DeviceNet Communication Module Instruction Sheet
1. Panel Appearance: 1) For RS-485 connection to VFD series 2) Communication port for connecting
DeviceNet network 3) Address selector 4) Baud rate selector 5) Three LED status
indicators for monitor. (Refer to the figure below)
2. Network Wiring: Picture right hand side below shows rough wire configuration. Refer to DeviceNet
wiring spec for physical wire connection.
3. Mounting Method: Picture right hand side below shows how to mount this communication module
onto DIN Rail
42.0 [1.65]
Data Rate
100.0 [3.94]
34.0 [1.34]
92.0 [3.62]
4. Power Supply: No external power needed. Power is supplied via RS-485 that is connected to VFD
series. Six pins RJ-11, which is packed together with this communication module, is
used to connect the RS-485 between VFD series and this communication module for
power. This communication module will perform the function once is connected. Refer
to following paragraph for LED indications.
5. LEDs Display:
SP: Green LED means in normal communication, Red LED means abnormal.
Module: Green blink LED means no I/O data transmission, Green steady LED means I/O data
transmission OK.
Red LED blinking or Red LED mean module communication is abnormal.
Network: Green LED means DeviceNet in normal communication, Red LED means abnormal
★ Refer to user manual for detail information-- Chapter 5 Troubleshooting.

DeviceNet 通訊模組安裝手冊
1. 面板外觀:裡頭包含一個與 VFD 系列連接的 RS-485 通訊接口、連接 DeviceNet 通訊網路接口,
2. 網路示意:下圖為簡易接線示意圖,實際現場配線請依循 DeviceNet 標準規範實施。
3. 固定方式 (Mounting Method):按照底下圖示說明,將裝置正確配置在 DIN Rail 上面。
42.0 [1.65]
Data Rate
100.0 [3.94]
34.0 [1.34]
92.0 [3.62]
4. 電源需求:由 VFD 系列的 RS-485 通訊口供電,不需要外接獨立電源。電源接線方式請使用包裝
盒內所附 RJ-11(6 PINS) 接頭的傳輸線,一端接在 VFD 系列的 RS-485 通訊口,另一
端則接在此通訊模組的 RS-485 通訊口。完成此接線,則此通訊模組即可開始運行。
燈號指示的部分請參照第 5 點說明。
5. 燈號顯示:
SP:綠燈表 VFD 系列通訊正常,紅燈表異常。
Module:綠燈閃爍表無 I/O data 傳輸;綠燈則表有 I/O data 傳輸。
Network:綠燈表 DeviceNet 通訊正常,紅燈表異常。
★詳細資料請參考使用手冊—Chapter 5 Troubleshooting。