned.
If the actual Btu/Hr used is less than the maximum Btu/Hr the space can sup­ port, the space is an unconfi ned space. You will need no additional fresh air ven ti la tion.
40,000 33,000 73,000
WARNING: If the area in which the appliance may be operated is smaller than that defi ned as an un con fi ned space or if the building is of unusually tight construction, pro vide ad e quate com bus tion and ven ti la tion air by one of the methods described in the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 Sec tion 5.3 or applicable local codes.
Ventilation Air From Inside Building
This fresh air would come from an adjoining unconfi ned space. When ventilating to an adjoining unconfi ned space, you must pro vide two permanent open ings: one within 12" of the ceiling and one within 12" of the fl oor on the wall con nect ing the two spaces (see options 1 and 2, Figure 2). You can also remove door into adjoining room (see op tion 3, Figure 2). Follow the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation for required size of ventilation grills or ducts.
Ventilation Air From Outdoors
Provide extra fresh air by using ventilation grills or ducts. You must provide two per ma nent open ings: one within 12" of the ceil­ing and one within 12" of the fl oor. Connect these items directly to
For more information, visit
V entilation Air (Cont.)
the outdoors or spaces open to the outdoors. These spaces include attics and crawl spaces. Follow the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation for required size of ven ti la tion grills or ducts.
IMPORTANT: Do not provide openings for inlet or outlet air into attic if attic has a ther mo stat-controlled power vent. Heated air entering the attic will activate the power vent.
nto Adjoining
Option 1
Remove Door into Adjoining
Room, Option
Ventilation Grills
Into Adjoining Room,
Option 2
Outlet Air
Outlet Air
Inlet Air
Inlet Air
Figure 3 - Ventilation Air from Outdoors
Ventilated Attic
To Attic
Crawl Space
Figure 2 - Ventilation Air from Inside Building
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Flue Opening Specifi cations
Installation and Clearances
Venting Specifi cations for Installation
Installing Damper Clamp
WARNING: Before installing in a solid fuel burn­ ing fi replace, the chimney fl ue and fi rebox must be cleaned of soot, creosote, ash es and loose paint by a qual i fi ed chim ney cleaner. Creosote will ignite if highly heated. A dirty chimney fl ue may create and dis trib ute soot within the house. In spect chim ney fl ue for damage. If damaged, repair fl ue damper before operating appliance.
W ARNING: Make sure the selector switch is in the OFF po si tion before installing appliance .
WARNING: Before installing in a solid fuel burn­ ing fi replace, the chimney fl ue and fi rebox must be cleaned of soot, creosote, ash es and loose paint by a qual i fi ed chim ney cleaner. Creosote will ignite if highly heated. A dirty chimney fl ue may create and dis trib ute soot within the house. In spect chim ney fl ue for damage.
NOTICE: Installation, service, and repair of this ap­ pli ance must be performed by a qualifi ed in stall er, ser vice agency, com pa ny or gas supplier ex pe ri enced with this type of gas ap pli ance. Only fac to ry au tho rized components list ed in these in struc tions may be used in ac cor dance with the man u fac tur er’s in struc tions and all codes and requirements of the authority hav­ing ju ris dic tion. Any modifi cations to this kit, or use of unauthorized com po nents or ac ces so ry items will void the man u fac tur er’s war ran ty, and may result in a haz ard ous condition.
Note: This vented appliance must be in stalled only in a solid-fuel burning fi replace with a working fl ue and constructed of non com ­bus ti ble material.
The charts in Figure 4 indicate technical in for ma tion regarding the installation of your gas log set. Please make sure that all of the spec­ i fi ca tions shown are applicable be fore in stal la tion is at tempt ed.
The fi replace must include a working fl ue and venting system with the minimum open ings shown in the Figure 5.
Min. Max. NG 7 10.5 3.5 LP 11 14 10
Figure 4 - Technical Information Charts
Minimum Firebox Size Flue size
Log Front Rear* Size Height Depth Width Width
18" 17" 14" 24" 20" 8" 24" 17" 14" 28" 22" 8"
*Measured at 14" depth
Figure 5 - Sizes & Clearances
Use the correct gas type (natural or propane/LP) for your unit. If your gas supply is not correct, do not instal in fi replace. Call dealer where you bought the appliance for proper type of appliance.
The fi replace chimney fl ue and vent must be draft ing properly. To check the vent for proper drafting: Light a tightly rolled news pa per on one end and place it at the inside front edge of the fi replace. Ob­serve the smoke and be sure the vent is properly drawing it up the chimney . If the smoke spills out into the room, extinguish the fl ame and remove any obstruction until proper venting is achieved.
The chimney fl ue damper must be fi xed open to provide a min i mum of 43 sq. in. of free air opening during operation of this log set. A mul­tipurpose damper clamp is provided to fi x the damper in position.
The minimum fl ue sizes shown in Figure 5 are based on a 6' chimney height using round pipe. Your minimum fl ue size will vary based on input rate and chimney height. Refer to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Section 6.6, for details.
Secure the damper stop clamp provided to the leading edge of the damper as shown in Figure 6. If for any reason this clamp doesn't work on your fi replace, an oth er suitable clamp or permanent stop must be installed, or the damper blade must be cut or removed.
Damper Clamp
Damp er
Masonry Fireplace
Figure 6 - Attaching Damper Clamp
Manufactured Fireplace
Damper Clamp
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Installing Appliance Assembly Connecting To Gas Supply
W ARNING: If installing in a sunken fi re place, spe­cial care is needed. Y ou must raise the fi re place fl oor to allow access to appliance control panel. This will in sure ad e quate air fl ow and guard against soot ing. Raise fi replace fl oor with noncom bus ti ble ma te ri al. Make sure material is secure.
CAUTION: Do not pick up appliance as sem bly by logs. This could damage unit. Only handle assembly by grates.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the appliance is level. If unit is not lev el, unit will not work properly.
Installation Items Needed
• control cover kit (provided with appliance)
• approved fl exible gas hose and fi ttings (pro vid ed with appliance) (if al lowed by lo cal codes)
• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas, not pro vid ed)
Note: Install optional Hand-Held Remote Control Kit (see Ac ces - so ries, page 22) before in stall ing gas log appliance (Remote-Ready
Models Only). See installation in struc tions in clud ed with the kit.
1. Apply pipe joint sealant lightly to male threads of gas fi tting
(not provided). Connect ap proved fl exible gas hose to inlet side of gas con trol (see Figure 7).
2. Position appliance in fi re place.
3. Connect to gas supply. See Con nect ing To Gas Supply.
Gas Control
Flexible Gas Hose (if allowed by local codes)
WARNING: This appliance requires a 3/8" NPT (National Pipe Thread) inlet connection to the pres­ sure regulator.
WARNING: A qualifi ed ser vice per son must con nect appliance to gas sup ply. Follow all local codes.
CAUTION: Never connect propane/LP fi replace directly to the propane/LP supply. This unit re quires an external regulator (not supplied). Install the external regu la tor be tween the unit and propane/LP supply.
W ARNING: Never connect natural gas fi replace to pri vate (non-utility) gas wells. This gas is com mon ly known as wellhead gas.
Installation Items Needed
Before installing appliance, make sure you have the items listed below.
• external regulator (supplied by installer)
• piping (check local codes)
• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas)
• equipment shutoff valve *
• test gauge connection *
• sediment trap
• tee joint
• pipe wrench
• approved fl exible gas line with gas con nec tor (if allo wed by lo cal codes) (provided)
* A CSA design-certifi ed equipment shutoff valve with 1/8" NPT tap is an ac cept able alternative to test gauge con nec tion. Pur chase the optional CSA design-certifi ed equipment shutoff valve from your dealer. See Accessories, page 22.
For propane/LP units, the installer must supply an external reg u ­la tor. The external re g u la tor will reduce incoming gas pressure. You must reduce in com ing gas pressure to between 11 and 14 inches of water. If you do not reduce in com ing gas pressure, regulator dam­age could occur. Install external reg u la tor with the vent point ing down as shown in Figure 8 page 9. Pointing the vent do wn protects it from freezing rain or sleet.
CA UTION: Use onl y new, blac k iron or steel pipe. In ter nal ly-tinned copper tubing may be used in cer­ tain areas. Check your local codes. Use pipe of 1/2" di am e ter or greater to allow prop er gas vol ume to appliance. If pipe is too small, undue loss of volume will occur.
Figure 7 - Attaching Flexible Gas Hose to Gas Regulator
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+ 18 hidden pages