New model information
Universal Audio/Video Player
Enjoy Super Audio CD and Network Content
in Realistic Sound and Picture Quality
With the Denon DBP-2012UDCI Blu-ray disc player, you can enjoy not only Blu-ray discs and DVDs in stunning sound and
picture quality but Super Audio CDs and DVD-Audio discs, too. And that’s not all, because the DBP-2012UDCI can also
play music and video les stored on a PC and let you enjoy online content such as YouTube and Netix. The DBP-2012UDCI
shares the same structural and electrical design as Denon's high-class models. Coatings of different types have been applied
to the surfaces of the disc mechanism and the top cover, and the top cover has been constructed of dual layers, to suppress
vibrations that adversely affect sound and picture quality. The electrical circuits have also been carefully laid out in separate
blocks to suppress noise caused by the different types of signals and magnetic inuences. The DBP-2012UDCI allows you to
enjoy sound and picture quality on a level that only a Denon Blu-ray disc player can give you.
New Features
• A Univer sal Blu-ray disc player th at also supports Super Audio CD and
DVD-Audio formats
• Support Blu-ray 3DTM playback
• Network functions, to bring you a wealth of online content
- Enjoy YouTube
- Enjoy music, photo, and video les stored on a net work-co nnecte d
device such as a PC or NAS.
• Support Deep Color, “x.v.Color ”, High-Bit-Rate Audio output and HDMI
control function
• High quality 32-bit/192kHz audio digital to analog converters
• High quality 12-bit video digital to analog converter
• USB por t on the front
• Quick play
Denon Technologies for superior sou nd and picture quality
• Direct Mechanical Ground Construction, to suppress vibration and en-
sure high-quality HD sound and video
Independent Block Construction, for faithful playback of audio
and video signals
• Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio HDMI output
and Net ix
video distribution services without a PC.
• Audio pa rts strictly selected for high qualit y sound
• Pure direct mode
• Denon’s high picture quality circuitry, to visually enhance your sour ces
• Advanced High-bit I/P Scaler, for a more detailed picture and depth in colors
• 1080p/24 video output, to bring out the full quality of lm
• Deep color support
• “x.v.Color” suppor t
• 3-D digital noise reduction
• HDMI source direct mode to output native resolution of the disc
• Pictur e adjustments
• Gold plated terminals for high sound quality
Ease of Use
• User fr iendly GUI
• Glo-key remote controller
Custom Integration Features
• AMX, Crestron third party control suppor t via RS-232C
• Remote In/Out connection
• Remote lock mode

Plays disc media, online content,
compressed video and music les,
and a variety of other content
• A Universal Blu-ray disc player that also suppo rt s
Super Audio CD and DVD-Audio formats
The DBP-2012UDCI plays not only Blu-ray dis cs a nd DV Ds
but a wide rang e of othe r optica l media such as C Ds, Supe r
Audio CDs, and DVD-Au dio. You can essentially enjoy your
entire d isc library in hi gh sound and picture qualit y.
• Network functions, to br ing you a wealth of on-
line content
- En joy YouTu be
without a PC.
- En joy m usic, photo, and video les sto red on a network-
conne cted devi ce such as a P C or NAS.
- S uppor ts BD-Live to let you enjoy promotional images or
other content you downlo ad fro m the Intern et to t he bui lt-in
me mory.
and Netix
v ideo distrib ution services
• Plays compressed content such as music and
video les
The DBP-2012UDCI plays DivX® v ideo les stored on USB
memo ry, DVD-R /RW or othe r re cordable media, MP3 and
WMA m usic les, JPEG l es take n with a di gital camer a, as
well as WMV video les and MPE G-AAC music les.
Denon Technologies for superior sound and
picture quality
• Direct Mechanical Ground Construction,
to suppress vibration and ensure high-quality HD
sound and video
Th e disc me ch an is m, whi ch a lso abs or bs vib rati on , is
moun ted at the center of th e D BP-2012UDC I to efci entl y
rele ase unwa nted vibr ation through th e fe et to t he groun d
and sup port hi gh-qua lity sou nd and pic ture play back.
• Suppress internal and exte rnal vibrations and
electromagnetic noises for high precision dis c
playability at a ll times
- Newly d esigne d center-dr ive mech anism
- Disc lo ader tray c oated with p rotein to abs orb vibr ation
- Separ ated unit structure
• Independen t Block Con struction, for fai thful
playback of audio and video signals
The el ectronic circu its have b een mou nted in separate l oca-
tions inside the DBP-2012UDCI to e nsure that the different
types of signals do not af fect each other and cause electronic
or magn etic nois e.
Ease of Use
• USB por t on the front
A USB port has been provided on the front panel for conve-
nien ce when connecting a dev ice contain ing compres sed
music o r video l es.
Versatile Disc Formats Playability
• BD-Video
• BD-R (BDMV format)
• BD-RE (BDMV format)
• DVD-Video
• DVD-Audio
• DVD+R, DVD+RW (Video mode, AVCHD format)
• DVD-R, DVD-RW (Video mode, AVCHD format)
• Super Audio CD
• Audio CD
• CD-R , CD-RW
• Kodak Picture CD
Other Features
• HDMI res olutio n select o n front panel
• Detachable AC cord
*1. Requires connection to 3D-compliant TV via 3D-compliant HDMI cable.
*2. Requires contract with Internet service provider.
*3. Update distribution via network connection is slated to start Spring, 2011.
*4. This function works in United States of America only.
*5. Playable video formats: WMV9, WMV9AP (VC-1)
*6. Playable video formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4
Playable les
+R/ +RW/
MP3 • • •
WMA • • •
AAC • • •
LPCM • • •
JPEG • • •
DivX • • •
MPEG • •
Playable media
USB memory
Main Specications
Signal system NTSC
S/N 120 dB
Total harmonic distortion 0.0008% (2ch, L/R)
Dynamic range 110 dB
Power supply 120 V, 60 Hz
Dimensions W x H x D 17-3/32" x 4-1/4” x 12-9/16”
(incl. protrusions) 434 x 107 x 319 mm
Weight 11.5 lbs
5.2 kg
Video HDMI output x 1
Audio Coaxial digital output x 1
Control Ethernet x 1
*Design and specications are subject to change without notice.
*Blu-ray Disc
*“BD-LIVE” logo is trademark of Blu-ray Disc Association
*“AVCHD” and the "AVCHD" logo are trademark of Panasonic Corporation
and Sony Corporation.
*“x.v.Color” and the “x.v.Color” logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
*“Dolb y” and the double-D device are r egister ed trad emarks of D olby
Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
*DT S a nd DTS Digi tal Surr ound are reg iste red trad emar ks of D TS
*HDM I, t he H DMI logo a nd High-D efinit ion Mult imed ia Interf ace are
trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
*DivX®, DivX Certied®, DivX PlusTM HD and associated logos are registered
trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under license.
*Java and all other trademarks and lo gos a re tra demarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and/o r other
*Windo ws Medi a and the W indows logo ar e trade marks o r re gistered
tradema rks o f Microso ft Co rporation in the United States an d/or othe r
*“KODAK” is trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.
*“BONUSVIEW” is trademark of Blu-ray Disc Association.
*Netix and Netix logo are the registered trademarks of Netix, Inc.
*DLNA CERTIFIEDTM Audio/Video/Image Player
*DLNA®, the DLNA Logo and DLNA CERTIFIEDTM are trademarks, service
marks, or certi cation marks of the Digital Living Network Alliance.
Component output x 1
Composite output x 1
Analog output (2ch, L/R) x 1
Analog output (7.1ch audio out) x 1
USB port x 1
RS-232C x 1
Remote control (IN / OUT) x 1 / x 1
and Blu-rayTM are trademarks of Blu-ray Disc Association
Denon Electronics (USA), LLC.
100 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 USA
TEL: 201-762-6500
Denon Canada Inc.
505 Apple Creek Blvd, Unit 5, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 5B1
TEL: 905-475-4085
Denon Brand Company
D&M Building, 2-1 Nisshin-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
Kanagawa, 210-8569, Japan
18081210 A