New model information
AV Surround Receiver
A/V Home Theater Receiver with 3D Video Connectivity
Equipped with a host of high tech features, the AVR-891 is one of the rst A/V receivers to include the latest HDMI 1.4a functionality,
which provides 3D pass-through (Broadcast and Blu-ray) capability, for compatibility with advanced 3D HDTVs and 3D Blu-ray discs,
and also includes Audio Return Channel. It also features the latest high resolution audio decoders, including Dolby TrueHD and DTS-
HD Master Audio, and includes Dolby Pro Logic IIz decoding, which provides front channel height eects for a dramatically expanded
front soundstage. The 7 channel amplier section features discrete component technology, each rated at a powerful 135 watts. The
video processor provides upconversion to high denition HDMI, and includes precision picture adjustments, such as brightness,
contrast, color and tint, to name a few. Setup is a breeze thanks to Audyssey MultEQ automatic room correction.
New Features
• Featuring 3D pass-through technology (supports Broadcast and Blu-ray)
• S up po rts H DM I 1 .4 a w it h 3 D, Au d io Re tu rn C ha nn el , D ee p C ol o r,
“x.v.Color”, Auto Lipsync and HDMI control function
• Direct play for iPod® and iPhone® via USB
• Newly developed pre-memory remote control handset with Glo-Key buttons
• iPod and iPhone playback for Zone 2
• Remote Setup Guidance via On-Screen Display
• Dual subwoofer pre-amp outputs
One-cable HD solution
• Supports HDMI 1.4a with Audio Return Channel
• All sources are up-scaled to 1080P
• 6 x HDMI in / 1 x HDMI out with GUI (Graphical User Interface)
State-of-the-art Denon Solutions for Maximizing Content Quality
• Fully discrete, identical quality and power for all 7 channels (135 W x 7ch)
• Stable power supply for high-quality sound and picture playback
• High denition audio support, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio
• Supports Dolby Pro Logic IIz processing
• High-bit I/P Converter and Scaler up to 1080p
• Compressed Audio Restorer to enhance digital music les
• Denon’s high picture quality circuitry
• Video digital noise reduction, to optimize eects for both SD and HD content
Connectivity & Future-ready Expandability
• Dock connectivity for iPod and network streaming
• Power Amp Assign function, for increased system conguration versatility, allows
surround back, front height, 2nd zone, or L/R bi-amp modes
• On-Board GUI via HDMI output (up to 1080p)
• Audyssey Dynamic Volume, for real-time volume adjustment
• Audyssey MultEQ and Auto Setup
- Tower type microphone included for more accurate measuring
- Up to six measurement points
- High level resolution lters for satellite speakers and also subwoofer
• 2-line uorescent display on front panel
• Sleep timer function
• Lower power consumption at stand-by 0.1 W (Standby)

State-of-the-art Denon Solutions for
Maximizing Content Quality
• Fully discrete, identical quality and power
for all 7 channels (135 W x 7ch)
To faithful ly rep roduce the o riginal surroun d sou nd, ea ch of
the AVR-8 91’s 7 ch annels is equippe d wit h th e sam e pow er
amp of equal power. Since these power amps also use dis-
crete circu its co nfigured with parts strictl y sel ected for th eir
contrib ution to high sound qua lity, rat her than with low-cost
inte grate d ci rcuits (IC s), the surrou nd s ound playb ack is o f
• High-bit I/P Converter and Scaler up to 1080p
The AVR-891 uses a high-performance video up-scaler
to convert SD (standard denition) video material to HD (high
denition) quality. This means that the 480i/480p (SD-quality)
video signals of DVD programs and other material are converted
to the high-quality 1080p signal of HD video, and output to the
HDMI po rt. The fuzz iness in the details of SD video is removed
to produce a clea r pictu re. Now you can en joy not only your
DVDs but a lso your VCR tapes and gam es with much greater
clarity and detail.
impeccably high quality.
• Minimum Signal Path for clear audio and video
• Featuring 3D pass-through technology
By connecting a 3D-compliant Blue-ray disc player and 3D-
compliant TV to the AVR-891, you will have a 3D home the-
ater where you can enjoy high-denition sound and video on a
level you’ve never experienced before.
The “simple and straight” design concept has been thoroughly
implemented in the signal paths to contribute to immaculately
clean audio and video playback . Sign al pat hs are as short as
poss ible to k eep s ignal degra dation in the audio and video
circuitry to an absolute minimum
• Su pp or ts HD MI 1. 4a wi th 3 D, Au di o Return
Ch ann el, D eep C olor, “ x.v .Co lor ” , Aut o Li psy nc
and HDMI control function
When you conn ect the A VR-891 to a T V wi th a sing le HD MI
cabl e, i t s upport s Au dio Return Cha nnel (ARC) (*1) that can
play back the TV a udio in su rround sound. Until now, if you
want ed t o en joy s urroun d sou nd f rom a TV , you nee ded to
use an optica l di gital cable or coaxi al di gital cable to bring
sou nd f rom the TV to t he A/V recei ver. The AVR- 891’s ARC
feature, however, helps yo u keep cable con nections ne at and
out of the way as you build your home theater.
*1: The TV must also support ARC.
• Direct Mechanical Ground Construction, embodying concepts for thorough vibration resistance
Vibration-resistant construction has been reviewed to
th orou ghly sup press the a dverse influe nces o f vib ration on
sound quality. The power transformers, a source of vibration,
have been securely mounted on the highly rigid bottom chassis.
Direct mounting of cast-iron feet to the radiator in near proximity
to each othe r se rves to s uppres s mu tual vibra tion with the
power transformers and other sources of vibration.
Connectivity & Future-ready Expandability
• 6 x HDMI in / 1 x HDMI out (Repeater)
• High-denition audio support
The AVR-891 has a decode r that support s Dolby TrueHD and
DTS-HD Master Audio, the high resolution audio formats found
on many Blu-ray titles.
• Dolby Pro Logic IIz
To let you enjoy an even richer spatial expression, the
AVR-891 is equipped with a Dolby Pro Logic IIz processor.
By connecting Front Height speakers and using Dolby Pro
Logic IIz playback, you will be able to enjoy surround sound in
the vertical as well as horizontal direction.
Main Specications
Power amplier section Preamplier section
Rated output
Front L/R 105 W + 105 W Frequency response
Center 105 W Tuning frequency range 87.5 - 107.9 MHz
Surround L/R 105 W + 105 W Tuning frequency range 520 - 1710 kHz
Surround Back L/R 105 W + 105 W Power supply AC 120 V, 60 Hz
*THD gures are power amp stage values. Input sensitivity/impedance
(8 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, THD 0.08 %)
135 W + 135 W
(6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 0.7%) FM section
(8 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, THD 0.08 %) Usable sensitivity 1.0 µV (11.2 dBf)
135 W
(6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 0.7%) AM section
(8 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, THD 0.08 %) Usable sensitivity 18 µV
135 W + 135 W
(6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 0.7%) General
(8 ohms, 20 Hz - 20 kHz, THD 0.08 %) Power consumption 600 W (Standby 0.1 W)
135 W + 135 W Dimensions (W x H x D) 17-3/32” x 6-47/64” x 15”
(6 ohms, 1 kHz, THD 0.7%) 434 x 171 x 381 mm
• Direct play for iPod and iPhone via USB
You can als o li sten to music file s fr om y our iPod by simply
conn ecting it t o the AVR- 891’s USB port with the U SB ca ble
that c ame with the iPod. To start play, just press the iPod Play
button on the AVR-891 or its remote control unit. Digital sig-
nals from the iPod are transmitted as is to the AVR-891 where
the y p ass thro ugh the comp ress ed a udio res tore r an d a re
proc essed by adva nced audi o ci rcuitr y to pro duce a clean,
high-quality sound.
200 mV / 47 kΩ/kohms
S/N Ratio 100 dB
Weight 23 lbs 13 oz, 10.8 kg
10 Hz ~ 100 kHz — +1, –3 dB (DIRECT mode)
(IHF-A weighted, DIRECT mode)
•Dock connectivity for iPod and network streaming
Network music can be enjoyed via the Denon Networked Control
Dock. (Requires optional ASD-51W or ASD-51N dock.)
•Power Amp Assign function, for versatility in
using the AVR-891 for dierent purposes
The AVR-891 supports up to 7.2 channels (FL/ FR/ C/ SL/
SR/ SBL/ SBR/ SW1/ SW2) for surround playback defined
by the Blu-ray disc format. To enjoy surround playback with
the AVR-891’s Dolby Pro Logic IIz, you can reassign the power
amp from the two surround back channels (SBL/SBR) to the
two front high channels (FHL/FHR). Or by assigning the SBL/
SBR power amp to Zone 2, you can enjoy multi-room audio
playback, or to achieve higher-quality sound for 2-channel ste-
reo playback, you can configure the AVR-891 for front bi-amp
operation. These are just some of the ways you can arrange the
AVR-891’s amps to suit various listening styles.
• On-Board GUI via HDMI output (up to 1080p)
The AVR-891 is equipped with an easy-to-view Graphical
Use r I nterf ace (GUI ) f eatur ing visu al menu dis plays . Th ese
menu displays can also be output to the monitor over HDMI.
• Newly developed pre-memory remote control handset with Glo-Key buttons
• Remote Setup Guidance via On-Screen Display
• Three Quick Select buttons
• Auto surround mode
• Sleep timer function
• Audio Delay function (max. 6 frames or 200 mSec)
• Muting level settings (Full/-40dB/-20dB)
• Au di o l ev el m em or y, ca pa bl e of co rr ec ti ng
dierent signal levels for each input device
• Variable subwoofer crossover switching
In HDMI x 6
Component x 2
S-Video x 2
Composite (Video) x 4
Analog Audio (Tuner included) x 8
Digital Optical x 2
Digital Coaxial x 2
Out HDMI Monitor x 1
Component Monitor x 1
Composite Monitor x 1
Composite (DVR) x 1
Audio Preout (SW) x 2
Audio REC out x 1
Phones x 1
Digital Optical x 1
Other USB port x 1
Microphone Port x 1
Dock Control Port x 1
FM Tuner Antenna x 1
AM Tuner Antenna x 1
Denon Electronics (USA), LLC.
100 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 USA
TEL: 201-762-6500 usa.denon.com
Denon Canada Inc.
505 Apple Creek Blvd, Unit 5, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 5B1
TEL: 905-475-4085 ca.denon.com
*Design and specications are subject to change without notice.
*“Dolby”, “Pro Logic” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
*DTS is a registered trademark and the DTS logos, Symbol, DTS-HD and DTS-HD
Master Audio are trademarks of DTS, Inc.
*HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Denition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or
registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
*Audyssey MultEQ® is a registered trademark of Audyssey Laboratories.
Audyssey Dynamic EQ® is a trademark of Audyssey Laboratories.
Audyssey Dynamic Volume™ is a trademark of Audyssey Laboratories.
*“Made for iPod” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specically to
iPod and has been certied by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
*“Works with iPhone” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specically
to iPhone and has been certied by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
*Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with
safety and regulatory standards.
*iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
*iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
Denon Brand Company
D&M Building, 2-1 Nisshin-cho, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi,
Kanagawa, 210-8569, Japan
17810410 A