espoke Electronic Design & Manufacturing in the UK
9 Channel Switch Interface
for the Denon
V300 player
Technical Data
Firmware revision 1.00
DVD-D9RC+ interface
.co .uk
.co .uk
.co .uk
.co .uk
• Ultra low power consumption from the connected
• Simple connection to Denon
V300 player serial (RS232)
• Standard DVD-D9RC+ version provides UP/DOWN
(3 other versions also available from your distributor)
• Screw terminals for quick
connection to Normally
Open (NO) switch contacts
• Anti-bounce on all switch
• Enclosure lugs provide simple secure fixing
The DVD-D9 interfaces permit
nine Normally Open (NO) momentary action switches the con-
trol of a Denon
The DVD-D9 range emulate a
standard external control device by
issuing PlayC, PlayT and RC commands that control the action performed by the player.
The DVD-D9RC+ issues cursor
UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT, ENTER and number buttons 1-4 the
same as the IR remote control.
Other versions are also available
from your distributor, the DVDD9CH issues PlayC commands for
DVD media, the DVD-D9DA issues PlayT commands for CD-DA
& VCD media and the DVDD9RC issues cursor UP/DOWN,
ENTER and buttons 1-6 the same
as the IR remote control.
V300 player.
The DVD-D9 range is primarily for use within a kiosk environment where input is required
from the kiosk control buttons
or from an Anti-Vandal button
plate such as the DVD-nBUT.
The devices are especially designed to connect to any type of
momentary action switch and
can therefore be used to control
the DVD player in a number
diverse applications.
Custom designed firmware is available for
this product, please contact your distributor.
Selection Guide
Description Part Number
Remote control switch interface + DVD-D9RC+
Distributed by : Page 1 of 4 V1.00
Kingsbridge House, Padbury Oaks Tel: +44 1753 680023
575-583 Bath Road, Longford Fax: +44 1753 686020
Middlesex UB7 0EH Email: sales@dm-pro.eu
United Kingdom

Power requirements
The DVD-D9 range are powered
from the serial port RTS line of the
connected DVD player. The maximum current draw is 6mA.
Switch Inputs
The DVD-D9 switch interface consists of a series of nine double terminal blocks to which any Normally
Open (NO) momentary switch can
be connected.
Contacts may be wired up to 100
metres away from the DVD-D9
without degrading the performance
of the device.
DVD-D9 interface
The DVD-D9 interface connection
is a standard DB9 male as specified
within the V300 player specification.
Serial communication protocol is
9600 Baud, 1 Start bit, 8 Data bits, 1
Stop bits, No parity for all control
commands. All I/O is RS232 and
TTL compatible.
DVD control protocol
The DVD-D9 communicates with
the player using the player control
protocol . This protocol takes the
form of ASCII command strings of
\r – Carriage return
These strings allow the PlayC (Play
Chapter), PlayT (Play Title/Track)
or RC (Remote control) commands
to be issued to the player in response
to an external button on the DVDD9 being pressed.
See button function tables at the end
of the document.
NOTE: For further information on
the DVD-D9CH, DVD-D9DA or
DVD-D9RC please see the relevant datasheet.
DVD-D9 interface
Function DB9 Male
Ground 5
All other connection are N/C
Electrical Characteristics (TA= 25oC Typical)
Parameter Minimum Maximum Units Notes
Supply Voltage (RTS) 4.5 9 V
Supply Current - 6 mA
Switch resistance - 100
Switch de-bounce time - 50 mS
RXData high level GND 0.8 V
RXData low level 2.4 VCC V
Terminal wire thickness 0.5 1.3 mm
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Parameter Minimum Maximum Units
Supply Voltage (RTS) -0.5 +10 V
Parameter Minimum Maximum Units
Operating Temperature 0 70
Storage Temperature -10 80
Humidity 0 80
Dimensions See below
Weight 150g
Immunity & emissions EMC compliance to 89/336/EEC
Distributed by : Page 2 of 4 V1.00
Kingsbridge House, Padbury Oaks Tel: +44 1753 680023
575-583 Bath Road, Longford Fax: +44 1753 686020
Middlesex UB7 0EH Email: sales@dm-pro.eu
United Kingdom