E wah Optional Remote Controller ]
Micro-Size CD Recorder for HighQuality Digital Recording
TheCDis probablythe easiestway to Iisteeto music wherever you go.Just abouteveryonehasa CD
playerthese days, so it would bewonderful if you could also record that high-quality digital sound
onto CDs,not just playit back. On this CD,you could record only the music you want to listen, and
play it in your car or on your portable playerasw5{Iasat home. if you usea CD-RWdisc, you can
record onit as manytimes asyou like.Andof course,DENONmakessurethe quality ofthe sound is
nodifferentfrom that ofconventionatCDs.
• Sampling Rate Converter
• I Set Analog Stereo inputs and Analog Stereo Outputs
• 2 Sets of Optical Digital inputs
• Serial Copy Management System (SCMS)
• Synchronized one-touch recording of both ansiog and digital signals
(An/l track) *UD-M50 only
• Digital REC Volume
• Dual Speed Finalizing
• Text input and Display
*A portion of the text input on a commercially available disc suppolting
CD text maynot be correctly displayed on the CDR-MJO
• General
Power Supply ....................... 120 V 60 Hz, 15 W
Dimensions ............................ 210 (W) x 95 (H) x 318 (D) mm
83" (W)x 37" (H) x125" (D)
Weight .................................. 30 kg, 66 Ibs
Note: CD-R audio discs recorded on the CDR-MJO can be played on most, but not all, standard CD players CD-RW audio discs
recorded on the CDR-MJ0 cannot be played on models that do not support OD-RW Some DVD players cannot playback
CD-R and/or OD-RW audio discs - check your DVD player's owneCs manual for further information
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Single Cassette Deck with DolbyB noise reduction
The DRR-MJOis a siegle cassettedeckfeaturingahodzonta_Ioadiegmechanismto ensuresmooth,
stabletapetravel,andthe DolbyB noise reductionsystem.Whenconnectedto theUD-MJOor UD-M50,
the DRR-MJO'sCD-SRSfunctionletsyou start recordingCDsontotapeatthe singletouch of abutton.
The DRR-MJOalso provides a wealth of editing and playback functions, including One-Touch Auto
Reverseand Music Search,to makethis deckatruly versatilememberofthis system.
• Horizontal Loading Mechanism for Smooth, Stable Tape Travel
• Dolby B Noise Reduction System
• CD-SRS for One-Touch Recording from CD
• A Wealth of Editing and Playback Functions
• One-Touch Auto Reverse Operation
• Music Search
• Auto Tape Selector
• General
Power Supply ....................... 120 V 60 Hz, 10 W
Dimensions ............................ 210 (W) x 95 (H) x 318 (D) mm
83" (W) x 37' (H) x 125" (D)
Weight .................................. 30 kg, 66 Ibs
*Design and specifications are subject to change without notice
*"DOLBY" and the doubls-D symbol I1n are registered trademarks of DoJby Laboratories Licensing Corporation
19 CFiAP_NROAD¸ PO sex 857 niNE 5nool_ NJ 07058-9777 US,_
TEL: 973-396-081 ,vww ael aenon corf
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